View Full Version : DMaps, Strings, and Intros...

06-30-2008, 10:51 AM
Three questions:

First of all, how do you make it so the area name changes for different parts of the same DMap? I've noticed that this was done in quite a few quests, and it would be pretty helpful to know.

Second, how do you give a String more than one screen of text? Like, it shows the text and you press A to make more appear. Once again, I seen this in a lot of quests.

Thirdly, how do you give a game an intro?

06-30-2008, 12:05 PM
1. You can't, you have to use different Dmaps.
2. In the string editor there should be a option to choose what the next sting is.
3. You mean like a movie? You have to use scripts or timed warps and tile warps. It's rather difficult so you might want to wait until your better.