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07-02-2008, 01:36 PM
I'm kinda meh about it but I figured a good half of you guys would probably have a heart attack so here goes.
Chrono Trigger remake for the DS. No new graphics, but they're adding a new dungeon.

07-02-2008, 02:20 PM

Aegix Drakan
07-02-2008, 02:29 PM
Kinda cool.

I'd be a bit more excited if there had been some kind of visal improvement. I'm not talking 3-D here, I mean just more detailed sprites, better spell efects (A la FFTactics2), and some more detail in the maps.

if it's just a straight port, + 1 dungeon and touchscreen...I dunno...

07-02-2008, 02:42 PM

Tell you what Square, make a new Chrono game instead of yet another port of the original and maybe I'll get more excited.

07-02-2008, 03:23 PM
I wish they'd expand on the Chrono Trigger game itself, that style with new ages, that would be good. a true sequel

07-02-2008, 04:22 PM
what shit. they can have great remakes of other franchises (mainly the million makes remakes and ports of the FF series, blah), but CT fans get ripped every which way to sunday. a new dungeon? touch screen controls/menus? who cares. they arent doing dick otherwise. i'd rather see re-drawn 2d sprites. the DS's 3D just doesnt look good to me.


i got CT on my psp anyways.

07-02-2008, 06:34 PM
I read the headlines this morning, but none of them said anything about whether it was a port or a remake, or whether there would be anything new at all. (like an extra dungeon for example) So I'll wait until Square confirms this. However...

...Chrono Trigger is perfect. Perfect! Square should not remake it like they have with Final Fantasy titles. A port with possible extras I am okay with so long as they don't interfere with the original game.

Aegix Drakan
07-02-2008, 07:32 PM
Look, as I said, all I want is some retouched sprites, more detailed animations, and a bit of new content. Is that REALLY too much to ask for?

oh, and who wants to bet that the new dungeon will be that one they had originally planned to put in, but had to remove due to time constriants. Something in the prehistoric era. Mount...some-thing-or-other...

...I put up 500 Pineconn Dollars on that.

07-02-2008, 09:49 PM

I agree. I wasn't too thrilled with the FF4 DS remake. I would be if they remade the games on PSP or PS2 or even PS3/360. But 3D graphics that are worse than the original Playstation in this day and age isn't exactly easy on the eyes.

07-02-2008, 10:28 PM

One new dungeon and touchscreen usage brings forth a major wtf. This prolly would be a better release for the PSP. Aside from that, they need to make a new game in the series. It's been too damn long. :mad2:

07-02-2008, 11:01 PM
I had a big discussion with BigJoe about this today. I actually prefer when these things either don't do much to the original game or radically change it. Minor change for the sake of trying to hide that you're selling me the same game twice doesn't cut it.

For example, if it were a straight port, I'd say good enough. Adding a dungeon makes me worry because that tends to mean new equipment; as if the New Game+ didn't make the game broken enough ;)

I do support more extensive (and less censored) translations, which is why I liked the GBA FFIV port. I didn't like it's whole "play as people that are presumed dead" change, but I was glad to see a more authentic translation.

What I'd really like to see is better fleshing out of the stories; a lot of the CT universe just seemed really shallow (like Ayla's time period) compared to the amount of detail that was put into others (like 600 A.D. and 1000 A.D.) The future time period was little more than a bridge between other periods; I think there was some missed potential there. Also, that Frog vs. Magus confrontation ending was mean; I'd like to see that resolved.

So I am not as excited as I could be, but I know I'm going to end up getting this. I actually wrapped up a playthrough about 2 months ago, so by the time this comes out I ought to be craving it again :)

07-02-2008, 11:53 PM
You're worried about play balance? Why? All this new crap is always at the end of the game *anyways*, and it's not like all of us haven't already beaten the SNES version a million times already (I know I have). Frankly, it would be disappointing if they *didn't* add something.

I just hope the new dungeon is cool. As an example - new dungeon in FFIV Advance was great. It added "ultimate weapons" for all the characters, was actually really challenging, and even had some story elements associated with it. On the other hand, new dungeon in FFVI Advance was a little generic, and was generally a cave with I think dragons. It had some decent puzzles, but overall I didn't feel it was as cool as the FFIV one.

