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View Full Version : Quest for Peace help

08-23-2008, 05:52 PM
Does anyone know how to get out of first part of this quest (the snowy/white desert)??!?!! I defeated the boss and got the hammer at the tombstone, but I have no idea where to go next. There's an area to the east of this tombstone but it's blocked by a rock. I've tried pushing, bombing it, SUPER bombing it, burning it, hammered it, but it won't budge! HELP! I've seemed to have missed something because I can't get out of this part of the quest. Has anyone else played this quest yet? If so, help. Thanks! :sweat: :confuse2: :shrug:

08-25-2008, 09:59 AM
It could be a bug, however the quest is unpassworded so you could enable cheats. ;)

08-25-2008, 03:02 PM
Does anyone know how to get out of first part of this quest (the snowy/white desert)??!?!! I defeated the boss and got the hammer at the tombstone, but I have no idea where to go next. There's an area to the east of this tombstone but it's blocked by a rock. I've tried pushing, bombing it, SUPER bombing it, burning it, hammered it, but it won't budge! HELP! I've seemed to have missed something because I can't get out of this part of the quest. Has anyone else played this quest yet? If so, help. Thanks! :sweat: :confuse2: :shrug:

There's a group of trees the shape of a triforce. There's a raft in there.
Plus, burn one of the trees one screen over from your starting point. This will help you get that HC along the northern coast among other things.

Remember where you got that hammer? The old woman's note is nearby...

Found the slash technique... can't remember where though.
Found the lens of truth, but can't afford it yet.
Wow, there's only 4 triforce pieces? Well, I got the first one. Would be nice if there was a clue on where to go for the 2nd one. Looks like we'll be getting flippers later in the quest.
Found an old lady... bought some red potion.
Found quite a few money secrets... didn't pick up any of them yet... maxed out on coins right now.

08-25-2008, 06:04 PM
EDIT: Found a fire breathing gleeock, but don't have the flippers or stepladder to continue past it.
Hmm... my advice? Burn the borders religiously... I think the answer lies there. Will explore it further later.

King Aquamentus
08-25-2008, 06:43 PM
Did you PM XxHawkeyexX? he mentioned something about PMing him if you need help. Although this is just as good. I'm sure he'll be glad to assist when he sees the thread.

08-25-2008, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the help on the raft and level 1! Now if I can only find level 2! Where did you find the fire breathing gleeok???? :eyebrow: Boy.....Hawkeye sure hid everything well in this quest! :eek:

08-26-2008, 01:33 AM
You wanna take on the fire breathing gleeock? He actually has a regular 4 headed gleeock supporting it so you can't just take pot shots at it. You can find it west of the bomb shop. You need the red candle to reach it.
Problem is, even after you defeat it, you can't go past it without flippers so there's really no reason to take it on except for the fact that you may. Bring a red potion. At best, you should have 10 hearts which don't last long against them!

08-26-2008, 04:12 AM
Ok! I found out where you need to go next!
First off, go back to Level 1... you missed something in there. There's a hidden room near the boss room.
Once you find this valuable item, head north. You'll notice wierd patches on the water to the north. Some will have red spots on them. Burn them.

Oh yeah... forgot... before you go up north... find a waterfall next to some blue goriyas. The base of that waterfall is rather weak.......

Found Level 2 and 3
Found Huge Wallet
Bought Lens of Truth
Found a bunch of other stuff I won't mention. ;)

08-26-2008, 10:25 AM
Is there anyway of fixing this game so it doesn't go so slow between screens? Seems like a nice quest but that's really annoying.

08-26-2008, 02:50 PM
Is there anyway of fixing this game so it doesn't go so slow between screens? Seems like a nice quest but that's really annoying.

As I said here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1190512&postcount=2) it's unpassworded so you can open it in ZQuest and enable the "Fast Dungeon Scrolling" quest rule.

King Aquamentus
08-26-2008, 04:42 PM
Well crap. I really need to download this quest, it looked awesome when I processed it, and now it sounds awesome too. Thing is, you lose quest state data when you go back and forth between ZC versions. Still, I wouldn't mind starting a bugtest of ZQDX over again.

08-26-2008, 06:11 PM
Well, I managed to complete the triforce. Can't find where the final level is though. I've noticed a cave of some sort that I can't seem to open. In Hyrule field one screen south of Hyrule Mountains.
Got the Master Sword
Got the spellbook (don't have the wand yet)
Got 16 hearts (had to cheat to get one of them though)

Old-skool, this is a challenging quest in the fact that the items are very well hidden. You start the quest with alot of stuff (white sword, 3 super bombs, 10 bombs, 7 hearts, blue ring, blue candle, amulet, big wallet, enough bomb bags for 50 bombs, bow and arrow, magic boomerang, and 100 rupees) and you need it. There's no complex dungeons. Once you find a dungeon, you face strong enemies to defeat it and claim the prizes inside. I have found at least one hidden room in each of the four dungeons... each holding an item. The lens of truth is your best friend in finding the secrets, but it doesn't tell you how to reveal them. If you can find as much as possible without cheating, this can actually be lots of fun. But you must resist the urge to cheat.

King Aquamentus
08-26-2008, 08:16 PM
...and how is that different from most LoZ tileset quests?

09-11-2008, 10:35 AM
Does anyone else have problems with a shop, where the shopkeeper says that everything's expensive but there aren't any buyable items inside?