View Full Version : (DS) Crystal Chronicles; Echoes of time

Aegix Drakan
03-29-2009, 01:33 PM
Anyone else pick-up/download this game?

It's pretty sweet. They fixed most of the flaws from the first one, and made the races a lot more accessible (my selkie can use a sword if I want to).

I love the whole multiplayer focus they got. You can go multiplayer with your single player character even before the first dungeon.

If anyone wants my friend code, it's:

I'm a Selkie named Hawkeye.

03-29-2009, 01:35 PM
Hmm, can you go co-op online? If so, I'll jump right in with you Aegix.

Aegix Drakan
03-29-2009, 02:39 PM
Hmm, can you go co-op online?

Yip. Even before the first dungeon.

Just run up to the first save point, hit "save and start multiplayer" and BAM.


03-30-2009, 04:11 PM
I really enjoyed the first Crystal Chronicles on the GameCube. Did they really muff things up, or is it pretty much the same gameplay? Because I wouldn't mind more of that.

Aegix Drakan
03-30-2009, 05:06 PM
It's more like the previous DS title, but they fixed pretty much every flaw I could remember.

In case you never played the DS game, it's similar, but not quite the same to the GC game. Instead of hunting for relics to get stronger, you now level up. You also have an MP gauge to cast MP out of, and you start with all the basic spells already. Also, exploration and combat have a much higher priority than before. So far, I haven't had to drag a "keystone" too far to unlock a door, and the puzzles have been a bit simpler. Plus you can jump to get to new places, or attack from on high (selkies can double jump.). There are also quests to do, some irreverent humor, and you can make and direct as many (or few) AI party members as you want to make.

Oh, and there's no chalice. but in some dungeons with poisoned air (so far I only know of one), you will find temporary chalices, which you can place on a panel to turn them on, and get a circle of protection.

I really hear ya about the Gamecube one. I LOVED IT. I've been looking around for a second GBA to gamecube cable, because I've lost my second one, but so far no luck. :( My brother REALLY wants to play it with me.

Hey, Amaster. Lemme know when you've got your friend code up, eh?

04-02-2009, 01:46 PM
What I really like about the multiplayer is the friend system. If you are inviting just friends into the game, you can start the dungeon by yourself, then people will join later. They only have to wait until you leave the room.

By the Aegix, what was your favorite dungeon?

Mine was the ruins followed by the tower, followed by the bridge.

For the record MasterSword, they also added things like jumping and swimming. There's a combination of beat-em-up, (hard) platforming, and puzzle solving.

Edit: Friend Code


Aegix Drakan
04-02-2009, 05:21 PM
...I'm still really early in the game. (Level 10-15ish). So I don't know what those dungeons are. :(
(added your FC, by the way)

EDIT: Ok, simpler puzzles? Did I say that? UGH...I am now stuck in this one dungeon with a real dillema that I don't know how to solve with just me and my AI buddies. I have these two pressure switches, plus a magic casting apparatus, and a switch that needs the magic apparatus to work. And I can't get it to work when my AI partners won't stand on the switches, or help at all. @_@.

04-03-2009, 12:41 AM
EDIT: Ok, simpler puzzles? Did I say that? UGH...I am now stuck in this one dungeon with a real dillema that I don't know how to solve with just me and my AI buddies. I have these two pressure switches, plus a magic casting apparatus, and a switch that needs the magic apparatus to work. And I can't get it to work when my AI partners won't stand on the switches, or help at all. @_@.

In the library? Try pushing a bookcase onto one of the switches. If it's the puzzle I'm thinking of, it should be on the further lower left 2nd level.

((Why do I remember specific rooms?:confused:))

Oh. Yes, and try not to bother much with the AI buddies, they get more useless the further you get in the game.

04-03-2009, 02:03 AM
Looked into picking this up, and I probably will this weekend. However, one thing I really want to know. Everywhere I look it says DS/Wii, but all I've ever seen is DS screenshots. Is the Wii version still on its way, or is is required to play the DS one, or what? Nothing seems to be clear on it...

Aegix Drakan
04-03-2009, 08:24 AM
The Wii version is pretty much just the DS game emulated on a Wii (with SLIGHTLY improved graphics).

Honestly, get the DS version. The Wii version seems to be PLAGUED with contol issues. If you want to go to your inventory, first you need to press (+) to make the inventory screen larger. Then, you need to point the wiimote at the screen, and select the items and stuff, etc, and then press (-) to make the gameplay screen larger again. ...whereas on DS, it's just a few taps of the touchscreen away.

And Banon, I managed to finish that puzle just before getting that hint. Oh my gosh, that was so annoying. I didn't even NOTICE that damn bookcase the first time!

04-03-2009, 01:17 PM
And Banon, I managed to finish that puzle just before getting that hint. Oh my gosh, that was so annoying. I didn't even NOTICE that damn bookcase the first time!

