View Full Version : We're All Family Here, Right? (Part Two)
So, at ctrl-alt-delete's request, I decided to create a new thread in which we can all share some info about ourselves with the rest of the community. If you don't want to answer a particular question, or you want to add your own, feel free.
Name: Paul Edward N.
Age: 20 (soon 21!) DOB: 4/24/87
Location: Los Angeles, CA (on UCLA's campus)
Pets: 2 cats - Dusty and Mitsi
Siblings: 7 - One sister (she's the oldest) and 6 older brothers
Favorite Movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite Band: Too many to name, and I'm too lazy to narrow it down now
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Food: Chicken. Preferably with some Louisiana hot sauce.
Occupation (if student, area of study): I'm a second year student at UCLA (double) majoring in mathematics/economics and political science. If I continue at the rate I'm at now, I'll graduate by the end of my third year with both degrees.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: N/A, but don't be a smartass and say something like "my age".
04-08-2008, 06:41 PM
Name: Dave M.
Age: 18 (19 soon!) DOB: 4/24/89
Location: Lennoxville QC
Pets: None
Siblings: 2 Younger brothers
Favorite Movie: Old School
Favorite Band: The Killers
Favorite Sport: Golf
Favorite Food: Subway sandwiches
Occupation (if student, area of study:): Social Sciences. Getting my DEC next semester and then off to UNB for Economics.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I dunno. I haven't really checked and don plan to.
04-08-2008, 06:48 PM
Name: Mike
Age: 17 DOB: 5/6/91
Location: Cortland, OH (about one hour ESE of Cleveland)
Pets: None
Siblings: One brother; maybe you've seen him on the forums?
Favorite Movie: I dunno, maybe Forrest Gump.
Favorite Band: Rubber.
Favorite Sport: Football. American football.
Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes and gravy is very excellent... but I'll eat just about anything.
Occupation (if student, area of study): Yeah, I'm in high school.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I didn't... but yeah, I legally changed my date of birth a few months ago.
Shazza Dani
04-08-2008, 07:01 PM
04-08-2008, 07:06 PM
Name: Joseph Daniel Watson
Age: 19 DOB: September 8, 1989
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Pets: One tortoise, one rat, 18 freshwater tropical fish
Siblings: one brother
Favorite Movie: I personally don't have a favorite movie; I just like what I think is funny or exciting
Favorite Band: I personally don't have a favorite band, because I don't really care about music
Favorite Sport: Basketball and Football
Favorite Food: Anything that tastes good to me
Occupation (if student, area of study): Stevens High School Graduate/Northside Vocational Transition Program Student
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: n/a (I didn't even see the old thread)
04-08-2008, 07:15 PM
Name: Alex
Age: 16 DOB: 5/10/91
Location: Kenosha, WI
Pets: 2 dogs and a cat
Siblings: 1 brother and 1 sister, both younger.
Favorite Movie: Oceans 11
Favorite Band: Well, the only two bands that I consistently like everything I hear are Say Anything and Huey Lewis and the News
Favorite Sport: Probably Soccer or Baseball
Favorite Food: Anything with chicken or pasta.
Occupation (if student, area of study): In high school, focusing my studies on engineering and architecture, with a fair does of chemistry as well.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: N/A, I don't think. Don't remember clearly weather I posted or not.
04-09-2008, 04:31 PM
Name: Josh
Age: 24 DOB: 07/14/1983
Location: Warren, PA
Pets: 2 cats - none
Siblings: 1 older bro, 1 younger sis
Favorite Movie: Independance Day
Favorite Band: n/a. i listen to anything as long as it sounds good.
Favorite Sport: "Sports Entertainment / Pro Wrestling"
Favorite Food: Pasta, I'm a fatty.
Occupation (if student, area of study): Former care aide, soon to be evil corporation bitch (walmart employee).
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: location, age, job, being engaged...
04-09-2008, 06:51 PM
OK, I suppose I should jump on board here.
Name: Erick
Age: 26, 6/9/81
Location: Rochester, NY (originally from Buffalo, NY)
Pets: None here. Parents have two dogs.
Siblings: 1 younger brother (22)
Favorite Movie: Love the Matrix Trilogy, Star Wars, and numerous comedies
Favorite Band: Huge mix here. I love Metallica so that tells you the genre
Favorite Sport: Football and hockey for the most part
Favorite Food: Anything really
Occupation: High school math teacher
I didn't post in the old thread.
