View Full Version : Rune Factory Frontier

03-24-2009, 03:26 PM
Anyone got it or thinking about getting it?

I've never played a Harvest Moon game, and I'll be honest the farming part doesn't sound really sound appealing to me, but the rest of the game looks really nice.

03-24-2009, 04:40 PM
and I'll be honest the farming part doesn't sound really sound appealing to me
Heh, you say that now...
Well, I do have Rune Factory 2 on loan for my DS. It's pretty damn fun.

03-24-2009, 06:52 PM
I've finished the 1st DS game and have been thinking of this game for a bit.

03-25-2009, 05:38 PM
Harvest Moon games are addicting as hell.

I definitely recommend them...been trying to play the original Ruin Factory for a while, but I will definitely play the Wii game.

03-25-2009, 06:37 PM
I have the original DS one, but never really got too into it. [shrug]

05-12-2009, 12:06 PM
I picked up RFF a few weeks ago when Amazon was having a "Deal of the Day" sale on the game. It's MSRP is $50, but Amazon had it for only $30!!! Well, I should say part of the day - it sold out in a few hours :odd:

I'm halfway through 1st summer and so far I am really enjoying the game. It is very addicting. The only thing I don't like is that it's so easy to drain all your stamina through farming, fighting, cooking, etc and I find myself waiting patiently for Melody to open the hot spring at 3pm so I can refill my guage and my character is not on the brink of death from being so tired. That and monsters in the dungeons really whip your ass. Thankfully I just upgraded some of my armor and weapons, and I have a mount that is a good attacker, which has helped a lot (Silver Wolf). I read about the Runeys ahead of time, and they aren't so bad so far. Thankfully you can use the Harvester to collect and manage them without depleting your energy. I don't think I'm gonna go crazy like some people and get all my areas into prosperity. Reading about it online, I don't see how they enjoy the game if they devote so much time to that.

I just upgraded the 3 portions of my house and started to build the levels of my tools and weapons, which is helping converse energy. Also I have some monsters to do farm chores. Things are moving faster, that's for sure. Very fun game. I wasn't sure I'd like it at first, but it's great.

btw, of the bachelorette's, I really like Annette, Selphy, and Mist. Cinnamon is kind of neat too.

05-12-2009, 03:54 PM
I absolutely loved Harvest Moon 64. Unfortunately, that game left such a big impression on me, non of it's sequels were that good. They were sort of fun, but nothing compared to HM 64.

The great thing is all the hidden things in the game that you can really only unlock once you make some large amount of progress. Once you think the game is over, a whole other chapter opens up.

05-12-2009, 04:34 PM
You should really check out RFF. I read about HM64, and RFF expands on so much of what you probably loved about that game. Plus the game's quality/presentation is really high, there is a lot of voiced dialog, and did I mention there are 12 bachelorettes to marry? And it's a dungeon crawler/RPG too! I never played a HM game before, and I can't put this down.

If you check it out, just read about Runeys, cause from what I've read, they can ruin your fun if you don't spend a little time taking care of them. (if too many die, your crops won't grow) I've been fine just spending a couple days moving then around here and there. And if you're out of energy, that's one thing you can do to kill time.

05-13-2009, 01:05 AM
I absolutely loved Harvest Moon 64. Unfortunately, that game left such a big impression on me, non of it's sequels were that good. They were sort of fun, but nothing compared to HM 64.

The great thing is all the hidden things in the game that you can really only unlock once you make some large amount of progress. Once you think the game is over, a whole other chapter opens up.

That one was my favorite too; check out the one for the PS1 as well, forget the name, but it came out shortly after HM64 did, its good as well.

I have been disappointed with many of the recent Harvest Moons... it didn't survive the transition to 3D to well on the consoles.

05-13-2009, 07:15 AM
I agree, this game rocks. I'm currently in the middle of my first fall and working my way through the lava ruins desperately finding materials to make better armor for myself. Enemies are whupping my ass!

05-13-2009, 02:00 PM
I agree, this game rocks. I'm currently in the middle of my first fall and working my way through the lava ruins desperately finding materials to make better armor for myself. Enemies are whupping my ass!

I know right? I'm so glad I got my mount, cause he can deal more damage to enemies than me right now, and I can ride on his back and use no RP!

Have you messed with Runeys much? People online have strategies to get all the areas into prosperity so your crops grow much much faster, but it seems like so much work. My areas are all just normal (green), but my homestead is in prosperity (gold), so at the very least it's making my fodder grow back every day instead of two. It would be nice to grow those 100+ day flowers in a single season though... have you planted any of those? I hear you need them to forge the best weapons/tools etc.

05-13-2009, 05:27 PM
yes, I've yet to start planting any of them since I'm spending on my money on other things.
I'll try your mount idea, I honestly never thought to take my monsters into battle since three of them earlier failed so spectacularly.

EDIT: Nope, my mounts still failed spectacularly! It does about 20-30 damage to an enemy that can do 120+ to it. Two hits and its down. I now refuse to take any monsters into battle now since they all suck. Their only use is for harvesting items or helping me with chores.

05-14-2009, 04:38 PM
EDIT: Nope, my mounts still failed spectacularly! It does about 20-30 damage to an enemy that can do 120+ to it. Two hits and its down. I now refuse to take any monsters into battle now since they all suck. Their only use is for harvesting items or helping me with chores.

Well, not all of them are good fighters. Get a Silver Wolfe from near Iris's tower on Whale Island. You can ride him and attack while riding, so you are in control. (btw, I barely survived taming it, so bring some Energy Drinks if you are taking a beating from them)

Also, your monsters grow levels just like you, so they can get stronger. I don't think it's based on experience from battles, but just from keeping them happy. I use the Pet Glove on each of mine every day, and even my Chitter, who is doing nothing right now since it's already cleared all the weeds out of my garden, has grown levels.

btw, where are you fighting? I just started the Lava Ruins and opened up the Whale Island Flank (past the gate nroth of Iris's tower). Alone, I still get my butt kicked for the most part.

05-14-2009, 04:43 PM
I'm on the last floor of the Lava Ruins. The silver wolf (which I do have) sucks balls in there.

05-14-2009, 06:48 PM
Ouch... that sucks. I heard that the wolves and the dragons are the best fighters, and there are more than one of each. You could try to get the stronger wolf if you still wanted a monster to come along.

Also, I'm not positive on this, but I think any status effects you get as a result of eating food may also apply to your monster. So if you can make something with some attack or defense boost, that might help. I had some when I beat the Green Ruins boss, though I probably didn't need it cause I destroyed the boss with no trouble at all.