View Full Version : Eco Stuff

04-23-2008, 08:54 PM
I guess the other day was earth day. As I said in the other thread about the dark hour movement, I'm not very big on these events which I see as a shallow attempt to make most people feel like they're not part of the problem. That said, since it was earth day, and since topics around here tend to be in short supply, what sorts of changes have you guys made to your everyday lives in recent years to be more eco-friendly?

Alternatively, if you think the eco-movement is a load of crap, let us hear about that too. :)

04-23-2008, 09:09 PM
I do not think the eco-movement is a load of crap. I think it's a legitimate, serious issue. However, I think people have wildly different and mostly asinine views of how to protect the environment, so I'm usually skeptical of the standard "business is evil" kind of environmentalism.

As for my green-ness: I use energy efficient light bulbs and use a bicycle as my primary mode of transportation. I fill up my car's gas tank about once every 1.5 months.

04-23-2008, 09:45 PM
I use CFL bulbs and drive a Mini Cooper...and when I'm brushin' my teeth and havin' so much fun, I never let the water run. NO! I never let the water run.

04-23-2008, 11:03 PM
As far as eco-friendly goes. All I do is use the re-usable grocery bags, mainly because the stores knock off $.03 your order based on the number of grocery bags you bring in, plus they hold more than the regular plastic bags. So really I used them for myself, being eco-friendly is just a bonus. Also I try not to littler so...

04-23-2008, 11:06 PM
This Green movement is fueled by global warming nuts and participated in by those who blindly follow the myth. Personally, I think we need to focus a lot more on local pollution and cut that down as much as possible without killing our economy.

As for hippies, I'm sick of them.

04-23-2008, 11:28 PM
I always do my part to make sure my pipes are clean (dirty pipes restrict water flow and waste water) by turning on the faucets as I leave the bathroom.

04-23-2008, 11:48 PM
Al Gore won a nobel for telling people it's hot out, so it must be right. I used to think it was a load of crap. But seriously, I walk everywhere. I also only use water when I have to, and drink from a water bottle. My Nalgene is a good buddy.

04-23-2008, 11:57 PM
That's a joke right?

04-24-2008, 12:55 PM
I do not think the eco-movement is a load of crap. I think it's a legitimate, serious issue. However, I think people have wildly different and mostly asinine views of how to protect the environment, so I'm usually skeptical of the standard "business is evil" kind of environmentalism.

As for my green-ness: I use energy efficient light bulbs and use a bicycle as my primary mode of transportation. I fill up my car's gas tank about once every 1.5 months.

That sounds about the same as me. I also use the reusable grocery bags like Archibaldo. As he says, they're actually a lot more convenient than the plastic bags since they hold more and are more comfortable to carry. I'm not sure they really make much of a difference, considering there's a lot more plastic in the packaging of what goes in the bag than the bag itself. But I figure at least it's something, and something is that much more than nothing.

04-24-2008, 01:47 PM
My take on the situation is that both sides use it for their own agendas. I mean, you have the nuts who seem to have no concept of reality in terms of trying to be eco-friendly, and then you have the nuts who use the other nuts to make the whole eco-movement seem crazy.

That said, I firmly believe that we need to clean up our act, because who wants a nasty planet? I mean come on, I don't know how anyone could object to say, moving from gasoline to alternative energy? And yeah, I know there are a lot of gripes about how it's not efficient enough to be viable and whatnot, but if we keep investing in the technology, it will reach eventually reach that point, and in the long run, there are major advantages to working toward that.

As for myself, well, I mean, I walk everywhere (except the other day, when I rode the bus downtown because I had just walked downtown the day before and then found out that the store I was going to was closed because of a power outage), and I use my backpack to carry groceries, which not only saves bags, but makes it a lot easier to carry them home.

Shazza Dani
04-24-2008, 02:07 PM
I do the best I can every day. I walk everywhere I go, like some people already mentioned. I don't litter, obviously. (anyone who throws garbage on the ground needs to die)

I didn't really do anything special for Earth Day. I was out all day, so I guess I didn't use any electricity. Whatever. My friend planted a tree. =] I love her.

04-24-2008, 02:32 PM
I left a cup in a parking lot and my brother left a can. That was my protest against Earth Day, and I was kind of just lazy to find a trash can.

04-24-2008, 03:28 PM
I left a cup in a parking lot and my brother left a can. That was my protest against Earth Day, and I was kind of just lazy to find a trash can.
Now I'm gonna have to go all Combine on your ass.

"Pick up that can. Put the can in the trash."