04-09-2008, 07:53 PM
04-09-2008, 08:51 PM
Copied/Pasted from the equivalent thread at Pure.
Name: Eh. Shads will do.
Age: 22 Years Young.
Birthday: December 18th, 1985.
Location: Oceanside, New York.
School: Previous Oceanside High School, Currently CUNY Queens College.
Favorite Color: A Very Deep Midnight Purpleish Blue.
Favorite Food: Anything swimming in tomato sauce; ANY Pasta. Hamburgers, Pizzas, Sushi, Fish, (whitefish, good god...) Cheesecakes and Cheeses, Strawberries / Pears, Pepper Steak, Fried Onions and Pepper steak sandwiches with garlic and mayo dressing. Damn good stuff.
Favorite Drink: Either V8, or anything blue or purple. Orange and Grape and Pineapple soda qualifies easily. All slushies, all smoothies, all milkshakes, ... ... anything creamy and cold. <3 Frappachinos.
Favorite Music: Either anything really fast or intense, or deep and soulful. Heavy Metal / VG Boss Music, ... and Trance and Calm music, are loved.
Number of Family Members: 4 total. Father, Mother, and 20 Yr. Old Sister.
Number of PCs: I have an Celeron D 3000 Which I use for games like Morrowind, Freelancer, Jedi Knight, etc.
Favorite Game: That would either be WoW, DDR, SSB, SSBM, SSBB, Freelancer, Morrowind, Oblivion, the Ultima Series, Wind Waker, ... oh god, the list goes on ...
Aegix Drakan
04-09-2008, 09:40 PM
Name: ...:P don't wanna share. Just call me Aegix, or (if you're a really good friend) I don't mind being called Age.
Age: 19. Gonna be 20 this may.
Location: Montreal area, Canada.
Pets: None. My bird and turtle both died. But if you count virtual pets, then I guess I can mention my Tails chao. XD
Siblings: 1. Younger brother. He bugs me a lot, but it's just because he looks up to me so much.
Favorite Movie: ...uh...I guess I'll just have to throw FF7: advent children out there. I'm not too much of a movie guy. If It's good, it's good. I have to no absolute favourites.
Favorite Band: ...:P I don't have a particular favourite band. I get most of my music from ripped game OSTs and other random songs that one of my buddies gives to me. I got everything from random J-pop to Aerosmith (Dream on, baby!).
Favorite Sport: Uhh...Hockey, I guess. I dont' ofllow the MTL canadians too much, but I do root for them.
Favorite Food: I believe it's called Paprikash Chirkeh. ....It's a Hungarian dish. You take chicken meat, boil it in sauce, and then add it to little round noodles. It's absolutely amazing. ....I also happen to like instant soup with an egg added, eaten with chopsticks.
Favourite game: Tales of Symphonia. Best game...EVER. :P or course, I got lot of other favourites too...
Occupation (if student, area of study): Student in Graphic Design. I'm learning to make websites, brochures...all that jazz. I'm currently on my internishp, And once that's done I'm off to the real world. :scared:
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I have no clue. I don't even think I posted in the old one.
04-09-2008, 11:45 PM
Name: Cristian Dominguez
Age: ...15 DOB: 4/28/92
Location: Houston, Texas
Pets: one dog that needs therapy.
Siblings: 3 - two younger brothers and one older halfsister.
Favorite Movie: I don't recall too many movies, but I'll say Interstella 5555 for now.
Favorite Band: Oh shit. My musical tastes branch too far to have a favorite.
Favorite Sport: Soccer.
Favorite Food: Fruit smoothies and pasta.
Occupation (if student, area of study): Never held a job in my life.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I didn't post at all. That's what changed, I came back.
Dann Woolf
04-14-2008, 02:41 PM
Name: Daniel Michael Woolf
Gender: Male
Age: 18
DOB: 4/24/87
Location: Zwolle, the Netherlands
Pets: 2 cats (Oreo and Shyra) 1 dog (Marley) and 4 rats (Summer, Peanut, Snowy and Diva.) All are female.
Siblings: 2 sisters, one 13 years old, one 20 years old
Favorite Movie: The Mask. Or possibly the Spider-Man trilogy.
Favorite Band: I'm not into the whole music shindig.
Favorite Sport: You're kidding, right?
Favorite Food: Nothing beats a good hamburger.
