View Full Version : Had to go to the hospital yesterday...

07-26-2008, 09:31 AM
Uncompensated care FTW!

Okay, so... On Thursday I got up, went about my normal routine before work... Noticed what I THOUGHT was a zit on the right side of my neck. So, because I'm so anal about fresh pimples being where other people can see them, I try to pop it. Well, the mother fucker wouldn't pop. It was, however (even before I tried to squeeze the life out of it) all red and swollen. So after realizing maybe it wasn't pimple, I deemed it a bug bite of some sort. Maybe a spider? Oh well. Take my shower, wash my face, nothing out of the norm, right?

Well, I don't remember exactly what time it was, maybe 9 or 10 in the morning... I'm at work and I lean my head on my right hand. I notice a lump on my neck right under my ear. So, I poke around, realize it's about as big around as a dime. I wasn't sure what it was so I tried my best to leave it alone and ignore it. Maybe it'd go away?

As the day progresses, the lump and my pimple/bug bite start to hurt. The zit/bite is inflamed and swollen. People ask if I have a hickey. I get annoyed. I talk to Prr briefly about it.

Later that night, I notice that there's a much much smaller lump, further down my neck and closer to my shoulder. About the size of a pea. I start to worry a little. The original lump is now super sore and sensitive and about as big around as a quarter. I tell Aaron about the lumps when he gets home from work, and he tells me I should see a doctor.

I don't have insurance. I HATE the hospital. I haven't even got my bills paid from when I went in March, dammit. I tell him I want to wait it out, it didn't seem that serious. He made me promise that if the problem hasn't started to get better or otherwise gone away, that I HAD to go on Sunday. I agreed.

Yesterday, I got up and went about my normal routine. Zit/bite was more swollen, very sensitive and painful. It had a head. I tried to pop it again BECAUSE I'M STUPID. Didn't work. Just hurt. Bad. I take a shower, wash my face. The lump under my ear is bigger now, and much more sore. I noticed it while washing my face. I check the lump further down on my neck, which is also bigger now.

So then I start to worry. I wake Aaron up, tell him about it. He wants me to go to the hospital. I refuse. "I'm fine," I say, "Just hurts a little. Don't feel sick. Not an emergency, it'll go away."

Talk to mom. She wants me to go to the hospital. People at work think I should go. The lumps got bigger, and more sore (it hurt to turn my head), the zit/bite was more swollen, more red.

I start to worry. I try not to, but I failed. I started to get a headache in the right side of my head. I worry more. My neck muscles get sore. I worry more.

My manager sent me home around 2:30. I picked up Aaron (who called off work, how sweet!) and we went to the hospital. I only wait about 45 minutes. The doctor finally comes in my room, feels around my neck. I see the worry on his face. I am not happy.

Turns out I had cellulitis. The bug bite/pimple (we're not sure what it was) was actually an infection. An infection that lies right on my carotid artery.


So, he tells me that normally they would lance it to drain the infection. Since it's right there on top of that big, fat artery, he didn't really want to do that. But they had to kill the infection fast before it spread into my blood stream. Being right there on that artery, it would spread FAST. So, instead of giving me pills, they hook me up to an IV (I hate IVs... I was NOT happy lol), and pump me full of antibiotics for an hour. When the drip was done, the lumps and infection had actually stopped hurting. So, they give me two prescriptions and send me on my way.

If I had waited until Sunday like I wanted, the infection may have been deadly. They WOULD have had to lance it then, which would been dangerous and had to of been done in an operating room. I'm soooo glad I didn't wait. I was so scared knowing that this little red mark on my neck could have been my end.

But I'm okay now :)

07-26-2008, 09:36 AM
Glad to here that you're going to be ok.

Zaphod Q. IX
07-26-2008, 10:11 AM
Turns out I had cellulitis. The bug bite/pimple (we're not sure what it was) was actually an infection...If I had waited until Sunday like I wanted, the infection may have been deadly...But I'm okay now :)
My brother almost died from cellulitis four years ago. He had to spend two weeks in the hospital, which almost bankrupted him (he had just canceled his health insurance because it was too expensive). I'm glad you're ok.

07-26-2008, 10:58 AM
Glad to hear you're okay mooie. Did they say what caused the infection?

07-26-2008, 11:23 AM
I am glad you are doing better now. My grandfather had to go into the hospital two weeks ago for the same thing. It really can sneak up on you fast. What he thought was just a rash could have been much worse.

07-26-2008, 11:24 AM
I wonder what the deal is with cellulitis. About a month ago I had a sore throat which I ignored because I practically always have them due to allergy-triggered sinus problems. This one lasted like 2 weeks and kept getting worse, to where it was painful to eat soup. I went to the doctor and she said that somehow I managed to get cellulitis in my throat. I got some antibiotics and 3 days later I was back to normal.

I did the same thing moocow did, "Oh it's fine, I'll get better." Why do we do this?

07-26-2008, 11:29 AM
I did the same thing moocow did, "Oh it's fine, I'll get better." Why do we do this?

Because most of the time it's true? I was sick for a couple months with severe cold and flu like symptoms this winter and I still didn't miss a day of work or go to the doctor. I ended up being fine. I hate doctors and I would probably have done the same thing as moocow did if that happened to me, even with health insurance.

07-26-2008, 01:08 PM
My sister recently had a similar problem where an infection spread through her bloodstream, but they didn't catch it as early as you. The results were horrifying. She had a heart attack, her heart valves were eaten up and needed replacement surgery, her kidneys came very close to failing, and were inactive for awhile. And she had a stroke.

