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View Full Version : Happy April 1st

04-02-2008, 01:55 AM
Thanks to the valiant efforts of some of the forum members (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101961), Glenn and friends have come to realize ruling AGN is more trouble than it's worth, and sold it back to War Lord. Some of their exploits are chronicled here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=1174).

Glenn and each of the following BANEND MEMBRES were played by a different person. One of them was Masamune; the others were members of the staff.

Glenn the Great - ?
lightnin-z - ?
Zelda64GLD - ?
Fira - ?
GamerMan - ?
punkonjunk1024 - ?

Think you can match the staff member/Masamune to the banned member? One of the conspirators has offered 1 year of premium membership to the first non-Masamune member to match everyone correctly. Also, if you thought one banned member was played particularly convincingly, let them know!

Lastly, there is a serious possibility GB will remain open. Discuss your opinion here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=102013).

04-02-2008, 03:14 AM
Well, I am guessing that you did Glenn. Am I right?

04-02-2008, 04:53 AM
Glenn was quite probably Breaker unless the avatar and manner of dialogue were meant to throw us off in that guess.

Whoever did Zelda64gld I think was using a script as I noticed identical mispellings, like they were using a script as someone theorized Zelda64gld was indeed doing. Of course, it's also a popular theory that Zelda64gld was a staff joke to begin with, so I'm going to have to guess that was War Lord since Shadowblazer's not around these days.

Beyond that I'm not sure. "lightnin-z" should've had a g at the end of lightning though, if memory serves.

For those who are newer and were likely confused by my own exploits, waaaay back my account named used to be Tails, and I was actually banned for a big drama llama post where I said I was leaving forever and flamed various staff members for what I perceived as abuse, though of course really they were just screwing with me and I was being stuck up and shut-in, and I really learned a great deal from the whole affair; AGN helped filled one of the holes for me that being forcibly homeschooled left behind.

Anyway, one of my more favorite avatars from back then was a large sprite of Tails posing from the end of Sonic 2, onto which I drew a Star Trek original series movie uniform. I can't find that one anywhere (I also did one with a TOS Kirk green wrap uniform, can't find that either), but as a little nod I drew Tails plus Otohime Mutsumi hair elements plus glasses plus an Andromeda High Guard uniform, to similar effect but to account for the shift of my ways in the years since then:


Upon doing that and setting my custom title to "Captain Tails the Fox" (back in the day I was wanting my custom title to be "Captain" or "Admiral"... ugh. Star Trek influence of course, but I feel embarrassed my by little kid antics. I also started using "Tails the Fox" for a few things like the early days of #AGN, deciding it cooler than merely "Tails". Being 12 and the dramatic changes it brought for me mentally and emotionally, going through stuff, I requested a change to "Jennifer", which I'm quite happy with, though I usually use "Mitsukara" as my handle for everything else), I proceeded to make up crazy BS about Glenn (in reality... I haven't seen him in a very long time and we haven't talked much, but we've bounced back and forth over years between being semi-friends and me hating the shit out of him for certain things we've generally moved past. I think I'm on good terms with him as last we spoke, but his legacy at AGN is definitely epic lolz and I attempted to contribute in a humorous way) and played along, making a few weird in-jokes to things years past that I don't think many people probably got XD

But yeah, I really enjoyed this and had fun. I love how thorough and long it went- that's a butt ton of silly posts! Epic April Fools.

04-02-2008, 11:48 AM
As of yet, all guesses are....highly innacurate.

04-02-2008, 12:05 PM
Glenn the great was ctr-alt-del
Punkonjunk moocow
Breaker was just Breaker
lightnin-z - masamune
Fira Dechipher
Zelda64GLD Biggy0
Gamerman DarkDragon

04-02-2008, 12:08 PM
since Shadowblazer's not around these days.

Shadowblazer is everywhere.

04-02-2008, 12:17 PM
Glenn the Great - DarkDragon
lightnin-z - Breaker
Zelda64GLD - Dechipher
Fira - Archibaldo
GamerMan - Biggiy
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

Meh, that's as close as I'm gonna get.

