View Full Version : Favorite Mixed Drinks

09-03-2008, 04:33 AM
What kind of concoctions have you made while partying?
I made one I call,
King Meister - 3 parts Crown Royal 1 part Jager
I know it sounds weird, but I had a bottle of both one night and decided, what the heck? The Crown kicks a little more gradually and the Jager makes it go down smooth with a great aftertaste. The Jager is preferably chilled.

09-03-2008, 07:38 AM
The... Oh shoot, I never did come up with a name for it, but it's really good.

Take some rum... add some mountain dew... and top it off with a splash of OJ. Good stuff. I just have no idea what to call it.

09-03-2008, 03:00 PM
The... Oh shoot, I never did come up with a name for it, but it's really good.

Take some rum... add some mountain dew... and top it off with a splash of OJ. Good stuff. I just have no idea what to call it.

Name: Tropical Sunrise

09-03-2008, 03:49 PM
Screwsicle.... Vanilla vodka and orange juice. I'm sure it's been used before, but it's DAMN good. Tastes like a dreamsicle :)

Aaron make a concoction the other night... pineapples, mandarin oranges, sugar, ice and tequila. It was interesting.

09-03-2008, 05:00 PM

Modus Ponens
09-03-2008, 05:31 PM
I like cocktails fruity, and I don't like to be able to taste the alcohol. Also, crushed ice is nice.

Aegix Drakan
09-03-2008, 10:25 PM
I dont' drink much, but My firends an I have had a little bit over Poker.

I believe we had Amarito sours, or something like that (Amarito with sprite)

...I know I spelled Amarito wrong... :sweat:

09-03-2008, 11:04 PM
Dr. Pepper + Coca Cola.

Screw you guys, I'm only 20.

09-03-2008, 11:09 PM
My friend made up one drink: vodka + squirt + a lime wedge. He called it a 'limey bastard', in honor of our British exchange student friend. It's a good drink if you don't like to taste the alcohol; you just taste squirt and lime.

Mixed drinks I've been known to like:
Cape Codder (vodka + cranberry juice)
White Russian (vodka + Kahlua + cream)
Rum and Coke (self-explanatory)

09-03-2008, 11:14 PM
Aegix, it's called an Amaretto Sour. Usually you'll have Amaretto liquer with either lemon juice or sour mix, but sprite/7-up/etc could work too.

If I'm out and they make it, I like a Kansas Slammer - vodka, tequila, lemon juice, and white grape juice

Usually though I either go with beer, shots of whiskey straight, or if I do mix something... Jack and Coke.

09-03-2008, 11:26 PM
Jack+coke and I'm a happy man.

09-03-2008, 11:27 PM
I usually take some vodka, add in some kind of Mountain Dew or 7up drink. I really like using the new MD flavors, because they give it a different edge. I also usually have some kind of juice, like Orange Pineapple or something, and ice.

Also, Cream Soda, Sprite, and Cap'n works. I haven't experimented with mixing alcohol types yet, but I'll get on that soon.

09-03-2008, 11:36 PM
Sprite+Dr. Pepper. No alchohal needed. ;)

09-03-2008, 11:46 PM
My friend made up one drink: vodka + squirt + a lime wedge. He called it a 'limey bastard', in honor of our British exchange student friend. It's a good drink if you don't like to taste the alcohol; you just taste squirt and lime.

Mixed drinks I've been known to like:
Cape Codder (vodka + cranberry juice)
White Russian (vodka + Kahlua + cream)
Rum and Coke (self-explanatory)

If you REALLY don't like to taste the alcohol... Have a cape cod made with cherry vodka instead of regular... It tastes like kool-aid. Oh man, I get myself totally tanked on some of those.

LOOOVE white russian's.

I've noticed lately that my love of beer has pretty much diminished. I don't know if it has something to do with bonging a few beers after drinking a bunch of vodka then puking all night, but anytime I try to drink beer, it doesn't go over so well. So I stick to liquor. Gets me drunker, faster and I feel less shitty the next day.

Oooh, something else really good. Smirnoff's new White Grape flavored vodka (can you tell I'm into flavored vodkas?) with white grape peach juice. Yummmm. Raspberry vodka and orange soda = yummmmm.

