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04-18-2008, 07:23 PM
Apparently there's an upcoming Mortal Kombat/DC Superhero fighting game in the works.


I... Er... Um... :odd:
Sorry, this is just... unexpected. I'm not quite sure how to react, honestly.

04-18-2008, 07:37 PM
I'm not quite sure how to react, honestly.

I am:

What a fucking stupid idea. Somebody at Midway thought to themselves, "wait a minute... our fighting game series is shit... and superhero comics are shit... so they'll be perfect together!

See? That wasn't hard at all!

04-18-2008, 08:29 PM
Well, the idea at first seems extremely fucked up. But if you think about it some more, well it still seems pretty fucked up. But if you can manage to keep thinking about it alittle more, I think you'll see the game could actually be decent. While the lack of gore and horrible death is a letdown you can do without it.

It's certainly strange but I think it is too early to judge it.

04-19-2008, 01:10 AM

I dunno, dude. This looks extra nice.

Dann Woolf
04-19-2008, 08:29 AM
It's like Marvel Vs. Capcom, only it sucks.

04-19-2008, 02:48 PM
It really is a crappy version of Marvel vs Capcom. First of all, the last ok Mortal Kombat game was deception (I don't even know when the last great MK was)... can anyone remember the last good DC comics game? Now lets imagine that bloody fatalities are out because of the dc characters involved, whats there to like?

04-19-2008, 03:17 PM
You are all banned from playing Marvel Vs Capcom for stupidity. Do not compare a Capcom late 90s fighter to a next-gen 3D fighter.

The cross-over idea isn't exactly new or unique to MvC anymore. Just look at all the terrible crossover shit. Soul Calibur 2 with... Link? Spawn? That Tekken bastard? Wow talk about retarded. Now we have Darth Vader and Yoda in SC4... shame on them. Now, I don't mind so much with a game like Super Smash Bros Brawl (Snake, Sonic) or Mario Kart Wii (Pac-man).

Now you could see the lack of fatalities as a let down, but honestly do you really need them? Just by the end of the MK series (UMK3, MKT) there were some plain crazy ways to kill people. As I said the last good MK I think was Deception. But you can't just keep bringing out MK after MK. Just like Capcom learned you couldn't do Street Fighter after Street Fighter. Time must pass and improvements or fun changes must be made.

04-19-2008, 03:25 PM
I dunno... I mean, even in its glory days, at best, Mortal Kombat was a mediocre fighter whose main selling point was the blood and gore. Take out the blood and gore, and quite honestly, I have a hard time seeing any point at all.

04-19-2008, 03:38 PM
I disagree. Mortal Kombat is a fun game. I recently purchased MK: Armageddon and I find the game rather fun to play. I enjoy having pretty much all the characters at my disposal. The fighting mechanics aren't that big of a deal, so long as they work decently, which they do. I think the last two games I played (like, within the last 4 months) were MK:Armageddon and SSB (Brawl and Melee). They're fun to play. I wouldn't mind seeing a single "Ultimate Fighting Game" with MK, Street Fighter, Marvel, DC, Nintendo, and Sega characters, as well as Jean-Claude Van Damme, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Jesus, Napoleon Dynamite, George W. Bush, and Elton John.

That'd be fuckin sweet.

04-19-2008, 03:52 PM
...even in its glory days, at best, Mortal Kombat was a mediocre fighter whose main selling point was the blood and gore.


In the 2-D days, MK was a load of steaming crap compared to the works of Capcom and SNK. The gore factor was the only thing it had going for it. Deception, probably the best game in the series, was only decent, and pales in comparison to Tekken, Virtua Fighter, or Soul Calibur.

Dann Woolf
04-19-2008, 04:33 PM
I must admit that I'm curious. How will Fatalities work? Will the DC characters have 'em?

And most importantly, will they work on Mary-Sueperman?

04-20-2008, 04:41 AM
If you bothered to read anything about it, you'd know there aren't going to be any fatalities or gore.

Mortal Kombat was not at all a mediocre fighting game. It was a good fighting game much better than alot of the crap that was out at the time. While Capcom and SNK put out some great fighting games, in '92 and '93 Mortal Kombat 1 and II were excellent games. At the time, Capcom would have had Super Street Fighter II out. SNK, KoF 94'? Mortal Kombat owns SNK's fighters of the time. Capcom was great though. But you know you don't have to only like one game.

While Mortal Kombat did have the selling point of blood and gore, it also had for the time, superb sound and graphics with fun gameplay. It was *gasp* a GOOD GAME. But I've found most of you are unable to judge games in the context of the time frame they were released.

Also, Tekken is crap. I'd take MK Deception over it any day. And fuck Virtua Fighter while we are at it. Like Tekken I never saw it as anything more than somewhat better than average. Soul Calibur owns though.

04-20-2008, 05:55 AM

In the 2-D days, MK was a load of steaming crap compared to the works of Capcom and SNK. The gore factor was the only thing it had going for it. Deception, probably the best game in the series, was only decent, and pales in comparison to Tekken, Virtua Fighter, or Soul Calibur.

What?! You mean the exact opposite of that right? ...Unless you were playing a console port of MK1, which was beyond atrocious, then I can see where you're coming from, but in the Arcade days Mortal Kombat was one of the best fighting games ever. Always right next to a Street Fighter II machine. The gore was like an added bonus, not a cheap gimmick that without, would render the game weak.

