View Full Version : Isaac Hayes found dead

Zaphod Q. IX
08-10-2008, 04:21 PM
Probably known to most of you as Chef on South Park, Isaac Hayes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Hayes) was also a very influential musician, pioneering southern soul and composing scores for films, among other things.

I imagine his funeral will be an interesting event. ;)

08-10-2008, 04:26 PM

Chef left South Park because he's a big stupid scientologist and they wouldn't stop mocking it. I loved his music, but seriously, he was a fucking scientologist. I wonder if he managed to give enough money to them so that his soul could be taken safely far away into space to avoid Xenu's wrath, or whatever crazy nonsense they believe in happening when they're actually rotting in the ground.

Dann Woolf
08-10-2008, 04:49 PM
I imagine his funeral will be an interesting event. ;)

If by "will be an interesting event" you mean "will set off a gargantuan shitstorm", I completely agree with you.

Chef left South Park because he's a big stupid scientologist and they wouldn't stop mocking it.

South Park mocks everything, why should Scientology be any different?

How did he die, anyway?

Offtopic: God damn it, every time I hear the name Xenu I think of the Pokémon Xatu.

08-10-2008, 05:04 PM

Chef left South Park because he's a big stupid scientologist and they wouldn't stop mocking it. I loved his music, but seriously, he was a fucking scientologist. I wonder if he managed to give enough money to them so that his soul could be taken safely far away into space to avoid Xenu's wrath, or whatever crazy nonsense they believe in happening when they're actually rotting in the ground.

How can you say this and then get on my case for being a jerk towards christians?

By what logical standard is the Bible less insane than Xenu?

I may be arrogant, but you seem something of a hypocrite.

08-10-2008, 05:19 PM
How can you say this and then get on my case for being a jerk towards christians?

By what logical standard is the Bible less insane than Xenu?

I may be arrogant, but you seem something of a hypocrite.Christianity's holy text was verifiably written thousands of years ago by men that were considered sages and mentions some historically accurate events. It references a few "miracles", some of which can be explained, some of which remain supernatural. Christianity asks you to believe that some guy came back from the dead and is going to remove sins from you if you just believe in him.

Scientology's holy texts were written by a semi-popular science fiction writer. All of them are copyrighted and discussing them in an unapproved context can get you a court date. They discuss how if you give money to the right person, you can remove the thetans from your soul (this is similar in concept to some Eastern religions that feel that all of your evil clings to your soul and must be cleansed through effort over several lifetimes, actually.) How'd the thetans get there? Several billion years ago, the king of the universe put a bunch of people in spaceships that looked like DC-9s, put them on Earth, and dropped a hydrogen bomb on them while showing them movies. The universe got mad at him, so they froze him and imprisoned him inside of a volcano. This science fiction writer somehow discovered this and if you pay his organization enough money you can be cleansed at the low price of a 4 billion year slavery contract.

I can understand how Christianity looks crazy and ridiculous in the eyes of someone who wants to believe only verifiable facts, but surely you can admit that on a scale from sane to insane, Scientology scores a little bit farther out than Christianity?

Dann Woolf
08-10-2008, 05:22 PM
Seeing as we're getting into the "religion is a load of bull pies" thing...

Y'know what the problem with religion is?

Religion came to be in an era where man didn't know how the world worked. Thus, religion was created as a way of answering all of mankind's questions.

Logically speaking, when science managed to uncover the TRUE answers to all those questions, religion wasn't necessary anymore. But, by then, religion became so deeply-rooted in our culture, our world, that it just couldn't be removed anymore.

Creationists versus evolutionists, Muslims versus Christians, Scientology versus, well, everyone else, Isaac Hayes leaving South Park, it's all caused by religion still existing even though we don't actually NEED it anymore.

And it probably will stick around forever, seeing as humans are so bloody sentimental.

08-10-2008, 05:33 PM
I can understand how Christianity looks crazy and ridiculous in the eyes of someone who wants to believe only verifiable facts,

i.e. someone who is not insane.

surely you can admit that on a scale from sane to insane, Scientology scores a little bit farther out than Christianity?

I do not admit this at all. A crazy story is a crazy story. I don't care if it was written thousands of years ago by idiots that people that were smart, or by an idiot that people think is an idiot. The idiocy is not diminished by time nor reference to actual geographical locations.

Sanity is a boolean value.

08-10-2008, 08:19 PM
This thread...probably won't end well. D:

In any case, the whole religion thing falls apart when you take into account the fact that many places don't actually recognize Scientology as a religion, and instead treat it as a corporation or business. Besides, the part about Xenu and aliens is actually being phased out by the guy running the CoS now, and was never really that important anyway (many Scientologists don't even know that part actually exists, since they're not actually told about it unless they've already invested thousands of dollars in it). The only thing they can honestly be said to worship is bureaucracy, since Stats are so important to them that the organization actually imprisons people who don't keep their numbers and profit margins constantly growing.

08-10-2008, 08:33 PM
So it's like Catholicism.