04-02-2008, 01:05 PM
Glenn the Great - ?
lightnin-z - ?
Zelda64GLD - ?
Fira - ?
GamerMan - ?
punkonjunk1024 - ?

Those are your options. Both of your guesses are wrong, by the way.

Not in their entirety...you got some of them right.

04-02-2008, 01:37 PM
You know, you guys should definitly have included Pineconn_lolz. He's been trying so hard to come back recently, it would have been much more realistic if he did.

And I will say this again: No more fake banning! It's horrible! There was actually a discussion about hacking AGN over at Pure ZC to restore the old accounts. :D

04-02-2008, 03:41 PM
Nah, no one would want to be Lolz. And fake banning is ridiculously hilarious. I even nominated myself to be banned.

Glenn the Great - DarkDragon (I'm a little skeptical about this as I noticed DD was viewing the Admin CP most of yesterday)
lightnin-z - Masamune
Zelda64Gld - Dechipher
Fira - Archibaldo
GamerMan - ShadowTiger
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker

Look at all the wrongness!

04-02-2008, 04:01 PM
There are a few guesses that are right but the majority are still way off.

04-02-2008, 04:11 PM
This must mean you were one of them. Hmm.....

Glenn the Great - DarkDragon
lightnin-z - Breaker
Zelda64Gld - Dechipher*
Fira - biggiy05
GamerMan - Archibaldo*
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

*Not sure if they were actually in on it.

04-02-2008, 04:30 PM
Rofl. Still way off.

Man, this is kind of fun. I wish I would not have known who did it so that I would have the opportunity to guess.

Keep trying.

04-02-2008, 04:34 PM
Rofl. Still way off.

Man, this is kind of fun. I wish I would not have known who did it so that I would have the opportunity to guess.

Keep trying.

No kidding lol.

Just out of curiosity are you trying to match the user to the staff member by personality or what?

04-02-2008, 04:38 PM
Thank god that bullshit is over ;|

04-02-2008, 04:44 PM
Being one of the main people in Le Resistance was fun.

Then I got banned :(

04-02-2008, 04:47 PM
Glenn the Great - War Lord
lightnin-z - Dark dragon
Zelda64GLD - Masamune
Fira - Ctrl-Alt-Del
GamerMan - Biggiy
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker

And I'm petty sure Dechipher wasn't in on it because he asked me on AIM why he couldn't see AGN, and seemed pretty legit.

04-02-2008, 04:51 PM
No kidding lol.

Just out of curiosity are you trying to match the user to the staff member by personality or what?

Nope. I'm just randomly guessing. I'm almost very certain of 5 of the people who did it, but I'm not sure of their roles.

Glenn the Great - DarkDragon (I'm still REALLY skeptical about DD's role in this. I'm starting to feel that he played himself.)
lightnin-z - biggiy05
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - Archibaldo
GamerMan - mattwdr
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker

04-02-2008, 04:56 PM
People are getting closer but still off.

04-02-2008, 05:01 PM
Glenn the Great - DarkDragon
lightnin-z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - mattwdr
GamerMan - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker

BTW, how are you guys going to top this next year? ;)

04-02-2008, 05:09 PM
I don't see how people would be able to logically match the names. It's going to all come down to guessing.

04-02-2008, 05:11 PM
Glenn the Great - DarkDragon
lightnin-z - Masamune
Zelda64Gld - Archibaldo
Fira - biggiy05
GamerMan - mattwdr
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker


One of us will get it eventually.

04-02-2008, 05:18 PM
Nope. Every one of your guesses was wrong.

Edit: I wish there were more than just a few people trying to guess...that would make it more fun.

04-02-2008, 05:26 PM
I'm going to make a matrix logic (or whatever those are called). I'll guess again soon. I'm officially crossing DarkDragon off of the list.

EDIT: Okay.