After about 2 months in the hospital, she came out of it okay though. She has to ride in a wheelchair for awhile, and still may have to have one of her kidneys removed. But Im thankful shes alive.

You're lucky you caught it in time. It isn't a pleasant ordeal to have an infection spread throughout your body.

The Desperado
07-26-2008, 02:33 PM
Wow Moo. You know you are now only the second person I know who checked into Licking Memorial Hospital and managed to make it out alive. They must be on a roll.

07-26-2008, 02:53 PM
People call me a worrywort, but whenever a potential infection is involved, I always urge people to get to the doctor and get it checked out. Seriously, that's just one of those things you don't mess around with - even a seemingly minor cut can be fatal if it becomes infected. Gah, I'm glad things turned out alright.

Seriously, just to everyone out there, remember - if you start to develop any signs of infection (pain, swelling, etc), get that shit checked out as soon as possible.

07-26-2008, 07:10 PM
if you're ever in a situation like this, you don't always have to go to the emergency room. find a walk-in clinic in your area. they're usually cheap and you can be treated within an hour. the doctors there will be able to tell you if it's serious or not and prescribe medication if necessary. ER visits are always costly and then you get billed by both the doctor and the facility.

07-26-2008, 09:18 PM
Oh my god... That must have been terrible D: I'm glad you're alright though 8D

07-26-2008, 10:46 PM
I will forever be sorry that I didn't take the situation anymore seriously then I initially did and honestly thought it was part of your TMJ. I am sorry sweetheart...

... and am truly grateful that you are and will be OK.

07-27-2008, 01:24 AM
SO you don't have cancer? Sorry I am terrible at these things...

What is the red thing growing on that ladies neck?!

07-27-2008, 06:00 AM
Wow, I was getting worried reading about it, and I was relieved when you said nothing was wrong. Glad to hear everything turned out alright, and I hope the bill doesn't kill you. ;) Feel better.

Aegix Drakan
07-27-2008, 02:39 PM

Glad it all turned out ok.

07-27-2008, 06:45 PM
Wow, scary. I'm glad you're better though.

And next time, go to the doctor and don't procrastinate it. ;)

07-27-2008, 07:53 PM
Because most of the time it's true? I was sick for a couple months with severe cold and flu like symptoms this winter and I still didn't miss a day of work or go to the doctor. I ended up being fine. I hate doctors and I would probably have done the same thing as moocow did if that happened to me, even with health insurance.But when it's not true...
My sister recently had a similar problem where an infection spread through her bloodstream, but they didn't catch it as early as you. The results were horrifying. She had a heart attack, her heart valves were eaten up and needed replacement surgery, her kidneys came very close to failing, and were inactive for awhile. And she had a stroke.

After about 2 months in the hospital, she came out of it okay though. She has to ride in a wheelchair for awhile, and still may have to have one of her kidneys removed.The doctors went to medical school for a long time to be able to tell the difference between a head cold and something more severe. If something abnormal is affecting my life for more than a week, I figure the possibility that nothing's really wrong is outweighed by the necessity of finding out something's wrong in a hurry.

My recent infection has lowered the number of days it takes me to visit the doctor for a sore throat by about 3-5 days.

Master Ghaleon
07-27-2008, 09:04 PM
Glad you are doing good now. :)

07-27-2008, 09:36 PM
Wow Moo. You know you are now only the second person I know who checked into Licking Memorial Hospital and managed to make it out alive. They must be on a roll.

I am in no way a supporter of LMH but they have gotten just a LITTLE better over the years. Ever since they renovated and upgraded the majority of their equipment they are a more modern hospital. Still a crap shoot compared to most hospitals. That's just my biased opinion as an Emt.

07-27-2008, 09:58 PM
if you're ever in a situation like this, you don't always have to go to the emergency room. find a walk-in clinic in your area. they're usually cheap and you can be treated within an hour. the doctors there will be able to tell you if it's serious or not and prescribe medication if necessary. ER visits are always costly and then you get billed by both the doctor and the facility.

You have to pay $100 up front for the clinic, and I didn't/don't have $100 to do that, or I would have. At least with uncompensated care, I can fill out paperwork and get assistance with paying my bill.

Desperado: I've been there twice in the past 5 months and I'm okay :) lol

Thanks everyone :)

07-28-2008, 07:35 AM
I love you Moo! You are not allowed to die! EVER!

07-28-2008, 08:44 PM
I'll do my best not to. Dork. :p

07-28-2008, 08:56 PM
We will, of course, enforce that under penalty of law, if need be.


07-30-2008, 12:29 AM

There it is. Wretched little bastard.

07-30-2008, 12:44 AM
If it weren't attached to your neck, I believe "stabby stabby stabby" would be the appropriate response. Oh well, just thank God the whole ordeal is over.

07-30-2008, 02:38 AM
[ img ]

There it is. Wretched little bastard.

Did you make yourself up just to post a picture of the red bump on you neck?

The Desperado
07-30-2008, 02:50 AM
No. She was on her way over to see me. Meow!

07-30-2008, 03:02 AM
The only reason she wasn't on her way to see me is because I live thousands of miles away!

07-30-2008, 07:38 AM
Did you make yourself up just to post a picture of the red bump on you neck?

No. I was already made up because I was taking pictures of myself in the bathroom mirror. I randomly do that sometimes. I get bored.

07-30-2008, 03:39 PM
Gorgeous hunka womanhood you are :) Owie 'n all :) <hug>