View Full Version : A Pair of Simple Quests?

02-04-2009, 11:53 PM
Despite my past posts with quests involving heavy scripting, here are a pair of NES-styled quests with no scripts at all.

Both for beta 887 or higher.
Lost 1st Quest
Lost 2nd Quest

I've always wanted to make a "nth" quest where the overworld is mostly unchanged but the dungeons are well hidden in interesting locations. Turns out making one was so fun, I made a second.

Also, a chance to see how MediaFire works for me.

I called them the Lost 1st and Lost 2nd Quests for a few reasons. First, their gameplay is styled in such a way that they feel like they could have been the quests in a "Legend of Zelda 2", but only released in Japan, just like Super Mario Brothers 2 (which is called the Lost Levels in the USA).
Despite the gameplay style, you are likely to get lost in these quests.

A Few Gameplay Notes:
The Overworld is straight from the 1st Quest (the former location of Levels 2 and 5 are not changed like they were in the 2nd Quest), but the secrets have been moved around. A few secret locations are based from when I played Alphadawg's 3rd Quest, so I give him credit for inspiration. Most of these said locations show up in the Lost 2nd Quest, so anyone who has played some of Alphadawg's quest may have a slight advantage.

Generally, any location that was significant in the 1st and 2nd Quests is now useless; most of them are usually door repair charges. Locations that were never used in the 1st or 2nd Quests (but potentially used in Alphadawg's 3rd) or had a door repair charge in both quests may now be useful or even be a dungeon.

Every dungeon is hidden! This means you must get the blue candle before you can even enter Level 1, and bombs may be just as important. Also, these quests were made in the betas because of a change to some NES quest rules that made a dungeon location in Lost 1st possible...

The economy has gone over a few changes. Magic Shields are 10% cheaper, while keys cost 50% more. Keys come in exact amounts in dungeons, and the magic key is almost required for Level 9. Leave money or life rooms are also fairly common, especially in later levels. Always have rupees on hand..and maybe bait too.

Similar to the 2nd Quest, the Magic Boomerang is tucked away in an option part of a dungeon. If you want to save time (and maybe keys), you can easily reach the boss. Beware about doing this if you want the boomerang in Lost 2nd though...

The dungeons are all interesting, but mostly recognizable shapes. The ones in Lost 1st are based off of dungeon designs I made when first experimenting with ZQuest. Level 1's design is proof of that.

These quests did not take long to make and can be completed almost as quickly as the 2nd Quest. They are roughly 2nd Quest difficulty, but most of the difficulty is from the exploration part, not the combat. I'm releasing these not only for the public to play, but also because two other quests I'm working on right now are similar to DarkFlameWolf's "Origin", where the quest includes remakes of the 1st and 2nd Quests, only I plan to make them script-heavy. I will include remakes of Lost 1st and Lost 2nd in those quests as well, and I want players to know what those remakes are based off of.