View Full Version : My favorite Darwin Award

07-28-2008, 12:54 PM
This is one of the greatest Darwin Awards I've ever heard of. I would like to thank this man for such a satisfying fit of laughter.

Man drowns during his own baptism:


07-28-2008, 01:34 PM
Wow. Just, wow. Drowning during your baptism has got to be the greatest inrony in history. So, was he saved or wasn't he? :D

07-28-2008, 01:45 PM
Bel, do you hate Christians so much that you laugh at us when one of us dies?

Why would anyone revel in the accidental death of someone whose only apparent "wrong" against them is becoming a Christian?

07-28-2008, 01:53 PM
Bel, do you hate Christians so much that you laugh at us when one of us dies?

Why would anyone revel in the accidental death of someone whose only apparent "wrong" against them is becoming a Christian?

Stop taking everything as a personal attack. You probably would have chuckled if it was a Hindu in India drowning in the Ganges right? Oh and don't reply and say you wouldn't be. That's just too easy now.

07-28-2008, 02:01 PM
How could I be? If I did, then I would be no better then a murderer. I never revel in the deaths of others. Otherwise I'd be dancing up and down the streets about Ted Kennedy. It's sad when a Hindu or some other unsaved person dies, because they would then be in hell. I don't want that to happen to anybody, but if the people refuse to listen, then I can't do anything about it.

07-28-2008, 02:10 PM
See, this is one of those topics that I really wouldn't want to touch with a pole of any length, but there's really no need to get defensive. You have your solidarity, and he has his. You have to stop pitying people for their immoral attitudes, or they'll begin to pity you for being too defensive about it! O_O'

07-28-2008, 02:11 PM
That's true.

07-28-2008, 02:18 PM
Besides, even russadwan thought it was amusing, and he's one of our resident Bible-thumpers. My attitude is this - if you spend your whole life dreading death, you're going to have a miserable life. Sure, death sucks, but it's just a part of life. It happens to us all.

In the immortal words of 38 Special,

Just hold on loosely,
but don't let go,
if you cling too tightly,
you're gonna lose control.

07-28-2008, 02:20 PM
Who's 38 special?

07-28-2008, 02:28 PM
They were an 80s American rock ban.

07-28-2008, 02:39 PM
I did not post this to be edgy or confrontational. I posted it because it's amusing.

It would be funny if a liberal democrat got killed by a homeless person he was trying to give money to. It would be funny if Al Gore got eaten by a polar bear. It would be funny if Osama Bin Laden died in a fiery plane crash.

Irony is irony. It's funny that this guy drowned in an attempt to "get saved".

It's a darwin award because drowning yourself in attempt to ritualistically please your god is a very stupid act and it's safe to say the gene pool is better off.

07-28-2008, 04:13 PM
The guy drowned while swimming, not while being baptized. Hilarious story. :rolleyes:

07-28-2008, 05:04 PM
Investigators had originally thought the man had disappeared while being baptized in the water, but it turns out he was just swimming in the area near the baptism.

Gone from being greatest Darwin award to just a normal accident.

I hate to say it Bel, but your hatred for religion has hit a new low.

07-28-2008, 05:06 PM
I hate to say it Bel, but your hatred for religion has hit a new low.

You should read all the posts in the thread before you assume things about me.

07-28-2008, 07:07 PM
You should read all the posts in the thread before you assume things about me.

I did read all the posts. And up until Phatt's you continued to claim the guy was baptising himself, but according to the article he was just plain old swimming.

You should read the entire article before you make outrageous claims.

07-28-2008, 07:21 PM
Archibaldo, I think the article was edited after Bel posted the link. I don't remember reading that middle paragraph earlier.

07-28-2008, 07:40 PM
Ya, it was edited all right.

On a side note, my mom has some friends that go to a church. At that church, the pastor was baptizing people. He left a microphone in his pocket, and when he stepped into the baptizing pool thingy, the microphine electricuted him. Kind of ironic.

