View Full Version : Janine's New Quest (2.50 Beta)

Matthew Bluefox
05-16-2008, 07:12 PM
Jane and I have decided to drop the 2.10 quests and turn one of them into a 2.50 quest and mix some enemies from the second quest into the first and make some new stuff and give some stuff new colors. It was a lot of work until - so far - no mistakes have been spotted anymore.

With seven heart containers, you can get the white sword. With fourteen HC's, you can obtain the magical sword and with twenty-one, you are able to swing the master sword. You will need the bow and wooden arrows from Level 3 on, and the mirror shield from Level 6 on, and the silver arrow from Level 8 on. The rings are all hidden in the dungeons. You can buy super bombs to open three heart container caves in total (marked red). The red candle will allow you to open yet another heart container cave. Two more HC's can be found with the ladder and another two with the raft. The final overworld heart container is split in four pieces and hidden in special bonus caves with enemies in them (four rooms for each cave).

The sense of making this quest was to have a certain feeling like Super Mario All Stars on the SNES. A quest that is very close to the original, yet special enough to make it worth playing again and again. Will you find the golden ring and the golden arrow in the last dungeon? Will you defeat Ganon and free Princess Zelda who will tell you something special? Will you find the funny old man in the gamble chamber with his nice quote from a lovely TV show? Will you beat the evil Darknut Deathknights and all other enemies along your way through nine dangerous dungeons and a slightly more difficult overworld?

The quest is still in the uploading process to this site. The source file can already be downloaded at the following coordinates - http://wr2.vfusion.de/Lotz/jane.qst

Screenshots will follow just below this sentence:


05-17-2008, 11:09 AM
I've played only one level so far and from what I've seen it puts a whole new twist to playing Zelda. With enemies leaving only one bomb and red bombs needed to get the extra hearts you have to get money for sure. Very nice addition is the 10 ruppee piece that some enemies leave. Now if only I could find the blue candle for level 2!! LOL I have explored a bit of the overworld and got 2 extra hearts, the shield, and found levels 2 to 5. And I also found the white sword but I'll have to wait a while for it.
Another winner Matthew and Janine!

Matthew Bluefox
05-17-2008, 03:30 PM
Thankies, Miss Zelda Lady! *shy smile* It's still somewhat similar to the first quest when it was released for version 2.10, butt I've played it so many times for testing and it's still fun to play. :)

The blue candle is in the far east lower room of the "2" shape. Butt pay attention to the blue Ropes that will explode when you kill them (not so harmful explosion). If they touch you before you can kill them, it will result in a super bomb explosion that will result in a serious heart deduction.

Once I get Fraps back to work normally, I can make a walkthrough video for this quest. :)

05-18-2008, 10:18 AM
But the big question is, will the walkthrough be voiced?

05-18-2008, 10:54 AM
Thanks for the help with the blue candle. I now have the red candle and I"ve finished level 5 but can't find the ladder. I know it's in there somewhere, I just can't figure out where. I've gotten the extra heart but it's the ladder I really need for level 6
Thanks in advance,

Matthew Bluefox
05-18-2008, 11:07 AM
The ladder is just next to the red candle (one room to the right - walk through the wall). Kill the evil darknuts and claim your prize. You can leave the ladder room once again by walking through the wall to the right. Another one to the right and you're in the map room with the Zols where you can use the ladder for the first time to have a shortcut. :)

@ Bobrock: Well, no need for voice when you can actually see how one is playing. :)

05-18-2008, 12:30 PM
Thanks for the help. I've got the ladder now. Is there something I'm missing to kill a blue wizzrobe in level 6? I have the magic sword but when I hit him it doesn't look like I'm damaging him. I can't get past a room because I die before he does.

Matthew Bluefox
05-18-2008, 01:40 PM
You need the mirror shield for this one. It's a mirror wizzrobe that can only be beaten by his own spells, reflected by the mirror shield. Isn't it green? The blue ones are the usual floating ones, as far as I remember. The fire ones are red, easily recognisable.

EDIT: You're right, Jane has switched colors to make it easier to recognise the difficulty of an enemy. Brown is easy, green is medium, red is advanced and blue is hard. :)

EDIT 2: I still haven't found anything to record my walkthrough. Fraps obviously isn't working anymore and I don't have the slightest idea of what could be wrong. If I use Gamecam, there will be no sound ... I really need help there. Please PM me if you got something.

05-18-2008, 02:06 PM
Where exactly is the red candle? I only got half thru lv5. The darknuts are killing me along with the fireballs. Is the hammer in this level?

05-18-2008, 03:21 PM
Where's the 2nd money bag? I haven't found it yet.

05-18-2008, 04:48 PM
I can't remember where the 2nd money bag is. I thought I had the small one but it was the large one. Very strange since I don't remember getting it, the large one I mean. Finished lv5.

