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09-18-2008, 05:52 PM
Since I have so many questions and a lot are unanswered, I'll put them all here:

Icon List:

:weirdo: - Super Confused, Unanswered
:eek: - Super Confused, Answered
:odd: - Confused, Unanswered
:( - Confused, Answered
:confused: - Unanswered
:D - Answered

Pick a Question and Answer It.

From Topic: I am such a n00b:
-How do you enter a building? :D
-Edit the building? :D
-Enter a dungeon? :D
-Edit the dungeon? :D
-Change the tile set colors? :D
-Slow down the frames per second? :D
-Place enemies? :D
-Place people? :D
-Make people talk? :D
-And place items in certain spots? :D
-Change where you can step on a tile? :D

From Topic: Testing Quest:
-How do I test my quest? :D

From Topic: SO Confused:
-Can you clear up chapter 3 (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=91177) for me? :D

From Topic: One Question:
-Where can you post about upcoming quests? :D

-Make bushes on different layers be cut? :eek:[NONE]

09-18-2008, 10:16 PM
-How do I test my quest?

How to load custom quests in Zelda Classic
1) Double click on zelda-w.exe
2) Press "Enter" to pass the flames.
3) Press "Enter" to pass the Zelda intro screen.
4) register a name, and press enter.
5) press "A" (Alt)
6) Press "A" (Alt) again
7) browse to the quest you want to play, choose it and press "ok"
8) press "Enter" to play.
The above steps assume you have put the custom quest in the folder with Zelda Classic :O)

And place items in certain spots?

Press page up/down until you see four icons, click on the one of a sword, and set where you want your item to be on the screen.

Matt Bick
09-21-2008, 08:25 PM
-How do you enter a building?
Since you're still confused, I'll try to help you out. I don't know where this was answered for you though, so I'll cover everything.

Well, first, draw your screen. Add your building or cave or whatever you want to be the place Link enters, and add a tile warp tile (on the default tile set, the tile should be black and a several rows down. If my memory is right, its tile 47). It should be called "Cave Walk Down" or something like that. There are also other tile warp combos that you can use.

Then go to Data, and tile warp. Enter in the screen where you want Link to be warped to (screen 80 if it's a special item room or something like that). Make sure you set up the DMap, also, because I don't think it will work if the DMap isn't set up.

When you play the quest, walking into the tile warp will take you to your destination. Don't forget to place the blue square in front of the building (press page down and click on the blue square to place it). This is the position Link will be when he exits the building.

-Edit the building?
To edit the building, just edit the screen that Link is being warped to (see above). You can also edit screen 80 to look like a house, if you wish.

-Enter a dungeon?
Do the same as said above. The only different thing is you need to enter the Relative coordinates, not the absolute coordinates. The relative coordinates are the coordinates used on the DMap, and the absolute coordinates are the coordinates used in the map at the bottem-left corner of the main screen. I guess that's the best I can explain it. Look at AlphaDawg's tutorial to learn more about this.

Also, don't forget to set up the Dmap (see below for dungeon Dmaps).

-Edit the dungeon?
To edit the dungeon, make a new map. Then make a new Dmap. Set the Dmap type to "dungeon" and the Level to "1". The first 8 levels correspond to the triforce piece in the dungeon. Level 9 has the same properties as the others but there is no triforce piece. Levels 10-infinity are dungeons with no triforce pieces.

First, you need to make a basic dungeon room. I believe there's a sample room in Zquest to use. Now copy/paste that room into how you want your dungeon to look. Then go into the Dmap for this dungeon and center the dungeon so all of it appears on the left map. Then take the coordinates from the left map and map out your dungeon on the right by pressing the squares. What you put on the right is what your dungeon map will look like when Link picks up the map. Make sure the coordinates on the left are the same as on the right or else your dungeon might not match up with the map.

-Place people?
Just make people tiles and place them on the screen. You can't talk to people like this, though. One method to make it so that you can talk to people outside of interior places is this (in theory, never tried it myself): make the person a tile warp so when you walk into the person you can be warped to a place that looks exactly like the place before you were warped and then have him talk there.

I hope I helped "unconfused" you. I'm not to good at putting helpful thoughts into words, so sorry if it sounds weird. I'm sort of a newbie too, but I hope I helped :D

09-22-2008, 05:29 PM
So you use the same screen for the same type of screen (Special Item, Shop....) Because I made a different screen for the items and It warped me back to 80.

My main problems are:

Showing where you enter when you go in to a dungeon or room (I appear in upper left.)

DMaps and that stuff.

Pallettes (It says it won't effect the screen in-game, so whats the point?)

And layers.

If I can get help with those, I can finally get started on my quest!

Matt Bick
09-22-2008, 07:10 PM
I don't quite understand your first comment/question, but allow me to try and clarify.

