View Full Version : Why is Link on a train?

03-25-2009, 06:36 PM
Seriously? And if this is Wind Waker Link, why is there so much goddamn land?

03-25-2009, 06:48 PM
What the fuck are you talking about?

03-25-2009, 06:54 PM
He's talking about this.


Shazza Dani
03-25-2009, 07:09 PM
I had to laugh at that trailer to keep from crying. Everything Nintendo does is just shit now.

03-25-2009, 07:10 PM
I already made a bet that you have to find magical coal to keep the legendary train going so you can delivery mail or whatever. Trains should not have cannons either.

03-25-2009, 07:13 PM
This looks terrible. ;(

03-25-2009, 07:14 PM
Seriously? And if this is Wind Waker Link, why is there so much goddamn land?

He's on a choo-choo train because anyone over the age of 10 is too old for games and the 4-9 age group is a gold mine for shiggy.

Shazza Dani
03-25-2009, 07:18 PM
The train is also the King of Hyrule. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a40/tdrisko/plz/imhighplz.gif

03-25-2009, 08:42 PM
I'm going to buy it because I always buy Zelda games but the DS ones keep getting stranger and stranger. I saw screenshots, frowned, then decided to reserve judgement until I played it.

03-25-2009, 08:47 PM
It's gonna be fine. Remember when we saw the first pics of Wind Waker and everyone laughed and said it'd be terrible but they were wrong and it was awesome? It'll be just like that. You'll see! You'll see! *bursts into tears* What have they done!?

Naw, seriously, I withhold judgment. It looks weird, but it could still be a lot of fun.

03-25-2009, 08:54 PM
Well, at least being on land means the travel scenery will be a bit more varied than bloody ocean on every godamn side for as far as the eye can see.

03-25-2009, 09:11 PM
The gameplay looks almost exactly like Phantom Hourglass. Instead of a boat to customize, you customize a train. The dungeons look very similar too. Is Zelda going the way of Mega Man?

03-25-2009, 09:50 PM
I figure the train will feature just about as prominently in this as the ship did in Phantom Hourglass. I didn't like the ship in that game, but dealt with it so I could enjoy the rest of the game (sans the stupid Phantom dungeon). This should be about the same for me.

03-25-2009, 11:25 PM
Maybe the game's time frame is right before the flooding happened, so before Wind Waker.

03-25-2009, 11:54 PM
My understanding is that this is supposed to be a direct sequel to Phantom Hourglass, which rules out the idea of it being pre-Wind Waker. And besides, if it were a prequel to Wind Waker, it'd have to also be a prequel to Ocarina of Time, given that it's highly implied that Wind Waker is the next game after Ocarina. But really, that just gets into a whole "Zelda timeline" discussion that I frankly don't even want to touch because it's so confusing.

Here's my take on it. Okay, I didn't play Phantom Hourglass, but I remember at the end of Wind Waker, weren't Link and Tetra supposed to go and seek out a new home? Maybe they found a new continent to live on.

Shazza Dani
03-26-2009, 12:19 AM
And besides, if it were a prequel to Wind Waker, it'd have to also be a prequel to Ocarina of Time, given that it's highly implied that Wind Waker is the next game after Ocarina.

Not really. There's plenty of time between the two games, there's nothing stopping them from making a game that takes place between the two.

03-26-2009, 12:24 AM
Not really. There's plenty of time between the two games, there's nothing stopping them from making a game that takes place between the two.
I dunno - there's a lot of time between the two games, but then again, I mean the backstory to Wind Waker is that after Ocarina of Time, Ganon returned, but Link didn't.

But really, my main argument is just that my understanding is that this is meant to be a direct sequel to Phantom Hourglass, and in Wind Waker, they were told to seek out a new homeland.

03-26-2009, 02:20 AM
...at the end of Wind Waker, weren't Link and Tetra supposed to go and seek out a new home? Maybe they found a new continent to live on.

I have ridden all over that fucking ocean. There is no hidden continent. I promise.

Shazza Dani
03-26-2009, 02:27 AM
Except when you sail off too far Mr. Kingly Red Lion Guy forces you to turn around. Obviously the new land is beyond that point.

03-26-2009, 02:30 AM
You know, there is actually some big potential in this. Let's just hope Nintendo doesn't blow it.

And, like Amaster said, at least there will be scenery instead of just endless ocean.

Oh, and the train's obviously the Queen of Hyrule.

03-26-2009, 02:37 AM
Except when you sail off too far Mr. Kingly Red Lion Guy forces you to turn around. Obviously the new land is beyond that point.
Thank you! The whole point of Wind Waker was "Look morons, there's more to this world than this damned underwater continent you're so damned obsessed with reviving - move on, leave the Great Sea, find something more worthwhile than this shit."

03-26-2009, 10:06 AM
You know, there is actually some big potential in this. Let's just hope Nintendo doesn't blow it.

And, like Amaster said, at least there will be scenery instead of just endless ocean.

Oh, and the train's obviously the Queen of Hyrule.

Grass, Trees, Rocks. That's basically the equivalent of Ocean, Waves, Barrels.


Nicholas Steel
03-26-2009, 10:20 AM
Ah but with ground you can have walls, changing elevation much more exciting enemy encounters etc.

03-26-2009, 12:07 PM
The train is also the King of Hyrule. http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a40/tdrisko/plz/imhighplz.gif

I loled.

My understanding is that this is supposed to be a direct sequel to Phantom Hourglass, which rules out the idea of it being pre-Wind Waker. And besides, if it were a prequel to Wind Waker, it'd have to also be a prequel to Ocarina of Time, given that it's highly implied that Wind Waker is the next game after Ocarina. But really, that just gets into a whole "Zelda timeline" discussion that I frankly don't even want to touch because it's so confusing.

Here's my take on it. Okay, I didn't play Phantom Hourglass, but I remember at the end of Wind Waker, weren't Link and Tetra supposed to go and seek out a new home? Maybe they found a new continent to live on.

Can't be the same Link, or he'd be wearing his green garb...unless the game is going to be retarded.

The pre-Wind Waker theory could hold some merit though...There is no official information that says this is a direct sequel. Maybe Hyrule finally advanced in its technology and then was flooded, ultimately causing their technology to start over.

Doubt it, but just saying it's plausible.

I hate typical Zelda fans. They are the absolute worst.

"Every game is the same."

"Every Zelda should be just like OoT."

"We need something new."

"O EM GEE SOMETHING NEW??! WTF you got your train in my Zelda!"

I will be reserving judgment until I play it, which according to my current back library of titles that I need to play, should probably be in 2020.

