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11-13-2008, 02:48 PM
Yup. Dream thread. I posted this in another thread, so if you already read it, there is nothing new. Feel free to share your dream encounters too :)

I don't remember much of the beginning, but that part was boring anyway. I do remember I was hanging out with two of my friends and we were driving around. We went somewhere to get something to eat, I think, and we were all supposed to chip in exactly $1.50 or something. I remembered I left my wallet at his house, so I was didn't have any cash. The next section isn't very clear, but I then remember showing up at my work. (Let me explain my job, so this next part makes sense: I work for a veterinarian who works out of his house, and goes to do house calls. Last year for our Wednesday internships, my girlfriend and I would go and do House calls with him. Now, I go there frequently and help him with stuff at the house.)

Anyway, I showed up at work, and his house; as most things are in dreams, was entirely different, and massive compared to his real house. It was also in a different location. It was in some suburban division on top of a hill surrounded by woods. There was a winding road that went off, but there were no other houses. This place seemed to be permanently in a state of twilight. Kind of like Twilight Town o.o. So, I get started, and the dream shifts again to me and my friend playing some 360 game. I remember the controllers being huge, and I kept thinking "Gabi couldn't play this, her hands are too small." The controller also kept shifting button formations. At one point, it had six face buttons, and one of them was "D" and the other one was "Dash" in addition to the A, B, X, and Y. The game was a survival type game, and for some reason, it took place in "dungified" version of this house.

I abruptly stopped playing, and went down into this room to clean out cat boxes. The transition was as rough as it seems. This room could best be described as a square room, with to smaller squares on the north and south ends. The center of the room was cut off from the two ends by a chain link fence. This could be climbed over, however. There was a plank that formed a bridge from end to end. It was covered in cat hair, and had a sign attached to it. I don't remember exactly as it is hard to remember exact words in dreams, and they are usually distorted, and perceived more as an idea than literal text, but anyway, it was talking about a disaster in the room, and it was apologizing for any inconvenience it may cause. I remember clearing the layer of cat fur off of the bridge, and the plank fell. This revealed that is was on top of a stretch of fence. I realized that there were no cats, or cat boxes for that matter. This room was empty. I wanted to leave, but there was no way out as both doors where on the other sides of either fence. I climbed over the south fence, and went through the door. This part of the dream took a very long time.

I was now outside on a patio in the eerie twilit suburbia I described before. One thing I remember was even though there was a vivid sunset, the rest of the sky was blue as day. I walked around the outside of the house, and went past a few rooms. Some of them had glass walls, and I could see inside. I saw a few rooms with TVs, laptops, and cats (One of these rooms could have been where we played Xbox).

The dream radically changes now. I'm at my school, and there is some new schedule. I got there late, and didn't know where I was supposed to go. I saw a friend, and asked her if I could borrow her Tales of Symphonia again since she didn't really move. As she was responding with some dream garbled tl;dr, I noticed a barefoot girl with a whitish dress came up to me. It was Gabi (my girlfriend). She said if I didn't know where to go, just come to the art room. I did so, and there was some more talk of schedules, and stuff. The weirdest thing was, I'm not even in high school anymore.

Suddenly, me and Gabi woke up in a bed, back at the vet's house. Except, it was no longer the vets house O_O. It was some sort of orphanage for lost people. I guess we had gotten lost? We woke up, and I don't remember much of what happened next. It sort of jumps to me looking around the house, and I make a startling discovery: The room I was in before is where the cut organs out of lost people, and use them to construct new people. I heard some girl garbling some dream speak at me, and I think she was after me. She began to chase me, and suddenly she was with a group of girls (one of which was my aunt, who me and Gabi stayed with in California). I was running through several rooms, and each one had some weird shape, and some times had stairs in the room. I ended up going into a closet of one of the rooms I had seen from outside. It had stairs that lead up to the attic.

Now, this is where it get's good. The attic is very hard to describe, but I'll describe it as I saw it. You come up from the stairs, exiting from a small square in the floor, and you're in a room with a very low ceiling. Maybe four feet? You'd have to duck and crouch at any rate. The attic was some sort of game room. This low area had a pool table. Good luck playing. Also, the entire room had brick floors, ceilings, and walls. To the left of this low part was the rest of the room which was more open, and seemed more like an attic. It had a few couches, a TV, and some random game system that doesn't really exist. To the right was a wall. Straight back along the passage, and just outside in the large part was a small area, that went into a girl's room. It was obvious by the various items lying about the air mattress in there, which barely fit in the tiny area. Anyway, I go along the pool table, and out into the open area. I hear them coming up the stairs, so I run back into the bedroom. I try and get underneath the air mattress to hide, but they are already up here. My aunt comes in, and jumps on the air mattress. She asks why I'm hiding? I come out, and the girl explains to me that they don't want to kill me. I think she wanted me to help them kill people.

