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06-12-2008, 02:01 PM
Hmm, in recent times, an alarming amount of Zelda Classic members have stopped posting.

VEL, a very old and pretty devout member hasnt been active at AGN or PureZC since '07 (although VEL hasn't really been active in the ZC community for quite a bit longer than that)

ShadowMancer showed promise to be a good scripter. Dissapeared.

idontknow, despite his grammar and overexpectations, was a pretty devout supporter of Zelda Classic. Gone.

Tygore, ex-qdb manager hasnt been active for quite awhile. He uses AIM but never responds.

And Zonhin. WTF happened to Zonhin? (haha, just kidding, I threw him in to be funny.)

06-12-2008, 02:02 PM
Ya, they all just disappeared. I wonder what happened. I especially liked Shadow Mancer. He was such a great scripter.

06-12-2008, 02:25 PM
Hmm, in recent times, an alarming amount of Zelda Classic members have stopped posting.

Well finally someone else is getting worried too. The activity in ZC forums has declined drastically during these last few years and many important members for the ZC community are gone now.... the ones bigjoe listed and some other people who come in mind are Freedom (great questmaker), PrinceMSC (long gone now, I know, but his graphics were great), plith, Teilyr, Cyclone etc... those are some of the guys I remeber being very active during the "good old days". ;)

Shazza Dani
06-12-2008, 03:06 PM
I've seen Teilyr come and go a few times at PureZC. He seems to take short periods of interest in ZC, then forgets about it for a long time.

06-12-2008, 03:11 PM
What disturbs me most is when a member leaves without saying "Hey, I am outtie", or without posting at another forum I know they go to.

As far as activity goes, I can understand if the main ZC forum is a little inactive as it pertains mostly to problems getting it to run and the original quests. The level of inactivity recently is starting to bother me though. I don't necessarily blame it entirely on the lack of a new release. Maybe just the lack of buzz around ZC in general. Not enough people telling their friends "hey, this is cool!" and linking them to it.

06-12-2008, 04:08 PM
I sure hate it when this happens. the boredom starts increasing when there is long inactivities. They must got glued to WoW! haha.

06-12-2008, 04:29 PM
You guys may have lost members, but not you have me :)

06-12-2008, 04:35 PM
And now he true test is if you're a good replacement. :)

06-12-2008, 04:48 PM
i doubt it :(

zquest is confusing

06-12-2008, 05:05 PM
It might have to do with the fact that people have been getting randomly baned from the site. I have to use a proxy to get on any more. At least thats the inpression I'm getting on pureZC.

(I hope that I'm a victom, I don't think I did any thing bad!)

06-12-2008, 05:33 PM
As for Zelda classic itself.
You have basically two groups interested in it.
Players and builders.

Players get irritated because they have to use the version that the quest was built in, and often don't resulting it having to start over or just give up on a quest that they have hours and hours invested in trying to play.

It's the same with builders.
I have two quests that I have over 2 years work in combined setting on my hard drive unfinished.
Both have become corrupted by newer builds at least 4 times, and weeks and weeks have been spent repairing them.
They can't be finished under the present conditions.

The people here now haven't waited the 4 years many of us have for a stable release, and they'll one day give up hope as well if things don't change around here, it's just common sense.
What is to hold people here with conditions such as this?

Build it, and they will come, otherwise, what's the point.

06-12-2008, 05:37 PM
... ... Or it's WoW. :blah:

It's a great big life out there. Lots of stuff to do. Can't do just one thing forever.

Doesn't mean they can't at least pop in to say what they're doing though. :( VEL, IDK, Tygore, ... etc.

06-12-2008, 05:54 PM
Yeah, it would be interesting to hear from those guys. How they're doing, and what they're doing with their lives you know. Are they perhaps coming back someday if ZC 2.5 ever gets released?