08-10-2008, 08:45 PM
Who doesn't want to believe only in verifiable facts, especially when it comes to religion? There are thousands upon thousands of religions around the world - and if I pick the wrong one, I'll be condemned to an eternity in hell. That seems to be a lot to put on the line over something that can't be verified. What kind of psychological torture is this, anyway? What kind of merciful God would create this perverse afterlife lottery?

08-11-2008, 05:14 AM
Just do unto others as you would have done unto you. How can you go wrong with that.
Isaac Hayes on the other hand, who cares about him since he left South Park? Obviously not most on this thread since it's about mostly religion.

08-11-2008, 07:52 AM
Obviously, it's a tragedy that someone who's done so much over the years has died. Particularly since he was scheduled to perform at the Sunset Junction street festival later on this month. :(

It's just that the part about what happened when the Church of Scientology had him resign from South Park while he was recovering from a stroke has a way of, uh, affecting how people remember him. Especially since his involvement with the CoS left people concerned about his health:

"We heard these rumors that he had had a stroke . . . Scientologists were always putting him on this weird cayenne pepper thing, you know, to get all the toxins out of your body … he was starting to change they were putting him on this weird diet, he had lost tons of weight, you know to an unhealthy degree."
{Source} (http://dimeadozenblog.googlepages.com/southparkclip.wma)

08-11-2008, 04:39 PM
Ultimately we have lost a great guy... recently we've lost a lot of them... celebrities and also our guys in the war zones.

May all their families and griends be blessed thru it all...

08-11-2008, 05:31 PM
Just do unto others as you would have done unto you. How can you go wrong with that.

is it nice living in a hole?

Aegix Drakan
08-11-2008, 08:58 PM
Just do unto others as you would have done unto you. How can you go wrong with that.

I try to follow this philosohpy. Keyword: TRY.

...But it's kinda hard when 98% of the people out there are assholes who will take advantage of nice guys.

...As I've learned in only my 20 years...It's not always the best course of action. If you are too nice, YOU WILL GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. The only way to get ahead in this world is to step over everyone else, and don't care about what happens to them. ...It's a harsh concept, and I'm still trying to come to grips with it.

...Plus, I just can't comprehend that the guys who go and get drunk off their asses every friday night get girls just by acting dumb, and no matter how nice and thoughtful I try to be, I never get anywhere.

...Then again, I'm just a little bit weird, so that probably turns them off...:shrug:

Modus Ponens
08-11-2008, 09:40 PM
is it nice living in a hole?

Is it nice pissing all over an honest, decent outlook on life?

08-11-2008, 10:35 PM
Don't worry Riverman, when Breaker goes back to accusing me of being mean, he won't even remember that post. He has magic hypocrite power.

08-12-2008, 12:55 AM
I try to follow this philosohpy. Keyword: TRY.

...But it's kinda hard when 98% of the people out there are assholes who will take advantage of nice guys.

...As I've learned in only my 20 years...It's not always the best course of action. If you are too nice, YOU WILL GET TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. The only way to get ahead in this world is to step over everyone else, and don't care about what happens to them. ...It's a harsh concept, and I'm still trying to come to grips with it.

...Plus, I just can't comprehend that the guys who go and get drunk off their asses every friday night get girls just by acting dumb, and no matter how nice and thoughtful I try to be, I never get anywhere.

...Then again, I'm just a little bit weird, so that probably turns them off...:shrug:"Do unto others" doesn't mean let people walk all over you. It means to ask yourself if you're doing something to someone you'd rather not them do to you, and refraining if true. If someone's being a dick to you or trying to take advantage of you, stop being around that person. "Getting ahead" in life doesn't mean you have to be filthy rich; it means you have what it takes to be happy.

Isaac Hayes was a very talented artist and look where it got him: a hole in the ground. Bill Gates is very successful: he's going to be in the ground too. No matter what you do in life you're going to end up dead just like all of the other people. So don't mope about the things you can't get because in the end we'll all end up the same way.

08-12-2008, 04:43 AM

...Plus, I just can't comprehend that the guys who go and get drunk off their asses every friday night get girls just by acting dumb, and no matter how nice and thoughtful I try to be, I never get anywhere.


I will never understand this because it is so true. You see most girls go to these movies that have "the perfect guy," and it's "I want one! I want one!" But then they go back to very judgemental or they settle for something less. Not saying there aren't good ones out there it's just it's practicly like a once a year thing to find a good one and then there's no guarantees. NOTE: Stay away from military chicks.

08-12-2008, 07:04 PM

Dann Woolf
08-13-2008, 10:52 AM
Figures. The one Scientologist I didn't want dead.

So how did he die?

08-13-2008, 02:37 PM
One of the articles I read last night said he had a stroke. Let me look around again and see if I can find the link... I'll post it...

Wiki states he died from a stroke... but from what all I've read on the sites I check there's been no autopsy.


Dann Woolf
08-13-2008, 04:56 PM
Wiki states he died from a stroke... but from what all I've read on the sites I check there's been no autopsy.

Hmm, nope, that's definitely not suspicious. Not suspicious at all.