View Full Version : Toggle Switches in a Particular Order?

06-15-2008, 04:40 PM
Does ZQuest "inherently" support the ability to require Link to toggle switches in a particular order? For example, if 4 switches are on the screen, and I want Link to have to toggle them in some specific order before secrets are triggered....

I have a rough idea how to do this via scripting (generically, so it could be used for any number of switches), but I didn't want to spend the time on it if there's an easier way to do it without scripting.

Bah, maybe I'll script it anyway...gotta keep those skills sharp!

06-15-2008, 07:46 PM
Awh come ooooon....

Tiered secrets.
It's the lame method of doing it pre-scripting.

With scripting, you can have them trigger in any order, which is fun!
But pre-scripting, you had to have them go in order, which is lame.

But if you want to do it like that, then fair enough.

06-15-2008, 08:37 PM
Awh come ooooon....

Tiered secrets.
It's the lame method of doing it pre-scripting.

LOL....In all honesty, tiered secrets had crossed my mind...but I wasn't sure it would work the way I wanted it to. I read the post you linked to, and I don't quite understand it. Here's what I was thinking, assuming a 4-switch puzzle. I know I can count on you to tell me if I'm an idiot. :tongue:

I want all 4 switches to be "activatable" at any time. Meaning, I don't want to hit one switch, and have a second one appear or change colors or whatever...Link should be able to toggle any of the 4 switches, in any order, at any time. Then I'd be happy with either of the following outcomes:

(1) On the 4th toggle, if the switches were not toggled in the proper order, the puzzle resets and Link must start over again. Otherwise (i.e., if the puzzle was completed properly) secrets are triggered.

(2) The puzzle is "continuous" so the switches never reset...but if any 4 consecutive toggles are in the proper order, secrets are triggered. I don't know if I'm explaining this clearly.....


06-15-2008, 09:21 PM
I think you'll need a script. I don't see a way you'll be able to do that type of puzzle, even with the ability to have 2 combo flags on one combo.

06-15-2008, 11:13 PM
That's easy. Just use one ffc script and four ffcs. Since you only want one specific triggering sequence you only need to open up one set of bricky-bracks starting with the first trigger. But I bet you've got it scripted already. ;)

06-15-2008, 11:35 PM
Incidentally, if anyone in this thread wants to finish writing the wiki entry for Tiered Secrets (http://www.shardstorm.com/ZCwiki/Tiered%20Secrets), then by all means! (Note: must ask DarkDragon to validate your wiki account.)