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06-26-2008, 03:20 PM
Please tell me someone else is as excited by this news as I am:


Here's a screenshot:

06-26-2008, 03:37 PM
Sweet. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with. I believe they said it'll be on Wii, 360, and PS3. And given the low requirements no system should suffer. I hope it sells well for them too, so we might see more goodies.

06-26-2008, 03:40 PM
I can't enjoy a game about a cyborg robot warrior who can't shoot at a 45 degree angle.

06-26-2008, 03:48 PM
Maybe I'll have a response for this in two days when my internet catches up with the picture and the website...groan...

I don't know whether to be excited or depressed. After playing 8, I wanted the series to die...8, X5 and beyond just weren't any good for me.


Yeah, it finally loaded for me...20 minutes later it seems like.

06-26-2008, 04:51 PM
I loved the original series so this is just awesome news! I am adding this to my list of wants. Finally something I am interested in for WiiWare!

06-26-2008, 05:00 PM
I can't enjoy a game about a cyborg robot warrior who can't shoot at a 45 degree angle.

I differ with you 9001% percent. I enjoyed the first 6 far more than 7 and 8. I like that they are taking it in a retro direction.

06-26-2008, 06:45 PM
Well isn't this just ironic? Me and my brother yesterday we're talking about how games should try going back to their roots, and what not. And now look, Megaman 9.

The first 6 were the best, IMO, so something back in that general direction is good to hear. I'm looking forward to it, even though I won't be able to play it right away.

06-26-2008, 08:35 PM
The excitement is killing me. Not only is this a return to the original series, but there's possibly gonna be other playable characters as well. All I could tell from the article is that Protoman/Blues might be playable. That's enough for me. :kitty:

And for the record, I hold the 5th game in the series in high regard, mostly because that was the first Mega Man game I ever played(got for my birthday no less many years ago) with the 2nd game being my second fav. :kitty:

06-26-2008, 09:35 PM
I about crapped my pants when I first heard about this. Old-school Mega Man, even all the way down to the visuals? Hell yes.

06-27-2008, 12:01 AM
I hate it when other sites make my phone crash, so I'll have to see it whenever I get to a computer. :( All I can say that it's about damn time for 9 to come out. I can't wait to see how this'll turn out.

06-27-2008, 03:49 AM
I am super excited.

06-27-2008, 11:19 AM
On a somewhat related note, this settles the debate about Megaman & Bass being Mega Man 9. :kitty: That debate was getting old and annoying.

To get back on topic....

I am so getting a Wii just for this game and Brawl. :kitty:

06-27-2008, 04:05 PM
If there ever was a debate, it was with a bunch of idiots. If Mega Man & Bass was Mega Man 9, there would have been a number in it. It's as stupid as thinking Mega Man X is Mega Man 10.

They outta put Mega Man Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Powered Up on all the consoles as a downloadable title and then continue forward with the sequels while they are at it.

06-27-2008, 06:18 PM
Once they get 9 out the door, they should immediately cease all work on further X and classic sequels, halt all efforts on Battle Network/Starforce garbage, and give us Legends 3, goddammit. I love me my sidescrolling Mega Man, but the Legends series is great too and the way it hasn't been revisited since The Misadventures of Tron Bonne is criminal.

06-27-2008, 11:58 PM
If there ever was a debate, it was with a bunch of idiots. If Mega Man & Bass was Mega Man 9, there would have been a number in it. It's as stupid as thinking Mega Man X is Mega Man 10.

They outta put Mega Man Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Powered Up on all the consoles as a downloadable title and then continue forward with the sequels while they are at it.

I'm not quite sure why Powered Up was a retail release as it is. The game seems practically built to be featured as DLC. It'd be nice if they ported it to XBLA, PSN, and possibly Wiiware (assuming Wiiware could handle it.. though I can't imagine it being too difficult - I assume the only real issue is space concerns).

07-02-2008, 09:14 AM
Nobody else is surprised that one of the robot masters is a woman?