I have a feeling they'll do good here though. They have a lot to work with at least. I mean, hell, maybe they'll even do a new dungeon that spans the different time periods. How cool would that be? :)

Anyways, really hoping this leads to a port of Seiken 3. Of all Square games (that are not Final Fantasy), that one desperately needs to leave Japan. It was a great title. On the plus side, Heroes of Mana was actually a distinct prequel to this game (as in, half of the characters were parents, etc of the heroes of SD3, the locations were all the same, etc). So at least that game is on Square's mind :P

P.S. - There are enough load times on the PSX version (ugg), why would you want this on the PSP? :P That being said, I hope they include all the cutscenes from the PSX version in this ;) DS can definately handle it - and hell, Square has already been loading their DS titles up with them recently anyways.

07-03-2008, 12:18 AM
They need to make a fully 3D Final Fantasy XII quality Chrono Trigger remake with full symphonic music for the PC and current gen consoles. Until they do that, Square is dead to me.

07-03-2008, 01:06 AM
Warlock, the reason Chrono Trigger on PS1 had load times was because it was a shitty port. Infact, it was psuedo emulation which was part of the reason it sucked so bad. Had they actually ported the game it would have been fine.

07-03-2008, 06:19 PM
True but anytime you are dealing with CDs you are going to face *some* kind of loading situation.

Also, given that it's Square, do you trust them to do the port right this time? :P

07-03-2008, 09:22 PM
If you look at top end games, despite being on CD load times were not so obvious. A great example is Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter on Saturn.

And no, I imagine this remake will be a letdown too.

Aegix Drakan
07-03-2008, 09:30 PM
And no, I imagine this remake will be a letdown too.

That would be true...if it was a remake.

>_> It sounds like a straight port with a few small bonus feature thrown in. I love the game and all, but... man..you can only take it's reputation so far on it's own. if it's coming out on a new system, it needs to be a bit more than what it used to be.

07-03-2008, 09:42 PM
They mentioned used of dual screen and touch screen, thus it's not a port. Also if they do not use the same hacky emulation of the SNES game, then it's a remake and not a port.

I just think all this is such a waste when you could be porting it to PS2 or PSP. But I guess they just figure the DS is such a large market, which it is. But it's also home to the most piracy.

07-03-2008, 10:23 PM
The presence of piracy doesn't change how the decision to port the game plays out.

The DS has a huge fan base, and consists of many people that have proven in the past that they are interested in portable ports of old Square games. Most of the people that obsessively played the games at the time of their release own a DS. It's pretty much a guarantee that they will reach a huge portion of their target audience by releasing on the DS.

On the PS2 or PSP, they don't have the same demographics. In case you haven't noticed, there's a slight divide between gamers who like "mainstream" games and those that don't. My opinion is that most people who don't like them don't have a PSP, though at this point there's no excuse for a gamer to lack a PS2. I'm thinking they just feel like if they want to make the most money off of the port, they should target the system that has the most customers.

You claim piracy is much more rampant on the DS, yet game companies are making quite a bit of money off of the DS. obviously the piracy is not having a very large effect on profits.

07-04-2008, 12:37 AM
They mentioned used of dual screen and touch screen, thus it's not a port. Also if they do not use the same hacky emulation of the SNES game, then it's a remake and not a port.

I just think all this is such a waste when you could be porting it to PS2 or PSP. But I guess they just figure the DS is such a large market, which it is. But it's also home to the most piracy.

If they do not change the bulk of the game, it's a port. Port != emulation.


Two activities related to (but distinct from) porting are emulating and cross-compiling.

Obviously they need to make *some* changes to it to fit the new hardware. Would you say the Wii version of Resident Evil 4 is a remake because they tacked Wii controls onto it?

I would assume all the second screen will be used for is to display the character stats/menu. Or maybe they'll add a map of some kind... Touch Screen will be exactly like FF3 DS - you'll be able to tap menu options, and probably drag your characters around with it. Nothing too fancy.

07-04-2008, 01:10 AM
I'm actually down for this. I rarely play anything except for my DS lately, and it's nice to have this quality of game to take anywhere. Especially since I never got very far on the PS1 remake.

07-04-2008, 02:09 PM
That all depends on what they do though, their little blurb wants us to think it will be more than a port.

