View Full Version : The Hylian Phoenix Demo

12-09-2008, 06:08 PM
Hey all!
I just remembered that I had COMPLETELY forgotten to post my demo here... it's been out for a good while now at PureZC, and... well, that's a little sad, as I "grew" up here, before I moved to Pure... Damnit, I need to spend more time here. XD
Anyways, the link to the demo is right here:
http://users.sephiroth.ws/Migokalle/THP/the_hylian_phoenix.qst BUILD 864
The demo starts you off AFTER the beginning part of the quest, so you won't get to walk around in Link's home village, or get any story or intro... it's just plain gameplay.
The demo got some pretty good reviews over at Pure, but personally, I don't think the demo lies up to the gameplay the rest of the quest has. There is a few bugs and all, but I don't think there's any gamebreaking ones left.

The game uses scripts, and all bosses are scripted. To talk to people, simply walk up to them and hit A.

Since the demo doesn't really have any story, I should probably explain some here: Link needs to get through The Great Forest to get to Hyrule, but there seems to be a few problems.
Your first objective will be to explore... once you find the witch's hut, everything goes pretty much straightforward.
You just have to listen to what she says.

To those of you who CAN'T find the witch's hut, here's a map... though, some of the challenge IS to find it. Hehe.
Anyways, I guess this map serves as a screenshot too:
The witch's hut is the small hut with the blue roof.

Now, I'd really like some comments and such... you know, I guess that's the reason I posted it here...

