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View Full Version : Two years later, Nintendo corrects gross oversight

03-25-2009, 04:11 PM
Well, it finally happened - there's a new system menu update for the Wii, and it allows you to store games on SD cards. In addition, you can now use SDHC cards up to 32 GB. All I can say is IT'S ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!

I must say, I'm impressed - the solution is simple and elegant. On the other hand, this strikes me as another one of those things that should've been included when the Wii was released. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad Nintendo is able to correct its mistakes, and I'm especially glad that this particular fix doesn't require new hardware (I'm sure we all remember the pain that was the original, un-backlit GBA), but geez, why'd it take 'em so long to do something that was pretty damn obvious at launch?

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go redownload half of my VC library because I had deleted a bunch of games to make room for others.

03-25-2009, 04:51 PM

*grabs his SD and gets clickin*

03-25-2009, 05:40 PM
What's funny is they did it to prevent piracy...

Now, fixing it prevents piracy.

I love piracy.

03-25-2009, 08:49 PM
Oh, I should point out, this update breaks the Twilight Hack. But if you already have the Homebrew channel installed, you're fine.

Nicholas Steel
03-26-2009, 01:31 AM
sadly, games on your SD and SDHC are locked to your particular Wii... how do you get your games working if you get your console repaired/replaced by Nintendo? they can't change the content of your memory card because that ain't covered in the warranty :P

03-26-2009, 12:13 PM
sadly, games on your SD and SDHC are locked to your particular Wii... how do you get your games working if you get your console repaired/replaced by Nintendo? they can't change the content of your memory card because that ain't covered in the warranty :P

When they restore your Wii, they tie the new MAC to your old account, thus allowing you to redownload the titles free of charge.

Aegix Drakan
03-26-2009, 04:41 PM
Well, about damn time!

Finally someone woke up over there. We've been waiting ages for this!

...Mind you, it doesn't affect me all that much, since I don't have all that many VC games (three).

03-27-2009, 06:27 PM
Unfortunately, SDHC cards still don't work in Brawl. Maybe they'll release a patch or something... *waits intently*

03-27-2009, 06:47 PM
Well, I've decided to keep World of Goo on my main drive for instant acess, and stick my SBCG4AP episodes on the SD. The VC games aren't big enough for me to worry about though.

03-28-2009, 12:13 AM
Phew...I just finished redownloading all the games to my SD Card that I previously deleted in frustration, since my Wii didn't have enough space. I also downloaded a couple of channels I got rid of too, plus I upgraded StarFox64.

I'm mildly excited about all of this.

03-29-2009, 02:45 PM
Upgraded Star Fox 64? What's that mean?

03-29-2009, 02:57 PM
They released a patch - nothing major, I think they just tweaked the sensitivity of the controls when using the Classic Controller.