Oooh, and a pineapple upside down:

1 shot vanilla vodka
1 shot buttershots
2 shots pineapple juice
grenadine sinker

YUMMMM. Tastes like the real thing. And SOOOO good. I perfected it.


A two liter of lemonade, a bottle of lemon vodka and a bottle of raspberry schnapps = raspberry lemonade to die for.

09-03-2008, 11:49 PM
3 parts Strawberry Frutista freeze and one part Cherry Pepsi. I love free drinks at work.

09-04-2008, 12:11 AM
I'm a beer man myself, mixed drinks get me waaay too crazy drunk. I like the occasional Jack and Coke or Rum and Sprite. Those are always good. When I'm doing shots though, I'll start downing the Jaeger Bombs (Jaeger and Red Bull), Three Wise Men (Jack, Jose, and Cpt. Morgan), Liquid Cocaine (Not Sure WHAT is in that one), among other really wild concoctions of pure alchemohol.

Oh, and being 20 doesn't excuse you from not drinking. I've been an avid drinker since 18 years old, and I'm a late bloomer!

P.S. For the record... Beer > Mixed Drinks

09-04-2008, 12:14 AM
I have to say this after Anthony's post: if you value your life, DO NOT take a Three Wise Men shot. That stuff is so gross, vile, and you will die. Heh.

I need to check out some more mixed drinks though, I haven't really been able to drink legally enough to get a full sample of what's out there (I've been drinking since before I was 21, also, but my access to certain types of drinks was limited by what I was provided with).

09-04-2008, 12:18 AM
Yeah, before you turn 21, drinking is really limited to one bottle of crappy alcemohol or a case of keystone. Makes the good stuff even better when you are legal and able to buy it for yourself.

My first drunk night and first mixed drink consisted of Skol Vodka and California Style Sunny Delight. Trevelyan was there. So was my girlfriend (now my wife) and her sister. It was a crazy weird night.

09-04-2008, 02:44 AM
Oh, forgot to mention, when it comes to "real" mixed drinks, not just things I randomly threw together, nothing in my book beats a good old fashioned margarita.

Which reminds me, I've never understood the reputation of tequila. I mean, it's the same 80 proof as any other hard liquor - don't know why everyone acts like there's something about tequila that affects you differently than other types of alcohol. Moreover, I have done much personal "research" into the matter, and I've never noticed any difference.

09-04-2008, 05:03 AM
I get violent on tequila. I thought it was just me, the first time. Then I did it again and again. It happened all three nights. The first time the bottle was gone, *Black* , DUDE you drank over a thirty pack last night. Good ole Monte Alban. That was Highschool Grad night, the only time I've ever had a hang over, and I drink alot when I drink.

The Hulk is good too!
Get a cup for this one. 1) 2 shots of whiskee
2) Fill the rest until halfway with Coke (NOT PEPSI!)
3) Now pour on the Hypnotique
You won't even know the whiskey is there until it hits you. It's a completely unique taste. It taste so good you could give it to your mom. HAH! speaking of Mom. she makes a really good drink. It's more of a relaxing drink, couldn't think of getting drunk with it.
Two shots of Butterscotch Snops and Fill the rest of the coffie cup with hot chocolate. Delicious.

09-04-2008, 07:41 AM
Anytime I do straight shots of tequila... I get ridiculously drunk, start undressing girls in the bar, then I'm violently ill the next morning. If I do tequila now, it has to be Patron, it's the only kind that doesn't make me gag when I drink it.

My fiance` has a thing for cheap tequila. The smell makes me nauseous.

If I drink vodka, I'm generally a pretty happy drunk, and I might make out with chicks, but never try to rip their clothes off. If it's whiskey, I get mean as fuck and start throwing things. Rum, I just get drunk and pass out.

Dunno why, that's just how it goes.

09-04-2008, 11:42 AM
Yeah, I get really horny off of tequila, and usually I'm not a horny drunk. Everything else just makes me really friendly and outgoing.

Aegix Drakan
09-04-2008, 05:58 PM
Dr. Pepper + Coca Cola.

