View Full Version : PAX 2008

Modus Ponens
09-01-2008, 04:23 PM
So, this last weekend saw me at the convention center here in Seattle for the annual dorkfest, the Penny Arcade Expo (http://www.pennyarcadeexpo.com/), also known as PAX. I'd never gone before, but I eagerly look forward to next year's.

For those not in the know, PAX is a giant nerd convention held by Jerry "Tycho Brahe" Holkins and Mike "John Gabriel" Krahulik, creators of the ever-popular web comic Penny Arcade (http://www.penny-arcade.com/). It features games, panels, lectures, autographs, concerts and good old camaraderie with fellow gamers, not to mention a huge E3-style expo hall with upcoming and unreleased software from the industry's biggest names.

The highlight of the weekend for me was Jonathan Coulton's concert on Friday night. In case you don't know him, he wrote Still Alive, Portal's ending theme, which he performed this year with the help of Felicia Day, the actress who played the love interest in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, doing the lead vocals. He also has a ton of other great songs, but he really melted my heart when he played a cover of They Might Be Giants' hit Birdhouse In Your Soul.

Besides that concert, the rest of the convention was a blast as well. I got my cribbage board signed by Gabe and Tycho, and also by Coulton, and I even got interviewed by IGN. The guy said that if they use it, it'll be up on their site by Tuesday or at the latest Wednesday. I'll be sure to post a link to that if I find it.

Also, I'm sorry to say it, but Square Enix's upcoming Chrono Trigger DS title is a mere re-release. I don't know if this news is already common knowledge, but they were demoing it at PAX and I watched in disappointment over some guy's shoulder as he escaped from the Guardia Castle prison. He said that there are a couple new dungeons or something, but... sigh. Square Enix, have a little respect for your fans, will you? Give us a new Chrono Trigger title, for Christ's sake.

But yay! PAX! Whoo!

09-01-2008, 11:15 PM
The highlight of the weekend for me was Jonathan Coulton's concert on Friday night. In case you don't know him, he wrote Still Alive, Portal's ending theme, which he performed this year with the help of Felicia Day, the actress who played the love interest in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, doing the lead vocals. He also has a ton of other great songs, but he really melted my heart when he played a cover of They Might Be Giants' hit Birdhouse In Your Soul.
Ooh, ooh, did he sing "The Future Soon"? Best "girl spurns boy, boy fantasizes about making her his robot bride" song ever.

Modus Ponens
09-02-2008, 04:40 AM
Yes, he did. He also did Flickr (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHgtnM4IdTI), accompanied by its video, which was projected on the twin screens on either side of the stage.

Dann Woolf
09-02-2008, 04:03 PM
Also, I'm sorry to say it, but Square Enix's upcoming Chrono Trigger DS title is a mere re-release. I don't know if this news is already common knowledge, but they were demoing it at PAX and I watched in disappointment over some guy's shoulder as he escaped from the Guardia Castle prison. He said that there are a couple new dungeons or something, but... sigh. Square Enix, have a little respect for your fans, will you? Give us a new Chrono Trigger title, for Christ's sake.

Hey! Gift horse! Mouth! Shut up!

It's motherfucking Chrono Trigger on the motherfucking DS! And with new motherfucking content!

Better than no remake at all, I say!

09-02-2008, 06:34 PM
I can play motherfucking chrono trigger on a mother fucking emulator on a motherfucking PC.

Give me a direct sequel with the same characters, plus some new ones, with new graphics, and a fully symphonic soundtrack featuring hits from the first game.

Square has absolutely shat upon the greatness of Chrono Trigger. It's the best game in history to really never get a sequel. Chrono Cross was not a sequel. It was a different game with 50% of the same name.

Dark Knight
09-02-2008, 07:26 PM
I can play motherfucking chrono trigger on a mother fucking emulator on a motherfucking PC.

Give me a direct sequel with the same characters, plus some new ones, with new graphics, and a fully symphonic soundtrack featuring hits from the first game.

But... but... that would mean Square would have to actually do something other than pump out re-releases and actually spend money! We can't have that. We clearly need a non-emulated, direct port of Chrono Trigger and not a sequal or something new and somewhat original.

09-02-2008, 07:41 PM
I'm a bit conflicted about PAX. On one hand, I'd like to go and try out what's new. On the other hand, I remember what a pain in the ass E3 could be at times. If they moved it to the LA area I might go. But since they live in Washington, I really doubt that will happen.

Modus Ponens
09-02-2008, 08:54 PM
... I remember what a pain in the ass E3 could be at times.

PAX is like E3 plus tons of awesome, minus the keynotes from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. The concerts alone are arguably worth the price of admission, so when you add on the lectures and tournaments and camaraderie and, of course, the expo room, you're clearly getting your money's worth. PAX has become what E3 wishes it still was.