View Full Version : Reclamation released!

04-13-2008, 02:17 AM
Hi everyone, for those of you don't remember me, I was semi-active in 2004 and 2005, learning about making quests. Reclamation is the result of many periods of off-and-on work (I didn't work on it at all from mid 2005 to early 2007).

Reclamation is a full-length quest (9 dungeons, 1 16x8 overworld, 3 mini-dungeons) designed in the Pure tileset. It's the product of about one year of actual work, although I started making it in 2004.
The focus of Reclamation is on gameplay above all else. There aren't too many custom graphics, fancy ZC tricks, or heart-wrenching storylines. However, I hope that the overall design of the quest (the dungeon design in particular) delivers a great Zelda experience. :)
The difficulty should be comparable to some of Mr. Z's quests, like Link's Birthday DX. It should definitely be easier than quests like MMDWR:DC and Hidden Duality.

The story of Reclamation begins as Link defeats Ganon (the circumstances behind this fight are unknown). When Link lands the final blow on Ganon, he suddenly blacks out, and falls into a strange land...
Start playing to find out more!

http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda001.gif http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda002.gif
http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda003.gif http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda004.gif
http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda005.gif http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda006.gif
http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda007.gif http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/zelda008.gif

Download! (http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation)
There are 2 difficulties; Easy Mode is for people who haven't played Zelda in a long time. If you're a PureZC member, you'll most likely want to play Normal Mode.

The quest should be hosted by PureZC and AGN soon, hopefully.

Have fun! I'll be monitoring the boards a bit more, now, so post away!

04-13-2008, 12:57 PM
I already processed the submission at ZC.com. PureZC takes too long.

While there are a few tile errors around the overworld, I'm impressed with the trickery in Level 1 so far. I had a busy day yesterday, so I became too fatigued to finish it. I also like the amount of adventure you allow before Level 1.

04-13-2008, 07:34 PM
Wait til you see level 2 Pineconn. I just finished it. Had me going in circles for a while....LOL

04-13-2008, 07:46 PM
I'm cautious to play this under 777, as I'm assuming that bug with the guys isn't just present in my quest.

EDIT: A few suggestions for a possible future version:
1)No slashable grass?
2)Can't walk behind houses, torches, etc.
3)Octoroks on the overworld occasionally spawn on unwalkable combos or weird places.
4)Make Link re-spawn in the boss room- I haven't been able to beat the first boss and have become frustrated from having to walk back so far.

Anyway, the quest looks good.

04-14-2008, 06:47 PM
Where is the candle? I'm in the knights cave having trouble beating the 2 headed geelok. My worst enemy to beat especially with a wooden sword. Do I get a sword update before or after this boss? I only have 4 hearts.

04-14-2008, 07:47 PM
The Knight's Cave has the White Sword. I had 5 hearts when I got it but I don't know if it's possible to have it earlier. The candle is in level 3

04-17-2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks ms zelda lady. I got the candle and finally the sword. I went and did lv3 first so I ended up with 5 hearts. I'm having trouble finding the boss is lv4. I've been all over and can't find the way to the boss door. Have seen it. Can anyone give me some direcitons on the correct path?

04-17-2008, 10:44 AM
Hm, those screenshots look interesting. I'll be sure to play this when I get the chance.

04-17-2008, 01:00 PM
Thanks ms zelda lady. I got the candle and finally the sword. I went and did lv3 first so I ended up with 5 hearts. I'm having trouble finding the boss is lv4. I've been all over and can't find the way to the boss door. Have seen it. Can anyone give me some direcitons on the correct path?

The guy in the dungeon tells you that you can walk behind some torches...Think about what could possibly be behind a torch, and why it would help you.

Further hint: The torch you need to walk behind is on the first floor (the floor that you enter the dungeon from).

04-17-2008, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the help. I beat lv4 and am trying to find lv5. I'm really enjoying this quest. :)

04-20-2008, 11:34 AM
I am liking this quest. I am past level 5 and am wondering where level 6 is. I have 10 hearts and went through the museum of war but don't have anything to kill of the gleeok so i seem to be stuck. Should i have the blue armor too? where is level 6?

04-20-2008, 01:30 PM
You need an item in level 6 to kill that gleeok. It's in the Resting Grounds, if you can't find it talk to an info guy for a hint.
You need the hookshot to get the blue mail.

04-20-2008, 01:42 PM
But where do you get the hookshot :shrug:

04-20-2008, 01:48 PM
Do i need the second glove? i found the cave that may go there, but there is one path blocked off i can't take. Hookshot would be great to have too.

NVM found it!

04-20-2008, 02:51 PM
How do you get the mirror shield? I have seen where it it but cannot find the key or teleport to get it.

04-21-2008, 12:52 AM
The hookshot is in level 8.

The teleport to the mirror shield is in level 9; if you're familiar with ZQuest you might figure out why. So don't worry that you can't get to it from level 8.

04-21-2008, 11:12 AM
Where is the hammer and book. I just finished lv6 and got 2 items but not these.


04-21-2008, 11:45 AM
Hammer--level 7
Book--level 8

04-21-2008, 08:15 PM
Help needed..... Where is lv3????

Thanks sis, I found lv3 and have now gone to lv4. I am having some problems finding the last key. I have the master key and bow and arrow.

04-22-2008, 01:56 PM
I just started this quest.
Great so far.
But a question: Am I supposed to be able to get an endless supply of Rupees and buy the Lens of truth before level 1?:surprise:

04-22-2008, 02:04 PM
I just started this quest, great so far.
But a question: Am I supposed to be able to get an endless supply of Rupees and the Lens of Truth before level 1?

04-22-2008, 02:22 PM
mcrawford--Level 3 is in the Wounded Dunes.

aaaaajon--Not really, ms_zelda_lady found an infinite rupee trick that I fixed within 1 day of the release. If you downloaded the quest the second it came out, that trick might still be in the game...oops.

Although, you can get an endless supply of rupees anyway if you really wanted to, by slashing bushes over and over...