Screw you guys, I'm only 20.

So am I. :P Come to Canada, my friend. Then you can drink at 18.

I haven't actually gotten drunk yet (and I plan not to, if possible), but from watching me when I'm a little bit tipsy, my friends tell me that I'm likely a "boring drunk". Basically, my imagination (usually on overdrive) slows to a crawl. Actually, when I get my own place, I will probably drink a shot once in a while to help keep my imagination in check. Not having tons of random unrelated daydreams bouncing around my skull wasn't a bad experience, and helped me be more focused.

So, a little bit now and then is good for me. Go figure, eh?

EDIT: BTW, Phattonez, thanks for fixing my mistake.

09-04-2008, 10:53 PM
So am I. :P Come to Canada, my friend. Then you can drink at 18.

I haven't actually gotten drunk yet (and I plan not to, if possible), but from watching me when I'm a little bit tipsy, my friends tell me that I'm likely a "boring drunk". Basically, my imagination (usually on overdrive) slows to a crawl. Actually, when I get my own place, I will probably drink a shot once in a while to help keep my imagination in check. Not having tons of random unrelated daydreams bouncing around my skull wasn't a bad experience, and helped me be more focused.

So, a little bit now and then is good for me. Go figure, eh?

EDIT: BTW, Phattonez, thanks for fixing my mistake.

I'm guessing the reason they think you're a boring drunk is because you haven't been drunk before, and the sensation of being tipsy is not strong enough/familiar enough. So you are more focused on how it's an unusual feeling, whatever, rather than being more extroverted. Also, I'd say it's not possible (or advisable) to go through life without getting drunk at least once :) But try to avoid blackouts... I really don't see the fun in not being able to remember what you did or said.

Also, dude, this is like the third time you've called me phattonez; what's up with that?

09-05-2008, 04:46 AM
Screw you guys, I'm only 20.

In Japan that's the legal drinking age. I'm not what you would call a drinker, but I like to drink on the weekends. I'm in the Core and I turn 19 the 18th. Ya so you call me young, so what, I call you old. Either way it sucks big nugs.
It's soh hahd to git a drink round dees parts.... da devils is aftah meh:cool:

Aegix Drakan
09-05-2008, 10:04 PM
Also, dude, this is like the third time you've called me phattonez; what's up with that?

...oh gosh, I think you're right. 0_o

...I dunno, I just glance at your avatar, and suddenly, I think Phattonez, for some odd reason.

0_o My apologies, Phattonez.



:P hahahahah sorry, I couldn't help it, Icey.

09-05-2008, 10:49 PM
A simple pleasure, but a practical one.

Fruit Punch

Tastes Like Smarties.

09-05-2008, 11:04 PM
Tequila makes me want to punch a bitch.

09-05-2008, 11:52 PM
1 Part Chocolate Nestle Powder
3 Parts Chilled Milk

^ My favorite mixed drink

09-06-2008, 04:24 AM
Tequila makes me want to punch a bitch.

I feel like that everyday. :(


Bartender get me a Bitch Punch
1 shot Vodka
1 shot Canadian whiskey
1 shot Tequila (Take it twice and it has to be Canadian or you won't want to punch a bitch!)

Take 1 shot of Rum to ease your muscles and mind
Then take 2 of Seagrims to get pumped making the run away from police more fun.
!!!Note!!! If you think the police might catch you, CHUG the bottle. You should be good for the night.
1)In no way am I implementing for any to punch bitches. Although it may be fun and the fuzz may be very slow, karma will catch up with you.
2)Understand that Punching bitches and slapping bitches are not the same. Do not take this drink unless you are ready, to indeed, punch bitches.
3) Not all women are bitches choose targets carefully and do not scrutinize. This is only for true bitches.

09-07-2008, 12:12 AM

Aegix Drakan
09-07-2008, 11:56 AM
A simple pleasure, but a practical one.

Fruit Punch

Tastes Like Smarties.

Dammit, now I gotta try that.

( I LOOOVE Rockets! ...that's what they're called up here.)

09-09-2008, 05:03 AM
I always put shocktarts in mine. Skittles are always good too.