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04-22-2008, 03:49 PM
My aunt is dying.
She's on dyalisus and has cancer as well.
She might by dead in a one week or two.

I can't even type very well I'm so sad; and that is hard on me because I don't cry often maybe twice a year or less.
I've never lost someone show close.
It's even hard to type this becuase I am crying too much.
I guess I do know how lord_jamitossi feels.
Does anyone else have someone close to them pass away?

04-22-2008, 05:44 PM
I have a really large extended family, so I've had to attend about half a dozen funerals by now. My grandmother died (of leukemia I think), my grandfather passed away several years ago, and two of my aunts died of brain cancer (one of whom ended up dying because none of her doctors bothered to run a brain scan at all, and misdiagnosed her as schizophrenic for about a decade). There are others, but that's about all I can remember.

The worst part of it, besides the feelings of actually losing a family member, is seeing other people in my family use the occasion to cause trouble. My mom's side of the family hates her (and my dad, and me and my siblings), so they have a habit of going up to her at the funeral or rosary and trying to make her break down, telling her it's all her fault or something.

04-22-2008, 05:46 PM
My cousin hung herself in November and my aunt hung herself in December.

It blows.

04-22-2008, 06:04 PM
Both of my grandparents on my mom's side have died. Actually, my grandmother died for similar reasons to one of your aunts, Skullraken - the doctors were so sure they know what was wrong, thus resulting in no tests and a horrible misdiagnosis.

I also had a very close friend die in college. God, that blew. For me, the worst part is just the "Goddamnit, couldn't they have done anything?" That question just ends up rattling around in my head for weeks.

Take care, man.

Master Maniac
04-22-2008, 06:09 PM
i did, but i dont talk about it much. makes me sad to remember.

but i understand. especially if its someone close...

things will be ok. just hope for the best.

04-22-2008, 07:10 PM
My grandmother on my father's side passed suddenly in between my junior and senior years of college. I was living in State College at the time and got woken up by the phone call that morning. That was a long, sad bus ride home back to Philly.

She had developed Parkinson's disease so we knew it was just a matter of time. We just didn't expect it to be so sudden. She was living with my mom and brother at the time. She started falling around the house more and more as the Parkinson's got worse, but thankfully never down the steps until that time. They rushed her to the hospital and appeared to be recovering until things took a sudden turn for the worse.

My prayers are with you and you family.

04-22-2008, 08:05 PM
My aunt died from cancer last year, and couldn't even attend her funeral because she lives in Germany...

Yeah, stuff like this just sucks...

04-22-2008, 08:15 PM
My grandmother died when I was 9 and now my aunt has cancer..

04-22-2008, 08:28 PM
Woah, dude, I'm really sorry for you... that's terrible. I'm really sorry. I haven't had anyone really important to me die, except for my Great-Grandmother, but she was 103... so I can't really say "I know how you feel" truthfully, but I'm really sorry for you.

04-22-2008, 08:33 PM
Wow, I am so sorry. I know how you feel. My Grandfather died I few years ago, suddenly and unexpectedly. It's just so horrible, beyond what words can describe. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

War Lord
04-22-2008, 09:17 PM
I'm sorry to hear it man
Losing anyone is never easy.
I lost both my puppy and my aunt this month.

It's horrible, but it will get better.
Time heals all wounds. You hear it all the time but it's true.

Aegix Drakan
04-22-2008, 09:31 PM
:( I feel for you Slothman, and also to everyone else in this thread.

I've been fairly lucky so far, in that I only lost one grandfather. We were the last living relatives (aside from my grandma) who saw him alive. The week after we left Florida, he had a sudden heart attack and died.

...My other grandpa has had heart trouble as well, but he's really a stubborn guy. He's gotten over most of it, and I hope he stays on top of things.

And if you want to go into those I never knew, I lost a few realatives over in hungary, and a sister just a day after she was born.

I feel for everyone in this topic once again. :( losing someone very close like that must not be easy at all.

And dechipher...Two of your relatives killed themselves? >_< That must have sucked fucking hardcore....I can only imagine what pain that must have brought you...

04-22-2008, 10:33 PM
Aww honey... I'm really sorry for what will be your loss and I do understand. The month of April is considered my "mourn month". I have approx 8 people that I knew that have passed away during the month of April... <hug>

1) my paternal grandmother died early AM of the day we went to finalize my divorce from my 1st husband
2) my cousin David (maternal grandmothers' sisters son)
3) my cousin Sydney (paternal Uncles' son)
4) my ex-brother-in-law (1st husbands brother)
5) my Uncle Louie (really close friend of my parents)
6) my Aunt Faith (mothers sister)
7) mother of one of my best friends
8) and if I remember right Paul's cousins wife died in the month of April

I know there's more but blah... I'm crying now so my thought processes have quit working...

God Bless you hon and may you and your family find some peace and comfort during this time of crisis. <hug>

04-23-2008, 11:20 PM
Thanks for all condolences.
Maybe you can pray or hope or something.
With cancer and her last kidney it seems unlikely.