View Full Version : need someone to test a script for me.

Master Maniac
04-03-2008, 08:29 PM
ok here's the deal.

ive made a script right?

well i need someone to test it for me.

not meaning im being lazy. ive tried to test it myself.

see here's what happens.

i set the screen to black out. so i get to the screen and the lights blacken.
after that the game freezes EVERYTHING except the music.

so im thinking it might be a corrupted file possibly.

if i posted the script, could one of you test it for me to see if the file is corrupted?

(also yeah i know its not a great custom boss... yet. i still have to beef it up XD)

meanwhile, if it isnt a file corruption, ill look at it very closely to see what i did wrong.

i think it has to do with my while loop. but im not sure.

here's the script:

//ennefenom's ghoma script

//ok so im going ot explain how to set up the script part only.
//im also going to leave notes so hopefully you can do something like this yourself at some point.
//also im going to assume you know nothing about scripting so ill explain every little detail

//first your setup. you will need:

//1 set of combos for the body, and 2 to 3 sets for the eye. the eye will have 2 different colors, which will be cycled back and forth.
//2 ffc's. one that is only the eye, and one that is everything but the eye
//1 custom enemy. you can make its attributes. (shooter, etc.)
//1 sound effect for a "dying ghoma"

//now for your arguments

//D:0=the ID of the enemy that will be used as ghoma's HP. do not set combos for this enemy, as it is supposed to be invisible.
//D:1=the ID of the enemy you want to spawn when it is "invincible"
//D:2=the ID of the combo you want the eye to be when it is vulnerable.
//D:3=the ID of the combo you want to use when ghoma is invulnerable
//D:4=how much health you want ghoma to start with
//D:5=the # of the sound you want to use for "ghoma dying"

import "std.zh" //this imports variables from a file in the build folder, which makes this script possible

ffc script ghoma{//this names your script "ghoma"and sets the type to FFC. also opens a new level of scope with "{"

void run(int m, int n, int c1, int c2,int h, int s){//starts the script to running. also notice i places a tab stroke for organization. layer 1 of scope = 1 tab press.

ffc ghoma_body;

ffc ghoma_eye;

npc ghost;

npc dummy1;

npc dummy2;

int beasts;

ghoma_body = Screen->LoadFFC(1);//notice i didnt use "{" here. there are no functions within what ive told it to do, so no need for them

ghoma_eye = Screen->LoadFFC(2);//with this line and the previous one, ive commanded the screen to draw 2 FFC's and name them ghoma eye and ghoma body

ghost = Screen->CreateNPC(m);//creates an NPC (or an enemy) whose ID is equal to the value of "m"

ghost->X=ghoma_eye->X;ghost->Y=ghoma_eye->Y;//not sure if i worded this right yet... sets the coordinates of the enemy anf the eye to the same every frame

while (true){


dummy1= Screen->CreateNPC(n);
dummy2= Screen->CreateNPC(n);//these draw enemies with an ID equal to the value of n





ghost->HP=9999;//gives an "invincible"effect

if(beasts==2){// this is an if function. it says if (whatevers in parentheses is true) then preform the next level of scope.

ghoma_eye->Data = c1;//cycles the combo for the eye to another combo, ID equal to c1
ghost->HP=h;//turns off the enemy's invincibility

Waitframes(900);//waits 15 seconds(i think)

ghost->HP=9999;//turns invincibility back on

ghoma_eye->Data = c2;

}//this closes a level of scope, here being the if function
if(ghost->HP<1){//another if function

ghoma_body->Data=0;//"kills" the FFCs

Game->PlaySound(s);//plays a sound equal to the interger "s"


EDIT:i just tested it on a seperate file. made it completely from scratch and even in a different tileset. its no corruption.

can someone tell me what im doing wrong?

04-04-2008, 12:27 AM
the Waiframe(); is in the if statement. ;)

Happened to me many times.

Master Maniac
04-05-2008, 06:57 AM

lol thanks

04-05-2008, 07:41 AM
//ennefenom's ghoma script


You're Ennon from Pure?

Master Maniac
04-05-2008, 01:54 PM
lol no joe.

im making this script for him, and that was the first name for it that came to mind.

(also if it was me i would have spelled it right :p)

04-05-2008, 07:35 PM
Ohhh, that makes so much more sense.