View Full Version : Triggering Secrets

05-12-2008, 08:16 PM
It's never been much fun triggering the screens secrets.

I was just thinking though, would it be possible to change the flag of the combo at (-16,0) to, say, an arrow flag, then spawn an arrow LWeapon on top of that spot?
It wouldn't be seen at all by the player, and it should be pretty flawless.

If we can give flags to combos that are off the screen.
So, would it work?

05-12-2008, 08:26 PM
Do scripting suggestions count towards the "No Suggestions" rule? Because a Screen trigger, like
Screen->Secrets(true); would be great.

05-13-2008, 04:44 AM
Oh wait, is this what:

Game->State[ST_SECRET] = true;

And if it's not then yeah,

Game->State[ST_SECRETTRIGGER] = true;
would be really nice to have.

Also variable sized arrays and a way to check what type of weapons the ones you load are would be nice too =P

There have been quite a few scripting additions recently but I don't think we're meant to just suggest them =P
I dunno
Maybe we are :confused: