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View Full Version : Sony announcing issues with it's PS3 "LittleBigPlanet" game

10-21-2008, 03:58 PM



Seems when developing the game they included, in a song, quotes from the Quran. The game was finished, packaged, shipped, delivered to stores and actually put on shelves BEFORE they thought about what they'd done and THEN they decided to recall the game. Talk about wasted money!!

Hmmm... don't they think about these things during development? Wouldn't it be more cost affective to do their PC (politically correct) thinking BEFORE they package, ship and deliver for distribution?

10-21-2008, 04:57 PM
They didn't decide to halt shipment themselves. Several Muslims who found the lyrics 'deeply offensive' wrote a letter to Sony asking them to pull the song. Sony weighed their options: either release the game as-is and risk a large backlash in the Islamic world, or recall it. You have to remember that Sony is actually a very popular brand in the Middle-East, and so they decided that releasing it as-is was a risk not worth taking.

On a related note, the singer was interviewed recently. He is a Muslim, and said that he uses phrases from the Quran in order to try to help spread Islam. Which goes to show, not all Muslims see religious matters in the same way.

Aegix Drakan
10-21-2008, 05:19 PM
Yeah, I heard about this yesterday.

Also, Gamebuzz broke the street date. Not a good combination. A load of guys at my work picked it up early because of this.

Result? there are now a good few people who have their hands on the game, and are gonna make a shitload of money on Ebay off people who really want the game now, or who want the original copy of the game with the song in it.

EDIT: And If I hadn't heard that those two lines were from the quran, I would never have even guessed it.

The Desperado
10-22-2008, 12:28 AM
How did someone from the Muslim community get a copy of the game to even know the song was included?

10-22-2008, 12:40 AM
You know who needs to shut the fuck up?


10-22-2008, 12:49 AM
Belderan, you are off topic, and that's a very offensive thing to say.

Hmmm... don't they think about these things during development? Wouldn't it be more cost affective to do their PC (politically correct) thinking BEFORE they package, ship and deliver for distribution?

Sometimes common sense isn't all so common....

10-22-2008, 01:08 AM
Belderan, you are off topic,.

No I'm not. This is a topic about musilim outrage at every stupid little mention of their religion. I am pointing out that their outrage is ridiculous and they need to shut the hell up and get a life.

and that's a very offensive thing to say.

You know what's offensive? Murdering someone because you didn't like a cartoon they drew. Islam is no more ridiculous than other religions, but its adherents are evil and useless pigs.

Zaphod Q. IX
10-22-2008, 01:15 AM
Belderan, you are off topic...

I see five names at the bottom of "General Discussion" listed as moderators. Yours is not one of them. Let's keep the rent-a-modding to a minimum.

Belderan, perhaps you should have said "you know who needs to shut the heck up? Muslims" That would have been much less offensive.

Sometimes common sense isn't all so common....

EDIT: Back on topic...
I find it quite amusing that a few lines of the Quran are enough to enrage certain muslim groups. Just remember kids, Islam is like Christianity...a hodge-podge of different groups...they don't all act and think alike.

10-22-2008, 01:16 AM
This topic was initially about the game being sent out irresponsibly.

Your outrage seems pretty ridiculous right now, Belderan. But, I know you have strong feelings about this. I feel the same way (without the name-calling) when issues come up about my religion. :)

Islam is no more ridiculous than other religions, but its adherents are evil and useless pigs.

We've all got our flaws, some with more flaws than others...

Zaphod Q. IX
10-22-2008, 01:21 AM
I wish I'd been one of those few that got a copy. I could use the money I would make selling it at inflated prices on Ebay.

10-22-2008, 01:26 AM
Your outrage seems pretty ridiculous right now, Belderan.

You think it's ridiculous to be outraged at the behavior or murderers and terrorists? Wow, you're sick.

10-22-2008, 01:34 AM
I just don't think that being outraged will do anything except cause you stress, cause other people stress. It won't change a thing. Or it can even inflame the tension more.

10-22-2008, 01:43 AM
I just don't think that being outraged will do anything except cause you stress, cause other people stress. It won't change a thing. Or it can even inflame the tension more.

Ah, well thank you for making my argument against the muslim attitude.

Zaphod Q. IX
10-22-2008, 01:46 AM
206 of them available on ebay, all claiming to be the recalled game. Gotta love the free market.

BlissUnkown: If Belderan is that offensive to you, put him on ignore...you would not be the first to do so; Nor will you be the last, I'm sure. ;)

10-22-2008, 01:47 AM
Well I'm not saying that what they do is right, either. But if what they do is wrong (even if it's to a greater extent than what we do), why is it okay for us to do it?

BlissUnkown, If Belderan is that offensive to you, put him on ignore...you would not be the first to do so; Nor will you be the last, I'm sure.
Thanks. But, sometimes, I'm just in the mood for some caffeine, physics, and provoking comments/thoughts no matter how worked up I get. :ooh:

10-22-2008, 09:08 AM
You know who needs to shut the fuck up?


I think the main thing that seemed offensive in that is that all Muslims were put in the same bag when it is clear that they are not all responsible for this recall since the singer is, himself, muslim.

