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View Full Version : Who you calling a dummy6!? :P

06-13-2008, 09:15 AM
So, what's it do? Also there are two misprints, they say "tile" instead of combo. (Naturally I first inputted the tile number and not the combo number. :mad:)

void DrawCombo(int layer, int x, int y, int tile, int w, int h,
int cset, float scale, int rx, int ry, int rangle,
int dummy6, int flip, bool transparency, int opacity)
* Draws a combo on the specified layer of the current screen,
* starting at (x,y), using the specified cset.
* Starting with the specified tile referenced by the combo,
* this method copies a block of size
* blockh x blockw from the tile sheet to the screen. This method's
* behavior is undefined unless 1 <= blockh, blockw <= 20.
* The scaling and rotation parameters are reserved for the future, and
* not currently implemented. This method's behavior is undefined unless
* rx=ry=rangle=0 and scale=1.
* Flip specifies how the tiles should be flipped when drawn:
* 0: No flip
* 1: Horizontal flip
* 2: Vertical flip
* 3: Both (180 degree rotation)
* If transparency is true, the tiles' transparent regions will be
* respected.
* Opacity controls how transparent the solid portions of the tiles will
* be. Values other than 128 (solid) and 64 (translucent) are currently
* undefined.


06-13-2008, 10:59 AM
If it did anything, it would have a more informative name.

(Actually, according to the source code, it ought to be called "frame". But this 'frame' variable currently does nought. Mm-hmm.)