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View Full Version : Mp3 problem

04-12-2008, 05:53 PM
Im trying to place an Mp3 sound in my quest but it does not want to play! I put the song in the same folder and it still does not play in the game, I set up the song to play in Dmaps. For example, im setting up my title screen and I set the Dmap for it, went to INIT DATA setting up Link to start in the Title Screen, set up the music for it, I load the quest, everything is in the same folder, and the song does not play. HELP!?

04-12-2008, 06:06 PM
You shouldn't use MP3's, but if you must:
DMaps-->Music--->Alternate Music

The file must be in the same file as ZC, NOT the quest.(or maybe the other way around IDK.)

04-12-2008, 08:38 PM
I do use the alternate music.
And I will check if I have to put the song in the other folder :P