Glenn the Great - biggiy05
lightnin-z - mattwdr
Zelda64Gld - Dechipher
Fira - Archibaldo
GamerMan - ctrl-alt-delete
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

04-02-2008, 05:34 PM
Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-z - Archibaldo
Zelda64GLD - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - moocow
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker

My best educated guesses at the moment.

04-02-2008, 05:53 PM
Alright, random guess time:

Glenn the Great - Breaker
lightnin-z - ctrl-alt-delete
Zelda64GLD - Masamune
Fira - moocow
GamerMan - mattdwr
punkonjunk1024 - Dechipher

EDIT: Also, great job on the April Fool's... I guess I'll call it an "event." Laughed my ass off.

04-02-2008, 06:05 PM
Nope. Every one of your guesses was wrong.

Edit: I wish there were more than just a few people trying to guess...that would make it more fun.

There's no point in trying to guess. It was a horrible day in this forum's history and it should all be put in the past and forgotten. That aside, there's absolutely no way to know which members were who. It's pure guessing, there's no fun in it.

04-02-2008, 06:10 PM
I seem to notice that many of the people complaining about the prank are ones who were banned. :)

BTW, I'm almost certain I've narrowed down to the six people. I just need to guess who played whom.

04-02-2008, 06:12 PM
I'm complaining and I wasn't banned.

04-02-2008, 06:15 PM
There's no point in trying to guess. It was a horrible day in this forum's history and it should all be put in the past and forgotten. That aside, there's absolutely no way to know which members were who. It's pure guessing, there's no fun in it.

Just because you did not, and are not having any fun, does not mean you should ruin the fun for everybody else. Get over yourself.

Almost everyone here disagrees with you, and thinks that it was actually pretty cool.

In terms of guessing, we will narrow it down soon enough. We are taking it a few steps at a time.

You just let me be the moderator.


04-02-2008, 06:18 PM
I was gonna build a logic matrix, but Pineconn beat me to the idea, and I don't want to rip that off... ;)

04-02-2008, 06:28 PM
Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-z - Archibaldo
Zelda64GLD - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - moocow
punkonjunk1024 - mattdwr

04-02-2008, 06:42 PM
Rofl. In other news, lightning-z has seriously updated.


As for elise, still wrong.

04-02-2008, 06:45 PM
Glenn the Great - biggiy05
lightnin-z - mattwdr
Zelda64Gld - Archibaldo
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - ctrl-alt-delete
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

04-02-2008, 07:01 PM
You got one right, Pineconn.

Not ready to reveal any more than that yet.

04-02-2008, 07:13 PM
One........ that doesn't help with my matrix. I have the following clues:

Masamune was not lightnin-Z,
Archibaldo was not Zelda64Gld,
Biggiy05 was not Fira, and
Mattwdr was not GamerMan.

Four of the following are WRONG:

Biggiy05 was Glenn the Great,
Mattwdr was lightnin-z,
Dechipher was Fira,
Ctrl-alt-delete was GamerMan, and
Masamune was punkonjunk1024.
I have a few more clues, but they aren't helpful. So...

Glenn the Great - Dechipher
lightnin-z - biggiy05
Zelda64Gld - mattwdr
Fira - ctrl-alt-delete
GamerMan - Archibaldo
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

04-02-2008, 07:27 PM
None right. Funny thing, me being the guy to tell everyone who is right and who is wrong.

04-02-2008, 07:28 PM


Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - mattwdr

04-02-2008, 07:36 PM
K, so so far we have the following :

Masamune was not lightnin-Z, or punkonjunk1024
Archibaldo was not Zelda64Gld, or Gamer Man
Biggiy05 was not Fira, or Lightnin_z, and
Mattwdr was not GamerMan or Zelda64Gld
Dechipher was not Glenn the Great

and three of the following four are wrong:
Biggiy05 was Glenn the Great,
Mattwdr was lightnin-z,
Dechipher was Fira,
Ctrl-alt-delete was GamerMan

God, I LOVE these puzzles.