Aegix Drakan
03-26-2009, 04:52 PM

...Ok, whatever. Gameplay looks decent, since Phantom hourglass was decent, and not much seems to have changed in that respect. I'll reserve judgement on the whole train aspect, though. ...but I DO need to lodge a complaint with that conductor's outfit. It just doesn't suit Link.

I just wish they'd build on the whole "clock-punk" kind of vibe they started (clock town, the Spinner, etc). I'd love to see a more technologically advanced Hyrule, where everything is powered by gears and stuff. THAT would be pretty damn cool.

And I don't think we need to Worry about Zelda going th emegaman route just yet. But you can sound the alarm when in a future time, an ordinary kid picks up a green "link" hat, and becomes Link whenever he puts it on.

03-26-2009, 06:24 PM
And I don't think we need to Worry about Zelda going th emegaman route just yet. But you can sound the alarm when in a future time, an ordinary kid picks up a green "link" hat, and becomes Link whenever he puts it on.

...Have you played Wind Waker?

03-26-2009, 07:26 PM
...Have you played Wind Waker?

Yeah, that's basically what happened in that. That Link wore the green outfit because of tradition, not because he wanted to or whatever. And when he put that on, the MasterSword was like "hay thar".

03-26-2009, 10:21 PM
Anyone wanna tell me why the FUCK we can't run through these fields, or maybe ride a horse? Maybe because it has been done twice before, but people actually liked it? This pisses me off to no end. It is this bullshitery "innovation" that is stabbing the shit out of the already suffering Zelda name. Sure, I'll try it, but dammit if they fuck up this one then I have lost all hope for the series. Miyamoto, and Iwata used to be such good game designers. Come on, Miyamoto made Ocarina of fucking Time, and Mario 64. What the hell?


Can't be the same Link, or he'd be wearing his green garb...unless the game is going to be retarded.

Yes it could. Link seems to change outfits. He does have his green tunic on in the trailer too. He changed outfits in Wind Waker, and in Twilight Princess. Let's not forget about switching Tunics either.

03-27-2009, 11:04 AM
Anyone wanna tell me why the FUCK we can't run through these fields, or maybe ride a horse? Maybe because it has been done twice before, but people actually liked it? This pisses me off to no end. It is this bullshitery "innovation" that is stabbing the shit out of the already suffering Zelda name. Sure, I'll try it, but dammit if they fuck up this one then I have lost all hope for the series. Miyamoto, and Iwata used to be such good game designers. Come on, Miyamoto made Ocarina of fucking Time, and Mario 64. What the hell?


Yes it could. Link seems to change outfits. He does have his green tunic on in the trailer too. He changed outfits in Wind Waker, and in Twilight Princess. Let's not forget about switching Tunics either.

Yeah, but if he was Wind Waker Link, he'd be wearing green from the beginning of the game...unless he is forced to wear new clothes for his stupid train job.

Like I said, "unless it's retarded."

03-27-2009, 11:23 AM
Okay, so it's either Wind Waker Link who has to wear a stupid train conductor outfit, or it's a new Link who starts out as a kid who is a train conductor but finds out he's the Hero of... Trains or some shit. You know, I think I'll take Wind Waker Link having to wear new stupid clothes to be a train conductor.

Nicholas Steel
03-27-2009, 11:30 AM
Hero of Timing, he makes sure the trains arrive on time?

03-27-2009, 02:03 PM
Well, I assume its a mail train, seeing as he's delivering a letter to Zelda. That's probably how it starts; young postman Link delivers a letter to the beautiful Zelda, setting off a chain of events that he witnesses and must stop.

King Aquamentus
03-27-2009, 03:17 PM
PH was not decent.

03-27-2009, 06:05 PM
Yeah, PH was pretty terrible. I guess I just don't dig the customizable vehicle aspect of the newer Zelda games. Its cool if the items actually DO something -- but the ship parts don't have much of an impact on the game play. Surprisingly enough, I could care less if the mast of my ship is African Jungle themed. :shrug:

I noticed two things when I watched the trailer:

1. The train looks just like boat from PH. It will probably play a similar role in the game (oh joy).

2. The "puzzles" looked just as uninspired as those in PH.

Barring some fantastic reviews, I think I am done with Zelda games for awhile. Phantom Hourglass left a pretty sour taste in my mouth.

03-27-2009, 09:25 PM
The portable branch is defiantly going down the toilet lately. Minish Cap was the best the handhelds had to offer too bad they couldn't keep up the good work...

Lets hope the console designer can keep their barrings strait. Despite what the "Its platinum or its crap" crowd says, Twilight Princess was a good game even if it wasn't the best. Hopefully they can add innovation without it being a total departure from what we know and love.

03-28-2009, 12:13 AM
I dunno, on the handheld, I'd have ot say the Oracles games were the best. MC was a tad short, but the Oracles were damn amazing.

Nicholas Steel
03-28-2009, 01:03 AM
Yes, Capcom needs to make more Zelda games :/

03-28-2009, 01:28 AM
I never got into Phantom Hourglass. I tried it once, and really disliked the controls.

From the trailer, I'm not really that impressed. Something about replacing the boat with a train and the ocean with some rather bland terrain doesn't seem to cut it.

King Aquamentus
03-28-2009, 02:42 AM
I think I know what has happened.

Shigeru Miyamoto is becoming senile.

New and amazing works great in Mario's world cause... well look at him. He's covered all his bases and already got his mundane "Let's see what all we can do that ISN'T a mario game" stuff pretty much done and spread, and now recently gone back to his traditional games (not that he doesn't still make racing and RPG's and Super Mario lobotomy, just saying...)

...Plus, look at his world. red skies and lava with an occasional thundercloud are about as deep and sinister as you can get. It's hard for a train or a talking boat or a hat/bird/shrinking thing to look out of place there. I can also say that Bowser has reached a point where I desperately want to pity-hug him. Such a noble powerful figure now brought down... by affection for a woman that doesn't even love him back.


...that doesn't work in Zelda. Even since the beginning, back when these two franchises were total parallels of each other, going back to back in the 80's, Zelda was still a more serious franchise, while Mario was more or less a game that players could make people laugh when a goomba went "splat" or a turtle shell went "bump", especially when it knocks enemies over and they fall off the level.

Zelda? You were given actual weapons, and none (or very few) enemies were made to be amusing. Plus, just look at the art styles for those games. There's a few drawings in the Zelda manual where link cutely uses an item or dodges traps, but for the most part, it's detailed scenes that look ripped from a big-budget animation. Super Mario? Bright colors, little shading, funny "pow" marks where he hits stuff... it's almost like the difference between Mega Man and Mega Man X.