Remember in the original Legend of Zelda that each cave you entered looked exactly the same, but has different people and purposes? That's screen 80. You use that for shops, special items give-a-ways, as well as any other room type. Don't make a different screen for each room type, use screen 80 for everything.

-Showing where you enter a dungeon
Press page down and click on the green square, then click where you want Link to start in the dungeon. Do the same thing for the overworld, and well, every DMap. Don't forget to place the blue square outside of the dungeon's outdoor entrance which is where Link will appear on exiting the dungeon.

I went over some of the basics in the previous post, but look in the Wiki for help on Dmaps. There's a whole article on them (I'd post a link, but apparently newcomers can't post links without the post having to be reviewed by a moderator or something). Just search dmap.

From my understanding, palettes are the colors that the tiles can use. I haven't had the need to bother with them much, so I don't really know much about them. From my experience, most dungeons use a different palette than the overworld. If you're using a sample room that came with your tileset, it should already be swtiched to the correct palette. Otherwise, you'll have to find out the palette on your own.

Much like palettes, I haven't used them much. If you're using the default tileset, you probably won't need them. If you're not, you can probably avoid using layers if you're creative enough. All layers really do is allow you to go behind or above things. But you probably won't need these for your first quest.

Don't believe everything I said about palettes and layers, I might be wrong. Hope I helped :)

09-22-2008, 07:25 PM
Thanks, you need a separate DMap for each dungeon right?

Matt Bick
09-22-2008, 08:20 PM

No problem :)

09-22-2008, 08:26 PM
Thanks hopefully I won't need more help. :D

09-22-2008, 09:06 PM
I still need help with layers, I don't like when my trees turn up with a black background, I've tried about 5 tutorials, banging my head against a wall, and just about everything else, but I can't come ut with anything. Uhh, Help?

09-22-2008, 10:16 PM
That's how layering works. Let's say I'm making a forest with transparent treetops. If the forest is on Map 5, screen 56 and I want the treetops to be on layer 3, I would, say, go to layers, and set the layer three to Map 6, screen 56. Then on map 5, screen 56, draw the treetops, but instead of having the layer 0 box checked, check the layer 3 box. Thus the treetops wil be transparent, but if you go to map 6, screne 56, then youll just see treetops floating in space. Thus it would take two maps, but the appearence of the forest on map five would include the transparent treetops. It was confusing for me first, but once you actually try it you get it. DON'T TRY TO UNDERSTAND IT, JUST FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS. THAN VIEW THE RESULTS AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND IT. TRUST ME.
(I'm asking you to not try and understand it because this is the simplest I can put it, and it's still horribly convoluted)
Once again, don't try to understand it, just do it.

09-23-2008, 05:11 PM
Thanks. Also, every building I walk into that is assigned to screen 80, Link starts in the cave/room in the upper left corner and walks into the walkable area. There are also keese in it that says the weren't there, and I didn't assign them.

09-23-2008, 05:13 PM
Oh I forgot, now that I understand just about everything now, I have one last thing to ask: How do you make it so a bush on one layer can be cut? I'm trying to make a wall of bushes that you can't get by unless you have the sword.

09-23-2008, 05:26 PM
To create a bush you can cut, all you should have to do is place the bush combo where you want it and set the under combo to the cut bush.

I don't recommend placing bushes on the edge of a screen, that can create misaligns.

09-24-2008, 03:39 PM
Teh n00by is bax!

How do you set under combos?

09-24-2008, 05:42 PM
Screen -> Undercombo. You can only set one per screen though, so if you have say...boulders and bushes on the same screen, best make the one that there's less of with secrets.

09-25-2008, 03:41 PM
I thought this was done, but I'm not! More questions!

1. How do you change a Maps Palette?
2. How do you make it so a key falls when you kill all enemies?
3. How do you make something disappear when you hit it with an arrow (Something like tall grass but not with a sword)?
4. How do you make more than one warp per screen (If possible)?

09-25-2008, 04:54 PM
I thought this was done, but I'm not! More questions!

1. How do you change a Maps Palette?
2. How do you make it so a key falls when you kill all enemies?
3. How do you make something disappear when you hit it with an arrow (Something like tall grass but not with a sword)?
4. How do you make more than one warp per screen (If possible)?

1. The map's palette is determined by the DMap's palette. If you want to draw in another palette, go to Screen->Palette(not entirely sure about this exact placement, just look around for it), and set it to the palette you want.
2. I believe the Screen flag "Enemies->Item" should do that. If you have a 2.5 beta(I don't think it's in 2.10), there should be a screen flag "Items fall from ceiling".
3. Don't know. There should be some combo flags you can use for that effect.
4. If you mean the same type of warps, not a side and a tile, then you need a 2.5 beta for that.

09-25-2008, 05:28 PM
Actually, setting the palette under Screen data just changes it in ZQ so you can see what it looks like. You need to have a new DMap for a different palette.

09-25-2008, 08:12 PM
I told my cousin about this, just think, in about a week, there will be another me running around out there asking all these questions. oh God!!

