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View Full Version : Looking for a new MMORPG

Master Ghaleon
02-13-2009, 10:27 PM
I have been playing WoW ever since it came out. I wanna know what other MMORPG is out there that I could turn too. Or is WoW still the better MMORPG out there and I would just be wasting my money buying something else. WoW is getting kinda old, just wanna play something new I guess.

02-13-2009, 10:52 PM

looks pretty sweet

02-13-2009, 10:54 PM
I agree with masa.
That looks pretty neato.

02-13-2009, 11:01 PM
It looks like Morrowind sorta. I was reading a wiki about it a little bit ago and I came across the stealth section. Stealth in this game is about literally camouflaging your character with non-bulky clanky armor, sneaking up on someone, and slitting their throat. So you can't have someone wearing mail or plate armor sneak up on you unless your speakers aren't on to hear the clanking of their armor or something. Also, there's no stealth button. You just stick to the shadows, and have patience with your prey.

Also, free looting and a good/evil alignment system based on whether or not your PKs were justified or not.

Master Ghaleon
02-14-2009, 12:06 AM
I will look into that game later, but if anyone has any other suggestions please keep them coming ;)

02-14-2009, 12:20 AM
Check out the various WoW fun servers before you dump WoW completely. WoW Private Servers are a large enough field that people have done some pretty creative stuff with it.

If you're looking for visuals, I can recommend Guild Wars. You buy the box, (Or an account and download the game.) and never pay again except to buy expansions, and you can enjoy one of the most beautiful games out there. No jumping or items though. It's all skill and build based. The game world is -tremendous- though. You can fit so very, very many Azeroths into even a quarter of it. Too bad there's not that much to do in it. Pretty good PvP though. The skills are -excellent- indeed.

I think that "Mythos" game stopped being developed. A shame, really. It looked pretty good. But do check out Masa's link. Let's keep a tab on it. It does look like one of the better alternatives out there.

02-14-2009, 12:53 AM
If you're looking for a change of scenery, I'd recommend City of Heroes/Villains. It's not the best MMO out there, as I'll be the first to admit, but it's definitely unique.

02-14-2009, 01:03 AM
A friend of mine who was hooked on WoW recently switched to this: http://www.dungeonrunners.com/

It's basically like a parody MMO, and it looks pretty fun. It's free to play, but if you purchase a membership you get access to additional content. Why not check it out?

02-14-2009, 07:20 AM
My brother was playing Age of Conan for a bit and he said it was balls-dropping amazing.

Master Ghaleon
02-15-2009, 07:00 PM
Well I checked Darkfall out and it looks pretty cool but it also seem like ATM it should be called Darkfail. Still no clear answer as if there will be more then one server and people think it will only be a limited release. Hopefully they will finally get a release date here soon as people at Darkfall expect something soon.

This is going by Darkfall Forums

Master Ghaleon
02-16-2009, 12:20 PM
A few people said I should check out lotro or EQ2. They both have player housing which is a plus. Anyone play or played these?

02-16-2009, 12:35 PM
Lotro is WoW but with Lord of the Rings stuff. It's the exact same thing.

Also: http://darkfallreleasedate.com/
the release date has its own site ;o

02-16-2009, 12:36 PM
Actually, I gave lotro a shot a while back, and I dunno, it felt kind of unpolished. I mean, it was basically WoW, but it seemed more buggy and stuff.

02-16-2009, 12:40 PM
Btw, I'm definitely getting Darkfall when it comes out, and I know a few friends who're doing the same. So if you do get Darkfall, you'll have people to play with. ;)

Master Ghaleon
02-16-2009, 12:49 PM
oh snap lol Well if I do get darkfall I will let ya know

Master Ghaleon
02-16-2009, 11:40 PM
What race are ya guys going to be ? So I know

I also wanna be a Necromancer in this game :D

02-17-2009, 02:33 PM
Probably dwarves, humans, or elves. The wolf people look cool, but I'd be willing to bet they're gonna be infested with furries. And I need an excuse to kill furries and loot their shit.

Master Ghaleon
02-17-2009, 05:17 PM
cool cool, lemme know if you find anything more out

Master Ghaleon
02-18-2009, 05:50 PM

02-18-2009, 08:55 PM
i'm fucking psyyyched

Master Ghaleon
02-18-2009, 09:00 PM
Yea but sucky thing is that if you buy it, you have to buy it online for the digital download. No box, no manuel, no cd until they ship it. There is no North America servers up ATM, just a euro server and it does mention when they get a NA server you can transfer. Looks like about late March for that. Maybe by that time they will have the game over here for sell. IMO they should of had 1 euro server and 1 NA server to start with.

It looks like the only USA credit card they will take is Discover. For the preorder.

02-18-2009, 10:41 PM
What? That's fucked up. About the credit card thing I mean, 'cause I was gonna preorder when I could.

Master Ghaleon
02-18-2009, 10:42 PM

Is another MMORPG

02-18-2009, 10:51 PM
Why do they both look somewhat the same...

Master Ghaleon
02-18-2009, 10:54 PM

02-25-2009, 02:10 PM
I quite WOW a week ago.

Personally I wouldnt want to go back to an MMO because I'm tired of just throwing away my time and money.

So what were the reasons that you quit WOW? Here is the reasons that I quit.

* Too time consuming
* Too addictive
* Lack of reward for endless hours of play
* Expensive

* Blizzard is making too much money, and should be spending much more on the games continued development.
* Doesn't make me feel like much of a hero after playing endless hours, rather just another of the 11 million addicts
* Guild mates that seem as close as family after a year, but you dont even know their first name. You stay up all night to help these people in game, when you dont really know them.

I've decided to go back to single player RPG's such as Oblivion and Fallout 3, and other game types. They are much easier to put down, and when they do get addictive it won't last long.

02-25-2009, 03:22 PM
* Guild mates that seem as close as family after a year, but you dont even know their first name. You stay up all night to help these people in game, when you dont really know them.

I know all of my guildmates by first name and have even met most of them when I went to Cali for Blizzcon.

Master Ghaleon
02-25-2009, 05:22 PM
I quite WOW a week ago.

Personally I wouldnt want to go back to an MMO because I'm tired of just throwing away my time and money.

So what were the reasons that you quit WOW? Here is the reasons that I quit.

* Too time consuming
* Too addictive
* Lack of reward for endless hours of play
* Expensive

* Blizzard is making too much money, and should be spending much more on the games continued development.
* Doesn't make me feel like much of a hero after playing endless hours, rather just another of the 11 million addicts
* Guild mates that seem as close as family after a year, but you dont even know their first name. You stay up all night to help these people in game, when you dont really know them.

I've decided to go back to single player RPG's such as Oblivion and Fallout 3, and other game types. They are much easier to put down, and when they do get addictive it won't last long.

I have no clue where to start. I just wanna say that WoW is not a bad game at all. I had fun but the problem is that I am not great at one class. I am ok with them all except Druid/Shaman/DeathKnight cause I never played with them. I do not mind putting time into a MMORPG that I love but I just felt like whatever class I played I just wasnt good enough so I would try something else. Always thought that the next class I would choose would be better but then it seemed like I would fall flat on my face. Leveling another character from 1 all the way up again got old after the 4th-5th time. Thats why I got bored and just want to go try out something else.

02-28-2009, 12:38 PM

so much for the 2/25 release date.