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View Full Version : ScrewAttack's Top 20 SNES Games

04-07-2008, 03:36 PM
I just happen to catch this and you should all watch. If you didn't already know the SNES is probably the best console EVER so you need to play more of it. And I found the top 20 was well done so go watch:

Part 1 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32570.html
Part 2 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/31740.html

I certainly would say if I could have just 1 game console (excluding consoles with emulation abilities such as the Xbox and PSP) it would be the SNES. You've got it all on SNES.

04-07-2008, 04:37 PM
I agree, the SNES is the end all, be all of video game systems. In fact it's the only system I have hooked up right now. (My brother's got the Wii and XBox 360.)

That's a pretty good list. I was a little surprised Super Metroid got the nod over Zelda 3.

The only inclusion I disagree with is Killer Instinct. I just wasn't very impressed with that game, ever.

If it were up to me, I'd ditch KI, expand it to 25 games, and include NBA Jam: Tournament Edition, Mortal Kombat 2, Bubsy, Earthworm Jim, Super Punch Out, and of course Shaq Fu!

Super Castlevania 4 does indeed have the best soundtrack, ever. It's no accident I borrowed heavily from it in Conquest of Sarpadia.

Shazza Dani
04-07-2008, 05:27 PM
Personally, I didn't like any, ANY games on SNES besides A Link to the Past. Most of my favourite games are on the N64.

04-07-2008, 06:05 PM
Id agree with most of that list minus a few. As alphadawg pointed out KI shouldn't be there.

04-07-2008, 07:03 PM
Personally, I didn't like any, ANY games on SNES besides A Link to the Past. Most of my favourite games are on the N64.

Well you're obviously too young to know your ass from your elbow. The SNES is so much better than the N64 it's not even close.

04-07-2008, 09:51 PM
Banned, banned, banned. KI fucking owns. SNES owns N64. Beldaran is the only survivor. ;)

I never thought Zelda 3 was all that great. But I do agree I'd rank Super Punch-Out and Mortal Kombat II up there on the list. Also it's important to remember there's alot of SNES games not on most people's minds because they are japan only.

One game I'd never heard of before which is actually quite awesome is Der Langrissor for Super Famicom. Also SD Gundam X was bad ass too. Anyway, if you have time you should click on "ScrewAttack" on the linked pages to check out more of their videos.

One game I was disappointed in for SNES I must mention, is Ninja Gaiden Trilogy. The music was not as good. The graphics got a nice color depth upgrade but alot of the sweet IRQ/Screen raster effects were gone! Unlike games like Super Mario All-Stars which are fantastic upgrades.

Shazza Dani
04-07-2008, 10:37 PM
Well you're obviously too young to know your ass from your elbow. The SNES is so much better than the N64 it's not even close.

It's not that I'm too young, I just skipped that generation of gaming. when I was a kid I had Atari 2600, and that was the only system I had until I got N64. I never played any SNES games until much later when I bought a second-hand system.

04-07-2008, 10:49 PM
I suggest you pick up an SNES from a pawn shop or eBay. You won't regret it.

Though I will say this for the Nintendo 64... Mario Kart 64 was a fun ass game. ;)

04-07-2008, 11:22 PM
I still have my original SNES bought within a few months of it's initial release in the states, along with a handful of games. The thing is built like a Abrahams tank. After all these years it still works perfect, albeit somehow it is tan colored now, and has survived over 10 moves, countless times being accidentally dropped, kids cramming cartridges into it, kicked, bumped, controllers being thrown into it, and just downright abused on occaision.

:shrug: I thought Killer Instinct on the SNES was sick.

04-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Haha, when I got my first SNES I was 5. It was Christmas morning, and we had 2 presents left. The first one was a big box of like 10 SNES games, and I was like "Mom, these are for the wrong system. I have a NES." And then I opened the last and it was an SNES and I flipped the fuck out. Then I got a bike and forgot about that shit.
But the SNES is amazing.

04-08-2008, 01:48 AM
I wasn't saying Killer Instinct was terrible... it just wasn't as good as its contemporaries SF2: Turbo and MK II. It was certainly better than dreck such as Shaq Fu!, Ballz, and Clay Fighter.

I'd also like to give a special shoutout to Super Mario All-Stars and Mario Paint.

04-08-2008, 02:01 AM
Oh hell yeah, Mario Paint. I used to kill hours on end screwing with the music function in that game.

04-08-2008, 02:12 AM
Well I'll let that go then, as SF2 and MK2 were certainly top notch, and I feel the SNES KI was not as nice as the Arcade KI.

Super Mario All-stars was absolute awesomeness. When I bought my SNES, I got a package that came with Super Mario World, plus Super Mario Kart! Not only that, it had a coupon on the box for a FREE Super Mario All-stars by mail. Even though the coupon was expired and it said to wait 6 - 8 weeks for it, we go SM All-stars in 1 week!