And yeah, according to the Nintendo Power article, other playable characters are "confidential", so yes, there will be. I'd like to see an official 8-Bit Forte myself.

And the rad Jet Adapter and Power Adapters from Megaman 6 had better be in!

07-02-2008, 09:49 AM
I wasn't surprised by the fact that one of the Robot Masters is female. I'm surprised at the fact they didn't make any other female Robot Masters before now. But then again there's always http://iwd.fetchquest.com/ to see what it would have been like with some female Robot Master designs even though they are purely fan made. The comic is also a great read, pity that it ended, but still good to read nonetheless. :kitty:

07-04-2008, 12:26 AM

http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/np_screenshot_002_02--article_image.jpg http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/screenshot_002_02_1--article_image.jpg
http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/np_screenshot_004_02--article_image.jpg http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/screenshot_001_02_3--article_image.jpg
http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/np_screenshot_010_02--article_image.jpg http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/np_screenshot_006_02--article_image.jpg
http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/np_screenshot_007_02--article_image.jpg http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/M/Mega%20Man%209/Bulk%20Viewers/Wii/2008-07-03/screenshot_002_02_4--article_image.jpg

07-04-2008, 09:24 AM
Those screenies look pretty awesome. I really wanna play this game more than before. :kitty:

07-04-2008, 12:08 PM
Scissor Bots are just about the best thing to ever happen to Megaman.

Also, do I spot a flower flamestick in picture 4?

07-04-2008, 02:02 PM
Looks even more interesting now. As I said before, it'll be interesting to see what a professional game company comes up with doing this retro style.

07-06-2008, 01:05 PM
I noticed in the 7th panel he's squishified. I wonder if that's part of a power Mega Man gets in the game or if there's something wrong with the pic....

Mr. 207
07-06-2008, 01:16 PM
The one where he looks "squished" almost looks like hes looking up. Perhaps that platform hes standing on rotates him around it? That would explain why he looks "squished" cause hes just at an angle.

07-06-2008, 01:20 PM
I noticed in the 7th panel he's squishified. I wonder if that's part of a power Mega Man gets in the game or if there's something wrong with the pic....
I believe it's because those blue/red platforms rotate.

Oh man oh man oh man this is so friggin' awesome. I've never even really been all that into Mega Man (not that I don't enjoy a good Mega Man game, I just never obsessed). I am really, seriously, desperately hoping this becomes a new trend. I will devote my life to the video game gods if retro-style games become the next big thing. I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for new NES-style games. Hell, I'm still in love with the GBA, because it was like the SNES had returned. Granted, it recycled a bunch of old NES/SNES titles, but there were plenty of new games, as well - the Castlevania games, the Metroid games, that brought back that oldschool style.

07-06-2008, 01:35 PM
The red/blue platforms are on a rotating spin. I wish I had a Wii and broadband so I can get it when it comes out. No matter, I can still dream....

07-06-2008, 04:09 PM
Interesting....I really wanna play this even more now..... :kitty:

07-07-2008, 06:04 PM

First trailer.. very short but pretty cool. But why are they using the MM1 versions of the Mets?

07-07-2008, 08:05 PM
Maybe they're going really retro? Meh. Doesn't matter to me which version of the NES Met they use. I'll blast them all the same. :kitty:

07-07-2008, 08:27 PM
Seems to be shaping up nice. I like that it uses the earlier NES Mega Man style.

07-11-2008, 09:10 AM

First trailer.. very short but pretty cool. But why are they using the MM1 versions of the Mets?

Notice something at the end of that trailer?


Awesome news for 360 owners. They've made a ton of money from the 360 arcade in particular and I can't imagine why they would have made Mega Man 9 a Wii exclusive.

07-11-2008, 04:27 PM
Though there's still a problem with it on 360 in that the D-Pad still blows. I'm happy it's on 360, but I'll have to find some kind of alternative controller.

07-11-2008, 08:07 PM
There are 3 rules of Capcom games:
There must be a double-jump. You must fight previous bosses before the final boss. If there was a prequel, you fight those bosses; if not, you fight the bosses from the current game. Never, ever, EVER release a Nintendo exclusive.Fighting games are excluded from 1 and 2. Handheld games are excluded from 3, since Nintendo dominates that market.