04-22-2008, 03:00 PM
Actually, I just downloaded it today from this link http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/. given in your quest description. I downloaded the easy version if that's any help.
Did you fix the bug in that version?
Theres a house with an endless supply of 15 rupees above the lost woods where the first level is.

04-22-2008, 03:32 PM
For some reason, I seem to have to post twice before my post appears here. Weird.
Anyway, I actually downloaded the quest today from the link in the quest details page.
It was the easy version, so maybe you haven't fixed the bug in that one yet?
It's a house above the first level with 15 rupees that keep appearing.

This is the link:http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/.

04-22-2008, 03:35 PM
I actually downloaded the quest today from the link in the quest details page.
It was the easy version, so maybe you haven't fixed the bug in that one yet?
It's a house above the first level with 15 rupees that keep appearing.

This is the link:http://www.medievaltech.com/reclamation/.

04-22-2008, 04:54 PM
I finally had a chance today to finish level 5. I got both treasures and the boss but there's one key room towards the top on the right side that I never got to. Is it something important or just a key in that room? Where is level 6? I don't know where to go next.

04-22-2008, 06:34 PM
mcrawford--Level 3 is in the Wounded Dunes.

aaaaajon--Not really, ms_zelda_lady found an infinite rupee trick that I fixed within 1 day of the release. If you downloaded the quest the second it came out, that trick might still be in the game...oops.

Although, you can get an endless supply of rupees anyway if you really wanted to, by slashing bushes over and over...

This is the THIRD time I have tried to post this. My posts just disappear for some reason.
I downloaded the quest just today from the link in the quest details page. It was the easier version, and the bug is still there. A house above the first level with an infinite supply of 15 rupees each time. I love this quest by the way. I am impressed that I can explore such a vast area even before finding level 2. Nice job.

04-22-2008, 06:43 PM
ms_zelda_lady: That's the result of another bug, you probably used the ladder to skip a locked door in the bottom left of level 5. I'm guessing that the room you didn't reach has a key, so if you want, you can get that key and have an extra one for the rest of the quest. Someone else found that bug before you, though, so it should already be fixed and uploaded on the website.

aaaaajon: Damn, you're right, I fixed it in the normal version but not the easy mode. I've been trying to be good about fixing bugs in both versions at once, but it's an annoying thing to remember...

Sorry about all the bugs, I was only able to get one beta tester who had the time to test, and he isn't very familiar with ZC, so he didn't know how to break the game properly.

EDIT: I didn't answer ms_zelda_lady's other question!
Level 6 is in the Resting Grounds. The info guy there will give you a small hint about its location.

04-22-2008, 08:32 PM
I'm in the Desecrated Tomb basement 1 in the top left room on the map. I got one key but I need another to get to a treasure box. Where's the 2nd key?

04-22-2008, 08:42 PM
The cross is in level 6, but it only lets you see invisible enemies, not invisible blocks. You'll have to trust your instincts to solve the puzzle!

04-22-2008, 10:01 PM
I got the puzzle but I can't find the 2nd key to get around that lock in the hopes of getting what's in the treasure box.

04-23-2008, 01:26 AM
You need 3 keys in total to get that chest (which has the cross in it). The moblin who tells you about walk-through walls isn't kidding, there are quite a few! They might even be in some fairly unexpected places...

04-23-2008, 06:44 AM
I don't know if this is a problem you feel needs addressing Arathorn21st, but if Link falls into one of the darkened pits near level one, before obtaining the candle, he can't get out again and you have to quit and restart the game. For anyone who is dumb enough to SAVE here, it's a game stopper.

04-23-2008, 04:02 PM
You can get out of there without the candle. It's a little tricky, but if you're really stuck, when Link dies the room will light up for a moment, letting you see the spikes. Also, if you quit->save, you should respawn back in Pyrenia in the lower-left corner of the map, not in that cave.

04-23-2008, 05:00 PM
There was me thinking that to quit/save would mess my game up, and it would have actually saved me from losing around an hours progress!:laughing:

I am REALLY enjoying this quest. Just started level 5, but I gave it a rave review over at PureZC, 'cos It's worth the 5 stars already. I use a different username over there if you're confused.:D

04-23-2008, 08:46 PM
Thanks so much for your feedback! It's good to know that people share my ideas about what makes a quest worthwhile.

If anyone else has any feedback, positive or negative, I'm open to all of it, either by forum post or by PM.

04-25-2008, 02:35 AM
WOW! I just finished level 8, but still couldn't get to the mirror shield. I did go get the blue tunic though - that made my head spin. I have to say these are some really good puzzles. I like this quest and will be sure to rate it 5 at Pure too. I don't know what the difference is between the easy and hard quests, but i recommend doing the hard quest for a challenge.

I had that extra key from level 5 too, but don't have any right now. I hope i can get it back when i get to the mirror shield.

edit: ok, i have one key for the block to the mirror shield but can not find the warp to access it. i am officially stuck - hint?...please?

04-25-2008, 11:10 AM
The warp for the mirror shield is in level 9. Sorry, I know that's evil design, but hey, Gilgamesh is like that...

04-25-2008, 12:56 PM
I'm enjoying this quest a lot, but I'm still stuck in level 4 despite the clue to walk behind torches. Have the boss key, bow & arrow. Help, please? Thx NVM--figured it out.

04-25-2008, 02:15 PM
:mad2: you are killing me Arathorn21st - of course you already made this point in a previous post. :D

jhaymaker: off the top of my head...take the right candle at the entrance, but that is off the top of my head and my memory isn't all that.

04-26-2008, 12:40 PM
Stuck for a while now in level 6. Could I pls have a hint on the block puzzle where we're supposed to move the blocks so that the two halves of the room have something in common? Thanks

04-26-2008, 02:00 PM
jhaymaker--The thing that the rooms have in common is that arrow panel from LTTP (the one that Link used to talk to Sahsalshlrshrlahsrala.) Compare these rooms on the dungeon map to the block positions in the puzzle room.

Also, I just added a key shop somewhere in the overworld in both quests, so it's no longer possible to screw yourself (some people managed to do this in level 6). You should only use it as a last resort, though. If you want the new version (which also fixes other bugs) go to www.medievaltech.com/reclamation.