Occupation (if student, area of study): Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm not even a student, as I currently don't go to school.
04-21-2008, 10:42 AM
Name: James Faustner
Age: 19 (20 soon, woo) DOB: 5/21/88 [a day after Dechipher, ftw]
Location: Moorestown, PA [an hour away from Philly, all farm land though]
Pets: 2 Dogs [Roxy and Romeo], and however many cats live on the property
Siblings: 3 Sisters, 1 Step-Brother, 1-Brother-In-Law [to be] and 1-Sister-In-Law [to be]
Favorite Movie: I really did like the first Matrix
Favorite Band: The Black Mages, as well as VALVe's audio team
Favorite Sport: Airsoft
Favorite Game: Retro Final Fantasy's, Smash Bros, Half-Life [2], Counter-Strike, Shattered Earth and various MUDs.
Favorite Food: Porkroll + Cheese Sandwiches
Occupation (if student, area of study): Down Picker at Phillip's Feed
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I don't know if I put that I'm engaged in the last one, also got a new job [no more lame fedex for me].
04-23-2008, 11:29 PM
Name: Johnamus Ottassimeaux
Age: 15
Location: Texas
Pets: 3 dogs and 5 cats
Siblings: 1 sister
Favorite Movie: Office Space
Favorite Band: The Eagles
Favorite Sport: Football...I march in the half-time show.
Favorite Food: A Philly Cheese Steak, followed by cream puffs.
Occupation: I am a freshman in high school, but I am a freelance composer for high to make some money.
Nothing really has changed since the last post except for occupation and favorites.
04-25-2008, 12:21 AM
Eh, guess I'll copy/paste/edit what I have over at ZCU.
Name: Just call me Wind, 'kay?
Age: 16
Birthday: December 6
Location: Raleigh, NC - U.S.
School: Wakefield High School - 10th grade
Favorite Color: Take a look at nature and you will see... and don't take that the wrong way.
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Favorite Beverage: Root Beer
How uber my PC is:
Intel® Core(tm)2 CPU
4400 @ 2.00GHz
3.00GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM
The only parts I really understand from that are "3.00GHz" and "3.00 GB oof RAM." Add a 22" LCD widescreen monitor, a pwnage graphics card and 7.1 surround sound ftw. Now if only I had some more memory...
# of TV's: It's not the number that's big. It's the size of them.
Consoles: NES, SNES, GBA (lost), N64, GCN, Wii, DS, PS2, PSP, PS3 <-- I blame my dad for that last one. That's right - no XBox. But I don't have anything against it either.
Online Connection: Cable - Electricity. an insulated electrical conductor, often in strands, or a combination of electrical conductors insulated from one another. - Yeah, that about sums it all up.
Favorite Games: Uhh... this is a rather long list so I'm going to uhh... *points* HEY, IS THAT A DEMONIC DUCK OF SOME SORT?!
Favorite ZC Quests: Hero of Dreams - Shoelace; Origin - DarkFlameWolf
Favorite ZC Trick: Swimable Transparent Water ( <-- Screenshots outdated, but still functional. There are probably better ways to do it, but for now, I'll stick with what I'm best at.
ZC Skillz: I wish I had those.
First Custom Quest Played: Isle of the Winds
Ethnicity: Half Korean, Quarter Czech, Eighth British, Eighth Canadian
Musical Interests:
- Plays Clarinet (4.7 years)
- Likes many orchestral, symphonic, and philharmonic pieces, primarily Video Game Mixes and Remixes; some rock music as well
- Top Three Tracks:
-- Subject to change currently...
- Favorite Rock Bands: At this point in time, I just like a bunch of different ones.
Personality: As much as you think you know me, you don't. End of story.
Accent: To be honest, when talking to anyone, I've never used my actual voice.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you?: I'll let a ninja answer that one.
NOTE: As I progress in life, I come to edit this.
# of EDITS: Somewhere over the rainbow.
Last Edited: 4/25/08
Yeah, a little more informative than some of yours, but that's just me, and I can't help being me.
Let's see how well I can format everything w/meh phone...
Name: Samurai Joe/NekoArc
DOB: 6-13-86 (21)
Interests: lisrening to j-pop/rock, studying Japanese, watching anime, reading manga
Pets: (not counting the farm animals) 4 cats, 4 dogs
Fav muscians: 'Weird Al', Minibosses, Linkin Park, The Black Mages
TV Shows: CSI, Psych, Monk, House, Stargate, Star Trek
Occupation: Manager for a Taco Bell (woo... lol)
What's changed since last the last thread: almost everything, including my username lol
07-31-2008, 12:45 AM
Name: Tannen K Pierce Jr (the K does NOT stand for anything)
Age: 22 as of July 8th
Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Pets: An alligator lizard named Fish
Siblings: 2 older sisters
Movies: I forget
Music: A lot: Ani Difranco, Anais Mitchel,
Food: Lasagna and enchilada and everything else
Occupation (if student, area of study): I am a fast food worker as of this week and pretty angry about it
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I'm married, have a daughter, am an open bisexual, no longer harbor any Christian belief
09-13-2008, 10:17 PM
Name: Cody James Beltramo
Age: Just turned 20 actually
DOB: 9/13/88
Location: Schaumburg, IL
Siblings: 2 half sisters and 1 half brother
Website: (Nothing really on there yet)
Occupation: Valet parking at a nearby hospital
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: Nothing too big really, out of school, got a job, started training parkour, that's probably about it.
Modus Ponens
09-14-2008, 05:56 AM
I love you guys, and I've never filled this out! Wtf!
Name: Douglas Michael Zwick
Age: 26 DOB: 032682
Location: Seattle, WA
Pets: My sister and her husband, with whom I live, have an Australian shepherd / black Lab mix named Itska, and he is a fabulous dog
Siblings: As stated above, I have one older sister, and one brother-in-law
Favorite Movie: Oh, I hate to be boring and say The Princess Bride, but let's be honest
Favorite Band: They Might Be Giants
Favorite Sport: Capture the Flag
Favorite Food: PIZZA OMG1
Occupation (if student, area of study): I don't have a job, but I did recently earn a B.A. in linguistics, and I want to be a video game developer
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: I did not post in the old thread
09-14-2008, 05:16 PM
Name: Richard H.
Age: 20 DOB: 06/08/88
Location: Thornbury,UK
Pets: none
Siblings: only child
Favorite Movie: American Psycho
Favorite Artist: Emilie Autumn
Favorite Sport: none. still hate it.
Occupation (if student, area of study): volunteer at a camphill community farm
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: grown up a bit; different beliefs and more open for other opinions; got DSL access; addicted to mmo instead of single-player XD
hey,hey! who remembers me?
10-01-2008, 02:30 PM
Name: Andy
Age: 22 DOB: 19860429
Location: Washington DC right now...
Pets: A dog named "0" and a cat named Rufieo...
Siblings: One sister... (im about to be a uncle!)
Favorite Movie: 12 Monkeys
Favorite Band: Pink Floyd!
Favorite Sport: Wrestling, and Soccer...
Favorite Food: Chinese and Mexican
Occupation (if student, area of study): I was programing computers for a blood bank for a while over in California, but I am currently trying ot get into the army Special forces as a communications expert... Um Ive done graphic design for a print studio also, and I still do web design on the side for a little extra cash...
10-01-2008, 04:00 PM
Name: Lizz
Age: 19 DOB:07/01/1989
Location:New Mexico
Pets:none... I MISS MY KITTY!!!!!
Siblings: An older brother
Favorite Movie: dont hate its hairspray
Favorite Band: Acid Bath
Favorite Sport: volleyball
Favorite Food: italian
Occupation (if student, area of study): mom
11-06-2008, 02:00 PM
Kinda new-ish here, but I'll bite...
Name: Patrick Brandmeyer
Age: Freakin' old...err, 31. DOB: 9/6/1977
Location: Belleville, IL(just east of St. Louis)
Pets: Two dogs(brother and sister)
Siblings: One older sister
Favorite Movie: Transformers, both Wayne's Worlds, anything Batman
Favorite Band: Not really into music...Weird Al Yankovich and Nickelback, I guess.
Favorite Sport: Pro wrestling. :-D Baseball too, I guess.
Favorite Food: Whatever I can afford...err, pizza and chicken are good.
Occupation (if student, area of study): Board operator at a STL radio station...also do some standup comedy.
11-06-2008, 03:45 PM
Name: Sean
Age: 20 (11/5/88)
Location: Williamsport
Pets: 2 Dogs. Sheba and Skippy
Siblings: One Brother 3 half sisters 5 half brothers
Favorite Food: Chicken. Pizza
Occupation (if student, area of study): Work at Suscon Plastics as a machine operator. Was an assistant supervisor for 3 months but stepped down due to the bullshit. Looking for a better job :o
11-06-2008, 05:03 PM
Name: Alex.
Age: 18. 12/04/89.
Location: Columbus, Ohio.
Pets: Three cats. Two dogs, and one bastard Dachshund we got from my grandpa when he died.
Siblings: None.
Favorite Movie: Dunno. I like War of the Worlds, but I don't really have any one favorite.
Favorite Band: Hmm. Off of the top of my head: Protomen, Cobra Starship, LOADS of different VG stuff, I dunno. It changes a lot.
Favorite Sport: I hate sports.
Favorite Food: Chili. Most likely.
Occupation (if student, area of study): I work at a bakery, and occasionally help out a vet I worked for trough my internship.
If you posted in the old thread, what's changed for you since then: N/A.
12-23-2008, 02:06 PM
OK, I suppose I should jump on board here.
Name: josh
Age: 17, 10/29/91
Location: Roanke VA
Pets: 1 dog (speedy), 1 cat (silverbell)1 bird(sam) 1 hamster/gunie pig
Siblings: 1 younger sister (11-13 years old)
Favorite Movie: jim carrery
Favorite Band: SlipKnot, Papa roach, the medic drpid, disturbed avril lavigne
Favorite Sport: no favorite sport
Favorite Food: thats a tough one
Occupation: student, looking for a job
I didn't post in the old thread.
Link 101
01-05-2009, 11:07 PM
Name: Darren
Age: 19
DOB: 3/20/1989
Location: Erie, PA
Pets: A dog named Shiloh and a cat named Phoebus.
Siblings: Got one broski and a plethora of step-siblings.
Favorite Movie: Evil Dead series.
Favorite Band: Shockwave
Favorite Sport: Skateboarding.
Favorite Food: I've been digging Chinese food a lot lately.
Occupation (if student, area of study): I work in a pizza shop as a part-time manager and I go to Gannon University studying Criminal Justice.
Chris Miller
03-18-2009, 11:49 AM
Name: Chris
Age: 31
Location: Houston, TX
Pets: 1 dog
Favorite Movie: Full Metal Jacket
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Food: Pizza
05-19-2009, 01:35 AM
Name: Stephan Joseph Rose
Age: 25 DOB: 02*02/84
Location: Cambrige, ONtario
Siblings: 1 Brother
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
Favorite Band: Rammstein, Muse
Favorite Sport: Racibg
Favorite Food: Pizza
Occupation (if student, area of study): In School
05-19-2009, 09:46 PM
Name: Mike
Age: 22 DOB: 8/24/1986
Location: Arlington, VA
Pets: None
Siblings: Two younger brothers
Favorite Movie: The Thing
Favorite Band: Matchbox 20
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Food: Thai
Favorite Game: Resident Evil series
Occupation (if student, area of study): Sales Support
02-20-2010, 02:33 AM
As of August 18th, 2010.
Name: Alex.
Age: 20. 12/04/89.
Location: Lake Delton, WI.
Pets: Three cats, and two dogs.
Siblings: None :[
Favorite Movie: Kick-Ass, Superbad, The Big Lebowski, War of the Worlds.
Favorite Band: Protomen, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Metallica, Scorpions, Guns n Roses, Journey, And a very wide assortment of video game music from original NES stuff, to orchestrations, and remixes, and back again.
Favorite Sport: I don't liek sports. I prefer just going outside, and walking around.
Favorite Food: Quite possibly Chili. Anything in that neighborhood.
Occupation: Salad guy at a restaurant. Good times.
02-20-2010, 05:52 PM
Name: Roger
Age: 57 (really)
Location: Central Mid West
Pets: My doberman died about 3 years ago
Five kids and the best wife ever.
Fav movie: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Fav band: The Beatles (used to be the Who until they totally bombed at the Super Bowl)
Fav Sport: Football (Tackle on offense and defense; high school only, still dream about it like Al Bundy)
Fav food: Pizza or spaghetti
I have been laid off for almost a year. Was a computer programmer analyst but they sold my job to India. Now a grad student trying to get my teaching certificate in Math and Physics. So be nice or I might wind up teaching you sometime.
Favorite game: Original Zelda, we bought the NES the Christmas after it came out and got Zelda then. My two youngest boys and I drove everyone crazy with it.
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