09-25-2008, 08:15 PM
Actually, setting the palette under Screen data just changes it in ZQ so you can see what it looks like. You need to have a new DMap for a different palette.

Exactly- the DMap determines the palette.

09-25-2008, 08:52 PM
Whenever I get the Bow (My first Item) I can't use it. It won't let me move my cursor on the menu. Help?

09-25-2008, 10:25 PM
Do you have arrows yet? (I think it only lets you select the bow when you have both arrows and the bow.)

09-26-2008, 02:33 PM
A Few More:

Arrows, can you get them from killing enemies or cutting grass?
How do you choose what enemies drop what when they die?
How do you change the heart peice pictures on the menu(It starts off with the overworld item for none, none for one, one for two, and two for three?
What type of tile can the Roc's feather jump over?

09-27-2008, 12:36 PM
A Few More:

1)Arrows, can you get them from killing enemies or cutting grass?
2)How do you choose what enemies drop what when they die?
3)How do you change the heart peice pictures on the menu(It starts off with the overworld item for none, none for one, one for two, and two for three?
4)What type of tile can the Roc's feather jump over?

1)If you set that option, then yes. Keep in mind that, in the original LoZ, you needed the bow and the arrow, as well as rupees, to fire the bow. So essentially you have an option to use rupees or arrows to fire.
2)You can't as far as I know, maybe in the 2.5 betas you can.
3)? I'm not sure what you're asking
4)It should be able to jump over pits and normal walkable tiles, but I've never use Roc's Feather in ZC before.

09-27-2008, 08:31 PM
I got arrows and rupees but I can't move my cursor even when I also had another Item.

I'll clear up three. You know how there are 4 pictures for how many heart pieces you have. There is One for none, one for one, one for two, one for three and then it goes back to none for 4. Then there is the picture for the overworld tile. When I have no heart peices, it looks like the overworld tile. When I have one, it looks like I have none. When I have two, it looks like I have 1, when I have 3 it looks like 2. How do I change the pictures?

09-30-2008, 07:33 PM
Questions I need answered:
I'll clear up three. You know how there are 4 pictures for how many heart pieces you have. There is One for none, one for one, one for two, one for three and then it goes back to none for 4. Then there is the picture for the overworld tile. When I have no heart peices, it looks like the overworld tile. When I have one, it looks like I have none. When I have two, it looks like I have 1, when I have 3 it looks like 2. How do I change the pictures?

How do you choose what enemies drop what when they die?

09-30-2008, 10:20 PM
1) Overworld tile? What are you referring to by that? Anyways, if you start a new quest (in a recent build, such as b864) and look at pg. 81 in the tilepages, you will see how some heart pieces are set up.

2) Go to Quest->Enemies. Choose whatever enemy you want. Go to the "Item Set" drop-down menu. Choose what you want them to drop.

10-04-2008, 05:46 PM
For one, I still don't thin you understand the question, if you do, do you mean that if you rearrange the order it comes out right?
If you don't

11-07-2008, 07:03 PM
I'm back!!

11-10-2008, 06:11 PM
I have v2.11 Beta (Build 18)

I click the tab Quest, click on Items, and went to edit a custom item. But they are all CSet 0 (Custom Items) I want to change it to something else like the regular items. I can't figure out how to change this, is this a problem with my version, am I just not looking in the right spot, or are the items permanently set on whatever CSet they start on?

11-10-2008, 08:08 PM
How do you change the heart peice pictures on the menu(It starts off with the overworld item for none, none for one, one for two, and two for three?

By overworld item, do you mean the heart piece you actually pick up in the game? I'd love to tell you how to fix that, but I've never used the new subscreen editor before. Maybe someone else can help here?

I have v2.11 Beta (Build 18)

I click the tab Quest, click on Items, and went to edit a custom item. But they are all CSet 0 (Custom Items) I want to change it to something else like the regular items. I can't figure out how to change this, is this a problem with my version, am I just not looking in the right spot, or are the items permanently set on whatever CSet they start on?

When you select the tile for your item, press + or - on the Keypad to change CSets. Is that what you're asking?

11-11-2008, 07:33 PM
Drop the first one because I already figured it out.

But for the second one, I'm using a laptop so the only + and - keys are above = and _, and that doesn't work. Is there any other way?

(And yes that was what I was asking, but your way.... well won't work with my computer....)

11-11-2008, 07:36 PM
Also, what does the stone of agony do?

11-11-2008, 09:11 PM
But for the second one, I'm using a laptop so the only + and - keys are above = and _, and that doesn't work. Is there any other way?

Does your laptop have a NumLock key? Such laptops have their Keypads hidden around the UIO keys. If so, press NumLock to turn on the Keypad and use '/' for + and ';' for -.

11-11-2008, 09:27 PM
It still doesn't work.... Are you sure it's not just a problem with my version?