04-26-2008, 03:52 PM
jhaymaker--The thing that the rooms have in common is that arrow panel from LTTP (the one that Link used to talk to Sahsalshlrshrlahsrala.) Compare these rooms on the dungeon map to the block positions in the puzzle room.

I'm sorry, but what in the world is an arrow panel from LTTP/ Sahsalshlrshrlahsrala???

04-26-2008, 04:54 PM

The thing on the wall that Link is talking to...

04-27-2008, 05:30 AM
Somehow i managed not to find the glove, so im kinda stuck in lvl 2.
Any hints towards its whereabouts?

04-27-2008, 08:33 AM
Also, I just added a key shop somewhere in the overworld in both quests, so it's no longer possible to screw yourself (some people managed to do this in level 6). You should only use it as a last resort, though. If you want the new version (which also fixes other bugs) go to www.medievaltech.com/reclamation.

Finally realized that this applies to me. Have been all over looking for the new key shop and am getting tired. Could you pls give a hint as to its location? Thx

04-27-2008, 01:22 PM
andnay--The general idea is to get as far northeast as possible on floor 1, fall down to basement 1, and then go north to find a path to a warp tile. I think you need 2 keys to do this.

jhaymaker--Look in the southeast corner of the overworld.

04-27-2008, 03:08 PM
There's a big problem in the key shop you just made. The shopkeeper doesn't take the money. Now if only you made a shop with a walkthru to level 6 I'd be set......LOL

04-28-2008, 01:58 PM
andnay--The general idea is to get as far northeast as possible on floor 1, fall down to basement 1, and then go north to find a path to a warp tile. I think you need 2 keys to do this.

jhaymaker--Look in the southeast corner of the overworld.

North-East where?
in lvl 2 there is no way to drop in the basement, lvl one i think had none.
Or had it?
can you specify this bit a bit?

04-28-2008, 02:15 PM
I'm now stuck in level 6 in the room on the right side of the map where the guy says make it common. I've been doing it for at least twenty minues with getting that damn door open and I'm about ready to totally give up on this quest. It's a miracle I actually got the cross nevermind get this door open. Please somebody tell me where I'm suppose to move the blocks to?
Thanks in advance,

04-28-2008, 05:28 PM
The key shop bug where the shopkeeper doesn't take your money is fixed.

andnay--I think you need to bomb the left wall in the room with the compass, that should take you to a pit so you can reach more of the level.

EDIT: Oops, in my previous post I said northeast but I meant northwest. Sorry!

ms_zelda_lady--From a few posts back:
"The thing that the rooms have in common is that arrow panel from LTTP (the one that Link used to talk to Sahsalshlrshrlahsrala.) Compare these rooms on the dungeon map to the block positions in the puzzle room."

As an example, the lower-right block is covering screen 66 on the dmap. If you push that block down, it will be covering screen 76 on the dmap, which has an arrow panel in it. So the lower-right block must be pushed down. Use a similar strategy to figure out where to push the other 3 blocks.

04-28-2008, 06:47 PM
Thanks for the clue but after pushing blocks around for almost an hour I finally got it. Talk about a crazy level!! I'm hoping the rest of the game won't be as hard.
I've been walking around trying to find level 7 but haven't. I found the Museum of War and quickly realized without the hammer to kill that nasty darknut obviously that's not the right place to be in. I also found the Phoenix Egg but can't go in there either. So where am I supposed to go next? I hope level 7 has the hookshot cause I really want that blue suit.

04-28-2008, 07:18 PM
Level 7 is in the snow. The entrance is pretty unimposing. You'll have to wait on the hookshot though.

Regarding the blue tunic... I finally got through to what should be the end of the puzzles and have all the keys, but I can get through the last puzzle. I've seen the key door in the room above the puzzle and assume I have to go through the upper right door to get there, but I can't get to that door. I imagine if I could enter from the bottom left of the room, it would be easy to get to the upper right corner. Is the repeating room below another puzzle? Any help would be appreciated.

04-28-2008, 07:36 PM
Is it called the Core? I tried to do a few rooms in there and manged to get the compass, map and a key. Prety hard though.

04-28-2008, 11:03 PM
sbar--This is the hardest puzzle in the quest, so I'm not going to completely give it away. All of your statements are correct, you need to enter from the bottom left of that room (the top left door in the repeating room).

The repeating room is a Lost Woods path, which means that you need to travel in 4 directions to escape. 1 of these directions (South, in the repeating room) cannot be a part of the path because it takes you back to the first room every time you try it. In the 1st quest in LOZ, the path was North, West, South, West, with East being the escape direction.

So you need to guess what the path could be, given that your choices are North, East, and West, and that the path is length 4. What direction could be the last choice? Which directions would make sense to lead up to that choice?

ms_zelda_lady--The Frozen Core is level 7. Don't get too distracted by the circular path in basement 1, there may be a better way...

04-29-2008, 01:45 PM
:confused: I've been walking in circles so much I'm dizzy. Am I supposed to have the hammer first or the 2nd power glove?

04-29-2008, 02:45 PM
Where is the large money bag. I need to buy a key

04-29-2008, 05:19 PM
ms_zelda_lady--The 2nd power glove is the first item in level 7.

gekos--The largest wallet is for sale in a cave in Hellfire Plateau, I think. (I'm answering all of these from memory, as my copy of Vista is in a broken state, so if someone can correct me, that would be good.)

04-29-2008, 05:58 PM
Thanks for letting me know which item comes first. Now can you give me a clue as to where I can find it?

04-29-2008, 09:09 PM
Poke around in the room with the old guy.

04-29-2008, 09:13 PM
Are you talking about the room just to right of the entrance? I already poked around in there and the power bracelet is not what I found All I seem to be doing is walking around in the basement. I'm not able to reach the top row ands I can't figure out how to. I'm betting that the power bracelet is there.

04-30-2008, 04:52 PM
ms zelda lady: Try using your sword in that room

04-30-2008, 06:00 PM
:cry: Please somebody send me a pm with the solution cause I just can't get it. Am I supposed to have the Magic Sword because I don't have it. I try to do the Museum of War and found it too hard with the blue suit so I figured I would get the hookshot from level 8, buy the blue suit and then tackle the Museum.