Okay, Dechipher = Fira
Archibalbo = GamerMan
Biggiy05 = Lightnin_z
Mattwdr = Zelda64Gld
DarkDragon= Glenn

04-02-2008, 07:41 PM


Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - mattwdr

Three right. Keep it up.

04-02-2008, 07:50 PM
Two of the following are wrong:

Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - mattwdr

Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - mattwdr
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - biggiy05

04-02-2008, 07:55 PM
I will tell you that you are wrong, but I will not reveal anymore how many are right. If nobody gets it by midnight tonight, I will post a list of all of the members that participated. Should not be too long after that.

04-02-2008, 07:59 PM
Good idea. I'm now thinking that you actually had nothing to do with it. But still...

Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Dechipher
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - mattwdr
GamerMan - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - Archibaldo

04-02-2008, 08:06 PM
No sir. Try again...

Where is everyone? It is a whole year of premium membership!

04-02-2008, 08:07 PM
I wouldn't be good at this. I don't know half the mods or admins. Plus, I need someone to tell me the benefits you get from a premium membership.

Aegix Drakan
04-02-2008, 08:08 PM
*is grabbed, stuffed into a bag, and wakes up here.*

I got no clue who's who, but here goes nothing.

Glenn the Great - ctrl-Alt-Delete
lightnin-z - Archibaldo
Zelda64GLD - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - Mattwdr

04-02-2008, 08:11 PM
I wouldn't be good at this. I don't know half the mods or admins.

Now you do! (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showgroups.php)

Glenn the Great - DarkDragon (ya knew it was coming!)
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - mattwdr

04-02-2008, 08:28 PM
Was it this thread that made you guys attempt to guess the staff you are guessing?


Information about Premium Memberships. (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=81167)

04-02-2008, 08:33 PM
Yeah, it was. Reading that again, I'm thinking maybe that mattwdr had nothing to do with it, either. Also:

I also have plans for giveaways as well. Perhaps buy a new Gamecube game or something and select a random premium member to give it to. *shrugs*

Well that never happened. ;)

Here's a shake-up in the roster:

Glenn the Great - DarkDragon
lightnin-Z - Masamune
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Breaker
punkonjunk1024 - Archibaldo

04-02-2008, 08:38 PM
I've been wanting to get a premium membership for a long time, but theres no way my parents would consent, so until I get my own credit card...

Oh, and we know that DD isn't Glenn now.

Okay, I'm working on it. Let me think a bit.

04-02-2008, 08:39 PM
No I looked to the most active in GD staff members
but never mind I am disqualified

04-02-2008, 08:43 PM
Oh, and we know that DD isn't Glenn now.

I originally noticed that DD and "Glenn" posted one after the other in that thread, which is what led me to believe that DD != Glenn, but this could be a clever ruse. However, I'm starting to wonder if SB was in it.

04-02-2008, 08:47 PM
Again, you fail. Going home from work now. I do not know if I will have time to get online tonight and keep you guys updated on guesses. I should be back around midnight for a little bit. Later.

04-02-2008, 08:52 PM
Glenn the Great - Ctrl-Alt-Del
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - DarkDragon
GamerMan - Breaker
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

I actually think that Fira might be DD. When I mentioned the Resistance thread to him on AIM he said it was interesting, and shortly after Fira entered as a Judas.

04-02-2008, 08:53 PM
Argh, you upper staff are getting enjoyment out of this, aren't you?

Glenn the Great - Shadowblazer...
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - DarkDragon...
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - Glitch...

Yeah, it's back to random guessing. I'll hopefully be able to get on in the morning so I can guess again.

04-02-2008, 08:54 PM
Let me ask you guys this.

Who do you think portrayed their character the best?

Glenn the Great - ?
lightnin-z - ?
Zelda64GLD - ?
Fira - ?
GamerMan - ?
punkonjunk1024 - ?

04-02-2008, 08:58 PM
Glenn and LZ were by far the most convincing, I think. Zelda64Gld on the other hand felt ...scripted. I figured he was fake from the start, his posts written by Glenn (when I thought it was real)

04-02-2008, 09:02 PM
I don't know, everybody was excellent in my opinion. Glenn the Great sounded arrogant and pompous (like the real deal), POJ was R-rated like always, Fira was sensibly evil, and the remaining three were absolute Internet n00bs. I can't pick one as the best as they all had excellent qualities.