And no one knows how much money is lost due to piracy, the effect is unmeasurable. And again your claim against the PSP isn't possible to backup with any facts either. It's just an assumption. I know they see the DS as a profitable platform, and I'm sure it is. But to someone that already played Chrono Trigger on the SNES, this is just a cheap cash in. But in the end, it will probably have the effect of lowering the values of Chrono Trigger on SNES and PS1. Infact, that is probably their #1 reason for this port. They see the crazy prices on ebay or yahoo that the SNES CT goes for and decide they should put it out on DS.

All this doesn't change my opinion that this is uninteresting compared to a real remake on a modern or next-gen system.

07-04-2008, 02:36 PM
Eh, call me when Square-Enix decides to produce a Chrono Trigger Resurrection. (http://www.opcoder.com/projects/chrono/)

Sure, the original game is good and all, but an added dungeon and some tacked-on touchscreen support isn't enough to warrant buying it again.

07-04-2008, 04:51 PM
Or even better, how about Square stops with the constant remakes and sequels and produces something new and interesting? The World Ends With You proves they can do it, now they just need to do something on a major console without any shitty Nomura designs.

Modus Ponens
07-04-2008, 04:58 PM
... shitty Nomura designs.

HEAR, HEAR! I still love Final Fantasy because it still continues to present me with fun combat and character advancement systems, but I swear, every time I have to look at a guy who's wearing his belt as a "vest" or has assless chaps or whatever, it just makes my faith in Square die a little more.

I say, more Enix and less Square for a little while, huh? I know I'd love a revisit to the Soulblazer or Actraiser series.

07-04-2008, 11:42 PM
Wasn't Enix the group that made Terranigma? Now that's a game that needs to be remade. I dodn't even think about the price drop it would bring when CT is re-released. I might have the chance to own a 'real' copy of the game. :(

07-05-2008, 12:00 AM
Enix had a LOT of great titles that sort of came out and were forgotten. On the plus side, as "against" the VC as Square seems to be, at least Enix stuff seems to be getting on there. Still hoping we'll see E.V.O. show up.

07-05-2008, 04:11 PM
Square was against PS1 titles on the PSN, but did a complete 180. When they realize it's a cheap and easy cash-in, they will jump on it. They probably have already realized it.

07-05-2008, 05:43 PM
Will RPGs ever again be able to capture that feeling I had when I played Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy VI, or Crono Trigger? I've played some decent RPGs throughout the years, but I've yet to play anything that really impacted me like the old games did. I wonder if it's mainly because I'm grown up now, and video games are more common place than they used to be.

Either way, I certainly long for that feeling again, that encompassing experience.

07-05-2008, 05:48 PM
Will RPGs ever again be able to capture that feeling I had when I played Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy VI, or Crono Trigger? I've played some decent RPGs throughout the years, but I've yet to play anything that really impacted me like the old games did. I wonder if it's mainly because I'm grown up now, and video games are more common place than they used to be.

Either way, I certainly long for that feeling again, that encompassing experience.

I don't know, I thought Lost Odyssey was pretty awesome and had a bit of that feel to it. I also think The World Ends With You did a little as well, at least in that it felt very fresh like those games did.

I suppose part of the problem is that the RPG genre is too stuck on its formulas, and as much as those games innovated, people seem to be afraid to take the next step forward.

07-05-2008, 06:25 PM
While it'd be great if it were on Virtual Console, releasing Chrono Trigger for DS is great news, and the game fits the platform. I'm sure there's many people who missed out on the game by not having a SNES and its $80 pricetag.

It'd be nice if they included the extras from the PSone "remake", like the FMVs (they actually credit the FF Anthology and Chronicles games as remakes in the manual even though they're ports). I tried playing the PSone version recently and played the beginning until getting to the future for the first time, but couldnt' stand the awful load times, even with the PS2's fast loading turned on. I'm going to have to buy a cartridge and/or wait for the DS version.

07-05-2008, 08:23 PM
Yeah, I am *really* hoping they bring over the awesome cutscenes they added to the PSX version.

One other thing that version did that I really liked was it kept track of which endings you got, and I believe rewarded you for "collecting" them (i.e. unlocking music tracks, artwork, etc.. can't remember specifically as it has been awhile). I hope they keep that as well, as it really adds some incentive to get the other endings ;)

Aegix Drakan
07-05-2008, 08:23 PM
Eh, call me when Square-Enix decides to produce a Chrono Trigger Resurrection. (http://www.opcoder.com/projects/chrono/)

...holy shit.