04-30-2008, 08:46 PM
I am in level 9 and have the master key except I am 1 key away from getting mirror shield. i even started with my extra key so i am2 keys short. i downloaded the new version to buy another key, but can't find the shop. is it in the same place in both versions? i searched the southeast corner (and found a missing heart piece too), but can't get anywhere now. any help?

04-30-2008, 11:55 PM
ms_zelda_lady: Slash the skull in the room with the old guy. There's a pit that you can drop into.

jambo: You need to bomb a wall to get to the key shop, but you should be able to find all the keys you need in level 9...

05-01-2008, 12:03 AM
I finally found the 2nd level power bracelet.

05-02-2008, 10:49 AM
after your message i decided to go back and find them without buying a key. I discovered that i kept going down the hole on the second floor and never went outside or to the right! duh! i finished up the quest and found everything but one hcp. i might go back and get it but i am pooped. thanks for making a great quest. i especially like the difficulty of the puzzles.

05-03-2008, 10:01 AM
Ok, something seems wrong here:

I finished 3 levels (3 triforce pieces) and am currently 1 key away from finishing the core.

I have the hammer, the lvl 2 glove, bow&arrow, lvl1 candle, white sword.

Is that core now lvl 4?
Or 7?
If 7, why can i get there without finishing 4,5,and 6?
If the level where i can walk behind the candle in the first floor is level 4, where was level 3?

And where is the last key for the core to obtain the boss key?

05-03-2008, 10:25 AM
The core is level 7!! How did you possible get that far? You must be one heck of a great player or I must really be that bad....LOL Level 3 hmmm I remember it's called the Shrine of Sands but I can't remember exactly where it was.

05-03-2008, 10:33 AM
Hm..then ill have to catch up a few levels it seems.

Nevertheless, where is the last key to get the boss key in the core?

Also, i seem to be missing the red candle and/or the raft...

05-03-2008, 02:49 PM
I think the path to that key starts on basement 1, there are hammer pegs in the room that had a manhandla.

The red candle and the raft are in level 5. You need the ladder to get there, which was in level 3. Level 3 is in the Wounded Dunes.

I suspect that you got the blue candle from level 3, then completed level 4, and are now in level 7.

jambo, congrats on finishing!

05-10-2008, 06:48 AM
I think i have the lvl6-key problem... cross, no magic wand, no keys and a locked door.

can i download the .qst file which has a key vendor in it, and continue with my saved game?
Cause i DLd the .qst file from your website, but cant find no key shop in the overworld.

05-10-2008, 02:41 PM
I would love to play this quest but right from the start I do not have a sword. Help.

05-10-2008, 02:45 PM
ok, i managed lvl 6, now im back in the core...

nothing changed for me, i have both items, no key abd no boss key (for which i need the key i guess)

any hints?

05-10-2008, 05:07 PM
diannew--Push the rock with a Triforce on it.
andnay--There's a room in basement 1 near the center of the map with a Manhandla and hammer pegs. Pound them and follow the long path to a key.

05-13-2008, 03:52 PM
Memo to self: always check walls for bombs.....

thanks, did it now.

05-14-2008, 08:13 AM
I like this quest. Challenging and all that, and a nice choice in music.
Haven't been playing long, but I might've ran into a problem.
Playing on 2.10, and am in level 3. Have torch and ladder, but.. umm, I'm stuck.
I'm guessing I'm supposed to use the ladder where Link is standing in this screenie...
To get to the platform across from me, work my way around to the stairs and go up...
Now, here's the problem. It won't let me use the ladder there. I can only use it one square above where Link is standing.
Am I forgetting something else, elsewhere in this dungeon, or am I having a bit of a real problem?

05-14-2008, 12:26 PM
Darkcleod: Hmm, that's weird. Are you playing the regular quest, or Easy Mode? Are there any other pits in this level that you can't use the ladder on? Are you using the 2.10.2 player? I'm not able to reproduce this problem...

05-14-2008, 11:01 PM
Playing the regular version of the quest on 2.12.2 (sorry, didn't notice that last part earlier...)
Found out I also can't use the ladder to get to the teleport pad in the room where the ladder was... think it was that room anyway. the one with the teleport pad near the bottom left, with a small gap north and east of it, leaving crossing either gap the only way to it.

05-14-2008, 11:22 PM
Ok, sorry for the mistype, meant 2.10.2.
As for other places, within that level I have...
which I made mention of, and, I found out, I also have...
In that one, I can go right on any of the two spaces above Link, but not from where he's standing. Can not use the ladder anywhere else on that screen...

EDIT: OK, after doing some checking, it looks like the folder was mislabled or somesuch (got it from a friend...) and it's really 2.5, not 2.10.2 as I was told.

EDIT EDIT: alright... after more looking and comparing (mostly noticing the file icons were different and downloading versions till I found a duplicate) this is the version I'm running. Zip names it as one thing (2.5), folder inside has ti as another (2.11) so.. this is which I'm using...

05-15-2008, 09:47 AM
Hey all! I started playing this quest about a week ago, and am enjoying it greatly, but I have not been able to find the candle yet. I've made it through the first two levels, and have gotten the sword upgrade, the slash technique and the ocarina, but haven't been able to make much progress in Level 3.

Aside from not having the candle, there are also a couple of block puzzles in level three i haven't been able to figure out. The first is in the room with four blocks that can only move one space, and two that can move any number of spaces. What's the correct configuration?

The second is a room where there are two chambers, a small one on the bottom right with a discolored floor tile and an eye statue, and a longer passage on the left with a discolored brick that blocks the way. I've tried moving it, bombing it, and using the ocarina, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

EDIT: Okay, I found the candle in Level 3, but now am missing the ladder. Is that something I should have gotten prior to Level 3, or is it hidden somewhere in there? I figured out one of the block puzzles (the four blocks that only move one space, and the two that move any number of spaces) and assume that for the other one you drop down from the second floor behind that block, but am not sure yet. Any help on finding the ladder would be greatly appreciated though. Thanks!!