Suddenly there was someone lying on the mattress. The girl explained how they want to help them. She brandished a knife, and cut them right down the abdomen. I told her no, and shoved past them, and ran. I ran back downstairs, and through various rooms, and ended up back in the bed room with Gabi. I told be to pack up her stuff as quickly as she could since we had to leave. I remember feeling like my parents brought me here, and left. I was thinking we could escape and go to my friends house, as I thought for some reason, he was close. She was putting socks on which seemed to take for ever, then she kept asking me to change her socks, and after a few times, I told her we needed to hurry up. I remember putting on my belt, and putting various items in my pocket (phone, DS, iPod... crap that doesn't even matter).

By this time, the girl had come in. She was very displeased. For the first time, I was able to get a good look at her. She looked like a real life version of Paula from my avatar. She didn't have the knife on her, but I knew she might be hiding it. I approached her slowly, and remembered holding a brief conversation, but I don't remember what we talked about. She was standing in front of a dresser. I was no less than a foot away from her, and I grabbed her by the throat, and began to squeeze. I remember her neck being very small, and I wasn't sure if I was strangling her right. I think I asked Gabi is this was okay. There wasn't much of a response. This girl didn't put up much of a fight. She grabbed my arms, in defense, but this was useless. The girl was unable to make noise for a while, and a few minutes in, she backed up, and fell down onto the dresser, and I kept my grip firm. She started to run her foot up my leg, and started to push. I think she even got one leg up on the table, and tried top use it as leverage, and kept pushing me. She started to make noises, and it got progressively louder. I told Gabi to do something, but there was nothing to be done. There was a cell phone like item, in the "frame" of sight, and the signal bars must have been her "HP" because they went down the longer I squeezed, and her resistance grew weaker as well. I also noticed a "volume" controller on a computer on the dresser after I had strangled her.

She died after a few minutes, and her lifeless body fell to the ground from the dresser. She didn't look so scary, and psychotic after having the life choked out of her. Me and Gabi ran downstairs, and where now in my kitchen. I told her I just killed someone, and I wasn't sure what would happen. I jokingly told her it never felt better, and placed my hands around her neck. I was only kidding though. After that, I'm not sure what happens since I woke up.

11-13-2008, 03:17 PM
I have a dream. The same dream, almost every night. Beautiful women, but they're actually robots, trying to kill me in various ways...

11-13-2008, 03:35 PM
I has a strange mystery dream last night. It took place on this small island town. And I mean small.

So anyways, one morning, the town's people find this dead girl in the middle of the street. Naturally, since it was my dream, I'm the one who investigated it. For the pas few days, the girl had been searching for some alleged treasure. This, of course, got my younger brother interested. He strated searching everywhere for it. I took little notice.

I started investigating it, but I found little evidence. I did find one peice of paper that a drawing of five number, arranged like this:

1 3

4 2

I didn't know what it meant, but I assumed it was important.

After a while, I was about to give up. However, while strolling through town, I saw this abandoned house. There was a pannel on the back with five knobs arranged in a pentagon. Remembering the drawing, I punching them in in the same order. I moving sound came from the other side of the wall, Upon asking whose house it was, I was told it was an old uninhabited house attached to the back of Mr. Gryme's house.

Meanwhile, my brother had been asking everybody who knew the girl (I think here name was Lucy) about the treasure. Her little brother had some information. He said she had been snooping around Mr. Gryme's house for a while, looking through all the windows and stuff like that. When my brother told me this, it all came together. Mr. Gryme obviously had some kind of stolen treasure. Lucy had almost found it, so he killed her.

I told my brother this, and we both managed to sneak into his house. In his basement, there was a secret tunnel. There was metal door that was connected by an electronic wire to the wall, and the wire went outside the house. The door was open. I figure the panel outside that I had pressed opened the door. My brother and I went in, and there was a huge pile of stolen treasures. However, Mr. Gryme walked in at that point. He had a gun. Luckily, I had brought one too. I quickly pulled it out and shot at his foot. He got hit, and my brother and I ran. Then I woke up.

However, I fell back asleep and the dream continued. So we ran, and fell through this secret tunnel. We ran through and came up in the town. We got the police, and they arrested Mr Gryme and gave us a bunch of the treasure. It was pretty awesome.