05-18-2008, 08:35 PM
Is it really that different to the first quest to make it worth playing, I have finished both other Jane's quest's, so if I would play this one, would that be worth it? With changes I mainly mean enemies, Item location, level design etcetera.

Matthew Bluefox
05-20-2008, 02:47 AM
@ Token: The level design is the same, the enemies are most re-colored, some are completely new such as the level 3 and 4 octoroks and level 3 leevers and other new enemies. It's up to you, butt yes, just as a pre-warning ... to those who have played Jane's first quest in 2.10, it's not very much different, except the enemies and new colors. It was mainly converted to 2.50 to add the new enemies and re-color stuff such as the blue flame of the blue candle, the ten rupee drop by enemies, the clocks, the single bomb drops, the four bonus caves (quite major), and other minor stuff.

@ Crackers / Miss Zeld Lady: You have the large money bag at the start to not waste time buying it. So, you can get 999 rupees at maximum right at the start. Makes it better to buy two or three expensive items in a row.

@ Crackers only: There is no hammer in the entire game! The red candle is in the locked part to the lower west.

05-22-2008, 10:00 AM
Good quest so far

05-22-2008, 07:12 PM
I got up to lv9 but it's just too hard for me so I have to give up. At least this one was more playable for me and I really enjoyed it. Good job.:D

05-23-2008, 04:01 PM
Where do you get the ZC 2.50 version of Zelda classic?

05-23-2008, 06:05 PM
Ok, so I'm through level 3, but I'm sure I'm missing the raft from 3. How do I get in the two rooms to the east of the triforce? I cant walk or bomb anything it would appear

Matthew Bluefox
05-24-2008, 07:26 PM
@ Soxfan: The raft is in Level 4, not in Level 3. The blue ring is in Level 3. And yes, it is in those two rooms next to the Triforce chamber. If you push one of the middle stones in the room just right to the one you have used to get to the boss (warp room), it will reveal stairs that bring you to the last two rooms.

@ Crackers: Oh, Level 9 is a bit of a puzzle and the two special items are well hidden. Butt it is possible to make it. :) Soxfan, thanks! Butt someone didn't seem to really like it, he gave a one-heart rating to it.

@ Token: It's on these forums somewhere in the beta section. :)

05-24-2008, 07:38 PM
There isn't a 2.50 beta I think :shrug:
but you can download the newest beta here http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=149
if you look in the changelog you can find other beta releases ;)

05-25-2008, 10:18 AM
Level 5 anyone? I've found 6, but not 5.

05-26-2008, 08:25 AM
I can not remember where level 5 is, but remember that all caves are in the same spots as they were in the original's 1st or 2nd quest. The only difference is that some whistle caves are replaced by entrances that should be bombed or burned. Check out both maps at gamefaqs.
Though not every original cave exists in Jane's quest

05-26-2008, 04:51 PM
Frustrating... spent all day looking for level 5 and still no luck

05-27-2008, 12:20 AM
I don't know for sure that I'm correct, but have you tried in the northeast part of the map (secret entrance), or bombing at one screen south-west from there? It also might be at the northcoast of the lake (move past level one, go left, take the ladder across the gap and the next screen or two screens futher(south/west) might hide level 5). The last option I can think of is the midwest screen of the graveyard (flute/push)

05-27-2008, 08:02 AM
I found nothing in the northwest corner (where level 9 is on 2nd quest). The screen south east of there and the one to the west of IT (where the letter is on 2nd quest) revealed nothing when I pushed all the rocks. I havent tried bombing yet kuz I dont recall anything being there on either of the first two original quests.

As far as using the ladder........ unless I missed something, you get the ladder on level 5.

I guess when I get home, I'll keep looking

Matthew Bluefox
05-27-2008, 08:27 AM
Level 5 is at the secret square in the very north-east (blue ring in old second quest, 100 rupees in old first quest). Just walk through the wall to north when you reach the square below this one.

05-27-2008, 09:39 AM
Thought I had checked that out. Oops......

05-28-2008, 03:54 AM
What version of ZC are you playing Jane's new quest with? My current version doesn't support the quest. Could you also supply me with a link to that version?

Matthew Bluefox
05-28-2008, 08:26 AM
It's all explained in the QDB section. It's the Win Build 780 of the Beta 2.50 ZC. :)

05-28-2008, 09:13 AM
Through level 7 now. My timer is at 7 hrs, and I guarantee that most of that was spent looking for level 5 :-D

Matthew Bluefox
06-20-2008, 04:24 AM
I just received a PM and apparently, some people can't see where the 2.11 version is you need ... so I post a direct link to it here: http://www.shardstorm.com/zc/alphas/780-windows.zip

There have been no updates since my last post, so the quest is still original. :)

06-29-2008, 02:01 AM
Bomb Ropes = Evil. Just for the record. :)

Matthew Bluefox
06-29-2008, 02:40 AM
The bomb ropes will get a new looks in the "Zelda 1.5" edition, and they won't be as many as they were before in Level 2. Just for the record. =)

BTW: This quest won't receive any further updates because we're working on the "Zelda 1.5" quest which will basically replace this one. A completely new overworld and the dungeon design has improved a bit (numbers look more realistic) and the inner room designs have changed in almost all rooms. =)

07-02-2008, 05:35 PM
I was hoping to not get stuck, but I believe I've somehow gotten stuck. I entered Level 8 with no keys on hand (I've beaten the previous 7), found one key, and used it to the west of the entrance. I got the Silver Arrow, but...now I can't go north. Did I miss a Magic Key somewhere?

