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View Full Version : Poll: Which Team Fortress 2 class should get the next update?

09-17-2008, 03:58 PM
Like the thread title says, tell me which TF2 class you think should get the next update. Also tell me a bit about what you think the update should be. I'll go first:

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Replaces Scattershot
Like the Scattershot, but fires in a more concentrated blast. Requires better aim to hit with, but does better damage at mid-range if your aim is true.
Motion Sensor:
Replaces Revolver
Allows the scout to drop up to four sensors around the level. Whenever an enemy player moves near them, they send a signal back to the scout. In this way, the scout can more effectively scout out enemy movements.
Home Run Bat:
Replaces Bat
Like the bat, except when it connects, it knocks the target back. This would make it less effective for beating up people, but would make it useful for knocking back ubered players.

09-18-2008, 08:30 PM
Demoman. He owns because when played correctly he can dictate the flow of a battle and scatter entrenched enemies with his grenade launcher. However, he does have a couple of problems, and here are my unlock ideas.

Grenadier - A single-shot grenade launcher which fires an arced grenade from a tube, one at a time. Think of an M203 grenade launcher attachment, the Pyro's flare gun or the rifle-launched grenade from Day of Defeat Source. Gives him some much-needed ranged harassment at the cost of his spamming potential. Replaces the grenade launcher.
Shotgun - Yeah, just a normal shotgun. The pyro needs some way to fend off folks who rush him. Taking away his sticky bomb launcher seems like a fair trade.
I dunno - A gimmicky 'trophy' replacement for the bottle, with a special-case guarenteed-crit and a slower firing rate kind of like the pyro's axtinguisher. Like I said, for trophy's sake.

Funny to think that if you use both the shotgun and the grenadier, you'd basically be a gimped soldier. I wish i could come up with a better stickybomb replacement to handle close-range encounters...


I don't really agree with your ideas.

Scouts are designed to be offensive players that duck and weave in and around combat, and the sensors are way too passive for the scout. They WOULD be good on the engineer though, if it was something you could place on one of your constructions that sounded an alarm when it detected a spy. You could trade it for your dispenser, which means that although you could detect spies, you might not always be around to shake them off your buildings.

I somehow don't think that they would add a longer ranged shotgun without decreasing the damage a bit. Being able to pick at enemies from the safety of long range does not make up for having to be 'more accurate' to get the shot. And about the last thing you want to do with a bat is bat someone away, because if you don't crit and they don't die no the first swing, you're dead since they're moved AWAY from the source of pain and have more time to look around, see you, and gun you down. Ubered people aren't a good excuse for it either, because they're usually the backbone of a large push in which you're guarenteed to die if you rush in. If you want to bat the medic away, use a demo + sticky mines.

Instead of trying to think of things that 'fit' the theme of the class, Valve takes an interesting approach to come up with some of the problems the class has, and then think of possible solutions to them in the form of weapons that they can trade off one 'strength' for another. Making the unlock 'fit' the class thematically is an afterthought. When you start thinking of unlock possibilities in this way, you usually come up with much more exciting stuff.

09-18-2008, 08:41 PM
I voted demoman as well. Although Engineer is a close second.

My idea for demoman: Disruptor Grenade Launcher. Launches grenades that dont really do damage but create an effect on their target that reduces the effectiveness and accuracy of the targets weapons.

09-18-2008, 08:57 PM
I also voted demoman - my thoughts were some sort of proximity mines, as well as for melee some sort of alcohol-induced boost.

Mr. 207
09-18-2008, 11:19 PM
I voted spy for the simple reason that the spy needs a buff. Its very hard to play as a spy. People spy check like crazy in this game and it is usually very hard to sneak into an enemy base undetected. Sadly I don't really have any idea on how this could be fixed. Part of the problem is the pyros set you on fire without even trying. This was never really too big a problem in TFC because the flamethrower in TFC wasn't really that great (at least from what I remember) so you didn't see a whole lot of pyros.

The other problem is when cloaked if you touch someone you glow. I would like to see that glow removed. If not entirely, at least remove the glow when your shot so you at least have a shot of making it through a crossfire undetected.

But back to the topic of what weapon ideas? I don't really have any, other then maybe as a replacement for the sapper they could bring back EMP grenades. However you wouldn't have an unlimited amount (maybe 2 or 3 at the most), and throwing them would break your disguise.

09-19-2008, 12:36 AM
Engineer, since I have a few ideas of what could work best there.

Nailgun - Beta Scout's nailgun. Replaces the pistol, since the max ammo you can carry for it is 200. It does 75% less damage, but benefits are rapid-fire and a longer clip size.

Surplus Builder - Update to the builder, it has a unique dispersal system. No longer are you limited to build only one sentry or dispenser at a time, but instead you have five "kits" to use on any building. Warps (still limited to one of both, though) and the dispenser use only one of these kits, while sentries must use a kit when upgrading them. This way, you can have two level 2 sentries and a dispenser, a level 3 sentry and two dispensers (or a warp), or five level 1 sentries. It all depends on what you need to set up.

Panic Button - This replaces the destroy PDA. Instead of destroying the buildable, it merely desperses all its ammo and healing qualities. Sentries fire its ammo all at once, Dispensers give off an Uber and max ammo, warp entrances can cause a random effect on someone who uses it, and warp exits could cause a small vacuum, sucking standerby enemies (and allies) into the void between dimensions. But, their max health and dispersion rates are cut in half; you can resupply the ammo in a sentry, but you can't fix it back to full health.

09-19-2008, 04:11 AM
You guys want to get together for a game by any chance?

09-19-2008, 08:32 AM
Hey, that's a great idea - we should totally organize an AGN TF2 game.

09-19-2008, 01:16 PM
Yeah, part of the point of making this thread was to get people thinking about TF2 again. We've got that Steam AGN group, though I haven't really seen any activity since I joined. It would be fun to get together on a weekend and blow the crap out of another team.

AM: I think the 'centershot' would probably have a slower rate of fire, maybe even slower than the shotguns of other classes. The scattershot has such a high rate of fire, having a long range weapon that could shoot that fast would be a bit ridiculous.

PS: No love for the sniper?

09-19-2008, 01:53 PM
Sorry, I just happen to be a big fan of blowing shit up, hence demoman is my preferred class.

Oh, and we should totally get to work on organizing something. I nominate not me because I'm terrible at organizing things.

09-20-2008, 08:54 PM
I voted spy for the simple reason that the spy needs a buff. Its very hard to play as a spy. People spy check like crazy in this game and it is usually very hard to sneak into an enemy base undetected.

Good spies can top scoreboards. Don't underestimate them just because you (and me, honestly) suck at playing them.

The biggest problem with spies currently is their backstab animation. It's way too easy to miss when you think you've hit because of the way the animation works; it makes a check see if you get a normal knife hit or a backstab animation, then it makes another check when the knife actually hits to see what kind of damage you do. This means that you could be in the right position for a backstab, get the backstab animation, but between the start of the animation and when it connects, your target moves and you only get credited with a normal knife hit. The opposite also happens where you get a backstab with a normal knife hit animation, but since the normal knife hit is faster, it doesn't happen quite as often.

I don't care about spy unlocks as long as they address this with the spy patch. Maybe turn it into something like the pigstick from Hidden: Source (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-692kEyhVdQ&feature=related) (note: the 'hidden' is almost completely invisible at all times which is why people don't 'notice' him until it's too late)