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12-23-2008, 12:24 AM
ok when i write a story i dont normally brain storm
i just write and write but then i finally get stuck and normally end up throwing away what iv written away. (yes i know very stupid i still kick myself)

and see im haveing writers block cant even write my poetry anymore

i whant to write like a story for the level im gonna make to help and guide the dudgeons in the right path
and events

now should i like write the story first or make the overworld and dugeons first

also can i use more then one tileset per quest?

12-23-2008, 06:03 AM
"also can i use more then one tileset per quest?"

Yes and no.
Practically the tileset is all the graphics of a quest, the 255 tilepages, the 255 combo pages, the 2 extra sprite palettes, etc... and you can have only this one tileset, so you can't have 500 tilepages, combo pages and 4 extra sprite palettes...
BUT! You can rip the tiles from an other tileset and either recolour them for the already existing palettes of your starting tileset, or rip even the palettes from that other tileset, this way you can have a dungeon an exact copy of a LoZ dungeon, then the next dungeon BS, then the next one GB, then the next one ALttP, etc...

As for this writing thing... since the planning, the idea of the dungeon must preceed the actual making of the dungeon, I guess the story needs to come before the making, too. Then you can build the dungeon according to the story you made. Otherwise if you make the dungeon first, it will limit your story.

12-23-2008, 01:58 PM
ahh very true about the story bit
thank you very
btw do you know were i can get some flashing tiles

12-23-2008, 02:05 PM
Hm... I think you mean thunder tiles... Well, that's easy to make yourself, just draw chaotic, one pixel wide lines with 1 or 2 yellow colours and a white... but if you need something bigger, here is something for you:

I also think there's some more in the CoD tileset:

12-23-2008, 02:11 PM
oh im sorry i mean like if you use the orginal tiles
then you have those little flashing squares
cause im deftinly goeing to need those for dugeons inside links head once he goes insane

12-23-2008, 03:57 PM
So, full flashing... that's easy to make, just fill a tile with a colour, then the next one with another colour and so on til you like, then make an animated combo out of them. I always do this when I need such thing. Also... Link going insane... interesting...

12-23-2008, 05:14 PM
yea becuase from the stress of saveing hyrule multilple times
without a outlet its finnally geting to him

also in zquest it wont let me place tree tiles in two specfici collumns, but does in other collumns