I sort of think Beldaran was Glenn the Great. They have similar diction and syntactical rhetoric.

EDIT: But he isn't part of the staff...... Well, in that case, I'd have to say Glenn acted very well.

04-02-2008, 09:11 PM
You were on the right track with your matrix...why stray away from that now?

04-02-2008, 09:14 PM
Because without specific wrong info even the info that we have isn't enough to narrow it down to less than probably 30 or so possibilities.

Master Maniac
04-02-2008, 09:19 PM
i know fira was decipher...

Glenn the Great - ?
lightnin-z - ?
Zelda64GLD - ?
Fira - ?
GamerMan - ?
punkonjunk1024 - ?

... DD could have had a role, but a small one... meaning he was a henchman rather than a leader, so he must have been either punkonjunk or zelda64...

pineconn wasnt pineconn the whole time... either he was logged off or he could have been in on it.

more likely logged of, unless hes trying to throw us off by guessing himself.

gerudo could have been one... would fit in nicely with gamer man. i noticed...

oops too much info =)

glitch was lightnin-z... strange impulse...

breaker did the same thing as gerudo. i think hes Z64.

thats all but 1. who is DD's alternate...

EDIT: nope counted wrong. :P thats all.

EDIT 2: OMG!!! the prank fixed my edit problem!!!

EDIT 3:... no i didnt count wrong. one left. and while im here, im proud of my little "im beaten but im not done" speech when we waged war =P

04-02-2008, 09:24 PM
K, assuming MM is right, which I think he is, that places Dechipher as Fira.
Rules out quite a few possibilities...

I also like Breaker as Glenn. Just feels right.

04-02-2008, 09:26 PM
You were on the right track with your matrix...why stray away from that now?

Because it considers only Dechipher, Masamune, Archibaldo, biggiy05, mattwdr, and yourself. This is what it looks like right now:


The green border signifies that exactly 3 of those is correct. The gray border signifies that exactly 1 of those is correct. Odds are good that Dechipher played Fira. Okay, I'll make another guess with only those six.

Glenn the Great - Archibaldo
lightnin-z - Dechipher (going against my hunch about Dechipher's being Fira)
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Masamune (which seems illogical)
GamerMan - ctrl-alt-delete
punkonjunk1024 - mattdwr

04-02-2008, 09:39 PM
Because it considers only Dechipher, Masamune, Archibaldo, biggiy05, mattwdr, and yourself. This is what it looks like right now:


The green border signifies that exactly 3 of those is correct. The gray border signifies that exactly 1 of those is correct. Odds are good that Dechipher played Fira. Okay, I'll make another guess with only those six.

Glenn the Great - Archibaldo
lightnin-z - Dechipher (going against my hunch about Dechipher's being Fira)
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Masamune (which seems illogical)
GamerMan - ctrl-alt-delete
punkonjunk1024 - mattdwr

Wow...I am extremely impressed. You are really fucking serious about this...

Still wrong though.

04-02-2008, 09:49 PM
I tend to get determined. ;) Okay, ONE more guess.

Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - mattdwr

I think I already guessed that...

04-02-2008, 09:59 PM
Hold on a sec...:

One of the conspirators has offered 1 year of premium membership to the first non-Masamune member to match everyone correctly.
Does anyone besides War Lord have power to grant that?
Or was he saying the person would pay for it...

04-02-2008, 10:02 PM
I'm sure that any admin could do that. And I'm pretty sure that "one of the conspirators" is willing to pay for the year of premium MEMBREship.

Cripes, I'm hovering over this thread like a hawk.

Master Maniac
04-02-2008, 10:20 PM
just looked back at our "revolt" thread...

i think we had too much fun killing fira lol.

i did enjoy poking the dead body with a stick though =)

04-02-2008, 10:25 PM
Pineconn your guess is closer than some have been...

