View Full Version : Question on a possible script

08-23-2008, 12:45 AM
I was wondering with scripting is it possible to change the way combos work. The reason why I ask is because I have trouble getting multiple warps to warp properly on one screen, actually I cant seem to get it to work at all. So I was wonder if it would be possible to script it so if I right click on a warp combo I can edit all of the warp info for just that one warp. Like setting the destination, every thing on that one combo. But it would also have to have some sort of way to add the destination per screen. This way the warp tile could be used on different screens with out taking you to the same spot when you want a different one. Or would this have to be implemented be the devs?

08-23-2008, 02:17 AM
Well, this can be done, but not the way you describe.

The built in combos work the way they work, and they always will work that way. However, you could script a warp.

The question is, though, do you need to? What problem, exactly, are you having with the warps? Don't forget there's four blue tiles (A, B, C, D), four warp combo types (A, B, C, D), and four pages on the warp setup dialog (A, B, C, D). Triggering a B Warp Combo will use Warp B, which will send Link to whatever blue tile you choose.

If you give a more detailed description of your problem, we'll probably be able to help you.

(If you still want the script for a customized warp (which can ONLY use Blue Tile A), read below)

const int sensitivity = 4;

ffc script myWarp {
void run(int dmap, int screen) {
while(true) {
if(Link->X + 16 + sensitivity > this->X && Link->X < this->X + 16 - sensitivity && Link->Y + 16 + sensitivity > this->Y && Link->Y < this->Y + 16 - sensitivity) {
//do something
Link->PitWarp(dmap, screen);

08-23-2008, 05:29 AM
Have you got the Quest Rule 'Use Old Style Warp Detection' checked?