07-02-2008, 05:48 PM
Was about to ask about that myself...I used the key in the door on the north of the entrance room and continued onward...found another key and used that to get the silver arrow. Continued onward(using the silver arrow to beat a Gohma3) but found myself stuck without a key again...had to go out and buy one from a shield shop.

Matthew Bluefox
07-03-2008, 07:49 AM
By then, you should have the magic key, Patrick-AB7. Wolfman, you need to open the north door first, this is a trick. ^^ Then you will get the key to the west after entering north. Additionally, you can buy keys in the shops, as far as I remember.

07-03-2008, 02:27 PM
So I'm definitely missing a key...I am at the locked door in the room with two Deathknights. Bombed to the south and fought some Wallmasters but that only left bombs. Guess there's a block I need to push somewhere in the past few rooms...

Matthew Bluefox
07-03-2008, 03:00 PM
There are enuff keys in level eight, definately. I've played it through and so did others. :)

07-03-2008, 04:08 PM
Sorry, still can't find the third key in L8. Can anyone drop me a PM or something to help me out? *sheepish grin*

07-03-2008, 06:50 PM
So I'm also missing the magic key...alright, I'll go buy a key and explore more later... *grumble grumble*

Matthew Bluefox
07-04-2008, 03:42 AM
I've now inserted a third key in dungeon eight - even though keys can be bought - in the sand room where the darknuts are (below the Gohma room). Enjoy! DL link is still the same. Just replace the old quest and keep playing. Should be updated while you're playing.

07-04-2008, 03:48 PM
What was funny was that I had to actually buy the outside key. The key you placed...didn't really help. I ended up buying one too many since I found where the magic key was located...oh well.

Now, to take out Level 9 and be done with this...

Matthew Bluefox
07-04-2008, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I hope you'll like Level 9, it's a bit of a maze compared to the other relatively simply shaped dungeons.

07-04-2008, 07:19 PM
And with that...Ganon has once again kicked the bucket. I never did find the four heart pieces in this supposed cave system, but...I'll take my victory.

Glad to see a more action oriented quest around here. Many are focused on tough puzzles it seems.

Matthew Bluefox
07-04-2008, 08:01 PM
Yeah, I like action more than puzzle mazes, too. The four heart pieces are a good challenge. And in the latest updated version, there is an item tower at the north-east end of the overworld (red entrance).

08-08-2008, 07:32 PM
Where are the 4 heart piece caves? I found 2 so far 1 in the graveyard and 1 in the north west part of the overworld bombing a wall. I can not seem to locate the other 2.

Matthew Bluefox
08-10-2008, 08:38 AM
Another one is near the usual location of the bracelet (armos statues, one field above the usual one), try to bomb the upper walls. The other one is at a tight passage where you usually have to fight one red Lynel in the original quest. One field below is the river with falling rocks (original).

08-16-2008, 01:14 AM
thanks for the tip I finally finished this one up today.

Matthew Bluefox
08-16-2008, 07:06 AM
Coolies! Did you like it so far?

08-17-2008, 02:12 AM
I finished the whole quest and overall I found it to be pretty solid.

Matthew Bluefox
08-17-2008, 04:40 AM
That's nice to hear! Then I can only recommend you to play "Zelda 1.5" which is a few threads below this one. :)

01-31-2009, 09:23 PM
The most recent version of this quest(the one with the item tower) isn't up on the ZC website and the link in this thread seems to be broken...could someone put up the latest version? Thanks!

Matthew Bluefox
02-01-2009, 03:28 AM
It's broken because it's been intentionally taken off the server. It's old and outdated. Instead, there's been a later version called "Legend of Zelda 1.5 (and Final)" which is now also removed due to many many bugs and mistakes (warps didn't work, fees didn't work either - you got all your money deducted instead of 50 rupees, etc.).

There will be a new quest by Janine and me, and it's going to be a training quest with simply designed dungeons, some new and some old items, new and old enemies, just like Zelda 1.5, butt more simple to get through because I wanna finally see a bug-free quest for the latest Beta users. :)

~ Matt

02-01-2009, 10:07 AM
OK, gotcha...have played both of them in the past...

Matthew Bluefox
02-01-2009, 06:26 PM
Nice! By the way, Zelda 1.5 Final is still on the database, however if there are bugs or even "human bugs" (I've updated the quest on my own server several times after submitting it to the database), I won't be able to make updates anymore.