But Freedom is right. I am certain the biggest reason why things are pretty dead is that ZC is a big bloody mess right now, like it or not but it is a fact.
There are millions of different builds and betas floating around and no single good and "correct" version... it gets annoying and confusing for both the players and the builders. Yeah this issue has been beaten to death and the developers are working hard for that stable ZC, but that stable ZC is indeed needed for things to pick up again, that's what I believe.

06-12-2008, 06:53 PM
Well, hopefully 2.5 will be out soon so people stop leaving.

06-12-2008, 06:55 PM
If this community is gonna die, then i dont know if i'll stick around... :(

I'm not gonna make something that no ones plays.

06-12-2008, 07:10 PM
Don't worry, plenty of people are still here. And more join every day!

06-12-2008, 09:35 PM
Yeah, by all means, keep us company and invite more people.

It might have to do with the fact that people have been getting randomly banned from the site.

You mean the problem where people can't access? I never took that into consideration, but that's a scary possibility.

06-12-2008, 09:56 PM
Ya. All our people could be disappearing by being banned accidentally. :(

06-12-2008, 10:49 PM
People grow older and leave. It's not much more complicated than that. You're forgetting the people that we still have developing great quests, scripts, and graphic. Radien is still working on Dance of Remembrance, Linkus is producing beautiful graphic, and there is a nice clump of people who are pumping out scripts to do things with Zc that most joked about in the past. You can now create custom enemies. You can edit items. You can use Roc's feather!

I've been working with the latest betas and have run into a few problems, but they are definitely worth the new features. A stable beta will come when it comes. Until than, just hold tight, learn how to do things with the betas, and be prepared when it does.

If you really hate the Betas so much, don't use them. There's nothing stopping you from making a decent quest in v2.10.

06-13-2008, 12:12 AM
Well, hopefully 2.5 will be out soon so people stop leaving. Or when pigs fly!

06-13-2008, 12:56 AM
If you really hate the Betas so much, don't use them. There's nothing stopping you from making a decent quest in v2.10.Except the bugs, which are in a larger quantity than in the current betas.

Y'know, the stable ZC will come out sooner if you actually try out the new builds and report the bugs... These days it feels like there are only 10 testers + the devs. If we have 50 testers and more than one "fully" active dev, the stable ZC version will come out 5 TIMES SOONER.

We are indeed getting close. I suspect that the first release candidate will be out around October.

06-13-2008, 02:57 AM
People grow older and leave. It's not much more complicated than that. You're forgetting the people that we still have developing great quests, scripts, and graphic. Radien is still working on Dance of Remembrance, Linkus is producing beautiful graphic, and there is a nice clump of people who are pumping out scripts to do things with Zc that most joked about in the past. You can now create custom enemies. You can edit items. You can use Roc's feather! I've been working with the latest betas and have run into a few problems, but they are definitely worth the new features. A stable beta will come when it comes. Until than, just hold tight, learn how to do things with the betas, and be prepared when it does. If you really hate the Betas so much, don't use them. There's nothing stopping you from making a decent quest in v2.10. Hmm, its just that people who seemed to be showing a lot of interest suddenly leave too. ShadowMancer seemed to be working on a whole rpg within the engine, or something. Forgive the lack of paragraph splitting if it happens. Having to use a proxy sucks exponential ass. Speaking of that, maybe people think its down?

06-13-2008, 04:13 AM
The random abandonment is a huge thing that gets on my nerves, not to mention the things that could've been, and the excuses, OH THE EXCUSES!!! People dedicate themselves to something like Super Metroid Classic, then later say things like "I have real-life issues" and "I have no free time." No free time, then how did you find the time to tell people that you have no time, instead of finishing it? They have had real life issues since they were born, we all have, and working on something for 10 minutes is better than nothing.
No one knows whether or not someone is dead or anything, in which case I'd understand. If doing something for free isn't your cup of tea, then don't make a promise, let alone a demo that not even LABELED as a demo, until completion, causing me to wonder where I can find the full version that has never existed.

06-14-2008, 07:21 PM
You forgot about me :/ oh well all I really did was start making a new quest after a few days of the last one and never finished a single one.

06-14-2008, 07:31 PM
I miss ShadowMancer =(

06-15-2008, 03:00 PM
Yeah, I know what you guys mean. I miss VEL and IDK. I didn't seem to see them since I came back. I've seen Alphadawg a few times, but only a few. I wonder what happened to those guys. They were really nice and active on helping with ZC.

06-15-2008, 03:30 PM
I bet we'll only see VEL and IDK once in a blue moon or when pigs fly!

06-15-2008, 08:56 PM
Yeah, I know what you guys mean. I miss VEL and IDK. I didn't seem to see them since I came back. I've seen Alphadawg a few times, but only a few. I wonder what happened to those guys. They were really nice and active on helping with ZC.I came back... bigjoe lured me back. If you want more people to come back BJ... get to work!

I did not make any kind of big "sayonara" post when I left because I didn't exactly plan to leave. Real-life issues which I posted about elsewhere crept up. My tutorial plus the rest of my ZC site went down because I couldn't afford another year's hosting at the time.

Also like I've said before, once a new ZC release is made available on, say, download.com, expect a huge influx of new members, similar to that which followed after 1.90's release there.

06-16-2008, 08:14 AM
Oh yeah, and what happened to the siege tank guy? It's a funny story, actually..

I used to always see this guy in the Who's Online that used an avatar of the Siege Tank pilot from Starcraft. He seemed to visit regularly. I'd always laugh when I clicked into his profile or saw his posts.

Nicholas Steel
06-16-2008, 09:19 AM
My tutorial plus the rest of my ZC site went down because I couldn't afford another year's hosting at the time.You should have promoted your actual site and not your redirection link :P would have pissed off way less people when your redirection expired -.-

06-17-2008, 08:09 AM
I think it's for the ZC part a couple of things .First the questdatabase that was gone for a long time so players couldn't get quests , while they where waiting for new questst , the new quests never really came ( just a few ) because most serious Questmakers are waiting for a good new 2.5 release before they start making their new quest ( if they still interested in ZC by then ) and then we have the random connection problem without using a proxy server . I am also not that much around anymore because of that last one , it's that gleeok was so kind to come to my forum to give me a proxy server link. I never would have known to get here that way , and without my forum and talking with the members about it , I probably would have think that AGN was down ;)

Pineconn lolz
06-17-2008, 10:03 AM
Well, i'm back, so i'm sure much of these concerns are now moot.

06-29-2008, 06:31 PM
To cbailey78: This is true unfortunately :(

To AlphaDawg: Hello AlphaDawg. It's good to see you back. You're right, that possibly might work to get bigjoe to lure out people who've left.

To bigjoe: I understand what you mean BJ. It's really disappointing when people like that start disappearing.

07-01-2008, 10:55 AM
Hey, remember me? Probably not.. I think I made 1 tileset and a quest demo.

I don't post here anymore since im at university and doing other things.
In comparison to when I joined AGN at 14 / 15 years old, where I couldn't miss a day checking what was going on in the ZC forums. Those were the days!

After all these years, AGN Forums somehow still manages to get in on the occasional 'bored -> surf the web' hours. Even though I just lurk now... mostly in GB haha ;)

07-04-2008, 02:48 AM
Oh, they were all lightening-z and got banned. He's a crafty motherfucker, didn't ya know?

Shazza Dani
07-04-2008, 02:50 AM
Oh, they were all lightening-z and got banned. He's a crafty motherfucker, didn't ya know?

xD That made me lol.

Pineconn lolz
07-04-2008, 09:35 PM
Well you got one new member in me :). I've been chugging away on a little quest for the past month or so. I'm using like version 1.8 or something tho that I got from another site. Is that the newest version?

Shazza Dani
07-04-2008, 09:48 PM
Well you got one new member in me :). I've been chugging away on a little quest for the past month or so. I'm using like version 1.8 or something tho that I got from another site. Is that the newest version?

Sounds like you're using a really old version. But that's cool; they're more reliable and classic-like. I'm making a classic style quest with version 1.92.