View Full Version : Mirror's Edge - Parkour, the game

05-16-2008, 04:05 PM
Holy hell, this game looks like it'll be badass. It's a shame I don't own a system that will be able to play it.


05-16-2008, 04:20 PM
That actually caught my attention... essentially Prince of Persia-style platforming from a first-person perspective. Could be quite fun.

05-16-2008, 04:28 PM
Eh, I don't understand the hype surrounding this game. It looks ok, but I don't see anything all that special about it. Meanwhile people seem to be creaming their pants over it for some reason.

05-16-2008, 07:46 PM
My problem is out of the 2 minute video, about a minute and a half is just a tech demo. Reading the plot makes the game sound pretty action packed, and some of the scenes at the end show some pretty promising combat, but the bulk of their trailer is just some heavy breathing and jumping on platforms.

They would have made me more excited if they'd established the character was running from something, or maybe looked back to see some antagonist hot on your heels. Instead, at about a minute in I was asking myself "So, I wonder if this game has a goal other than jumping?" and started reading comments.

05-16-2008, 10:33 PM
That feeling of freedom has me very excited. I've always wanted to do Parkour, and this is the lazy person's dream.

Eh, I'mma gettin there.

05-17-2008, 12:25 AM
The game looks pretty promising. Right now with a two minute trailer, it's too early to make a decision to get it or not. But if done right, it looks like it could be a cult classic at the very least. I'm hoping that the final game isn't as empty as the trailer looks, though.

What's nice is that they aren't using "realism filters" that make the game look dark and washed-out. Instead, they seem to be opting for brighter colors that are more pleasing to the eye and stand out. Definitely gives it a unique look.

What I find sad though, are the people complaining that the main character is a woman and are making decisions to buy it based on that. FPS games are too much of a sausage-fest already.