05-15-2008, 10:17 PM
Ladder is also in Lvl 3. Heh, trust me. In fact, I've made mention that one of the areas I'm having problems is the same room you get the ladder in. Even posted a screenie of the room.

05-16-2008, 01:35 PM
stigmata242: The discolored bricks can be burned with the candle. I don't think there are any block puzzles that require you to drop down a floor in level 3...

Darkcleod: You are playing with ZC 2.11b17, which I expect is the reason why your ladder is screwed up. You need to play with ZC 2.10.2. Your save file might be compatible; when you download the new version, move the "zelda.sav" file from the 2.11 folder into the 2.10 folder and see if that works.

05-18-2008, 04:02 PM
I need help with level 4 of this superb quest. I have the big key, the bow and arrows, and most of the three floors explored. I need to get to the big key door on Floor 1 but I can't seem to get over there. I think the solution lies in Basement 1, but I am stumped after wandering around and trying all sorts of stuff for over an hour. What should I do, and to what does the hint about walking behind torches pertain? Thanks! I eagerly await a reply.

05-19-2008, 03:58 PM
I need help with level 4 of this superb quest. I have the big key, the bow and arrows, and most of the three floors explored. I need to get to the big key door on Floor 1 but I can't seem to get over there. I think the solution lies in Basement 1, but I am stumped after wandering around and trying all sorts of stuff for over an hour. What should I do, and to what does the hint about walking behind torches pertain? Thanks! I eagerly await a reply.

The clue about walking behind the torches pertains to the two torches in the first room of the dungeon. Walk behind either one of them and you'll see what the clue means. I think once you start exploring where those take you to, you should be able to find the big key, but post if you're still having problems.

05-19-2008, 04:00 PM
Just out of curiosity, what's the rate of bomb upgrades in this quest? I'm heading in to level 5, and have found two upgrades (12 bombs) but wanted to see if anyone knew of any others that could be found before level 5. I'm not so much looking for locations, just wanted to know if I missed anything. Thanks!

05-19-2008, 10:38 PM
Thanks for the tip!I tried every torch in the place except those! Haha! I'll try it out tomorrow.

Nicholas Steel
05-22-2008, 07:50 AM
How to get to the boss door in the 2nd dungeon? do i need a bow/arrows? i got the gloves/boss key already.

Nicholas Steel
05-22-2008, 08:02 AM
Ok, sorry for the mistype, meant 2.10.2.
As for other places, within that level I have...
which I made mention of, and, I found out, I also have...
In that one, I can go right on any of the two spaces above Link, but not from where he's standing. Can not use the ladder anywhere else on that screen...

EDIT: OK, after doing some checking, it looks like the folder was mislabled or somesuch (got it from a friend...) and it's really 2.5, not 2.10.2 as I was told.

EDIT EDIT: alright... after more looking and comparing (mostly noticing the file icons were different and downloading versions till I found a duplicate) this is the version I'm running. Zip names it as one thing (2.5), folder inside has ti as another (2.11) so.. this is which I'm using...
that is a really old and extremely buggy version of zelda classic. update to the latest @ http://www.shardstorm.dreamhosters.com/

05-22-2008, 12:23 PM

I'm enjoying this quest very much...
But what do I do with that? :P

05-22-2008, 02:52 PM

I'm enjoying this quest very much...
But what do I do with that? :P

Once you get the key (you'll have to forgive me for not knowing which key you need), you con open the lock block and it allows you to push the light grey block on top of the trigger to open the door. Hope that helps!

05-22-2008, 02:57 PM
Well... let's search it then... thx ;)

Nicholas Steel
05-23-2008, 04:11 AM
Where is level 5?

05-23-2008, 09:34 AM
Level 5 is at the southeast area of the map. You must have the bridge from level 4 in order to get there.

05-23-2008, 02:39 PM
Totally stuck in Level 2. Have a door key, a Boss Key and the glove. How do I get to the Boss?

Nicholas Steel
05-23-2008, 08:40 PM
So I am pretty sure I am up to dungeon 5... Since i have 4 triforce pieces. bottom right is dungeon 4.

Dungeon 1 = Boomerang
Dungeon 2 = candle & gloves
Dungeon 3 = ladder
Dungeon 4 = bow & arrow
Dungeon 5 =

edit: found it

05-27-2008, 05:14 PM
In Level 4, there appears to be no visible way to return to the first floor after falling into the trail leading to the Boss Key. I am guessing the way out is before the room with the Gibdos and the small eye statue (that requires the arrow to change the path) because a player without either the bow or arrows would be stuck. How would one at least be able to return to the entrance?

05-27-2008, 07:18 PM
Please tell me how to get the ladder. I know it is in Level 3 and I already found the lantern there, but I just can't figure out where that darn ladder is hiding...... anybody????

05-28-2008, 03:25 AM
Please tell me how to get the ladder. I know it is in Level 3 and I already found the lantern there, but I just can't figure out where that darn ladder is hiding...... anybody????
First, calm down and relax. Second, to get there, head three rooms north from the entrance, two rooms east, one room north, and traverse west until you reach the stairwell to the 2nd Floor.

If you are missing a key, you will find it past a burnable block on the first floor.

05-31-2008, 03:26 PM
First off, I have had Zelda Classic for some time, actually had not played it for years...then I saw this game on a forum and have been hooked ever since.

I seem to be stuck in Level 3. I solved the first block puzzle (4 one-space blocks, 2 multi-space blocks), I have the map and the compass as well as 1 key (which I used on a door already). I seem to be at a deadend as the only 2 options left to me are the burnable block and a locked door. I do not have any additional keys and I cannot find the Candle. Hmmm...been walking in circles for days...time to ask question!!!

06-01-2008, 04:41 PM
I seem to be stuck in Level 3. I solved the first block puzzle (4 one-space blocks, 2 multi-space blocks), I have the map and the compass as well as 1 key (which I used on a door already). I seem to be at a deadend as the only 2 options left to me are the burnable block and a locked door. I do not have any additional keys and I cannot find the Candle. Hmmm...been walking in circles for days...time to ask question!!!
Did you check the western wall at the entrance? If not, I suggest checking it out. Don't forget the Heart Piece just outside the dungeon…

06-01-2008, 07:21 PM
Did you check the western wall at the entrance? If not, I suggest checking it out. Don't forget the Heart Piece just outside the dungeon…

No I didn't...Thank you kind sir! *must remember* Playing Zelda...Bomb EVERYTHING!!!