0_0 That is amazing. Why did square have to cease and desist them?!?! WHYYYYY?!?!?!

;_; That could have been so awesome...

07-05-2008, 11:07 PM
You know, I was reading this:

I wonder if this game will be re-translated like they did with FFIV & FFVI. It sounds like Woolsey missed quite a few nuances and jokes (what else is new?). And hell, at the very least, all the "Cafes" need to become "Bars" again :P Stupid censorship...

07-06-2008, 04:22 AM
I didn't think about that. If they improved the translation by re-translating it, that would be a nice improvement. And the FMVs could be done on the DS so, I suppose it's not really bad. I guess the main thing is that I really wish they had done a full 3D remake of FF4 and seeing them do this had me rather annoyed. Specifically thinking before much was known that it would be some craptastic 3D remake. But if they don't screw anything up, and do some things right like translation improvements, that would be worth it.

07-06-2008, 11:52 AM
I just replayed through Chrono Trigger again recently on ZSNES. I only owned the game on PS1, and I really didn't like playing through the load times, but I did. I really wouldn't mind a portable hard copy of this game without the shitty load times. Thats why I bought the remakes of Final Fantasies 1 through 6 for GBA (3 for DS, obviously) and Tactics for PSP. Its really convenient in my field of work to have great games on the go. While I'm not going to be in this field for much longer, I would still love to have Chrono Trigger as a portable game. I'm all for it, remake, port, or whatever.

07-06-2008, 04:23 PM
Did they re-translate anything for the PS1 release of CT in the FF Chronicles disc? Me, I want them to leave the translation alone. I like things how they are. Besides, much of the "original" text from the Chrono Compendium site just don't sound right to me.

07-06-2008, 04:50 PM
That's amazing. If they don't release it in the US, I'll be mad.

Mainly because http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzjtBg4V3gE is only in Japanese.

07-06-2008, 04:50 PM
Well it says there's not gonna be any graphical alterations, but graphics mean squat to me. The new dungeon seems tempting as long as it doesn't make an ass of itself.

I have to agree that Squareenix needs to get some other games out. SD3 is on the top of my wishlist. A gba/ds port of it would be acceptable IMHO. Maybe something like the DQ Zenthia trilogy they're doing. That would be mildly interesting. :kitty:

07-06-2008, 05:04 PM
Wow, I stumbled on this on Youtube:

Apparently this is from the first time they showed the game. Look at how much the map changed - that's crazy.

07-06-2008, 05:09 PM
Yup there was alot of stuff changed from the earlier version of CT on SNES. I forget if any beta roms are floating around on the internet.

Here's the trailer that came out on GameTrailers, better quality than Youtube, http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35888.html

07-06-2008, 05:45 PM
Yeah, I found this:

Apparently that's all the stuff they datamined from a magazine preview version of the game, which was a bit different from the final version. Kind of neat ;) I think it's interesting that it looks like Epoch used to be able to move along the land before you got the wings (like the hover car in FFIV I think). The site speculates that they removed that to avoid problems with changing time periods over an area that is not accessable in that period (i.e. going from land to an ocean or mountain)

07-06-2008, 07:53 PM
I'll have to check that site out when I have the chance. Yes, there is a beta rom floating around, but I don't know how 'early' it is. It'll take me a while to find it, as when I had hdd problems, it changed all the files to the 8.3 naming format. :(

07-06-2008, 08:11 PM
Man I love beta/prerelease information about games. I guess it's because I write code, but I always love it when I manage to find one of those rare interviews with project leads that lets you see into how they planned the game and how they decided what would/wouldn't make it. It really needs to become more standard :/

Aegix Drakan
07-06-2008, 08:53 PM
hey...just a sec...

is it coming out in JAPAN, in winter 08? Or is it coming our way in winter 08?

...probably Japan...in which case we'll have to wait another half a year.

07-06-2008, 09:04 PM
The idea of removing Epoch moving cause of time changing issues shouldn't hold much merit as they could have performed a check if you could actually be there in that era. Although maybe due to time constraints they didn't have time to do that. But it certainly would have been possible.

ZTC, the "Pre-Release" version is different from an actual beta or alpha ROM. I checked and there is only the Pre-Release ROM dumped. There is no beta or alpha ROM dumped.

