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View Full Version : ~Help W/ GFX (should be easy answers)

07-23-2008, 11:05 PM
Hello, me again. I just have 4 quick questions:

a) I want to know the difference between Z3 and BS animaiton (and I don't mean BS is 3 frames, Z3 is 8, I mean what do they do)

b) Also, what is the validity of the "use BS animation" something-or-other quest rule?

c) Could someone please make me a list of all "Extended Link Tile Modification" something-or-other tiles that are affected by BS and Z3 style animation, ie: land:walk, water:float, water:swim,...

and finaly,
d) what does BS stand for? Thanks for all the help, ###:cool:

07-23-2008, 11:18 PM
I'll answer the ones I know.

BS stands for Brodcasting Satallite, as the BS graphics are ripped from a Zelda game that was brodcasted via satallite to Japanese SNES systems.

Extended Link Tile Modifiers effect all Link sprites (I think).

That's all I know. Hope it helps.

07-23-2008, 11:25 PM
Gosh, that was a quick reply, thanks soo much!:)

Any more help is still okay, though... =P

07-24-2008, 09:13 AM
You might also want to check out the BS Zelda HomePage (http://bszelda.zeldalegends.net/), a website which has a lot of VEL's and Con's works on remaking BS-Zeldaの伝説.