06-06-2008, 01:06 AM
Where and how do you get into Level 6? I have looked all over the graveyard area and I even don't understand what the hint guy means.

Also, where is this Fire Boomerang I have heard about?

06-12-2008, 06:27 PM
Eppy: Just because the front of the gargoyle statue is boarded up doesn't mean there isn't a way in...

The fire boomerang is in level 9, which you can't get to for a while.

06-12-2008, 06:34 PM
ehehe, Should have edited my post. I am now in level 9 and I shoulda guessed the fire boomerang would be there after seeing a switch that required it. I have 8 keys and am looking for another way to go now. I have not found any items in level 9 yet.

EDIT: 9 Keys, I have explored all of the second anf First Floors, and the upper half of basement 1. I cannot figure out how to get to the other half. I have none of the dungeon items and I need to know how to get further :/

EDIT2: I beat it. loved this hack!

06-23-2008, 12:30 PM
I am in Level 9 and I am missing one key that I need for the mirror shield. I have everything else. On the main level, there is a room I cannot access. From the eastern overworld entrance to floor one, I walk through the left wall, and there's a room with blocks and two switches, which, once triggered, open the door to the missing room, but the floor in front of the door disappears and I can't get to it.

How do I solve this room? The author said to carefully watch what happens when the door is triggered, but I'm not getting it.

Also, does this room I'm missing contain a key? Or did I miss a key elsewhere? If so, are there any commonly missed keys? I got three in the overworld, one from the gohmas, one from the deathknight, and one from the screen in the northeast part of death mountain.

EDIT: Never mind. I finished the game. Great quest overall.

07-19-2008, 06:08 PM
Color me slow, but i seem to be missing a key in level 4.
i think it is in one of the two rooms in the first basement that i can't get into.
these are the two rooms to the far right. I've only found 3 regular keys and the Boss Key.
I can get to the door, but don't have the key. Got everything else.
Have already explored behind both torches, but still can't find the way east.

Can someone point me in the direction i need to go?


07-27-2008, 11:30 AM
Can some one give me a hint to Level 8?

Is it the Fortress?

07-30-2008, 04:14 AM
This is one hell of situation. First I did all my way to lvl 6. That's no prob finding/solving things/puzzles. But here's mah deal... I have no blue tunic... each mob who hits me on lvl 6, 2-4 hearts down , this means 3 blows and i'm spinning to outerworld.
That hint of the fairy = ghey. I searched all map. I even found master sword dungeon and those things. But no matter how 1337 am I playing, there are some invisible mobs in lvl 6 that keep raping me hardly. :D help :D

Ah and I reached one puzzle that I couldn't understand :x with a room with 4 blocks

08-03-2008, 08:56 AM
I finally found the 2nd level power bracelet.

So did you get the bracelet in the room you fall into from were the old man was? I am still trying to find it (The bracelet)

08-03-2008, 02:33 PM
Great quest but...um...I must be a little slow. I can't even find level 2! I have 4 hearts, the boomerang and the whistle. Where is level 2? Thanks for all the help.

09-16-2008, 04:03 PM
I just started the quest - looks great so far. However I'm stuck. I've looked everywhere and tried everything I can think of but I can't find level 2.

Where is it? Is there any special triggers that need to be moved, thrown, blown up? I have the boomerang from lvl 1, bombs, wallet upgrade and lots of money.

What am I missing??


09-17-2008, 01:39 PM
Level 2 is actually ridiculously simple to find, but gave me trouble as well (see above). You need to hit a switch to open the cave for it. The switch is near where you start the game...just up and to the left of where you start the game, there is a spot with some blocks that you can't move--you can slash some bushes and go around these blocks, though. From there you can find the switch to open the door to level 2...you'll see where it is at from there.

09-17-2008, 02:48 PM
Jim - Thanks but I'm still lost.

To the left of the start are 5 blocks and a mushroom. I can get around those and then go left and up. When I do I see the cave to the left but the walkway is blocked by a hole in the ground. Looks like it needs a ladder to get across. I find no switches anywhere.

I've seen barrels that need to be moved/burned to get to ladders, rocks that need more strength than I currently have but no switches.

What am I missing?

09-18-2008, 11:50 AM
I just downloaded the quest and have no clue what to do. Where's the wooden sword?

09-18-2008, 03:17 PM
The sword is to the left of the start screen and under the rock.

09-20-2008, 09:45 PM
chip_on: Use the boomerang on the barrels. I discovered that by throwing it at them, it made them disappear. I discovered it by accident.

I also have a question: Is there more than one item in a dungeon?

09-21-2008, 05:28 PM
I need help in the second dungeon.


I need the key for this door, but have no idea where it is. I've been wandering this dungeon for a few days now. All I've found is the Boss Key, Map and Compass. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

10-07-2008, 12:15 PM
I'm in Level 5 and can't find the red candle. I have the raft and have been everywhere I cango without the red candle. I've also been into the upper left room (I think it's 2,2) where the wind wizzrobe is. I've moved all of the blocks, but don't see anything special about this room. There's also 2 keys that I can see but can't get to yet because I don't have the red candle.

What am I missing? Where is it????? Thanks for the help in advance.

10-08-2008, 05:56 PM
I'm now in Level 6 and have the Boss Key. I know where I nmeed to go but can't find a way to get there. I know that I need to get to room 1-2. How do I get there??


Never mind - I finally got this one too. Seems like I can't find the answers until I post a question and then everything becomes clear. I guess i'll have to ask more questions. :)

10-26-2008, 07:25 PM
I'm still stuck in Lvl 2. Any help would be appreciated. See post http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1193153&postcount=114 ofr where I need the help.

12-13-2008, 07:31 PM
So how do you solve the impossible puzzle in LVL 1 to get the master key?