07-06-2008, 09:29 PM
The idea of removing Epoch moving cause of time changing issues shouldn't hold much merit as they could have performed a check if you could actually be there in that era. Although maybe due to time constraints they didn't have time to do that. But it certainly would have been possible.

ZTC, the "Pre-Release" version is different from an actual beta or alpha ROM. I checked and there is only the Pre-Release ROM dumped. There is no beta or alpha ROM dumped.

Well, I think it may have just been too much effort. Not just in the coding, but making sure players couldn't access areas they weren't supposed to yet, etc.

Anyways, It's a bit like a beta in that it wasn't completed yet.

In any case, I was reading that site some more. You know what would be cool? If they stuck Radical Dreamers in as an unlockable. Granted the story in that game is no longer canon (it was basically reworked into Chrono Cross), but that would be a neat little extra.

I also read their summary of Chrono Cross over there.. um.. wow. I sort of understand the story of that game now, but damn. Could they have made it any more convoluted?


Oh dear lord.. so many things I never knew existed :D I love Gato in this, he just repeats the same line over and over.. haha.. AH, GONZALEZ! I AM STRONG! BEAT ME UP AND GET SILVER POINTS!

07-06-2008, 11:52 PM
I really need to look for that rom now... As for that video, that was my very first file I got off of bittorrent around 3 years ago and I enjoyed it immensely. It's a shame they didn't release it over here. (then again there's a scant hope of it being on the DS cart :rolleyes: )

07-07-2008, 01:21 PM
I say, more Enix and less Square for a little while, huh? I know I'd love a revisit to the Soulblazer or Actraiser series.

That's one of the best statements I've heard in a while. We should get a true sequel to Actraiser to replace that abortion they called Actraiser 2. And Soulblazer was one of my favorite SNES games - while we did get two worthy sequels in that series, I wouldn't mind seeing another.

07-07-2008, 01:58 PM
P.S. - There are enough load times on the PSX version (ugg), why would you want this on the PSP? :P That being said, I hope they include all the cutscenes from the PSX version in this ;) DS can definately handle it - and hell, Square has already been loading their DS titles up with them recently anyways.

I just transferred my ps1 copy of Final Fantasy Cronicles: Chrono Trigger to my PSP with autopopstation4 and custom firmware and it plays absolutely fine with very little load times. i figured it would be a pretty good alternative until this is released on the DS.

07-07-2008, 02:05 PM
That's one of the best statements I've heard in a while. We should get a true sequel to Actraiser to replace that abortion they called Actraiser 2. And Soulblazer was one of my favorite SNES games - while we did get two worthy sequels in that series, I wouldn't mind seeing another.

There is a fourth game, it's just not under the Enix label, and it's on the PS1. It's an excellent game called The Granstream Saga (http://hg101.classicgaming.gamespy.com/quintet/quintet4.htm) (hit the link for more info on the game, courtesy of HG101) that was tragically overlooked in the states due to it's primitive graphics (despite the fact that it was pretty huge in Japan). You can pick up a complete copy on eBay for about ten bucks, and it's very much worth it if you liked the other three games.

07-07-2008, 04:32 PM

here's the first trailer.

07-07-2008, 04:45 PM
There is something pathetic about a coming attraction for a game that has been out for 15 years.

They need to do something new with this. Make a graphical revamp, please. Make another sequel that has the same characters. Do something new.

The reason I am so critical is that Chrono Trigger is one of my top 2 or 3 favorite video games of all time. I absolutely loved that game. I'm shocked that Final Fantasy has gotten 35 sequels and two movies, and Chrono Trigger gets one sequel on a system I never owned. bah.

07-07-2008, 06:00 PM

here's the first trailer.

People on Kotaku were absolutely bitching and slamming the game due to that trailer. It's so sad. They were bitching, because of ONE trailer that doesn't even show the split screen stuff, that it was a pure port and Square was ripping them off, etc. Seriously, I don't even think that trailer is of the DS version. I think it's meant as more of a celebration of 13 years of Chrono Trigger (given the text) and they have shots of the SNES/PSX version in there. I mean, if it was actually the DS version, why wouldn't it be split screened?

Also, everyone seems to have it in their head that this game needs a "sprite update" or "to be remade in 3d" -_- Damn idiots...

07-07-2008, 06:32 PM
Also, everyone seems to have it in their head that this game needs a "sprite update" or "to be remade in 3d" -_- Damn idiots...