10-22-2008, 09:43 AM
Why is there a Muslim song in the game in the first place?

Nicholas Steel
10-22-2008, 10:43 AM
Seems when developing the game they included, in a song, quotes from the Quran. The game was finished, packaged, shipped, delivered to stores and actually put on shelves BEFORE they thought about what they'd done and THEN they decided to recall the game. Talk about wasted money!!
The game was shipped BEFORE they new about it and THEN they found out and made the decision to recall.

How did someone from the Muslim community get a copy of the game to even know the song was included?
Did you even read any of the articles linked? please do so before asking something already answered, again.

10-22-2008, 02:16 PM
The game was shipped BEFORE they knew... ? .... about the song?? Does that mean that someone doesn't preview the finished product before they burn all the CD's to be packaged and shipped out?

10-22-2008, 03:17 PM
It means nobody realized it was going to be a problem. Quite possibly, none of the testers realized that the phrases in question were from the Quran.

10-22-2008, 05:54 PM

I wanna play this game now.

10-22-2008, 06:13 PM
I think it's walking down a slippery slope to make concessions to religious groups like that. Okay, so one group found something offensive. So - do you take all complaints made by all groups equally? If not - how do you determine what constitutes a "legitimate" complaint?

Modus Ponens
10-22-2008, 06:39 PM
Sony has special shoes that help them cling to even the slipperiest of slopes.

Aegix Drakan
10-22-2008, 08:03 PM
Sony has special shoes that help them cling to even the slipperiest of slopes.

Yes, it's called lots and lots of moolah.

And ROFL at that webcomic. It's great.

10-22-2008, 09:16 PM
I am offended by the word "the". I will firebomb elementary schools until this word is removed from all TEH text on earth.

10-22-2008, 09:34 PM
What I want to know is, where's the room for people who are offended by censorship?

EDIT: Seriously, come on - if I find something offensive, I can simply choose not to watch/listen to/read it. However, if something is censored, even if I don't find it offensive, my choice has been taken from me. What the hell?

Shazza Dani
10-22-2008, 09:54 PM
What I want to know is, where's the room for people who are offended by censorship?

*agrees* Censorship pisses me off to no end.

Modus Ponens
10-23-2008, 01:46 AM
What I want to know is, where's the room for people who are offended by censorship?

Well, rock, those people's objection is not a religious one. Religious objections get more respect, which is lame. I think if you're going to believe in a religion, your faith should be deeper than that. If someone gives you a hard time about it, either listen closely to what they have to say and truly consider it, or just ignore them. Duh.

10-23-2008, 02:46 AM
What I want to know is, where's the room for people who are offended by censorship?


10-23-2008, 03:31 AM
I'm definitely with Beldaran. Fuck them. Fuck their religion. You know what, I'm christian (not really) and I'm deeply offended by the letter T because it looks like the Holy Cross. Everyone must stop using the letter T. All languages must redo all their words to not use the letter T. If you don't all us crazy christians are going to suicide attack your asses.

Thats what this sounds like to me. You can use the Quran for toilet paper for all I care. Use some Bible pages while you are at it. None of these fucknuts books are "Holy" or "Sacred". It never ceases to amaze me how retarded people really are believing the stupid shit that they do. I mean religious people like this are below those crazy hicks that believe in aliens and UFOs. I mean atleast they SAW SOMETHING to base their stupidity on. Religion is being stupid because other stupid people told you stupid shit and handed you a stupid book.

Nicholas Steel
10-23-2008, 04:39 AM
you do know that t is more of a cross then T, right? since t does have to lines that cross where as T has one balance on top of the other...

Modus Ponens
10-23-2008, 02:01 PM
Yes, but he said "the letter T," not "the glyph 'T'." The letter T can be written with the majuscule glyph 'T' or the minuscule glyph 't'. If this offensive glyph 't' is even associated with its capital version 'T', then perhaps the letter should be eschewed in any variant, to preserve poor MottZilla's delicate sensibilities.

10-23-2008, 02:48 PM
you do know that t is more of a cross then T, right? since t does have to lines that cross where as T has one balance on top of the other...

People were generally crusified on something looking like a T, but when them on it you could say it looks like a t, and also the christian cross looks like a lowercase t. So to appease this crazy notion you're going to have to recall the letter T.

I mean if we are going to give into any complaints we might as well make our own retarded demands.

Modus Ponens
10-23-2008, 02:56 PM
Besides which, this font of Verdana renders lowercase t's with curly bottoms, so they look even less like the familiar Christian †.

10-23-2008, 03:48 PM
It means nobody realized it was going to be a problem. Quite possibly, none of the testers realized that the phrases in question were from the Quran.

Ok... fair enough. I have never seen nor read the Quran so I wouldn't know. It's kind of funny that the person making/singing the "offending" song was Muslim... and he apparently wasn't offended.

I wonder what his intentions were? Off the top of my head: 1) trying to meld the game and the religion - thru music?, 2) trying to make fun of his religion?

Has anyone seen anything being said by the guy that made the song for the game?