12-29-2008, 11:15 AM
How many floors does Ganon's Castle have? I have found the Fire Boomerang, and everything that is in that section of Ganon's Castle, but I am 1 key short of getting the mirrored shield. Is there a Master Sword in this quest? There are so many L2 Dark Knights in Ganon's Castle that always return that it really gets boring to have to kill them with only the Magic Sword. 8 total hits and 2 to 4 L2 Dark Knight per room is borderline rediculas.



12-30-2008, 11:49 AM
Hy guys,
How do i solve this puzzle ??
i tried every combination i could .....




12-31-2008, 01:24 AM
I have now defeated Ganon and I seem to need the Master Sword to beat the "Whatever it is" after Ganon. Can someone direct me to the Master Sword.

RAYSOUZA; I hope you can understand this.
1st) push the bottom block west against the button.
2nd) Push the block above the one you just moved south so it is against the first one you moved.
3rd) Push both the blocks that you have not moved below the center line of blocks East
4th) Push the block that is above the center line of blocks North
5th) Push the White South two places then West all the way to the wall abd down once onto the button.

01-01-2009, 11:01 AM
HI there,

I am stuck on Level 6. I made it to the room that with the old man and 4 movable blocks. He says move the blocks so it has something in common with the room. I notice the room tiles looks like the dungeon map, an O. But I don't understand where to push the blocks. Have been trying lots of combos / trails and errors, and am lost. I read the previous posts and it didn't help. Can you tell me what the order is?

If you don't want to post it, can you PM it to?

01-01-2009, 11:52 AM
KavinPulser in 4 rooms in the entire dungeon there are 4 of those "Stone Tablets" on the wall. You need to find out which 4 rooms they are on the wall in and move the blocks in this room to match their position in the dungeon on the floor. I would tell you where to move them, but it has been a pretty long time since I have been in this dungeon and I really don't remember. If you still can't figure it out let me know and I'll go back and find the answer for you.

Have you found the Master Sword yet? If not be looking for it. You need it to beat Level 9. If you find it let me know where it is. I can't find it and I would really like to finish this quest.

01-01-2009, 12:41 PM
Great! I will go and locate those in the dungeon. Thanks a ton.

No, I just have the 2nd sword from Knight's minidungeon. I'll let you know if I find the 3rd sword.

01-01-2009, 06:30 PM
Gosh, this is hard! I made it to the Museum of War, and I don't have the blue ring yet... So I went to level 8 and and got the hookshot.
So I guess I have to make it thru this maze, huh?

01-02-2009, 10:37 AM

Have you found the Flippers yet?

01-02-2009, 11:00 AM
No, not yet. I actually figured out the path myself before signing on :) The path was West, North, East, North for me...

Man, the War Museum is a sinch with the blue tunic :)

So I got the Magic Sword and 15.5 hearts right now. I will let you know what becomes of me in the Egg :)

01-02-2009, 02:32 PM
Hy guys,
can anyone gimme a direction to LV 3 ???
And where is the whistle ???



01-02-2009, 02:57 PM
Level 3 is East, in the desert.

I also need help. I amassed a amazing 9 separate keys in Level 9. I can even see a ten key, in the room with the water and fire boomerang crystal activator. Now I don't know where to go. I don't have flippers, and on the map, I still need to explore the basement lower half (8 blocks). But I can't find my way. Where do I go?

01-02-2009, 03:12 PM
KavinPulser, Go 1 screen south and 1 screen west of the entrance of Ganon's Castle and slash the plant between all the huge rocks. There are several Blue Ghosts here so either kill them or avoid them. This is wjere the bottom half of the Basement is and you will get the silver arrow, Fire Boom(which is needed for the key you saw in the room with the water and a crystal in it), and the Mirror Shield once you go back to get the key with the Fire Boom. These rooms are not easy but you can handle them. Good Luck

01-02-2009, 03:29 PM
Thanks! Not a problem. 2nd try, I got all the items and walked out. Just need to know what i am up against :) Besides, I honed my skills in the War Museum when I tried to make it through without the blue tunic. Oh my gosh, one messup, and half my life was gone there. I spent hours trying to get through, before I figured it can't be this hard, I must be able to get that blue tunic by now.

hmmm, so there are 11 keys in this area, huh? bummer. I guess I'll go to the boss door now.

01-02-2009, 03:55 PM
You get to Ganon but after you beat him you get to a bird type of thing that you need the Master Sword for. That's what I've been looking for, for 3 days and nobody is answering my post as to where it is.

01-02-2009, 04:14 PM
Hmmm, I see what you mean about the ending. Ok, time to join you in the searching.

Ahh, the 11th and 12th key. I can't believe he made us fetch 12 of them...

01-02-2009, 09:03 PM
I went back to PureZC and took a look at the Screenshots for this quest and one of the pics had Link in the "S. Caves: Floor 1" and it didn't look familiar to me, but I can't find it anywhere. I, of course, can't say this is where the sword is, but I'm out of ideas as to where it could be. I can only hope you have more luck finding it than I have had. However I'll keep looking and let you know if I find it.

01-02-2009, 09:19 PM
So this is suppose to be a green hilted sword, I saw from the Lens of Truth during the battle.

Hey, the author says there are "3 mini-dungeons".

I presume these were Knight's Cave, Twisted Halls, War Museum, so we aren't looking for a minidungeon...

Gosh, I found another heart container. I am just missing one now. Too bad it wasn't the sword.

I checked the Southern Caves / Level 1. There was one room with a puzzle I couldn't solve, Northwest corner. A diamond of candles w/ a button on the right and a block on the left. Other than that, I couldn't find anything strange. i checked everywhere with the lens of truth.

Are there any flippers in this game?

01-02-2009, 11:09 PM
Yea I think you are right about the minidungeons. I've been to every screen and can't find anything I haven't see before while playing the quest. I had to have missed something or I'd have the sword. All we can do is keep looking and hope someone answers our posts. Hopefully everybody is on a Christmas break and after the holiday's someone will answer us. I would rather find it myself but I've looked for so long I'd welcome the help.