King Aquamentus
11-13-2008, 03:44 PM
A few nights ago, I dreamed I was in this big room... like a room in a zelda dungeon... but one of the 3D Zeldas... maybe one of those big rooms in Jabu Jabu with the swinging tentacles... except no tentacle... and it wasn't made of flesh. Just... building.

...anyways, someone was trying to open some sort of unholy seal that would unleash an Earth-destroying monster, and me and my oddly anonymous team were trying to stop them. Well, this evil mage succeeded in releasing the creature apparently, because when turned around, there it was, taking up most of the large room... ...but this is where it gets weird.

...the "monster" turned out to be a giant Princess Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin, reclining on the floor of the room, completely uninterested in Earth destruction, just laying around. And for some reason she had a gut. Not pregnant, just an overflow of flesh. What's more, the more sexually aroused she got, the less interested she was in in the evil wizard's plot. (and I swear I'm not making this up.)

Anyways, let's move on to another dream I had. This happened some time after Renfaire ended (maybe in September). We were all sitting around on site at Rotary Park, and one of the girls in the Scots guild put a tape into the VCR/TV thing (which was fused with a tree?) and said "This is a scary movie!!", so we watched.

First, I just heard these beam/humming sounds then what sounded like the boomerang sound from Zelda 1 being played and stacked on itself. followed by arrow sound... ...and then the picture came...

I watched as a LIVE-ACTION version of the DiC Cartoon Link ran for his life through a neighborhood suburb, like a bat out of hell, clutching his hat to his head. You could see several boomerangs, spears, and sword beams being fired/thrown at him as he tried to run from the invisible mob. XD

11-13-2008, 05:19 PM
Russ, the order of numbers in your dream is eerily similar to this (skip to 2:50) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRfTYWIL5rQ). Coincidence?

Old-skool, your flesh dream reminded me of one I had awhile ago about an army of hallowed flesh bodies in this weird house. I'll try and find it since I typed it up too, and used it for a Halloween story assignment last year.

King Aquamentus
11-13-2008, 05:26 PM
I didn't have a flesh dream. How much did you read?

11-13-2008, 05:45 PM
A few nights ago, I dreamed I was in this big room... like a room in a zelda dungeon... but one of the 3D Zeldas... maybe one of those big rooms in Jabu Jabu with the swinging tentacles... except no tentacle... and it wasn't made of flesh. Just... building.

Heh. Sorry. :D

I read it fast.

11-13-2008, 06:10 PM

11-13-2008, 08:26 PM
Russ, the order of numbers in your dream is eerily similar to this (skip to 2:50) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRfTYWIL5rQ). Coincidence?

Nope. I can't even remember if that was the exact order. I just remeber I pushed the top one last. And in my actually dream, it was in a public restroom. I just changed that one part. :)

11-13-2008, 09:23 PM
Hmm. Nah, I was half kidding, It just made me think of that.

Anyway, I think I remembered some of what the conversation in the dream was about (see: "I approached her slowly, and remembered holding a brief conversation, but I don't remember what we talked about.")

It was something about my state of being in the dream. By this I mean, she made me question my identity, and asked if I was really so sure I shouldn't be helping them. She made it clear that is was also impossible to escape.

Very trippy. I'd love to analyze this dream. Any practicing dream analyst would have a field day with this one :P

Modus Ponens
11-13-2008, 09:48 PM
I once dreamed that my friends and I got together on a Friday afternoon in a cabin that one of us apparently owned in the woods somewhere to hang out and play Dungeons & Dragons. We had a great time playing, and then we all went to bed. When I went to sleep in my dream, I woke up in real life. I lay awake for a minute or so, and then drifted back off, at which point my dream picked up again, but it was Saturday, the next morning. We all hung out some more, ran around and explored the woods outside, and, of course, played more D&D, and then it was bedtime again. Again I woke up in real life when I fell asleep in my dream, and again I fell asleep again in real life and found myself back in that same dream again, on Sunday, the next morning. We hung out and gamed some more, and finally it was time to go home.

That was probably one of my favorite dreams.

11-13-2008, 10:19 PM
I dreamed that I was the nearly omnipotent controller of a huge flying space city. Centuries ago I had cloned myself several hundred times and linked my minds telepathically, so I functioned as one large organism. I had three major AI computers running stuff, GLaDOS controlling research and experimentation, HAL 9000 in charge of engines and life support, and Multivac in charge of information gathering and archival. My battle armada was composed of Arwings. Than the original cast of Stargate SG-1 showed up, and I gave them a tour.

It was pretty sweet.

Aegix Drakan
11-17-2008, 11:15 PM
Short and simple (and pretty fun).

I was standing on my driveway facing this angry looking girl who was looking for a fight. She pulled out this bamboo stick thingy out of nowhere, saying "you cannot stop my W.A.N.D." (I think it stood for Warrior-Assist-(not sure what goes here)-Device).

So I shrug, and say "Everyone's 'Wand' is different. Let me show you mine, then." So I whip my hand over my head and bring it to my side, feeling a lance in my hand. But when I looked at my shadow, It was actually this hugeass blue sword-axe thingy. Buster sword size. Seriously.

We then fought. she realized I was all about close range, and made a poisonous river between us, and started taking potshots at me from across it. I countered by flinging my Axe thing at her like a boomerange, and got a lucky hit (no blood, just particle effects, oddly enough). Then, as she started dodging my throws, I flipped my weapon around and converted it to a sort of double cannon and opened fire. ...Somehow she dodged all the Area of Effect shotgun blasts I fired. ...I was then just waiting for her to get closer to the river so I could fire off a thunfer shot into it, and fry her good.

...then I had to get up. It sucked. :(

11-18-2008, 12:01 PM
Man, I had a crazy dream last night. I dreamed that the bug-eyed grey aliens were real, and that they had been abducting people, and that they were about to announce their presence to the world. Some friends and I for some reason had advanced knowledge of this announcement, and so we decided to go to the local UFO archives and examine alien abduction cases, because we were convinced that the majority of alleged abduction victims were still just kooks who made it all up. The theory we had was that maybe a few of the abduction stories were real, and all the others were just nuts looking for attention who had copied their stories from the real ones, so we were looking for some common element in the abduction stories that could determine whether or not the stories were real.

11-20-2008, 03:34 PM
Last Night, I had two unrelated dreams. Sadly, I don't remember a whole lot of either one. Here goes anyway.

First dream. Some friends and I are at this really fancy diner place and there is some massive banquette or something. This room later appears to be a room in my old school coming from the hallway. Anyway, my friends are talking about various things, and it comes up how much they hate Dakota Fanning. Actually, a few weeks ago, my friend had a dream where he punched her in the mouth. He said she was following him around and yelling about her mom. She appeared wherever he ran to, so he punched her.

I don't remember actually saying anything this whole dream. Then, while my friends went on about different ways to spill her blood, she entered the room. Our table got quite, and I remembered thinking it would be funny to yell something. I still couldn't speak in this dream. However I remember trying at this point, but it was impossible. I was involuntarily unable to speak (Until later in the dream).

I remember my friends wanting to leave since they hated her that much. We all left the room. I remember walking right past her, and still was unable to speak. For some reason the room was dead silent at this point. I wanted to scream "NO!" (inside joke between us, 'nuff said) as I went past her, but couldn't.

We left the room, and where now in the hallway at my old school. We walked down the hallway, and past these two "hall monitor" type people. I -think- I left something back in the room, since I remember trying to go back. They stopped me, and I tried to fight them a la Turn Based battle. They were midgets, or something. I remember them being very short (and on this note Dakota was very tall. Maybe as tall as me, and I don't think she is very tall IRL o.o) So, I asked these guys if they were the new seniors. They said yeah. We told them about our Alumni status, and they let us have free run of the building. Sadly, my phone rang and woke me up :<


So, I went back to sleep, and I'm not sure of this dream continued or not, or if it connected in any way with this next dream. I know this next dream was VERY long, but I only remember the end of it. I also seem to have dreams like this a lot (no, not like that (you'll see...), but with exploration, and weirdness >.>)

Firstly, I'm watching some sort of video about this really tall radio tower built in Spain. It was built to lean, and built from recycled metal. It was unstable. The guys who built it did so by hand, and maneuvered via jet packs. So, I go to climb this tower. Bits and parts are loose. I climb into an opening on it, and meet up with a friend. I guess the inside of this tower was a giant abandoned house. After some exploration, the dream shifts to a part I don't remember; other than being in the woods, and meeting talking bears.

After this, I wake up in an abandoned warehouse type deal. At first I only saw a big tree, then realized it was inside. The tree was split by the wall of the structure. I climbed it, and remembered the talking bear cub being here. I have a feeling this dream covered several years, but no one aged. I remember wondering if it would be like a Disney movie if we met up again after so long, and it'd be all heart warming, or if he'd forget me, and maul me. (I also seem to have violent dreams). I climbed the tree, and from up there, I could see out a window, and there was a large machine. This was some sort of oil pump.