For the record, you can cheat by hitting the switch with holy (cure+raise).:tongue:

Try not to do that too often though... it wrecks the game.

The puzzles don't get much harder than that, but the platforming does.

Edit: I registered you.

04-03-2009, 02:29 PM
I want to get this game. These games are like 3D "Final Fantasy Adventures" games :o

04-05-2009, 09:36 PM
So gimme some more info. My Mirau character was a Clavet, and I'm pretty sure I had Ragnarok/Feather Shield. But that is clearly irrelevant to the equipment in this one.

Are the controls very similar? Is combat similar? Can you do charge attacks still? Do different weapons do different charge attacks? Can you combine spells with weapons/other spells?

Also, how much do both versions cost?

Nicholas Steel
04-05-2009, 09:44 PM
The Wii version is pretty much just the DS game emulated on a Wii (with SLIGHTLY improved graphics).
You'd get a notable massive increase in view distance right? RIGHT??!?

04-05-2009, 10:24 PM
So they didn't change the GUI for the Wii version at all? It's literally two screens pasted up on your TV?

04-06-2009, 03:03 AM
Picked it up on the 4th and I've been hooked. Holy fuck is this fun. I love how you can change the appearance of your character with different equipment, though I've only played Clavat so far so I don't know about the rest. But being able to equip any weapon to any race is just plain brilliant

While the story is kinda blah, and the areas are certainly no FFCC for the GCN, it sure is fun to play. What you can do certainly beats out FFCC's controls, that's for sure

Aegix Drakan
04-06-2009, 07:02 PM
Are the controls very similar?
Is combat similar?
Can you do charge attacks still?
Do different weapons do different charge attacks?
Can you combine spells with weapons/other spells?
Also, how much do both versions cost?

You want info? Ok...but you aaaaaasked for it!


controls: Slightly similar, but BETTER. Instead of having to cycle through a list of commands to attack, or defend, or whatever, each command is mapped to a different button. You still run around a dungeon and stuff, but you can also jump, attack with (A), cast magic with (X), Pick up stuff/players/enemies with (y), etc.

combat: Well...pretty much, although there is much more emphasis on dodging and striking form other angles, and such than blocking (emphasised that you have to LEARN block, and it takes a little while). Also, magic is a bit better. You no longer have to time your spells perfectly to cast a combination spell. PLUS, you can jump on top of enemies to curb-stomp them, hang by the arms from a flying enemy, and pick enemies up to smash them into walls. Also, there is now an MP meter that determines how many spells you can cast/charge attacks you can do before you need to grab a fruit or an ether.

Charge attacks: yes and no. YES, there are still charge attacks, but they are a bit different. You no longer have a cursor, and each weapon doesn't have a unique one. Instead, each weapon type (bows, staves, etc) has two, with the second requiring you to hold a charge attack down until it charges level one, and then to level 2. Also, some races only learn certain weapon charge attacks. (IE, only selkies will learn how to charge a racquet, and learn to do a 3 hit combo with them)

Combining spells: Sadly, the enchanted focus attacks are gone. However, you can still combine spells. And in fact, I prefer this system. You can cast various spells out of your pool of (fire/ice/thunder/cure/raise/clear) and then either lock the target ring over an enemy (or a location) by pressing L. (example, you call out an Ice ring. YOu press L when it's under a goblin. you bring out another ice ring, position it over the first ice ring, release and then BAM. Blizzara.). There are also a good amount of combo spells you can do (holy, gravity, haste, barrier, Quake, ETC). Most basic spell fusions can be done solo with the locking mechanic, and most advanced ones (ultima, Holyga) require a lot more people, with at least one Yuke.

Also, your outward appearance is pretty central to the game. If you buy black mage robes, and put them on your clavat, your clavat will ACTUALLY wear the black mage robes!

And yes, on the Wii, they basically just paste two screens on your TV screen.

[/wall of text]

04-06-2009, 09:02 PM
Most basic spell fusions can be done solo with the locking mechanic, and most advanced ones (ultima, Holyga) require a lot more people, with at least one Yuke.

You can do Ultima, and Holyga? Wow! I never noticed that.

On another note with the magic, Yukes can do Firaja, Blizzaja, Thundaja etc. by themselves, but the difficulty comes with getting enough of a lapse in combat to stack four spells. Especially if you have a target other than yourself in mind, because you need to move every casting ring to the same spot.

Oh, and magic rings can lock onto enemies now.

04-06-2009, 09:59 PM
When did this come out? Is it going to cost me $50?

Aegix Drakan
04-07-2009, 05:21 PM
Came out about 2 weeks ago (ish)

And as for how much it costs, not sure. The DS version is about 40$, no idea about the Wii version.