View Full Version : It's Just A Plant

04-30-2008, 12:10 AM
Finally a children's book that every pot smoking parent can read to their children. I support the legalization of all non-synthetic drugs. I grew up around pot smokers and see nothing wrong with it..that said there is no need to legalize it just for the sake of using it medically..we already have a synthetic marijuana PO med called Marinol. We use it for many of our long term patients as an appetite stimulant.

04-30-2008, 12:28 AM
In order to be logically consistent, the US government must either legalize pot, or criminalize alcohol.

Alcohol is incredibly destructive. It destroys families, causes thousands of deaths each year due to drinking and driving, and costs the medical system a fortune in liver and cancer treatments due to abuse. Pot, while still unhealthy, is nowhere near as destructive as alcohol and there is nothing especially sinister about it that separates it from Alcohol. Our current policy is totally hypocritical.

Even though I support the legalization of Marijuana (or the criminalization of Alcohol), I do not smoke or drink and have never been high on pot.

Zaphod Q. IX
04-30-2008, 12:36 AM
..we already have a synthetic marijuana PO med called Marinol. We use it for many of our long term patients as an appetite stimulant.

As someone who was prescribed marinol while under a doctor's care for cancer, I can tell you, with no reservations, that what the DEA is saying about Marinol is crap. It did not work for me, or for at least three other patients that I discussed it's merits with. I know that doesn't constitute a large enough sample size for a study, but I'm convinced.

I was also prescribed reglan, tigan and phenergan which all worked marginally better, in that order. Phenergan was the best of a sorry lot. Sometimes, the only thing that would work was marijuana butter on bread. That would make me stop puking within twenty minutes. With the best of the medications (phenergan), I had to wait an hour for it to work. The phenergan did have the bonus of the effects lasting twice as long as a bomber joint or pot butter, but so what? The mary jane at least made me think about food.

I'm not a die-hard legalization guy, either...not anymore. I used to be, but I'm getting conservative in my old age...I think that some people are too stupid to safely self-medicate. It really sucks that I've changed my thinking on that issue.

That being said, the government should just let the dying people smoke the stupid plant. What does it matter, dammit? They're dying.

EDIT: Wow, that was sorta off-topic. I think that anyone who buys this book and reads it to their kids is an idiot. My son has never seen my smoke pot, and he won't. Until he's in college. Then I'll shed some light on the subject. :sb:

Aegix Drakan
04-30-2008, 12:57 PM

While I don't care too much about this issue anymore (I still think smoking pot is a retarded thing to do, but there are worse things, I guess), I think it's just wrong to teach it to little kids in a book like that.

04-30-2008, 01:18 PM
Let's face it - pot's been demonized to the point that the people who oppose it don't even know what, exactly, they're opposing. They just know it's "bad." Mindless sheep, I tell ya, the whole lot of them.

04-30-2008, 10:58 PM
I only started smoking it semi-regularly pretty recently. The place I was living got burnt to shit and needed assloads of money and work for repairs. At the time, it seemed like it would make a good anti-depressant, but I've come to appreciate it for much more since then. I do agree with the stance that it's wrong to introduce it to children though.

As for the book, it's pretty colorful, but something about it seems joke-like. Some of the characters seem... err ... messed-up looking. Particularly Farmer Bob and a couple of the guys on the street corner.