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View Full Version : Detecting Sideview mode?

05-20-2008, 02:07 PM
Is there any way we can tell whether Link's in sideview mode?

I'm thinking at the moment of spawning an item at (-16,0), and checking the next frame to see whether it's fallen or not.

Obviously I'd rather a check that doesn't have to wait for a frame though.
Preferably that doesn't require some silly botch job that I just made up too =P

05-20-2008, 03:16 PM
When I saw your thread title I thought of exactly the workaround you proposed: drop an enemy or item. Nice! You could drop it off screen so the player wouldn't see it, too.

I don't think we can check Screen->Flag[x];, although it seems easy to implement.

I mean, the easy way is just to make sure only certain screens or DMAPs have that screen flag. Or just jot down the screens by map and screen number that have the flag, load that up into an array, and have a global script check if you're on one of those screens.

But that would suck.

05-20-2008, 03:29 PM
Yeah, I don't wanna do that =P

It's not for a script for my game either anyway.