View Full Version : 2 Tilewarps

01-14-2009, 02:59 AM
I have a problem o cant set more tilewarps

maybe i can set 2 or something

please awnser

01-14-2009, 11:06 AM
I don't know if it's possible in v2.10 (since I have Vista :(), but in v2.5, you can have up to 4 tile warps. Under combo types, each warp type is associated with four letter: A, B, C, and D. These letters will match whatever you have set in the appropriate lettered tab under "Tile Warp". Finally, you can set an lettered warp return for each warp, and use the blue square (press page up or page down until you see four blue squares at the bottom of the screen) of the same letter to set the location where Link will return.

I can explain more later, but I have a class now.

01-14-2009, 02:53 PM
Yeah but 2.5 completly destroy my quest!

01-14-2009, 05:01 PM
Well, if you want to make use of v2.5 features now, you'll have to get used to making frequent backups of your quest. After all, they are beta builds; crashes can happen when you'd least expect them, and quest files can become corrupted. Having a backup on hand will at least mean you won't lose everything. If you're really worried about losing your quest, just use v2.10.2 for now, and wait for a mostly stable v2.5 to be released (which hopefully isn't too far off).

01-14-2009, 07:02 PM
There is a bit of a hack-y way to add more tile warps in earlier versions of ZC. The idea is that you make your two warp combos, one a pit/direct warp, and the other a regular stair warp. The screen warps to a blank screen, such that the pit warp lands you on top of a regular tile warp which leads to destination A, while the stair warp from the first screen places you on a conveyor at the edge of the screen, so that you trigger a side-warp to lead to destination B.

Now, for warping back to the original screen, you'll want to have two different destination points (warp returns, the blue squares) on that screen, one to go with each possible warp choice. To simulate this effect, have the return warp from destination A go to a blank screen (again!), where the blue tile is set at the same X,Y coordinates of what you'd want on the original screen. Then use a direct/pit warp to send you back to the original screen. Do the same for destination B.

Now, I put it to you that dealing with the possible headaches of upgrading to ZC 2.5 is probably still less painful than the method I've described above, and I don't even know all the specifics of making it work exactly right.

02-21-2009, 07:38 PM
This video shows how: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQnu7WVsNxU&feature=PlayList&p=21C6C22B6ECEE526&index=15