...but you know what? I'm fine with it. Miyamoto's senility benefits Mario. That series was essentially founded on his brainstorms. Zelda on the other hand was founded on his experiences. Besides which, I think he likes Mario more anyways, and when the fans demand a Zelda game, he's really wanting to make it a Mario game... Seriously, swap out a few characters and plot elements, and this game would look perfectly normal.

That said, as soon as this train comes in, I'm hopping on it and getting the hell out of Hyrule. Link can get himself out of the jam that inevitably occurs when a man gets stuck between one group, consisting of a farmer's daughter, a hot fish thing, a desert harem babe, your lifelong best friend, a princess, a shapely little imp thing that is actually also a desert harem babe, and the other group, consisting of a child's-party esque Seafarer, a talking manboat, a naked bearded rock eating thing, and a "fairy" man in green spandex. (okay... okay seriously I think Tingle has a lot of potential as a superhero if he gained some huge friggin muscles and spoke like Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist, complete with Mustache. And could fly though the air. But still...)

...see you guys in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Nicholas Steel
03-28-2009, 05:31 AM
Old-Skool is officially insane.

03-28-2009, 03:49 PM
Is it just me, or do they need to seriously go back to how dark Zelda 1 and 2 were?

Even though Zelda 3 was awesome, its too bright and all that. Zelda 1 and 2 are dark and medieval. We need that. Not trains.

03-28-2009, 04:08 PM
That's kinda where they went with TP. The result was OK, but I'm getting bored with the OoT formula. I'd like to see something a bit different in the dungeons for a change.

03-28-2009, 04:15 PM
Even Twilight Princess seemed too magical to me. I remember how my imagination went to town when I was younger, just reading the instruction booklet and the map that came with the game (Zelda 1 and 2 that is). It just seemed like you really HAD to explore, and that everything was hard to come by, etc.

Nowadays, there's really no reason to explore, because the place you're looking for is already an active community. It doesn't feel like there's darkness or evil about. The NES Zelda games kinda made you feel like there legitimately was evil covering the world.

03-28-2009, 10:51 PM
Even Twilight Princess seemed too magical to me. I remember how my imagination went to town when I was younger, just reading the instruction booklet and the map that came with the game (Zelda 1 and 2 that is). It just seemed like you really HAD to explore, and that everything was hard to come by, etc.

Nowadays, there's really no reason to explore, because the place you're looking for is already an active community. It doesn't feel like there's darkness or evil about. The NES Zelda games kinda made you feel like there legitimately was evil covering the world.

Oh! Let's not forget that simply finding the levels to begin with was a challenge, In Moderns Zelda games every single level might as well have a billboard telling you where it is (Or a Giant Triforce etched into the ground I front of it, as seen in many ZC Quests) If there is one thing I have to say for Twilight Princess thought Its the fact that the world was big enough and spaced out enough that they could fit in a lot of rabbit trails and you could miss things if you didn't explore. lantern cavern 2 or the ancient armory are good examples.

03-29-2009, 10:51 AM
Heck yeah. And when you would receive an item, it would do a lot more than just be used in that dungeon and then one side-quest. You could use, let's say, the ladder, to cross over the river at a couple spots in Hyrule, instead of trekking around, etc.

You could burn countless trees with the candle, and sometimes, out of the blue, there would be a secret door that you would feel so damn good about finding. Same with bombing walls. Nowadays, all the bombable walls have a noticeable pile of rocks.

03-29-2009, 11:05 AM
Okay, one thing I don't miss about Zelda is the complete lack of clues as to which walls are bombable or not. I just - spending hours bombing every single wall of a given dungeon does not appeal to me.

Other than that, though, yeah, I miss the open-endedness of it all. I mean, just the fact that you could walk into a dungeon before you were "supposed" to - that was really cool. I still remember that as the thing that blew me away the most when I first played it - here I was, in this vast, open-ended world where I can basically go wherever I want. Every other video game I had played up until that point, you had a certain path, and you couldn't deviate from that path. But suddenly, I can skip dungeons, there are all sorts of secrets and whatnot to discover... It wasn't just a series of levels, it was a full world to explore. And really, thinking about it, even Zelda 3 suffered from too much of the game telling you where you're supposed to go next and what you're supposed to do.

King Aquamentus
03-29-2009, 11:19 AM



That was over 20 years ago.


versus this.


...maybe it's just the colors...

03-29-2009, 12:23 PM
I like how in the old school Mario picture, everyone is having fun. But in the DS scan, even Mario looks like he's just plain bored with it. :\

That Zelda 1 booklet scan FEELS like a dungeon should feel. The latter...I have no worries in the world. Infact, why should I even bother trying to save the world, things seem pretty okay as is.

03-29-2009, 12:59 PM
You know, I can't help but notice that in the old school Mario picture, Mario is cheerfully leaping AWAY from the princess. It's like, even then he knew what a pain in the ass she is, so he's just happy to leave her with Bowser.

Aegix Drakan
03-29-2009, 01:12 PM
PH was not decent.

I had fun with it, but I don't think it's worth the 30-40 bucks for it. (luckily, I didn't have to pay for it. :D)

@ MSU: I HAVE played wind waker. What I meant was that we should only worry if Link becomes like Geo Stellar or What's his name from the ZX series, in that he runs around as normal guy and then puts on his hat whenever he feels like being Link.

Wind waker had him put on the hat, and green stuff, and then destiny intervened, and he essentially had to become Link's replacement. It's not like he goes "oh look, a green hat, PWOOOSH, I'm now a hero.".

03-29-2009, 01:33 PM
I think you're missing the point. Link is on a train. Link is supposed to be in a medieval setting. This clearly does not make sense.

Yes there are some machine types, such as the clocktower, but that had the waterways underneath, where you first entered, which powered it. Which is essentially no different from the windmill where that guy taught you the song of storms in OoT. Its not harnessing any fuel.

All of a sudden, the Link that was sailing around the world because it FLOODED; loosing all architecture and basically the entire history of the place, is now conducting a train through fields dotted with trees and rocks. Are you going to tell me that within a month's or so time, they discovered steam power AND a machine that will move based upon that?

03-29-2009, 01:50 PM
Well, Europe had pretty advanced shit compared to the native americans. The whole planet/world does not evolve (technologically-speaking) at the exact same rate. Just sayin'. I'm also not defending ST since it looks bloody horrible ;_;

Just trying to give an explanation or something.

03-29-2009, 01:53 PM
Seriously - he could've sailed to a new continent. Like I said - at the end of Wind Waker, the king basically orders them to go find a new continent to live on, so it makes sense to me that if they were gonna make a sequel, they'd have one where they found a new continent.

03-29-2009, 05:21 PM
Oh no, I hope they know what they're doing. Seriously though, TRAINS? This doesn't look promising at all. Still, I'll have to play it, rather then judge it. Let's see what happens at E3...