10 SNES games when you got your SNES? Damn were you spoiled. I sold my NES and a ton of games to get the money to buy the SNES. As I metnioned, we got a Mario triple attack, but we also had enough money left to buy StarFox. =) That game was amazing for its time. Then I believe the following christmas we got two excellent games, Mega Man X and Street Fighter II' Turbo. Interestingly enough those were the first 2 games we rented after getting the SNES.

Anyone else have or play with the Super Scope? I love that thing and I still have it. If only it didn't need like 6 AA batteries. That and I'd have to sit awfully close to the screen cause I don't have the room to back up. But I got I think 4 of the few Super Scope games. The best two ofcourse, Battle Clash and the sequel Metal Combat. But I also had Yoshi's Safari and the Super Scope 6 multipak.

All this reminds me that I have a Chrono Trigger cartridge with a dead battery I need to replace. It also reminds me I should play my Super Famicom more often.

And About Mario Paint, search Youtube. There are videos of people who compose songs in it. ;) Some sound pretty good.

04-08-2008, 02:17 AM
Yeah man, I was looking at some of those recently. I think I was looking for a Final Fantasy IV: The After trailer, and it led me to a Mario Paint version of the FFIV battle theme. It wasn't bad at all.

04-08-2008, 08:24 AM
Why don't they release Mario Paint for the Wii? That would be a perfect use of the WiiMote. =/

04-08-2008, 08:31 AM
The SNES is the reason I love GBA. Who the hell needs anything other than a portable SNES? Well, me, but its still pretty damn satisfying to play Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI, Yoshi's Island, all the Super Mario Games except for the first one with the upgraded All-Stars graphics, Breath of Fire 1 and 2, ALttP and other little hidden gems like Aladdin...

Good lord I miss the days of the SNES. I just don't get the satisfaction from any of the current gen systems that I did with the SNES.

Heres hoping they release Super Metroid on the GBA.

04-08-2008, 08:36 AM
You can play all the SNES roms you want on the PSP, along with PSP ISOs, NES, Genesis, and GBA roms. There are even N64 emulators.

04-08-2008, 03:51 PM
I've always wondered why publications bother with "top 20" lists. They're flawed from the first place in that they'll inevitably put a game on there that someone hated, or leave off some classic. And if you really need some suggestions for games to emulate play on your used SNES, just ask a friend who knows the system.

04-08-2008, 03:58 PM
Top lists are always flawed simply because it's so hard to remember absolutely everything. I hate it when people ask me what my top whatever games are, simply because there are so many great games I love. There are a couple that will always make the list (Lunar, Planescape, Fallout), but the others I list will vary based on what I'm thinking about, what genre I've been playing lately, etc. Combine this with the fact that I've spent thousands (probably tens of thousands) of hours on hundreds and hundreds of games, and it becomes even harder for me to pin down what my favorite games are, even within a specific genre.

04-08-2008, 04:43 PM
I'll have to watch this when I get home, but totally underappreciated SNES game: E.V.O.: The Search for Eden. That game rocked.

Off the top of my head, this is what I had (and still have somewhere :P):
-Super Mario World (actually did not come with my system, I had a core system.. bought this used quite a bit later)
-Super Mario All-Stars
-Super Mario Kart
-Mario Paint
-Link to the Past
-Secret of Mana
-Chrono Trigger
-EVO: Search for Eden
-Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
-Super Gameboy (hey, it was a cart!)

I am 100% sure this list is not complete. Having a hard time remembering the rest...

Games I should have owned because I rented them or borrowed them a rediculous number of times (in order of my obsession with them):
-Super Metroid (I would bet I spent more money renting this than if I would have bought it :P)
-Final Fantasy III (VI)
-Illusion of Gaia
-Star Fox (I actually did the Nintendo tournement thing for this.. got like a $25 gift card or something because I won the first round)
-Super Castlevania IV
-Mario RPG
-Mega Man 7
-Any of the Mega Man X titles (though I do own MMX for PC, came with a nice 6 button joystick that still works)
-Super Bomberman
-Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (friend owned this one)
-Street Fighter II (in general, no specific version :P)
-Mortal Kombat II/III

04-08-2008, 07:23 PM
The point of Top ## lists are to highlight games that you like or think are worthy of playing. The point isn't to absolutely rank each game precisely to your liking. It's so others will see your list, discuss the games, try new games out, replay games, etc.

Anthony, while the GBA certainly was a good system I hated some of the SNES ports. The GBA really needed a higher resolution, same with the DS. But some games were just fantastic. Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission. Absolutely, the best GBA games.

Shazza Dani
04-08-2008, 07:26 PM
Top lists are always flawed simply because it's so hard to remember absolutely everything. I hate it when people ask me what my top whatever games are, simply because there are so many great games I love. There are a couple that will always make the list (Lunar, Planescape, Fallout), but the others I list will vary based on what I'm thinking about, what genre I've been playing lately, etc. Combine this with the fact that I've spent thousands (probably tens of thousands) of hours on hundreds and hundreds of games, and it becomes even harder for me to pin down what my favorite games are, even within a specific genre.

That's why I never put much thought into my "top whatever" or my "favourite whatever". I just name what I like at the moment.

