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View Full Version : Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom may hit stateside

07-11-2008, 02:24 PM
http://kotaku.com/5024108/tatsunoko-vs-capcom-gets-us-location-test-]Location test is on the way.

The odds of Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom reaching US shores just got a lot better with this announcement. Of course, even with a location test it isn't absolute, as dealing with the licensing issues will be a nightmare. Regardless, it's at least confirmation that Capcom is serious about trying to get the game over here.

07-12-2008, 11:06 PM
I can safely say that I've never heard of Tatsunoko. :shrug: I'll be looking into it a bit later though. Now if they could only bring Namco X Capcom over here :(

07-14-2008, 02:41 AM
I can safely say that I've never heard of Tatsunoko. :shrug: I'll be looking into it a bit later though. Now if they could only bring Namco X Capcom over here :(

Why would you want that? NxC was just an anime RPG and lord knows we have enough of those over here to last a lifetime. Tatsunoko is one of the oldest anime studios in Japan and has characters like Speed Racer and Samurai Pizza Cats to their credit.

Capcom wants to produce a followup to the Marvel vs. Capcom series. Marvel is tied up with Electronic Arts and DC is doing a Mortal Kombat crossover over at Midway. So...they decided to approach someone on their own soil for doing a followup.

It's big news. This and Street Fighter 4 mean that Capcom fighting games are coming back with a vengeance. This, on top of the fact that projects such as GGPO and 2DF are making it possible to play fighting games with decent netcode over the internet. Add to that the fact that CPS3 encryption was recently cracked (Street Fighter 3: Third Strike), and Naomi emulation may be closer than you think (Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK 2)...it's a very good time to be a fighting game fan.

Now if only SNK can get the good sense to do a followup to Garou...

07-14-2008, 11:53 AM
From the gameplay videos I've seen of it, it's looking pretty good. It also marks the first time Morrigan has appeared in a Capcom game NOT using the same archaic sprite used in the original Darkstalkers, so yay. On the other hand, why Morrigan again? Darkstalkers has so many other awesome characters, it's a crime that only Morrigan has been carried over to the Vs games. Especially considering that she's basically just another shoto clone.

Now if only SNK can get the good sense to do a followup to Garou...

I would shit my pants were that to happen.