It's a really fanboy attitude for me to have, but I'd like to know who at Nintendo pissed in Capcom's cornflakes.

07-11-2008, 09:10 PM
Though there's still a problem with it on 360 in that the D-Pad still blows. I'm happy it's on 360, but I'll have to find some kind of alternative controller.

Yeah, that's why I'm really considering that Wiiware is going to be my best option. I can't play Megaman with the 360 controller. The D-pad is rediculously awful. They don't happen to make 3rd party controllers with good d-pads or anything, do they? :P

07-12-2008, 12:04 AM
I don't know, but there may be a PS style controller for 360 that is wired maybe. At the very least, Hori makes a nice arcade stick for 360. Better than having to use that awful dpad. I think PS3 would be the best bet. Atleast then you have something more to play on your PS3. :p If you lack a PS3 like me, then you could get it for Wii, but if you lack that like me, you're fucked. :p

07-12-2008, 12:27 PM
There are 3 rules of Capcom games:
There must be a double-jump. You must fight previous bosses before the final boss. If there was a prequel, you fight those bosses; if not, you fight the bosses from the current game. Never, ever, EVER release a Nintendo exclusive.Fighting games are excluded from 1 and 2. Handheld games are excluded from 3, since Nintendo dominates that market.

It's a really fanboy attitude for me to have, but I'd like to know who at Nintendo pissed in Capcom's cornflakes.

Why should Mega Man 9 be a Nintendo exclusive? The majority of Wii owners are either 8 years old, or casual gamers who shun most hardcore games. The remaining (and smallest) category is diehard Nintendo fans who still consider it worth spending the money on a console in order to play Nintendo's first-party games.

Now, the vast majority of people who give a damn about Mega Man 9 are older hardcore gamers who either fall into category 3 on the Wii, or more likely, own a 360 or a PS3. It only makes sense for Capcom to drop Mega Man 9 on the 360 and PS3, as otherwise they're going to miss an awful lot of their core audience.

As for Nintendo "pissing in Capcom's Cornflakes:"

Despite being a fairly unpopular console during the last generation, lacking both the power of the Xbox and the storage space of full-size DVD media that both the Xbox and PS2 enjoyed, the Gamecube got the Resident Evil remake, Resident Evil Zero, first crack at Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe, Killer 7... quite a nice list. So far their offerings for the Wii have been almost all Virtual Console titles, but they did drop a Wii version of Resident Evil 4 and Okami (which also removes Okami from the list of PS2 exclusives), and brought Zack and Wiki to the Wii.

Considering how much of Capcom's core demographic has moved on to the Xbox 360 or the PS3, and considering the absolutely mammoth PS2 userbase of the past generation, I'd say that Capcom has actually been extremely loyal to Nintendo.

07-12-2008, 02:43 PM
You wanna re-read that? Atma said Capcom NEVER should release a Nintendo exclusive game. So he's not saying that they should...

We all know Capcom has moved onto PS3, 360, and PC. I don't think Capcom will make too many efforts with the Wii.

07-12-2008, 02:52 PM
You wanna re-read that? Atma said Capcom NEVER should release a Nintendo exclusive game. So he's not saying that they should...

We all know Capcom has moved onto PS3, 360, and PC. I don't think Capcom will make too many efforts with the Wii.

Uh, no. that is a severe misreading. AtmaWeapon is clearly expressing disappointment with the fact.

I'd like to know who at Nintendo pissed in Capcom's cornflakes.

07-12-2008, 06:32 PM
blah blah blahYou know, it's really not cool to make sweeping generalizations about systems. The line of thought that says "Wii users are either 8 year olds or nostalgic Nintendo fans" is also the line of thought that says, "XBox360 owners are frat boys too stupid to wait for the Sony system that play Halo in between rounds of sausage hockey" and, "PS3 owners are less interested in gameplay than they are with what the picture on the box looks like and whether it's exactly the same as the game that came before it, just with better graphics." Note I'm not making these statements; I'm merely pointing out that lumping Wii owners into a silly category is no different than lumping PS3 or XBox 360 owners into a category.

