View Full Version : Using Tile Editor...with Different Palette?

07-03-2008, 10:41 PM
Is there a way to edit tiles in a Palette other than the default main palette?

For instance, I wanted to edit some of the dungeon tiles in one of the Pure-based tilesets. These tiles only look good in certain Palettes. But when I edit the tile in the Tile Editor, it seems I can only scroll through the CSets in the main Palette....which is nasty, because I have to remember that "green is really dark brown, yellow is light brown"...etc.

I'm using build 819. I couldn't find any buttons in the Editor that changed the Palette, and I pressed every key on my keyboard looking for some hotkey that might do something....:unhappy:

07-03-2008, 10:54 PM
You need to go to Edit -> Palette (in the tile editing screen) and choose the palette you want to work in. Then go back to the tile editing and it will be in the right palette.

07-04-2008, 08:31 AM
Thanks! It...sort of works. Is this "buggy" for anyone else? Again, I'm using build 819. If someone else can confirm this, I'll repost it in the bug forum (unless it's already there....haven't looked yet).

Here's what happens:

[1] I start on a screen that I've set the Palette on using the F4 button. The associated DMap is assigned the same Palette.

[2] I go to Quest > Graphics > Tiles. The tiles on the tile sheets are in the correct Palette - the one I set in the DMap and on the screen using the F4 button.

[3] I edit a tile. The Tile Editor opens up using the Main Palette.

[4] In the Tile Editor, I click Edit > Levels. The "Select Level" window pops up, listing all the Level Palettes.

[4.1] I select the Palette I want (I left-click it), and click Done. Nothing changes in the Tile Editor.

[4.2] ALTERNATIVELY, if I double-click any Palette in the "Select Level" window, it opens the CSets for that Palette. If I click Done, and then Done in the Select Level window, the Tile Editor uses the Palette from the screen (regardless of what Palette I double-clicked in the Select Level window...).


07-04-2008, 01:07 PM
Ya I'm having to same problem. According to shardstorm, It should be fixed in the next build when it comes out.