View Full Version : Start with Arrows?

06-20-2008, 09:55 PM
I feel pretty dense asking this, but I can't seem to get Link to start the quest with a bow and some arrows. In the Init Data screen, I've selected various combinations of arrows and bows on the Equipment Tab. Then on the Items tab I've made sure the Start and Max arrows are non-zero. The Bow and Arrow shows up in the subscreen as a selectable item, but I don't have any arrows.

For test purposes I'll just place these as items on the screen so Link picks them up, but what am I doing wrong with the Init Data stuff?

Something's either buggy with my quest file or buggy with Build 777 of ZQuest...I tried what I mentioned above in an earlier ZQuest build, with a different quest, and it worked.....I'll create two new quests from scratch and see what happens....

My quest file is corrupted or something. I started a new file from scratch with Build 777 and was able to get this to work. I don't know what happened to my other quest file....

06-20-2008, 10:32 PM
Why're you using 777 in lieu of the 800-series builds?

06-21-2008, 03:01 PM
Why're you using 777 in lieu of the 800-series builds?

....uh....because.....I....uh....I JUST AM, OK!??!? :tongue:

Funny you asked, I just downloaded a more recent version.

06-21-2008, 07:21 PM
Why're you using 777 in lieu of the 800-series builds?

Because I'd have to rename all my "Col" stuff to "Hit" . :p

06-21-2008, 07:48 PM
You're using Notepad for scripting, right?

Press 'Ctrl+H'.

In the top box, write 'Col'.
In the bottom box, write 'Hit'.
Press the 'Replace All' button.

Proceed to update to 819.

06-21-2008, 08:13 PM
Yes, I know how to easily replace all the stuff in notepad. I was just making a joke.

And I don't have one .z file, I have about eight. Not only that but some other stuff was changed also, like "depth" to ...uhh Zheight, and height to depth or something. I forget.

Next build. ;P

06-21-2008, 08:17 PM
Do it 8 times then, it's not that painful =P