EDIT: Wait, hang on. Princess Zelda? It looks like this may not be tied in with WW or PH at all. Remember, Tetra is Princess Zelda, and she had her royal throne and all. So, one might assume that Zelda's been there for a while, and notice that Link bows to her. I doubt it would be that way if it was WW's Link. I mean, look at Minish Cap! It was cartoonized and not a sequel!

Point is, this may take place during a different time of Hyrule.

Still, it looks too closely like Phantom Hourglass to be certain of anything yet. Only time will tell. Let's see what Nintendo has to say.

03-29-2009, 09:51 PM
I can't believe you are having a serious argument about the level of technology present in a game where you kill a man who has been turned into a pig by shooting them with magic arrows. You have no trouble accepting the fact that a boomerang can be thrown in such a way that it collides with several dozen solid bodies before returning to its master in a straight line (sometimes through walls) but you cannot fathom how a train exists in this world?

It's a magic train. There.

Nicholas Steel
03-30-2009, 07:16 AM
I haven't watched any videos but I know that Banjo Tooie involved trains and that game was great :) (sure the trains where only used as shortcuts between areas >.>)

AtmaWeapons makes a good argument sadly :(

Shazza Dani
03-30-2009, 07:34 AM
The train was actually necessary at one point in B-T. I don't quite remember; but you needed it to either unlock one of the worlds, or to get a Jiggy, or maybe both… =\

03-30-2009, 08:54 AM
I can't believe you are having a serious argument about the level of technology present in a game where you kill a man who has been turned into a pig by shooting them with magic arrows. You have no trouble accepting the fact that a boomerang can be thrown in such a way that it collides with several dozen solid bodies before returning to its master in a straight line (sometimes through walls) but you cannot fathom how a train exists in this world?

It's a magic train. There.

I don't understand your point. Are you saying that because the Zelda series focuses on magic as normal, that we should be okay with a sudden major advancement in technology? Locomotives themselves have only been around since the 1820's. It just doesn't jive well at all.

Shazza Dani
03-30-2009, 09:06 AM
The Zelda Universe is very anachronistic. I don't remember anyone complaining about colour photographs in Majora's Mask or The Wind Waker… And if they did complain, fuck those people.

03-30-2009, 09:36 AM

Really, pretty much sums up the whole controversy.

Shazza Dani
03-30-2009, 09:45 AM
I don't even know why the train is an issue, as if the game would be better without it. The game is already destined to suck. Nintendo should be making console Zelda games instead of handheld games that look like crap.

03-30-2009, 11:30 AM
Oh no, I hope they know what they're doing. Seriously though, TRAINS? This doesn't look promising at all. Still, I'll have to play it, rather then judge it. Let's see what happens at E3...

EDIT: Wait, hang on. Princess Zelda? It looks like this may not be tied in with WW or PH at all. Remember, Tetra is Princess Zelda, and she had her royal throne and all. So, one might assume that Zelda's been there for a while, and notice that Link bows to her. I doubt it would be that way if it was WW's Link. I mean, look at Minish Cap! It was cartoonized and not a sequel!

Point is, this may take place during a different time of Hyrule.

Still, it looks too closely like Phantom Hourglass to be certain of anything yet. Only time will tell. Let's see what Nintendo has to say.

This. It's not the same Link...it just can't be, or again, and let me reiterate, THE GAME WILL BE RETARDED.

Nicholas Steel
03-30-2009, 12:06 PM
I wasn't aware this was about a game for a hand held system... let it rot I say, I don't own any hand held gaming devices :P the best was probably the gameboy colour/GBA because both can play GBC and GB games :)

03-30-2009, 12:51 PM
The train was actually necessary at one point in B-T. I don't quite remember; but you needed it to either unlock one of the worlds, or to get a Jiggy, or maybe both… =\

Now that you mention it, I think there was a train station in each level and you could then use that to jump from level to level quicker. I do remember getting a jiggy by loading a dinosaur from the dino level into it and taking it somewhere to get healed.

Nicholas Steel
03-30-2009, 04:01 PM
You took a train to a exclusive part of a level and later unlocked a passage in said area to access the rest of the same level without the need of the train to reach the new area anymore...

03-30-2009, 04:10 PM
I don't fear change, I just want the change to be appropriate for the topic. Trains should not be in a Zelda game where the setting is SUPPOSED TO BE medieval.

And don't tell me that the pictoboxes weren't out of place either.

03-30-2009, 04:18 PM
So when do we see someone robbing Link on the train at gunpoint, while riding Epona?

On a serious note, can someone tell me at what point in time did Nintendo ever screw up a Zelda game?

Don't get me wrong, I still think the conductor's outfit is silly, and I would prefer a LTTP style of graphic, but keepin mind its the dungeons that make Zelda games. We can't really tell how good the dungeons will be at this point, because in the trailer, you only see maybe 2 items.

03-30-2009, 04:20 PM
Yeah, the thing is about trailers...you're supposed to make the audience crave your product.

I saw trains, goofy outfit, boring scenery, and a dungeon puzzle solved for me.


Shazza Dani
03-30-2009, 04:40 PM
I don't fear change, I just want the change to be appropriate for the topic. Trains should not be in a Zelda game where the setting is SUPPOSED TO BE medieval.

And don't tell me that the pictoboxes weren't out of place either.

It's not medieval, Zelda has its own world entirely. It's a fantasy world that doesn't correspond with any real world or real time period.

On a serious note, can someone tell me at what point in time did Nintendo ever screw up a Zelda game?

Nintendo started sucking when they started focusing on whacky, inconvenient hardware more than on good games (or good hardware, for that matter).

03-30-2009, 04:58 PM
All I'm saying is, people thought Celda was gonna be a big ol' dog turd, too, and look how it turned out. One thing that game taught me was that they can make it look like a cartoon, they can have such utterly ridiculous things as a talking boat, they can even ignore the whole "hero of time" thing and just make the hero some random kid, but at the end of the day, if they gameplay's still there, that's what really matters. Seriously, if the dungeons, the bosses, the puzzles, etc. are all fun, who gives a darn?

03-30-2009, 04:59 PM
I dunno, the Wii's hardware may be arguable wacky and gimmicky, but the dual screen idea has worked really well. I've seen some fabulous touch-screen uses, and just in general a second display screen makes referencing stuff easier.

Aegix Drakan
03-30-2009, 05:09 PM
Agreed. The DS is the best Gaming device I've ever had. It's innovation that works.

the Wii...eh...I'm hoping against hope that some decent games come out, but I'm probably just hoping against hope.

