View Full Version : The Reawakening

08-22-2008, 02:43 PM
So I'm making a new quest. I honestly never thought I'd pick up ZC again, but after talking to Bigjoe and hearing about how cool the new betas are, I've been playing around with it a lot. I even found a legitimate bug! I was excited when I saw my bug on the updates at shardstorm.

Anyway, my quest is somewhat of a sequel to Link's Awakening. You play as Link's descendant, Andrin. Andrin is a guard working in his home villiage of Selma. After a strange nightmare of a woman pleading you to return to Koholint and suddenly being faced by a forty headed gleeok, Andrin wakes up and is tasked by the captain of the guard to clear the monsters out of the woods to the north. During his excersion into the woods to defeat the monsters, Andrin comes across insane cultists bent on the resurrection of something called "Ganon" and is mistaken for a man named Link. The series of events lead to Andrin on a quest to save the world from eternal nightmare and the task of awakening the dreamer once more.

Here are a few screen shots:

Title Screen

On the beach.

The Church in Selma

Selma Forest

Sale's Hut

Aghraz Mountains

I'm really putting a lot into this quest. I'm starting with PTUX, but I'm slowly adding and reorganizing as I go. I really like this tileset. The last tileset I used was a newfirst hybrid, and before that...newfirst itself. I've found a lot of good resources on PureZC and I'm going to credit everyone I took stuff from in the end. ZC's new features are outstanding! I'm really getting into all these awesome new things like the enemy and item editors. I've potentially got some help with some really cool scripting ideas I had, so I hope that comes through. I don't think its anything TOO innovative, but I think it'll add a lot to this quest. Hopefully it won't be anywhere near as buggy as Labyrinth of Dinus was when I released that. I plan on making this quest HUGE. Two full overworlds at the very least, and more than ten dungeons. I want to really portray a very epic story if I can get away with it. Yeah, just a heads up in case anyone cares. Thoughts?

08-22-2008, 08:41 PM
Wow, this looks like something I could play and actually still be interested in 30 minutes later :) The screenshots look really good, and I like the way the story sounds. If you need help with scripting anything, just pm me, though there are definitely people on here better than me at scripting, lol.

Aegix Drakan
08-22-2008, 09:49 PM
hahahah, REawakening. Nice ;)

Link's Awakening is one of my favourite Zelda games of all time. ;) Try to do it justice, ok? (not that I doubt your leet skills).

I look foreward to this...

08-23-2008, 06:48 AM
Your screen design's pretty good, I like the foresty one.
That screen with the straight mountains along two edges looks very boxy though...

08-23-2008, 01:58 PM
Its supposed to be like that, theres a reason for it. ;) The rest of those mountains are unforgiving. Its a mine. A man-made area that was blasted into. Thats why its a bit boxy.

08-23-2008, 03:45 PM
Wow these look great, can't wait to try it!

09-01-2008, 03:28 PM
I'm really getting excited about this quest. I just finished level 4. Level 4 is quite huge. Lets just say it involves two sets of maps, compasses, and boss keys. :) Its not at all annoying long or boring either. I was just doing a little overworld design and man is it looking sharp. I really can't wait to release this. I'm probably going to release a strategy guide with it as well, as I really suck at answering tons of questions on the quests I release. I'll post more screenies later. I told BigJoe when I first started making it that I probably wouldn't hype or publicize it at all. I usually don't because I always found it more exciting to just release a quest without any notice. I just got too excited about it. Sorry, pointless post.

09-02-2008, 03:48 PM
Will you be putting out a demo or will we have to wait until the quest is finished before we can try it out?

09-03-2008, 01:49 AM
I'm not putting out a demo I don't think. I might, but I'm not sure. I'm about to start work on Level 5, and I just started the game a couple weeks ago. I'll probably finish it sooner rather than later, so I don't think a demo will be worth it seeing as I'll probably be finished within another two weeks or so.