04-08-2008, 10:21 PM
Why don't they release Mario Paint for the Wii? That would be a perfect use of the WiiMote. =/

Mario Paint on the Wii would be an addictive game. There are a load of possibilities there. I'd like to see that in the future.

04-09-2008, 12:55 AM
Watched the videos. Not a terrible list. Though I still don't get the obsession with Yoshi's Island. I've tried playing that so many times and it usually just ends up pissing me off :P

I'm still a bit surprised that Star Fox wasn't in the top 10 though (yes it looked like crap but back then, that was amazing :P) Or Mario Kart for that matter. And yeah, I don't know why Killer Instinct made the list at all over quite a few other deserving titles. Otherwise, not bad. I think I even agree a lot with the placement of most of their top 10. Yes, Super Metroid > A Link to the Past :P

04-09-2008, 01:12 AM
Why don't they release Mario Paint for the Wii? That would be a perfect use of the WiiMote. =/

I actually do remember hearing something about that being in development around the time we got the first Red Steel screenshots. Dunno what happened to it though, I would look it up if I cared.

Watching the list made me wanna play Super Metroid again :3

Though Top 20 lists are pointless in terms of actually trying to rank games, simply because 90% of it is completely dependent on the opinion and the personality of whoever is making the list. I don't agree with most of the placements, I would have put Chrono Trigger above FF6, and I would have put Metroid lower simply because, while it's undeniably up there, side-scrollers aren't really my cup of tea, but that's purely my opinion, which goes back to my original point.

Top lists that are voted upon are pointless too because all you get are fanboys who vote for Final Fantasy 7 on 20 different IPs ;/

04-09-2008, 01:19 PM
I think the purpose of Top X lists is exactly what we've got going on here... spirited debate.

I forgot to give a shoutout to Super Game Boy as well. After somehow managing to lose not one, but two original Game Boys in my youth, one that could stay attached to the SNES (or right beside it) was perfect for me. Where is it now, you ask? Uh, let me get back to you on that one...

I wish I had as much mad Mario Paint skill as this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uZr3JWYdy8&NR=1).

04-09-2008, 01:47 PM
Though Top 20 lists are pointless in terms of actually trying to rank games, simply because 90% of it is completely dependent on the opinion and the personality of whoever is making the list.

What? You're wrong. It's 100% opinion. :p

And yes the Super Gameboy is awesome. Did you know is had an older product before it? The Super Wideboy for Famicom. Essentially the same thing but for Famicom. It wasn't commercial though. I never had a Super Gameboy myself but my friend did. And I remember him "sawwing off" his Gameboy Game Genie so it would fit in the Super Gameboy. ;)

The SGB was really a great accessory. Just a shame that SNES was gone by the time GBC came along. Not to mention N64 never had a Gameboy player, just Pokemon Stadium that played only Pokemon. The GC had the GB Player, but the controller isn't ideal, nor if the use of the boot disc.

But anyway, for its time SGB was genious. I should pick one up someday. I never lost a Gameboy luckily. Though I only ever owned a select few. The Ice Blue GB Pocket, the original GBA, and the GBA SP. I also never owned that many games for it. I mainly got the GB Pocket because I wanted Pokemon and it came with Zelda bundled in. I bought Metroid 2 to go with it. And that was pretty much it till much later I picked up the Ninja Gaiden for GB off ebay. Long after GB was dead. I also got the Star Wars trilogy (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) for GB for about 1$ off ebay too.

Today I'm thinking about spending some time playing some SNES. There are still alot of SNES games I've never played and I have access to 99% of them to play on my Super Famicom.

04-09-2008, 02:41 PM
Yeah, to this day it still bothers me that Nintendo stopped supporting the Super Gameboy. Games such as Donkey Kong '94 and several others had enhanced (GBC-like) color palettes specifically for Super Gameboy. But GBC, GBA, and Gameboy Player completely ignore this data and treat the games like boring Black & White titles (aka you get to pick from one of their lame pre-selected color choices).

Which was another thing awesome about Super Gameboy - you could pick the colors yourself, rather than being forced to use what Nintendo thought was good for you. On top of which, you could switch them on the fly (though I wish you could have saved color profiles), which was great. I'd play my GB Mega Man titles and color each stage based on the colors of the NES Mega Mans :D Or play Link's Awakening and color each dungeon differently :D I believe Nintendo even had a Super Gameboy Player's Guide that gave you color suggestions for a lot of games.

04-09-2008, 05:12 PM
You actually could save your palette settings to a Passcode I believe. I think it is a shame the way the SGB was ignored. The SGB2 even came out in 1998, though it was limited release. It would have rocked if they'd been able to wait and made it a SCGB. Now I wonder how long it'll be before you see a GBA or DS tie-in to the Wii?

You know these classic games are most of what I play still. I don't usually play anything but the AAA next-gen titles, so the rest is all classic stuff usually. Gears of War, Call of Duty 4, C&C3, and classic 8 and 16 bit action.

04-10-2008, 06:15 PM
Super Metroid is the most perfect game _ever_. They have my support.