Shazza Dani
03-30-2009, 05:21 PM
All I'm saying is, people thought Celda was gonna be a big ol' dog turd, too, and look how it turned out. One thing that game taught me was that they can make it look like a cartoon, they can have such utterly ridiculous things as a talking boat, they can even ignore the whole "hero of time" thing and just make the hero some random kid, but at the end of the day, if they gameplay's still there, that's what really matters. Seriously, if the dungeons, the bosses, the puzzles, etc. are all fun, who gives a darn?

That's a good point about The Wind Waker, but I think this new game is an entirely different case. The graphics don't look bad because of the style, they look bad because the DS can't handle good graphics. And the gameplay looks like it's going to be bad. I know it's too early to judge that though, so we'll just have to wait and see.

03-30-2009, 05:24 PM
Well, the gameplay in PH wasn't bad, it was just far to short and far too easy. The concepts were sound, just ramp up the difficulty and give us more stuff to do.

03-30-2009, 06:16 PM
Nintendo started sucking when they started focusing on whacky, inconvenient hardware more than on good games (or good hardware, for that matter).

I said Nintendo screwing up Zelda, not Nintendo screwing up Nintendo... And don't say Phantom Hourglass, because that was a good game.

(Didn't it win best DS game of the year or something?)

03-30-2009, 06:19 PM
Yeah, I too liked PH which is why I suspect I will like this in spite of the train element.

Shazza Dani
03-30-2009, 06:20 PM
I've never played PH, but I think it looks terrible, and many people who've played it said it was bad.

03-30-2009, 06:37 PM
I personally felt it was good, it just was simple. It felt like...Zelda-lite. An enjoyable adventure, but it left me craving more.
Clever but easy bosses, clever but easy puzzles, very very clever items. I really wanted more difficult stuff to do with the hammer, the springboard thing is a great idea that needs expansion.

03-30-2009, 06:46 PM
I've never played PH, but I think it looks terrible, and many people who've played it said it was bad.

Here, I'll copy and paste a link to EVERY Gametrailers review. Notice the 10/10s and 9/10s heavily outweigh the 3/10s (it is user written after all, so if people dislike it a bit, they dock it a lot)


The main complaints about the game was the music, and the ocean. For the record the ocean was much improved from WW.

Not trying to flame by the way, I'm just pissed off by the words, "Nintendo started to suck," so soon after TP, and Super Mario Galaxy.

That and I'm a Zelda fanboy. :)

I'll shut up now...

Aegix Drakan
03-30-2009, 06:59 PM
I personally felt it was good, it just was simple. It felt like...Zelda-lite. An enjoyable adventure, but it left me craving more.
Clever but easy bosses, clever but easy puzzles, very very clever items. I really wanted more difficult stuff to do with the hammer, the springboard thing is a great idea that needs expansion.

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Gimme my words back!

03-30-2009, 07:23 PM
Zelda games are a fantasy setting, yeah, but based upon the real world's medieval times.

Atleast it USED to be. [sigh]

It's like if they took Metroid and all of a sudden there are swords and dudes on horses. Oh, and you have to cook food too.

03-30-2009, 09:42 PM
Well I got Phantom Hourglass, but I was only able to play about twenty minutes of it before the touch screen drove me insane. I should probably play through it, just to get my money's worth, but it's such a labor to play that I don't even really want to.

I'm guessing this will be the same way.

Zelda needs to step back into 2 dimensions. Like the Oracle series. I know it was a Capcom sub-contract, but when they weren't worried about graphics they had time to do a lot of awesome stuff, and Oracle of Ages in particular has some of the best puzzles I've ever encountered.

As for the "the Wind Waker" thing, that game made serious advances in the gameplay of the OoT and MM game engines, perfecting them in my opinion. The dungeons were also creative, made use of items that you found in previous areas, and fit well to their theme. These are traits that the newer Zelda games have had in shorter supply.
Twilight Princess had a lot of interesting items that had tremendous potential, like that Dominion Rod. However, their use was almost always limited to the dungeon they were introduced, and maybe that pitt in Gerudo Desert. Though I am loathe to say it, having waited so long, it would have helped Twilight Princess to delay release for another year and interweave the dungeons more thoroughly.

Regarding the trains... eh, I don't mind that so much. They're old-timey, even if they aren't necessarily medieval. I mean, at least he's not riding around in a hybrid car.

03-30-2009, 10:24 PM
I hated the controls for PH at first, kind of like how I hated the controls for Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii, but I got used to them quickly. I also had this sense of discovery playing PH that I haven't felt in a while from a Zelda game. Maybe it was because of the sailing and finding new islands. It was great.

I'm not too psyched about this new one, but I'm gonna get it of course. I'll be able to dust off my DS. Seriously, I haven't touched that thing in a year. All that seems to come out for it that I'm remotely interested in is RPGs and strategy games, and I'm just tired of them. That and all the kids/licensed games. The DS is definitely the new Gameboy in that department.

03-30-2009, 11:11 PM
I just hope they add the option for d-pad control... But I doubt it since new games have this nasty habit of super-imposing their stupid "innovative" gimmicks on what could be an otherwise decent game. I might rent it first. They are tooting their own horn about it being "a game for the fans" so I dunno. Maybe there is something awesome that has yet to be seen.

03-30-2009, 11:24 PM
You know, come to think of it, that is kind of odd. After all, the DS didn't really take off until developers figured out they didn't have to use every single goddamn feature the hardware had to offer. It's like, nothing wrong with using the stylus, but only if it makes sense - don't force it, you know?

I keep waiting for them to figure that out with the Wii, honestly. Though I will say, they're getting better. Currently playing No More Heroes, and I've gotta say - nice use of the motion controls without beating you over the head with them. I really enjoy that they've managed to prevent combat from being a waggle-fest, but at the same time they use motion controls to make finishing moves feel that much more special and satisfying.

03-31-2009, 10:12 AM
I keep waiting for them to figure that out with the Wii, honestly. Though I will say, they're getting better. Currently playing No More Heroes, and I've gotta say - nice use of the motion controls without beating you over the head with them. I really enjoy that they've managed to prevent combat from being a waggle-fest, but at the same time they use motion controls to make finishing moves feel that much more special and satisfying.

Play Mad World. Mad World uses the Wii controls so well. And even though they are ports, RE4 and Okami play so well on the Wii. MP3, Zack and Wiki, Tomb Raider Anniversary, they all use the Wii remote is a good way without over doing it too. (these happen to be most of the games I own).

Like I said, I hated touch screen controls for PH at first, but now love them. I like being able to tap the screen to shoot canon balls from the boat while sailing, and plotting my course on the map. And fishing! Oh that's great :) All really neat ideas. Honestly, without the touch screen, with the exception of the Ocean King Palace, PH would have been an ordinary (boring) Zelda.