07-28-2008, 07:40 PM
Eh, they could have updated it after he posted, but simple fact checking (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=103418) has been surprisingly hard for Beldaran lately.

To his credit, it looks like the timestamp on the article could be after Beldaran made the post; I'm not doing the time zone calculations to figure it out.

*edit* Which is ironic in a post calling out another for simple fact checking.

07-28-2008, 10:54 PM
The article was edited after I posted it. When I originally read it, that part was not in it.

I did read all the posts.

Did you? Because you said this thread was an expression of my hatred for religion. You claim to have read all the posts in the thread, but I think you should brush up on your reading skills:

I did not post this to be edgy or confrontational. I posted it because it's amusing.

It would be funny if a liberal democrat got killed by a homeless person he was trying to give money to. It would be funny if Al Gore got eaten by a polar bear. It would be funny if Osama Bin Laden died in a fiery plane crash.

Irony is irony. It's funny that this guy drowned in an attempt to "get saved".

You should read the entire article before you make outrageous claims.

The only outrageous claims I made were those in the article before it was changed.

Really, Archibaldo, consider thinking and reading for more than half a second before you go accusing me of things.

By the way, hatred of religion? Guilty as charged. Religion is stupid, and religious people are even more retarded. I hate religion and view its adherents with a mix of pity and contempt. However, this thread was not posted in that spirit, as mentioned in my post that you either didn't read or didn't understand.

07-28-2008, 11:56 PM
When the result of death is ironic, it would be more sad than funny. :/

The Desperado
07-29-2008, 12:19 AM
How could I be? If I did, then I would be no better then a murderer. I never revel in the deaths of others. Otherwise I'd be dancing up and down the streets about Ted Kennedy. It's sad when a Hindu or some other unsaved person dies, because they would then be in hell. I don't want that to happen to anybody, but if the people refuse to listen, then I can't do anything about it.

OMFG! Dude, quit being such a downer. A little laugh never hurt anyone. God forbid you enjoy life a little bit.

07-29-2008, 12:32 AM
OMFG! God forbid you enjoy life a little bit.

$10 says he replies with a Bible verse.

07-29-2008, 01:01 AM
Otherwise I'd be dancing up and down the streets about Ted Kennedy.
Wait, so you mean I wasn't supposed to get really excited when I heard about Ted Kennedy?

07-29-2008, 03:47 AM
How could I be? If I did, then I would be no better then a murderer. I never revel in the deaths of others. Otherwise I'd be dancing up and down the streets about Ted Kennedy. It's sad when a Hindu or some other unsaved person dies, because they would then be in hell. I don't want that to happen to anybody, but if the people refuse to listen, then I can't do anything about it.

I am going to just go right out and say it regardless of whatever consequences.

You, sir, are fucking retarded.

Jesus H. Christ I'm sick and fucking tired of the word "saved" and the retarded view of religious Christians. I am a Christian, and I believe in God and Jesus Christ, but I do NOT believe in the Bible or organized religion. Being "saved" is just another remenant of Christians and Religion trying to control the masses. Religion and the modern bible are just products of man trying to exploit people's guillibility to keep people in check, and for some retarded reason, there are people who are still following it. I know there is a God and I know that Jesus died for our sins. I know this because without God's help, I wouldn't have made it through some of the toughest spots in my life. I pray, and I ask for forgiveness, but I don't go to Church, and God helps me. So what does that say for religion if an "unsaved" and unreligous man has a relationship with God that has helped him get through tough times? Its all a bunch of stupid bullshit that should be seen for what it is. I use the Church and the Bible for education and knowledge, but I don't believe everything they tell me due to the corrupt nature of man. Its just like the fucking telephone game. Do you realize how many times the Bible has been retranslated and retold over the past 1500 years? You think that everything inside the original book was saved and not changed? Thats just being naive if you believe so. The word of God according to the Bible is actually the empty lies of men stretching and scewing the truth to further their own ambitions. I'm not going to go to hell because I've never been "saved" or because I don't go to Church and pray before every meal and before every night I go to sleep. I'll go to hell if I'm a bad person who makes evil decisions on my own. I'm a good and selfless person and I live by a very strict moral code that I have learned myself, and I know that I will go to heaven when all is said and done.