01-04-2009, 01:06 AM
Hey dude, the magic sword hurts the final boss - I saw his life drop this time (last time I got hit by those red skulls )
I was able to beat the game and kiss Zelda :)

You have to hit the boss on the beak I found. You need to get the Magic Sword from the War Museum - did you get it?

01-04-2009, 02:59 AM
Yea I got the magic sword right after level 4. I'm pissed off because I wasted 3 days looking for the Master Sword. I'll go finish this quest sometime tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know. It's been fun.


01-04-2009, 03:27 PM
Hy guys, i think i am better in solve puzzles and kill enemys than find levels he he .
Any hint about LV 4 ????


01-04-2009, 03:45 PM
Level 4 is pretty much in the middle of the overworld and more south than north. There is a large "building" surrounded by trees. You have to go east to the lake and then go North once and back west to the "Building".

01-05-2009, 07:32 AM
if you mean the building with the 2 big eyes on the roof, i am tring for 1 day now to pass through the trees and nothing....


01-05-2009, 10:42 AM
Hello & help.
So if Lvl 4 is the Abandoned Outpost in sort of the SE corner, then where is LvL 5?
Don't have raft!
Thanks guys,

01-05-2009, 05:35 PM
i am already in LV 4 , found 3 Keys and the MAP so far.
what kind of weapons i m suppose to find in here ??


01-05-2009, 07:32 PM
RaySouza: Level 4 has the Bow and Arrow.

sprdave: Level 5 is in the dessert north and east of level 4. There are 3 skulls around a cave.The Raft and the Red Candle are in Level 5

01-06-2009, 01:42 PM
i am walking round and round trying to find the bow, i found the arrows, 2 keys and compass so far, any hint ??


NM i found the bow , got the boss key, but now i am 1 key short for the boss door.
try again tomorrow

01-06-2009, 08:08 PM
Thanks again for your help.
say anydbody seen the red candle, lvl 5
been just about everywhere and got the raft, but need the red candle to get further.

Ok how did I miss that raft turn trick, got the Red candle thanks

01-07-2009, 07:13 AM
yeah, i really need i help to find the last key :(



01-11-2009, 10:40 AM
Good Morning,
What am i suppose to find in LV 6 ??
Where is the Big wallet ?? a lot of shops sell wallet but all of then is for 500 ruppes and i need to buy a key for 666 in order to finish LV 5 !



01-16-2009, 02:05 PM
Please, someone can help to solve the puzzle in level 6 with 4 block and the old guy saying i need to match something ???



01-16-2009, 02:35 PM
Ck post 127 of this thread. In the NE, NW, SE & SW corners is an upside down pyramid on the wall (Stone Tablet) In the room with old guy you will see the map of the LVl in the background, push the blocks to their location in the dungeon.

01-29-2009, 11:41 PM
Ok Help from anybody who's done Reclamation please.

In Lvl 8 Got the book, got the hookshot, got the blue tunic, got the magic sword.
But missing keys. Now there is a pretty key in the basement in the Upper right hand corner the one with docks , but how do you get to it?

03-04-2009, 10:25 AM
I am really stuck: I am in level 6, and I can't reach the boss (the blue guy don't want to shoot at miror, not enough room to do it). There is also another door that won't open without magic ray in this level but no wizard to send magic (just bats), so I am stuck. I can't find the key shop, and on level 7, I am stuck at a puzzle (the one with a thrashable wall in the back), and can't find the 2nd glove... please help, I am close to change to another quest out of frustration...

03-09-2009, 03:46 PM
Ok sit down, take a deep breath & hope I am not too late.
With Arathorn21st among the missing, there is no key key shop & there are not enough keys in level 6 to finish. Ok unless I'm wrong and someone knows something different.
You need to come out of lvl 5 with one key the one you stepped around the door in the lower left at the bottom of lvl.
In level 6 work your way to the very top center just right of the triforce. You need 6 keys to get the wand & solve some of your problems. Need more?
Lvl 7 get 1st key above 10 second room. then up & left from ent. The lantern is movable
Fall dwn to B1 go left after lock block, up to B2 go right bomb up & bomb left then get the glove. Hope this helps
Good Luck

03-10-2009, 10:19 AM
argh... thanks a lot for your help, unfortunatly I think it is too late. In level 5 I haven't found any surnumerous key (I have looked in the bottom left corner but nothing and no bottom floor). In level 6 I still lack a key to reach the wand. Too bad it is a really good quest...

03-10-2009, 07:50 PM
True, I had to start all over
In Level 5 At the bottom left of level after you get the raft and Red candle, it is on the way tothe Master key, you burn the red block to go left and then Do not raft over to that door, rather raft around it and use the ladder. Gee got one extra key for LVL 6

03-10-2009, 11:21 PM
can someone tell me where to find the knights cave? i just beat level 4 and would really like to get the magic sword but can't find the knights cave anywhere. thanks

03-15-2009, 07:07 AM
back again, from beggining go left, up around where the mushroom was then go up. Head right but do not go down, go straight to the right and push the rock.
Knights Cave. Good Luck need lots of hearts.

Sherilyn Ball
04-30-2009, 03:35 PM
Hello everyone, Having fun in this game! Thanks Arathorn21st for a great game! I'm now in level 5 but, yes you guessed it, I'm stuck in a room on the upper right with 4 blue blocks, 1 white block and several dark blocks, none of which I can get to move to reach that key. I also cannot kill or reach the darknut. Can anyone help me? :confused:

Never mind. As usual when I grovel for help the answer comes, this time thanks to that trusty bomb.

08-14-2011, 11:02 AM
Ok., so it really doesn't matter because it's just five rupies, but how are you supposed to get this blue rupie?


08-17-2011, 06:08 AM
Seems no one else is playing this one lately. Well, I'm in lvl 6 now and I can get a key if I nearly kill myself on spike blocks. Surely there's a different key I'm supposed to get first, right? I can live through that block puzzle with the block that makes spike floor as you push it, but only by using a drink of healing juice. I'm currently one key short of getting the cross.

01-05-2014, 10:29 PM
So im in felons forest or woods i dont know the place i need to go there is a triforce symbol here so i think im going the right way but i have no idea what the passage is any hints would be helpful.

Im looking for level 1