Nicholas Steel
03-31-2009, 10:44 AM
I just rented "wario land: the shake dimension" and am up to area 3 so far. I am enjoying it a fair bit and the gameplay/graphics are pretty sweet for a platformer xD

I like that there's only 1 use for the wii motes motion sensing and it isn't hard to perform.

03-31-2009, 10:28 PM
Yeah, shaking money bags and pounding things is simple, yet very satisfying :)

04-06-2009, 09:45 AM
You guys totally killed my thread. And it was at four pages long too!

King Aquamentus
04-06-2009, 05:41 PM
At least WE can make "Zelda" Zeldas. given, they'll all be pretty similar to an extent.

Nicholas Steel
04-07-2009, 12:37 AM
[/URL][url]http://theslackerz.com/Comics/115.jpg (http://www.theslackerz.com/index.php?nav=Comic&Page=121&PHPSESSID=6cff4bdc55cbc38669c810fa057a7bc8)

Pretty much sums up what I think about it Lol.

Fabiano the Spy
04-07-2009, 02:56 AM

Pretty much sums up what I think about it Lol.

That, good sir, is freaking gold.

04-07-2009, 08:36 AM
I wouldn't call it gold, but yeah, pretty much what will happen.

Molten Onyx
04-07-2009, 01:38 PM
Phantom Hourglass was 'okay', it's control system sucked all the fun outta' it for me though. I think that a train would be okay, but it would hafta' be a small part of the game, and they'd hafta' get rid of the awful clothes and the cannon.

And if this is a Wind Waker prequel...I'm gonna' be real pissed. (for those of you who don't know, that's what my quest is)

04-07-2009, 02:00 PM

Pretty much sums up what I think about it Lol.
We can sit here discussing it all day, but you really can't argue with that last panel.

King Aquamentus
05-10-2009, 01:21 AM
( >.> To go on record, calling Miyamoto Senile is stretching it a bit far, even for me. Super Mario Bros is based on his ideas. not senility. This isn't an apology to him perse, just an update so people can't deserve the right to bash me on it. Also, regarding my comment about how sinister the Mushroom Kingdom can get, Super Mario Bros. 3 did feel a lot more evil once you got to the third map of World 8, where the only two actual stages are. I mean it was like some void realm created by black magic, in the NES version.)

12-04-2009, 11:51 AM
My friends say the reason why link is on a chu chu train, is because hyrules technology has advanced a bit.

12-05-2009, 12:14 PM
Oh wow it's a good thing you responded to a thread that's been dead for 7 months to propose a theory that was proposed 8 months ago (http://armageddongames.net/showthread.php?44048-Why-is-Link-on-a-train&p=423952&viewfull=1#post423952).

Is it really called a chu chu train though because that's funny enough to make me want to try it.

Despite the massive amount of whining in this thread I bet 90% of us buy it and have a couple hours of fun. I'm holding any further opinions because there's a thread I want to make.

12-05-2009, 11:10 PM
http://www.theslackerz.com/index.php...c810fa057a7bc8 (http://www.theslackerz.com/index.php?nav=Comic&PHPSESSID=6cff4bdc55cbc38669c810fa057a7bc8)

Pretty much sums up what I think about it Lol.

I don't think the comic is linking correctly anymore. Right now it links to a strip about breaking the forth wall -- not Zelda related. Does anyone know what strip was actually posted seven months ago?

12-06-2009, 02:40 AM
I'd guess it was this: http://www.theslackerz.com/index.php?nav=Comic&Page=121

12-06-2009, 04:55 PM
LMAO that's awesome. Fucking train. It's so exciting being on a set track. I can't wait to collect track pieces so I can get to a new area. yay!

12-10-2009, 07:55 PM
So has anyone played this yet? It got a very good review on IGN, but this is the same guy who gave Phantom Hourglass a good review. I don't have a DS right now, and have don't see myself getting one again anytime soon, so I can't play it quiet yet.

12-10-2009, 09:48 PM
I have. It plays a lot like Phantom Hourglass. If you liked PH, you'll probably like this too.

The biggest thing is that they've replaced the boat with a train. This is not an inherently bad idea, but so far (I''m about 55% through) they've implemented it poorly.

Shortly after the trigger incident setting the main plot afoot and you get your hands on your own train, mysterious evil trains appear on the rails, and you have to avoid them. They are not explained, and while they move randomly, they are also death if they collide with you. They're also faster than you, so if you've got one on your trail, and you're far away from a Junction point, it's almost guaranteed to be Game Over for you. You can use the cannon to slow them down, but they put themselves back together.

There's a few new items, such as the pan flute, used by blowing into the Microphone (and manipulating the touch screen to choose notes), the gusty-pinwheel-thing which creates gusts of wind, also used by blowing into the Microphone. There's a few mundane, non-microphone objects to be found, such as Bombs and the Boomerang, but I assume there will be others.

Also featuring in ST is the central dungeon. A welcome respite from the first game is that you do not have to revisit cleared areas in the dungeon. While you WILL be visiting the dungeon before/after each level, you don't have to clear areas more than once. However, there are treasures you can't get the first time through, needing items from later on.

The Phantoms are back, but this time they're not the invincible behemoths from the first game. While they move and attack the same as in PH, you quickly devise a means of defeating them, thanks to your spectral cohort who accompanies you in the central dungeon. (I won't say who/what it is, because it's a spoiler!)

As far as the plot goes, it works a lot like PH. The setting is about 100 years after PH, and everyone from that game is dead (Except Niko of all people). Presumably, Link and Tetra found the new land they wanted too, and settled down. Zelda is in it, and she plays an active role in the game, for once. No sign of Ganon, though.

The reason Link is on a train is... well, a zillion years ago (a metric zillion, not an imperial one!), a great evil was sealed away by the Spirit Tower. The train tracks are actually conduits which bring power from the four temples to the tower to keep the evil sealed away. The villian, who is revealed about two minutes after his initial appearance, (somehow) made the Spirit Tracks disappear throughout the land, which allowed some giant evil train escape (which apparently isn't the sealed evil, since you're later told it remained sealed) and broke the Spirit Tower into a bunch of floating blocks.

Link has to use the legendary Spirit Train to restore the Spirit Tracks by climbing the Spirit Tower, and recovering Spirit Track Map Piece Thingies and beating the dungeons which restores the Spirit Power to the Spirit Tower via the Spirit Tracks, and allowing the next portion of the tower to be accessed.

Yes, the Official Zelda Naming Scheme is out in full force this time around.

Although I will reserve full judgment for after I beat the game, I will say that it's been fairly enjoyable so far. It will not make my top-5 list, however.