I'm not an idiot because I refuse to pay again for something I already own.

I think a graphical update would be really fun! I'd like to see a 3D engine power the game, but with the exact same viewing perspective. Fresh new graphics, updated sound, and the music done by a full symphony/rock band.

It would be incredible, people would piss themselves and basically put indiscriminate wads of cash in envelopes and mail it to Square.

07-07-2008, 08:33 PM
The game doesn't need a 3D upgrade to be awesome. If they were to make it 3D then they'd have to make the characters all chibis like in FF4DS. As cute as Rydia is as a chibi, I prefer the GBA port.

Also, I have a good idea where the new dungeon is gonna be. Anyone who knows the soundtrack for the game must know of the unreleased music called "Singing Mountain" a piece that was used in a dungeon in 65 million BC of the same name that was taken out. My bet is that Singing Mountain is the bonus dungeon. :kitty:

One more thing. The Chrono Compendium was very informative and some of the fan art was both awesome and funny. :kitty:

Aegix Drakan
07-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Also, I have a good idea where the new dungeon is gonna be. Anyone who knows the soundtrack for the game must know of the unreleased music called "Singing Mountain" a piece that was used in a dungeon in 65 million BC of the same name that was taken out. My bet is that Singing Mountain is the bonus dungeon. :kitty:

My thoughts exactly. I've already put up 500 pineconn dollars on that.

07-09-2008, 12:13 AM
I'm not an idiot because I refuse to pay again for something I already own.

I think a graphical update would be really fun! I'd like to see a 3D engine power the game, but with the exact same viewing perspective. Fresh new graphics, updated sound, and the music done by a full symphony/rock band.

It would be incredible, people would piss themselves and basically put indiscriminate wads of cash in envelopes and mail it to Square.

If you don't want to rebuy the game, that is perfectly fine with me. The problem I have is with people who feel they are "being ripped off" because it's a port and not a complete remake ala FFIV DS. What I said over at Kotaku - seriously, if you don't like it, you don't have to buy it! I'm interested in it purely because it's the first real handheld version of the game (and no Mott, I'm not going to go through the effort to stick a ROM of it on my DS :P)

Personally I don't see a need for them to change the graphics. The graphics of Chrono Trigger were already gorgeous. Would I complain if they wanted to do that? No, of course not. But I see no need to complain that they are *not* doing it. It's not like this is an NES title or something.

But the main thing is, why should Square put forth that effort? I mean, on a game that already exists? If they are going to put that much effort into it, I'd rather they just do a damn Chrono Trigger 3 instead, you know? I get the feeling that some people (esp. the people over in those Kotaku stories) get this idea in their head that Square can just flip a switch and magically update all the graphics (one guy said they should be as detailed as The World Ends With You as his example.. seriously?). It just doesn't work that way. Particularly when they want to reuse the old game engine.

Anyways, I agree with mrz84 regardless on this, the DS is not the best place for a "3d update". I mean, FFIII DS and FFIV DS are both nifty and all, but the "3d update" looks like crap. It's basically N64 quality graphics. Personally, what I'd like to see is a console release - and honestly I'm aiming more at another sequel when I say this. Look at some of the more recent Dragon Warrior games. They used cel-shaded 3d artwork that resembled Akira Toriyama's "Dragonball Z style" art. How awesome would that be for Chrono Trigger? Rather than the very bland style Chrono Cross used, go with fully cel-shaded DBZ style art to match the SNES title.

Oh, and regarding the new dungeon - maybe. But remember, there is also that robot Collesium thingy in the future that was cut. I would love to see them add that back in, even if it's not a full dungeon but maybe something like FFVI's collesium (just not auto battles :P). They could even tie the new "Wifi multiplayer" battle mode into it. I would love to see Singing Mountain too, but from what I saw of the maps, it didn't look all that interesting. Just kind of another pre-historic mountain region. I'd like whatever they chose to add to be visually interesting (which I suppose the Dragon Cave in FFVI Advance was kind of ugly too, but at least it had a few varried areas)

07-09-2008, 06:38 AM
It doesn't help that I don't want to buy something I already have, (Yeah, same case...) but that I'm also direly curious about the new dungeon. :(

07-09-2008, 10:12 AM
I forgot about the Robot Coliseum looking thingy.... That would be interesting as well as long as they aren't auto-battles like in FF6's WOR Coliseum. Those are a pain the ass especially when you have to fight Chupon. :sweat:

07-09-2008, 03:21 PM
It doesn't have to have new graphics especially when the platform is Nintendo DS. But the problem is whenever you re-release a classic, fans always want to see MORE. The best way to look at this is atleast another solid title will be added to the Nintendo DS. It surely needs it to help counter all the crapware that is released for DS.