The behavior of the RE series towards Nintendo was a good reminder; I haven't played them so I'd forgotten about them. However, the entire series violates rules 1 and 2, so it's no surprise that rule 3 was broken as well. Viewtiful Joe satisfies all of the rules: remember, it was rereleased on the PS2 (with extra content, I believe) so it's not a good example. Okami is a poor example as well, since it's obviously not a Wii exclusive. Don't you think it's interesting that Capcom thought, "Hmm, this is an excellent game, but it didn't sell well on the PS2. What should we do with it?" and answered that question by selling it on the Wii?

It makes good business sense for Capcom to sell on all three consoles; I imagine the coding effort to make that work is minimal. I just wanted to point out my list of things that seemed to be hallmarks of the more fun and popular Capcom games of the past few generation: they all involve a double jump, they all involve fighting the previous bosses, and if it exists only on a Nintendo console for any period of time, that period of time is short (in this case, it didn't last until release.)

Konami has some similar rules; the most common one is, "Bats are always the hardest enemy to kill."

07-12-2008, 06:46 PM
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan. There is still no release date. I can't imagine a game like this could take THAT long to develop. I thinking around four or five months? :\

As for it being on all three systems, I thought they said this a while ago, like, when it was first announced, then some other website said it was for WiiWare only. Maybe it's just because it was announced for WiiWare first? I don't really care, I just wanna play it.

.. and, am I the only one who thinks the "LAWL lets add a WOMAN it'll be total pwnz0rz" mentality is kinda lame? The game has to have better selling points than that :P

07-12-2008, 08:04 PM
Wait, what? They're robots - how can you have a robot who's a woman? Granted, I guess it's already been established that the other robots are definitely men. But still, kinda weird. Are we saying these robots arae anatomically correct and fully functional, like Data? I'm thinking way too hard about this one, aren't I?

07-12-2008, 09:17 PM
There's Mega Man's sister since Mega Man 1, Roll, seen at the end of the trailer riding Rush. (as in Rock and Roll)

07-12-2008, 10:44 PM
Well, looks like this game and SBCG4AP are the two things I'm looking forward to the most on WiiWare.

07-12-2008, 11:07 PM
You know, it's really not cool to make sweeping generalizations about systems. The line of thought that says "Wii users are either 8 year olds or nostalgic Nintendo fans" is also the line of thought that says, "XBox360 owners are frat boys too stupid to wait for the Sony system that play Halo in between rounds of sausage hockey" and, "PS3 owners are less interested in gameplay than they are with what the picture on the box looks like and whether it's exactly the same as the game that came before it, just with better graphics." Note I'm not making these statements; I'm merely pointing out that lumping Wii owners into a silly category is no different than lumping PS3 or XBox 360 owners into a category.

You're attributing a much more hostile attitude to my statement than was intended. I'm not trying to disparage the Wii, I have one myself. But the thing is this: Nintendo's marketing for the Wii is all about casual gamers and children. That's Nintendo's primary demographic, like it or not. The core userbase for the Wii is casual gamers and children. There are games for the hardcore and the old-school, but they fit an extremely small niche, much smaller than either the PS3 or the 360's hardcore crowd. Lumping into categories it may be, but it's still reality.

Anyway, as for the female robot master... I am extremely disappointed that it isn't named "Girl Man."

07-13-2008, 12:33 AM
Anyway, as for the female robot master... I am extremely disappointed that it isn't named "Girl Man."This would be so awesome

07-14-2008, 12:54 PM
Well, looks like this game and SBCG4AP are the two things I'm looking forward to the most on WiiWare.

WTFIT? (What the fuck is that?)

07-14-2008, 01:20 PM
Oh, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, the point 'n click adventure from the Telltale Games, the Sam and Max guys.

Strong Bad + Telltale = Happy me