12-10-2009, 10:16 PM
I just beat the first temple. How much harder / more intricate do they get? While you expect the first dungeon to be not too hard, it was so easy I'm a bit worried.

12-11-2009, 12:52 AM
I just beat the first temple. How much harder / more intricate do they get? While you expect the first dungeon to be not too hard, it was so easy I'm a bit worried.

As far as the second goes (I'm not yet at the third), it's a definite step up, but don't expect any brain busters. The boss is significantly more difficult (same caveat applies, though).

King Aquamentus
12-11-2009, 02:27 AM
My friends say the reason why link is on a chu chu train, is because hyrules technology has advanced a bit.

Does your friend also understand that this game takes place a long fucking someodd time before the Original Zelda?

Let's examine "chu chu train" The train in question, as far as we understand, is fueled by either steam or coal. I believe there was an article confirming one of the two, I don't really know. What I do know however, is that it was not one of the slime creatures that Link has encountered in his last quest, or even in Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. I'm pretty sure it's not fueled any slime creatures actually

...unless you meant "Choo-choo train", but that's preposterous. Everybody can spell "Choo", they learn it in kindergarten. I will admit though, I've not been paying a lick of attention to this game, nor do I really care at this point. *sighs*

12-11-2009, 10:01 AM
Does your friend also understand that this game takes place a long fucking someodd time before the Original Zelda?

Let's examine "chu chu train" The train in question, as far as we understand, is fueled by either steam or coal. I believe there was an article confirming one of the two, I don't really know. What I do know however, is that it was not one of the slime creatures that Link has encountered in his last quest, or even in Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. I'm pretty sure it's not fueled any slime creatures actually

...unless you meant "Choo-choo train", but that's preposterous. Everybody can spell "Choo", they learn it in kindergarten. I will admit though, I've not been paying a lick of attention to this game, nor do I really care at this point. *sighs*

To be honest, the issue of what the train is powered on doesn't come up. In Link's specific case, it's probably powered by MAGIC!, although the idea of fueling the train with slime monsters is quite amusing.

12-11-2009, 11:57 AM
I got the game on Wednesday. I'm having fun so far. The train is a neat idea, but it's takes a long time to travel from one place to another. I hope there are train upgrades later in the game that make it go faster. Also, I miss Tetra :( I like her way better than plain ol' Zelda.

I just beat the first temple. How much harder / more intricate do they get? While you expect the first dungeon to be not too hard, it was so easy I'm a bit worried.

Phantom Hourglass was really easy. I don't expect this to be much different. I think the days of difficult Zelda games is long past. Either that or we're all just too good, lol.

I will say some of the stealth parts in PH were challenging. And getting through the Ocean Temple (especially on a minimum time run) was great.

12-11-2009, 12:48 PM
Does your friend also understand that this game takes place a long fucking someodd time before the Original Zelda?

Let's examine "chu chu train" The train in question, as far as we understand, is fueled by either steam or coal. I believe there was an article confirming one of the two, I don't really know. What I do know however, is that it was not one of the slime creatures that Link has encountered in his last quest, or even in Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. I'm pretty sure it's not fueled any slime creatures actually

...unless you meant "Choo-choo train", but that's preposterous. Everybody can spell "Choo", they learn it in kindergarten. I will admit though, I've not been paying a lick of attention to this game, nor do I really care at this point. *sighs*

Haha.. I'm a little slow, I had to read this twice before I got it... "Chu Chu trains".

12-11-2009, 08:43 PM
Phantom Hourglass was really easy. I don't expect this to be much different. I think the days of difficult Zelda games is long past. Either that or we're all just too good, lol.

I remember the first dungeon in PH being a lot harder than the first dungeon in ST. Then again, that might just be because I'm already used to the stylus controls.

I'm holding off on playing any further until I go home for the holidays. It'll give me something to play there, since I won't be taking my 360 or PC with me. Sigh, I'm going to have to wait to try out the new additions for the Soldier and Demoman in TF2...

12-12-2009, 10:47 AM
I remember the first dungeon in PH being a lot harder than the first dungeon in ST. Then again, that might just be because I'm already used to the stylus controls.

When I first played Phantom Hourglass, I felt a lot like I did when I first played Metroid Prime 3 - I felt like the controls did not work, and that Nintendo had made a big mistake. But like MP3, I gave PH a little more time, and now everything feels second nature.

I just beat the 2nd dungeon and I think it was better than the first. There are definitely some puzzles you have to think more about, mainly because Link is able to do much more than in past games.

01-06-2010, 12:23 AM
If you didn't like PH then you won't like this, it's basicly the same gameplay. I enjoyed it, but I also liked PH. I did get tired of taking the train back and forth, and by the end of the game I only did what would get me more hart containers, and didn't care about the rest. Yes you can customize your train, but it's purely cosmetic, so not much drive for me to do it. I did enjoy the teamwork aspect of the Spirit Tower.

01-07-2010, 10:02 PM
Why is Link on a train?

I ask myself the same question every waking hour.

01-09-2010, 01:27 PM
I must say that this looks like it is the worst idea of the entire Zelda franchise... lets hope the game play rocks our socks off or I figure we might be a little upset with the lack of thought put into a series as epic as this one.

Maybe because hes sick of being on a boat?


02-23-2010, 04:46 PM
People really thought Wind Waker looked bad? I'm in my 30's and I thought it was PERFECT!! It was a return to the child-hearted wonder that made early Zelda games so great. All this nonsense that Zelda games need to be all mysterious and moody is bollocks! Look man... CHILDHOOD WONDER!! That's the main theme of Zelda games... and yeah... Wind Waker was amazing because... hell, it was a fun idea and boats are neat.... same with this game... seems like a fun idea and... hell, trains are neat too!

King Aquamentus
02-23-2010, 05:04 PM
People really thought Wind Waker looked bad? I'm in my 30's and I thought it was PERFECT!! It was a return to the child-hearted wonder that made early Zelda games so great. All this nonsense that Zelda games need to be all mysterious and moody is bollocks! Look man... CHILDHOOD WONDER!! That's the main theme of Zelda games... and yeah... Wind Waker was amazing because... hell, it was a fun idea and boats are neat.... same with this game... seems like a fun idea and... hell, trains are neat too!

Not to mention that if you look closely and do the research, Toon Link's design is based on that of Link from the original Zelda for NES. there might be some slight cosmetic changes and different colors, but nothing a good Alternate costume in Super Smash Bros. Brawl can't reveal. ;) Go ahead, look at his alternate costumes. One of them is Original Link.

Nicholas Steel
02-24-2010, 12:04 AM
I have to agree with Cjc7988, they should spend more time on interlinking the dungeons together and making better use out of each dungeon item even outside of the dungeons.