07-09-2008, 07:05 PM
Sadly, I have a feeling the "Wifi" feature is just going to be a two player version of the race with Johnny in 2300 A.D. And if it is that, why even bother?

07-09-2008, 07:18 PM
Sorry, I just have to post this here:

Rick/Robo Roll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ20N6syuwc) featuring Robo's Theme.

Here's the original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOWf_T0jdgQ) as well.

07-09-2008, 07:33 PM
Sorry, I just have to post this here:

Rick/Robo Roll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ20N6syuwc) featuring Robo's Theme.

Here's the original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOWf_T0jdgQ) as well.

Wow! That is incredible. I love it! :)

07-09-2008, 08:10 PM
I'm interested in it purely because it's the first real handheld version of the game (and no Mott, I'm not going to go through the effort to stick a ROM of it on my DS :P)

psh.. get a psp already!

here are some pics if any of you were interested in what I was talking about.. this is my psp and taken with my iphone.


07-09-2008, 09:06 PM
Sorry, I just have to post this here:

Rick/Robo Roll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ20N6syuwc) featuring Robo's Theme.

Here's the original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOWf_T0jdgQ) as well.

That was absolutely hilarious.

07-09-2008, 11:39 PM
Yasunori Mitsuda commented on Chrono Trigger DS, "Finally!"

Anyone know the story of how Mistuda was hired by Square? When he went to be interviewed by Nobuo Uematsu, he told him that he wasn't into Final Fantasy, and more into Dragon Quest. For Chrono Trigger, he went to Sakaguchi and demanded he be taken off of sound effects and allowed to work on a game as a composer or he'd quit, so he let Mitsuda work on Chrono Trigger.

"That's partly because it was my debut work, but it's still a very deep, very high-quality game even when you play it today. I'm very interested in seeing what kids today think about it when they play it, so from that perspective, it was a very happy piece of news."

That's the other part of any remakes and ports that have it the GBA and DS, there's a younger generation that never played these games in the first place. I'd rather see them put effort into a Chrono Trigger 2, rather than totally remake Chrono Trigger, its fine as it is.

Check out this music video of Robo to an OC remix song

07-09-2008, 11:50 PM
That's the other part of any remakes and ports that have it the GBA and DS, there's a younger generation that never played these games in the first place. I'd rather see them put effort into a Chrono Trigger 2, rather than totally remake Chrono Trigger, its fine as it is.

Exactly. Plus, like I said, handheld version FTW! :D

07-10-2008, 12:01 AM
I dunno, I think Breaker wins. PS1 Chrono Trigger + PSP memory stick = instant loading, well that's fantastic. You get those fancy cutscenes and everything else with no load times. The DS Chrono Trigger may not have the cutscenes. Depends on the size of ROM they decide to use and how good any movie codecs and such they have are.

But I agree, the DS re-release lets more people play a great game, and as I said before it will make Chrono Trigger for SNES sell for less probably.

07-10-2008, 12:35 AM
I dunno, I think Breaker wins. PS1 Chrono Trigger + PSP memory stick = instant loading, well that's fantastic. You get those fancy cutscenes and everything else with no load times. The DS Chrono Trigger may not have the cutscenes. Depends on the size of ROM they decide to use and how good any movie codecs and such they have are.

But I agree, the DS re-release lets more people play a great game, and as I said before it will make Chrono Trigger for SNES sell for less probably.

I don't see any reason for them to not include the cutscenes, other than pure laziness. Just as an example, Heroes of Mana (which is also their game) has a REDICULOUS number of animated cutscenes, way more than Chrono Trigger PSX had (in some cases, longer too). If they can fit them on that game, I see no reason they couldn't here (as long as they are compressed properly).