I realized that the abandonment was somewhere we had explored before IRL. It was different in the dream, but this was that place. I remember not having pants on all of the sudden, and hearing someone come in, and having to put them on very quick. After putting them on, I try and sneak out. I realize that the people I heard where other kids as they came into sight. One of them sees me, and I put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quite for some reason, He nods, and backs up. Next, this Colonel type guy walks in, and goes on about a bunch of stuff I don't remember. I was very Hitlery, I remember that. I up and run now. I go out a door, and an suddenly in what appears to be the same room although it had been rehabbed. There are people working at desks, and I run up, and jump on he desks, and start talking about freedom, and fucking the system and stuff. I run up the wall and do a back flip. Now, I can "fly". Well, it was technically gliding, after a very high jump, and it was kind of slow.

I remember another part of the dream where I was doing slow motion Parkour in a similar gliding fashion on a series of complex docks earlier in the dream.

So, I go outside of this building. and there is a chasm, and a fence. I jump across it, no problem, and them I see my friend on the other side. I tell him to jump he says he can't, but he does it anyway, and misses. He climbes up the chasm, and I am now flying ahead of him across this field towards a playground.

Suddenly this girl I used to now yells up at me, and shows me part of her bra through her unbuttoned shirt. I told her to stop, or I might crash. She says something about a Stalfos on the playground. I keep flying and notice a few other groups of almost naked girls. Some where more developed than others. At this point, I faded into reality as I woke up.

I remember a LOT of snippets, and tiny details from the dream. Some involving my girlfriend,and some involving the woods from earlier in the dream. There isn't enough to go on though. This was one of those weird dreams.


The Desperado
11-21-2008, 03:14 AM
I had a dream where I was swimming at a lake, and then hundreds of people started walk out of the water. They had no idea who they were. I tried to help them, but then they tried to eat me. Stupid zombies.

11-24-2008, 11:41 AM
I had one of the strangest dreams last night.

I was at home with my mom and brother. Somehow, I got word that a monster name Salizard was coming. Appearently, he was normally a giant half snake half lizard, but he could also shapeshift under certain circumstances. If you can't picture him, well, there was a movie released a while ago called Spy Kids 2. If you've ever seen it, Salizard was basicaly a giant Slizard.

So anyways, I'm at home, and suddenly the door bell rings. I get it, and there's this lady. She warns us about Salizard, and gives us this perfume that's supposed to keep him away. I didn't trust her, but my mom sprayed it all over the house. Then the lady said the perfume actualy actracted Salizard, showing him which houses to target.

Now I'm pretty worried. I looked out the window, and I could see Salizard's head over the hill, coming closer to our house. So my brother and I hid in a closet. He arrived, reached his neck through the window, crashed through the closet door, and ate my brother. I just ran. he shrank and followed me.

The next half hour to an hour was basically a nonstop chase scene as I ran for my life, with him doing various things to catch me. At one point, he lost me. I then came across a young boy, he told me his name was Samuel, and that he was Salizard's adopted younger brother. He said he felt sorry for me, because nobody had ever survived after Salizard targetted them.

Then Salizard appeared, and more chase scenes followed. In the meantime, my mom found Samuel, and asked him, if we survived, if he would like to live with us. He accepted.

Meanwhile, Salizard, now resembling a teenager, had pinned me down and was trying to snap my neck. I just kept kicking and keeping him away. Then, Samuel appeared and finally convinced him to stop. He reluctantly agreed. He turned back into his normal self and lumbered away. A bunch of my friends arrived, I celebrated, morned for my brother, all that stuff.

Then I woke up.

11-24-2008, 11:49 AM
Heh, that reminds me of a dream I had a couple of days ago. I had stayed up ridiculously late on Friday night, and so ended up taking a nap Saturday afternoon. During my nap, I dreamed that there were these birds following me around. They were odd-looking birds, and I started getting nervous, because I felt like I was in a Hitchcock movie. Then, this huge monstrous bird creature came out of a house and transformed into one of the birds. I suddenly realized they were all actually monsters in disguise, so I ran. They chased me down the street, and I ran into a random house, screaming bloody murder. One of the birds followed me in, and I ended up getting cornered in a bedroom. The bird came in the room, transformed into a giant bird monster, and leaped at me, killing me with one quick slash of its talons.

After I woke up, I realized I needed to pick up some stuff from the store, and on my way over there, this crow on a building behind me just suddenly starting flapping its wings loudly, which caused me to nearly jump out of my skin.