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View Full Version : What WiiWare/XBLA Titles do you have?

01-28-2009, 06:10 PM
Like the title says...

World of Goo
Mega Man 9
SBCG4AP 1 & 2
My Pokemon Ranch (for my younger sister)

Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong
Ocarina of Time
Pokemon Snap
Sonic 3
Kid Chameleon
Beyond Oasis

Don't have a 360 unfortunatly...

01-28-2009, 06:21 PM
Virtual Console:

Link to the Past
Kirby's Adventure
Donkey Kong Country
Zelda II

01-28-2009, 06:31 PM
I have a 360 but not the Nintendo Wii. I have a few XBLA titles.

Mega Man 9
Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting
T.M.N.T. Arcade
Double Dragon
Castle Crashers

Probably more than that but I can't really recall. I'd like to get Portal Still Alive though.

01-28-2009, 09:27 PM
VC: (in purchase order)
Punch Out!
Donkey Kong Country
Paper Mario
Kirby's Dream Course
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Mega Man 3

World of Goo

I just got Mega Man 3 and World of Goo last week. I gotta say, I have been blown away by World of Goo. It is a really sweet game. I only wish it wasn't so short, cause it sucks you in and you can't help but keep going once you start playing. I think I clocked in 6.5 hours on it. Still, it's totally worth it.

Modus Ponens
01-28-2009, 10:06 PM
For my Wii, I have:
• One (1) ton of VC games
• Lost Winds
• Mega Man 9
• that Dr. Mario release
• Tetris World Party
... and a few others, I think. I've been planning on getting World of Goo (although I think that my friend is going to gift it to me) and the Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People series, but I haven't really had enough money lately. Also, you better believe that I'm going to snatch up Cave Story the minute it's available.

Aegix Drakan
01-28-2009, 10:09 PM
VC wise, I have:

Sin and punishment
Kirby and the crystal shards 64
Sonic 2

I hav eno wiiware, mostly because I have next to no info about them, and I don't want to shell out money for something I have no idea will be good or bad. :s

01-28-2009, 10:16 PM
Aegix, if there's one WiiWare game that you can be absolutly sure is worth the money, its World of Goo. At 15 bucks, it's a tad expensive, but man oh man is it awesome.
Vegeta: Yeah, it's a bit short, but right now I'm just having fun going through again and trying to get the OCD, heh.

And IGN does reviews of most WiiWare games, just as a general guideline to what sucks and what doesnt.

King Aquamentus
01-28-2009, 10:56 PM

Mega Man IX


Super Contra
Super Mario Bros.

01-28-2009, 11:05 PM
Megaman 9
Metal Slug 3
Castle Crashers
Bomberman Live
Castlevania SotN
Duke Nukem 3D

01-29-2009, 12:09 AM

Strong Bad Episodes I, II, III


Super Mario 64

01-29-2009, 08:49 AM
For VC I have:

Mega Man 1
Mike Tyson's Punchout!!
Secret of Mana

I'm not getting any Wiiware games until Cave Story comes out.

01-29-2009, 12:12 PM
I've got 2 WiiWare games:
World of Goo
Megaman 9 (FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!)

I had some VC games, but deleted them when I got the homebrew channel:
Kirby's Adventure
I'm pretty sure that since I've already paid for them, I could re-download or gift. Anyone want any of those?

01-29-2009, 12:54 PM
Wiiware? All of them.


01-29-2009, 01:26 PM
on my ps3 I have megaman 9, street fighter 2 hd, some castlevania remake from the ps1, and I think that's it.

Dark Knight
01-29-2009, 03:33 PM
XBLA: Castlevania: SotN, N+ and Ikaruga.