Anyways, I don't own a PSP nor do I really have any interest in getting one just to play ROMs on :P

Plus, we still don't know what they are doing with this version other than the few things they've announced. And even then, we've got a new dungeon and wifi play which at least adds something new. But I'm also hoping at least they'll also retranslate some of it - the game doesn't need a major overhaul (it was probably one of the least annoying of Woolsey's translations), but there are definately things that were lost, as well as a ton of censorship. Even though it might still not make it in, I'd love to see them add the line where Alya basically calls Marle flat-chested :D haha

07-10-2008, 03:25 AM
Would a complete redesign of Frog's character be too much to ask for as well? I hate what they did to him in the NA version...

07-10-2008, 06:49 PM
Would a complete redesign of Frog's character be too much to ask for as well? I hate what they did to him in the NA version...

Given how they retranslated the FF Advance titles, I suspect they won't. They will improve his dialog, yes. But they'll keep Woolsey's "old english" speech style. Square's approach seems to not completely step on Woolsey's toes, but basically "fix" anything he screwed up and remove any censorship. And they definately won't change his character names (though other than Ozzie/Flea/Slash and the three Gurus, he was pretty consistant I thought... and actually in those cases, I think that was quite an improvement, especially naming the Gurus after the three wise men).

I do hope they change Slash though. I liked the original respectful swordsman version. Makes him seem like a more worthy villian to me.

07-10-2008, 07:24 PM
I don't see any reason for them to not include the cutscenes, other than pure laziness. Just as an example, Heroes of Mana (which is also their game) has a REDICULOUS number of animated cutscenes, way more than Chrono Trigger PSX had (in some cases, longer too). If they can fit them on that game, I see no reason they couldn't here (as long as they are compressed properly).

Well, I would hope and I imagine they will, as many DS games like Castlevania and the Resident Evil 1 port contained FMVs. Depending on what the maximum size of ROM they can get will determine alot. I know that 128 MegaByte DS cards are common, but I believe 256 MegaByte was around, but this was months ago when I was last looking. I think the NDS can have up to 4 Gigabits of ROM, which is 512 MegaBytes.

I think what you described is best. Clean up the translation but not completely redo it. It makes the most sense as Chrono Trigger for the most part had just fine dialog. Though I didn't know about but now disagree with their choices with Frog. But it works and until you know they changed it you don't mind.

07-10-2008, 10:50 PM
I like how Frog talks. Like Mott, I think the original SNES translation was great. Yeah there were some dialog changes and some censorship, but why change it just for the sake of changing it? Who's to say it would really be an improvement? Me, I don't want anything to change.

King Aquamentus
07-11-2008, 12:13 AM
As long as the DS version doesn't have the god awful loading times associated with the PSX version, I'll be happy. SNES carts of the game are hard to find, and roms... eh... I already have a DS, I'm not gonna blow on a PSP.

07-11-2008, 04:30 PM
Woah woah woah. It's been researched and proven that the SNES Chrono Trigger is NOT hard to find, and NOT expensive. These are all illusions. The game is readily available to anyone that really wants to buy it. And the announcement and when the release of the DS version comes it will help drive down prices of the original, just as how Mega Man X Collection helped to devalue Mega Man X2 and X3 for SNES.

07-11-2008, 06:39 PM
psh.. get a psp already!

here are some pics if any of you were interested in what I was talking about.. this is my psp and taken with my iphone.

I got as far as the last laboratory when you first get Robo, and the game keeps crashing in that area on my PSP. :(

07-14-2008, 08:21 PM
Awesome new trailer of it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ20N6syuwc)

Im kinda looking forward to it.

Aegix Drakan
07-14-2008, 08:51 PM
Awesome new trailer of it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ20N6syuwc)

Im kinda looking forward to it.


07-14-2008, 08:57 PM
Damn you bigjoe. Yeah, I fell for it first, just didn't post about it.

I was able to get my copy of CT for around $30 or so which is pretty good compared to the prices that are out there. I wouldn't be against picking it up for the DS too for a more portable version. Sometimes I when I go into Buffalo for a week or so I only bring my DS and this is one game I would love to have on the road.

07-15-2008, 01:24 AM
I got as far as the last laboratory when you first get Robo, and the game keeps crashing in that area on my PSP. :(

did you rip it yourself? it might just be a bad copy. i ripped mine from my own PSX copy and it hasn't had any problems.

07-15-2008, 01:41 AM
did you rip it yourself? it might just be a bad copy. i ripped mine from my own PSX copy and it hasn't had any problems.

That might be it. I've been using a premade eboot from demonoid or somewhere (lazy). I'll try ripping my own disc and see if I get any further.