Tekken and Virtua Fighter on the other hand, I've never understood. It's like playing a 3D kung-fu master. Thank God Soul Calibur came along to show us all how you're supposed to make a good game.

As for the MK/DC game; My first reaction is to throw things at my computer, but it could turn out to be awesome. Though I'm not expecting it to be.

Dann Woolf
04-20-2008, 09:07 AM
If you bothered to read anything about it, you'd know there aren't going to be any fatalities or gore.

What's next, Soul Calibur without weapons?

04-20-2008, 12:40 PM
I grew up playing Mortal Kombat in the arcade, and it is a good game, and very fun. Mortal Kombat II is probably my favorite, although I did really enjoy MK3 (but not Ultimate MK3 - those extra characters they added were hard as crap to fight against, esp Jade. I hate her). I haven't really played much of the series after that. I don't like 3D fighters, so Deadly Alliance felt weird to me, although Deception felt a little better cause they re-added the classic MK uppercut. I haven't tried Armageddon, and don't even remember seeing MK4 in an arcade, save for maybe once.

I also loved Killer Instinct in the arcade, and enjoyed all the Marvel crossover games such as Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men: Children of the Atom, X-Men vs Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, and my favorite fighter....Marvel vs Capcom 2.

This MK/DC crossover seems weird though. I don't really know DC comics at all, so it's not very appealing to me. Sounds to me like someone thinks they'll have similar success as the aforementioned Marvel crossover games, but it's not gonna happen, if not just for the fact that 2D fighters are a lot more accessible.

04-20-2008, 03:01 PM
What's next, Soul Calibur without weapons?

Actually there were rumors atleast that in Soul Calibur 4 it may be possible to break equipment which would mean weapons I imagine. Who knows though.

04-20-2008, 06:08 PM
Guys there's some Midway offices near where MY WIFE works... I wonder if they'll sell me some good chairs as they're moving out?

04-20-2008, 07:59 PM
There's better shit to raid when a company flops than chairs man. Development hardware, betas, computers, etc. Though it depends if those are just offices or if they contain anything worthwhile.

Dann Woolf
04-21-2008, 06:26 AM
Actually there were rumors atleast that in Soul Calibur 4 it may be possible to break equipment which would mean weapons I imagine. Who knows though.

I was being sarcastic.

Let's face it, the main selling point of the Mortal Kombat games is the gore. Without that, all you have left is a mediocre beat-'em-up.

04-21-2008, 09:54 AM
Mario Kart Wii (Pac-man).

Pacman isn't in Mario Kart Wii...

04-21-2008, 10:11 AM
He is in the Mario Kart arcade game, though... I think that's what Mott was thinking of. Which, incidentally, is totally unfair. I mean, we don't even get the Mario Kart arcade game here in the States (to my knowledge). The least they could do would be into include Pac-man in one of the console games, as like an unlockable or something.

04-21-2008, 11:00 AM
He is in the Mario Kart arcade game, though... I think that's what Mott was thinking of. Which, incidentally, is totally unfair. I mean, we don't even get the Mario Kart arcade game here in the States (to my knowledge). The least they could do would be into include Pac-man in one of the console games, as like an unlockable or something.

True, but that game was actually made by Namco.

04-21-2008, 12:10 PM
Well then I blame Nintendo for not securing the right to include Pac-man in future Mario Kart games as part of the deal.

04-21-2008, 12:29 PM
Well then I blame Nintendo for not securing the right to include Pac-man in future Mario Kart games as part of the deal.

But that would suck :P How does Pac-man even pilot a go-kart? He's just a limbless yellow ball with a mouth :P

04-21-2008, 02:25 PM
I was being sarcastic.

Let's face it, the main selling point of the Mortal Kombat games is the gore. Without that, all you have left is a mediocre beat-'em-up.

No you don't. A "Beat 'em Up" is a game like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the arcade game, Final Fight, Streets of Rage, etc. Mortal Kombat is a Fighter. And it is much better than mediocre in most of its installments. Some those like MK4 I didn't care for.

04-25-2008, 02:52 AM
Mortal Kombat had its high points when it was 2d, back then the digitized look and the fatalities really set it apart from the pack. The series lost a lot of steam once it hit 4 though, and while DA and deception were good... I don't understand any argument that says Armageddon wasn't crap, and I fear this crossover will fall to the same fate.

Mortal Kombat had good gameplay back in the day, and was better than medicore (but not great), cool endings and gore were not the icing on the cake though... it was the freaking cake. Without the gore the series would have ended with MK1. There was a reason MK was packed in ever arcade around, and that reason was you could rip someone's head off.

Mortal Kombat has a spotty history in 3d, while DA and Deception were cool (good unlockables, cool endings, backgrounds and fatalities), MK4 was pretty bad, and the last one plain sucked. I rented it over the weekend when it came out, and it didn't take long to hate it, the crappy mario kart ripoff mode, the stupid word scroll endings, and the lack of individual fatalities. The 3d gameplay is okay, but just about any other 3d fighter blows it away.

The crossover idea is the final nail in this series coffin, you got Superman, Batman, then what? Scorpion vs Wonder Woman (very odd)? Green Lantern (could be cool)? Green Arrow? Eventually even with using villians you are going to run out of good DC characters, and you just know Aquaman is going to be in there... with the great super power of making everyone pity him.

Bottom line, looks bad. Unless there is a free demo that blows me away... this will be the best Mortal Kombat to walk away cautiously from.