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View Full Version : [Anthus] 16 Facts About Me

12-17-2008, 12:51 AM
1. I love being outside, and doing stupid and crazy stuff. I have a few friends who do stuff like this too. We go into storm drains, and into abandonments. There is a certain thrill about this urban exploration that gets me pumped. We never vandalize, though. Except for one life sized nut cracker.

2. As some may know, I used to be a 'die-hard' Atheist. I still am an Atheist, but I honestly don't care about this stuff anymore. I might be considered more agnostic, but one thing that still bothers me is the way people insist on thanking god, and attributing their own successes to him. No, you accomplished it on your own. Get over it. Actually, my girlfriend of nearly 15 months is a Christian, and there is no problem. I have even gone to church with her a few times, and attended a few youth group meetings.

3. I can be ridiculously idealistic, and often times, over the top. I come up with crazy ideas, and do stuff spur of the moment. Some might find it annoying, or eccentric. I can also be pessimistic. Seriously. I think I have many different ways of interacting with different social groups. By this I mean, there are few I can be me around.

4. My girlfriend and I both love food. Seriously, shit's awesome.

5. Sometimes, I enjoy offending the overly sensitive. It feels good to hold nothing back sometimes. Therefor, it can come off as offensive, or rude. I don't care though. I'm not really as big of an ass as this sounds, I just like acting out in public, or in front of people sometimes. It is amusing to observe their reactions.

6. I try to help people if I can.

7. I strongly believe that trust is earned. This leads to me coming off as stuck up sometimes. But, again, see #5.

8. Some would say I have strange tastes in girls. I don't find most "hot" people attractive. In fact, it makes me mad when people, for example, go on about how "hot" someone like Angelina Jole is... Honestly, to me, it's just.. no. It also makes me mad when people get on me about not thinking someone else is attractive. I tend to like 'petite' girls, but this isn't always true. It is inexplicable, but I like what I like. One thing that transcends this is the eyes. I love blue eyes. Green is nice too though. Brown, eh... you better have a killer rack. I also like smaller breasts. Not "little" breasts, but small, nice breasts. I dunno. I honestly find larger breasts, and nipples to be disgusting, and a turn off. Anything larger than a C is pushing it, and that is really the limit to what I find attractive as far as breasts. Sorry, if this was more than you bargained for, but whatever.

9. Despite being open, I often fear rejection or judgment from my peers. Because of this, I often hold things back in groups of people, unless they are, like, one of three people. I often find it easier to be open on the internet. There are still things I don't say though.

10. I'm am probably really nothing like you imagine. The internet is a tricky place ;]

11. I HATE romantic comedies. I'm the kind of person who always says, "no, I haven't." when asked about hearing music, or seeing movies.

12. I listen to a lot of different types of music. Most of my music library is comprised of game music.

13. I love writing, and story telling. I think it is one of my better creative abilities.

14. I love nature, and the outdoors. Cliffs, beaches, and forests, and fields to be specific.

15. I generally worry about the future.

16. I don't follow politics closely, or particularly care. Many people don't know how lucky we really are.

So, there you go. Maybe there should be a merged / stickied thread for these?