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07-16-2008, 04:18 PM
He gave me an extra nice tip, so in turn, I gave him lots of free shit. I didn't ask if he was infact Terry O'Quinn, but upon looking up pictures of him and his wife (his family was with him) it was definitely him. I was all OMGGGGGG!!!!!111

07-16-2008, 04:23 PM
...I thought John Locke was a political author/spokesman from the 1600s...

*goes to Wikipedia*

EDIT: Oh, the guy from Lost? Sweet.

07-16-2008, 04:27 PM
Yep. Celebrities are real people who exist. Fascinating.

07-16-2008, 04:49 PM
that is fucking awesome. im a huge fan of the show Lost.

07-16-2008, 06:23 PM
pfff, lost is a horrible show about nothing. Unresolved plot points + endless pointless waiting for stupid explanations of random events + forced drama and pointless action = crappy tv

07-16-2008, 06:54 PM
pfff, lost is a horrible show about nothing. Unresolved plot points + endless pointless waiting for stupid explanations of random events + forced drama and pointless action = crappy tv

Cool story, man.

07-16-2008, 06:59 PM
Congrats on meeting a star. I met a former senator at work a few weeks ago. Senator D'amato from Long Island, New York, popped in the Ace to buy a deck box. Gave a $10 tip. The handshake was better than the tip.

07-16-2008, 07:06 PM
Unfortunately for me, I've met Dick Cheney.

07-16-2008, 11:58 PM
pfff, lost is a horrible show about nothing. Unresolved plot points + endless pointless waiting for stupid explanations of random events + forced drama and pointless action = crappy tv

you're a very hard person to like.

07-17-2008, 12:30 AM
I just have more interesting things to do with my time than be jerked around by a lame script and a bunch of over-acting morons.

07-17-2008, 12:57 AM
I just have more interesting things to do with my time than be jerked around by a lame script and a bunch of over-acting morons.

Like post at an internet forum?

07-17-2008, 01:29 AM
I find this forum much more interesting than "Lost". I would find sniffing my own poop more interesting than "Lost".

07-17-2008, 04:56 PM
compared to other things on TV like Gray's Anatomy or Ugly Betty, aka trash, Lost is pretty good television. and they're beginning to tie up all the loose plot lines since they have a planned ending for the series. season 6 (they're going on 5 now) will be the last season of the show.

07-17-2008, 05:52 PM
compared to other things on TV like Gray's Anatomy or Ugly Betty, aka trash, Lost is pretty good television. and they're beginning to tie up all the loose plot lines since they have a planned ending for the series. season 6 (they're going on 5 now) will be the last season of the show.

I definitely agree that Lost is better than 90% of television.

Shows you what I thin of TV though.

Lost is really well done. I can see why people like it. It just isn't the kind of story or show that interests me so I hurl childish insults at it for my own entertainment.

07-18-2008, 03:39 PM
I would have liked to get into Lost. But its far too late now.

07-18-2008, 04:42 PM
So wait, you still work at the Chuck E. Cheese place? And he went there? wtf?

07-18-2008, 07:36 PM
Yeah, he was there with what looked like family.