I'm done...except for the fact that if you don't know .38 Special and Hold on Loosely, you're UnAmerican.

Balls and tits.

07-29-2008, 05:02 AM
It's sad when a Hindu or some other unsaved person dies, because they would then be in hell. I don't want that to happen to anybody, but if the people refuse to listen, then I can't do anything about it.

That's an awful presumptuous statement to make. Who are you to say God sends those who are non-Christians to hell when they die? What about the religions that don't have a hell? As isn't it a little presumptuous to assume that people from another religion go to a Christian hell when they die?

Here's an idea. What if all religions are working towards the same goal? Could be that they are all trying to teach people to live a better life, help their fellow man, and above all, just not be fuckwads. Good idea. The concept of hell could exist as a really good reason not to be a general fuckwad in all things fuckwaddy.

Even if that not true there is nothing to say that YOUR religion is the correct one. If there is a God, then it could also be that the "correct" religion is that crazy guy on the corner who wears a tin-foil hat and pisses himself. You have no proof that your religion is the "correct" one besides a book that tells you it is, and hate to tell you, but many other religions have books that tell them theirs is the only true religion.

And now, to remain somewhat on topic, this is IRONY. If it was a drowning at a baptism it would be ironic because a man that has undergone a religious ceremony to be saved instead winds up dead. Sure, Bel made it into a Darwin award because of his views on religion. However, at this point, you should realize that anything posted by Bel about religion is a giant "HEY CHRISTIANS......FUCK YOU" only in nicer terms generally. A smarter way to go about this would have been to find an article about a scientist dieing in a lab accident and nominate that as your favorite Darwin award.

07-29-2008, 09:20 AM
I really didn't say "Darwin Award" because the man was religious. I said it because you'd have to be a mental runt to drown in water shallow enough for baptism. Of course, the article was edited and we now know he drowned after being baptized, but you can hopefully see what I meant.

Bear in mind my parents are devoted evangelical christians and I certainly will not think it is funny and/or a Darwin Award when they die. They are wonderful people. I don't hate christians quite as much as I act like I do.

I use the Church and the Bible for education and knowledge, but I don't believe everything they tell me due to the corrupt nature of man. Its just like the fucking telephone game. Do you realize how many times the Bible has been retranslated and retold over the past 1500 years? You think that everything inside the original book was saved and not changed? Thats just being naive if you believe so. The word of God according to the Bible is actually the empty lies of men stretching and scewing the truth to further their own ambitions. I'm not going to go to hell because I've never been "saved" or because I don't go to Church and pray before every meal and before every night I go to sleep. I'll go to hell if I'm a bad person who makes evil decisions on my own. I'm a good and selfless person and I live by a very strict moral code that I have learned myself, and I know that I will go to heaven when all is said and done.

I am always accused of hating christianity on this forum. Maybe I do.

But let me tell you this: If all christians were like you, it would be my favorite religion and I would never stop encouraging people who just have to believe in something to become christian.

You sir, are the most important, relevant, and desirable type of christian. I personally don't think god is real, but if he is, I hope yours is the type of christianity he hoped to spread on earth.

07-29-2008, 01:14 PM
Anthony, I don't think anyone could have said that any better. This is exactly how I have been feeling for several years and it's nice to know there are others out there who feel the same. Thanks.

07-29-2008, 01:31 PM
I agree with erm... thank you Anthony. You voiced exactly what was needing to be said. Stay safe sweetheart :)

Dying during a baptism... I'm sure isn't the ending that the guy being baptized was intending. I feel sorry for his friends and family.

07-29-2008, 09:21 PM
Alright Bel, I'm sorry. Maybe the article was edited. My apologizes. Next time I won't be so brash and jump to conclusions.

But you have to understand that the article was edited before I read it.