02-24-2010, 04:49 AM
People really thought Wind Waker looked bad? I'm in my 30's and I thought it was PERFECT!! It was a return to the child-hearted wonder that made early Zelda games so great. All this nonsense that Zelda games need to be all mysterious and moody is bollocks! Look man... CHILDHOOD WONDER!! That's the main theme of Zelda games... and yeah... Wind Waker was amazing because... hell, it was a fun idea and boats are neat.... same with this game... seems like a fun idea and... hell, trains are neat too!

True.. I loved WW. The reason I hated PH, and have yet to play ST is because they seem to take away your freedom. In WW you could sail to any island you wanted, and there where tons early on (WW had 48 islands with at least one thing to do on each). In PH, you have about five islands, and then, like, three other ones. The game had little to do outside of the next tediously simplistic dungeon, and there was no real reward for doing anything (No HPCs, only "extra" items where useless ship parts). PH had equally bland music to accompany its shit design. I truly hate that game. ST looks like more of the same. People need to realize that these WW "sequels" are not half the game WW was, and that they are only hurting WW's reputation. WW was awesome. It was open, and even if it was a bit easy, it was a fun game. PH was just mundane, linear, bland, and out right boring.

Not to mention that if you look closely and do the research, Toon Link's design is based on that of Link from the original Zelda for NES. there might be some slight cosmetic changes and different colors, but nothing a good Alternate costume in Super Smash Bros. Brawl can't reveal. ;) Go ahead, look at his alternate costumes. One of them is Original Link.

I always use Link's old colors. I used Marios "inverted" overalls too in Melee, but in Brawl, I use Fire Mario's colors.

I really like the art style of WW. I wish Nintendo would take it further, on the right platform instead of dumb it down, and make it look like total shit on a system that can't even pull it off.

Nicholas Steel
02-24-2010, 05:47 AM
You'll be disappointed if you got Spirit Tracks, yes there are things to do between dungeons but you can't really do much until you've beaten all the dungeons and even then the only things you can do extra, is unlocking additional "warp points". You can upgrade your train but its not needed at all.

I have not played PH but I hear the Tower is much better then PH's central dungeon.

02-24-2010, 08:07 AM
I, too, wish they would bring back the WW-style for a console game. I'd love to see a full-blown Hyrule (read: more land, less water) in that style. The retro toon link in Brawl was amazing, and hell, I'd even settle for a LTTP remake.

The only problem I truly had with Wind Waker was that you could tell that it was a rushed game. Most of the islands were tiny and insignificant, and you could tell where they pulled dungeons out of the story line.

There hasn't been a good handheld Zelda game since Link's Awakening.

Nicholas Steel
02-24-2010, 09:52 AM
Oracle of Ages anyone?

02-24-2010, 07:12 PM
...I might be the only person in the world who liked Minish Cap...

But I just have a feeling that Zelda Wii will be spectacular. The main complaints of TP were that it stuck too closely to the Zelda formula and it tried too hard to be an Ocarina of Time successor. We know that Zelda Wii is mixing up the formula a bit (should be interesting to see how they do it), and I seriously doubt Nintendo would do another Hyrule/Zelda/Ganondorf/Master Sword storyline.

Nicholas Steel
02-24-2010, 11:23 PM
I would have thought the complaints are a bland overworld and no non-linearity. The Twilight effectively halts any exploration forcing you to follow a set path.

02-25-2010, 02:23 AM
You know, I played Twilight Princess on the Wii and thought it was so-so. Then I revisited it just recently in it's GameCube version, and found that I rather enjoyed it the second time around. It really is a beautiful game.

I worry that the new Zelda Wii game is going to rely on one gimmick: the motion controls. I'm hoping this so-called new direction means a shift in the flow of the game. Personally, on my wish list is more of an mmo-style approach (not online, but more of a quest-based adventure, in the style of Fable, Oblivion, etc.)

02-25-2010, 04:16 AM
You know, I played Twilight Princess on the Wii and thought it was so-so. Then I revisited it just recently in it's GameCube version, and found that I rather enjoyed it the second time around. It really is a beautiful game.

I worry that the new Zelda Wii game is going to rely on one gimmick: the motion controls. I'm hoping this so-called new direction means a shift in the flow of the game. Personally, on my wish list is more of an mmo-style approach (not online, but more of a quest-based adventure, in the style of Fable, Oblivion, etc.)

Oh yeah, the Wii version blows. The controls suck. No thanks on the waggle fest, AND they take away the free camera AND we get some awkward ass d-pad mapped items? Given that it is using the same controller, I think we'll be getting more of the same come Zelda Wii. I hate the gimmicky bullshit. Why must it come at the expense of a good series? GCN TP was actually pretty good. I only have some complaints about the dungeon linearity (one key/ locked door at a time?), and over all difficulty, or lack of. The wolf parts in the beginning suck too, but other than that, TP was not a bad game.

I would have thought the complaints are a bland overworld and no non-linearity. The Twilight effectively halts any exploration forcing you to follow a set path.

Yeah, but all Zeldas do that to an extent. I thoroughly hated the wolf sections, so I am in no way defending it, but you could always return to areas later on. I actually thought the overworld was one of the strongest points. It really beats OoT in this regard. I will say that Death Mountain did seem like a cop-out. I really wanted to go to the glowy lava-y summit. In terms of openess, I'd say the Twilight really only matters within the first 10 hours.

...I might be the only person in the world who liked Minish Cap...

But I just have a feeling that Zelda Wii will be spectacular. The main complaints of TP were that it stuck too closely to the Zelda formula and it tried too hard to be an Ocarina of Time successor. We know that Zelda Wii is mixing up the formula a bit (should be interesting to see how they do it), and I seriously doubt Nintendo would do another Hyrule/Zelda/Ganondorf/Master Sword storyline.

I liked Minish Cap. A lot actually. I am not holding out much hope for Zelda Wii. I'll probably be sorely let down if I let myself believe it might be a good game :/

02-25-2010, 02:14 PM
I liked Minish Cap. A lot actually. I am not holding out much hope for Zelda Wii. I'll probably be sorely let down if I let myself believe it might be a good game :/

Really? I think Minish Cap has one of the most, if not the most, restricting overworlds in any Zelda game. I think all Zelda games after the first one have become more and more restricting with each one (save for maybe A Link to The Past, which was pretty open). I think that is the reason I like the first game the best.

I played Twilight Princess on GCN cause I didn't have a Wii at the time, and knew what the drawbacks would be play-wise. Liked the wolf sections. They added a nice variety, and something new. I'm looking forward to the new Zelda Wii, but not really the idea of using the sword with 1:1 motion mapping. But Nintendo is smart. They won't make it a pain or not fun to use. I'm sure they will have something good.