04-02-2008, 10:34 PM
As for the Glenn impersonation, it seemed off when he PM'd me about banning and such. He's not the type of person to be happy about having people above him.

04-02-2008, 10:46 PM
I tend to get determined. ;) Okay, ONE more guess.

Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - mattdwr

I think I already guessed that...

You get really close then you go 3 miles in the opposite direction.

I will give you credit for trying and since ctrl-alt-delete is posting who is who later I'm just going to say my name is one of your more recent guesses.

There's no point in trying to guess. It was a horrible day in this forum's history and it should all be put in the past and forgotten. That aside, there's absolutely no way to know which members were who. It's pure guessing, there's no fun in it.

It was a joke. If you took it that seriously and got that upset over an online forum playing a joke then you need to spend some time away from the computer.

04-02-2008, 11:07 PM
I don't know if this is exactly fair as one of the new overlords was technically played by 2 people.

04-02-2008, 11:26 PM
Without even looking at the matrix, here we go...

Glenn the Great - Archibaldo
lightnin-z - mattdwr
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - ctrl-alt-delete
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

04-02-2008, 11:46 PM
Yeah. That one was way off.

04-03-2008, 12:05 AM
Ooh! You guys don't post the answers yet! I'm just getting in on this and have some catching up to do, along with posts to read and clues to decipher. ;)

Btw, I thought whomever did glenn and lightnin-z did an outstanding job! I wasn't really here much when glenn was still around but still think one of you guys nailed it pretty square on. :)

I'll have a list shortly. lets see now.....hmm.


Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - decipher/archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - moocow?
Fira - biggiy05
GamerMan - mattdwr
punkonjunk1024 - Masamune

still getting th list....damn, the problem is there are more staff than conspiritors....and Zelda64gld could be played by anyone.

EDIT2: damn I fucked up the list. probably ony two are correct now. any more hints?

04-03-2008, 01:21 AM
Okay, looking at this thread, these two seem to be correct...

Glenn the Great -
lightnin-Z -
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan -
punkonjunk1024 -

...I need to think some more about who the others are.

04-03-2008, 01:23 AM
Glenn the Great - DarkDragon
lightnin-Z - Masamune
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Archibaldo
punkonjunk1024 - Breaker

I don't know why people stopped guessing DD.

04-03-2008, 01:29 AM
Glenn the Great - mattdwr
lightnin-Z - ctrl-alt-delete
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - DarkDragon

Am I close?

Okay, I took another look at Pineconn's logic matrix, and I came up with this:

Glenn the Great - mattdwr
lightnin-Z - ctrl-alt-delete
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Decipher
Gamerman - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - Archibaldo

Masamune was Gamerman. That much I am sure of.

04-03-2008, 01:56 AM
Glenn the Great - mattdwr
lightnin-Z - ctrl-alt-delete
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - DarkDragon

Am I close?

No. I will post a list of the staff members that were involved just after 10:00 AM today, April 3rd.

Once somebody guesses correctly, they will be awarded with a premium membership paid for by one of the staff members that was playing a part.

Then, us staff members will reveal how it all went down...from start, to finish...more funny stuff will be posted, so look forward to it.

We will also make a poll as to who played their character best.

Hopefully, all of you members enjoyed the prank. It took a lot of planning and hard work on the parts of the staff.

As the staff, we feel like we achieved the ultimate goal. Driving members to login, post, and just be active, even if only for one day. A few people noticed that it was the most members we had logged in for quite some time. We hope you guys all decide to stay around, and see what we have in store for you. This was just the first part of a plan to drive activity around here.

Hopefully, we also gained some new users...I think 15 people registered on April 1st. Even though half of those were duplicate nicks, it is still something to be proud of. To those of you that are just joining us, welcome to AGN. We hope that you enjoy your stay, and we look forward to getting to know you. Check out Zelda Classic, if that is not already the reason you are here. It is a pretty awesome project, and we would like to see you contribute.

To the newer members out there...we hope you got a brief lesson in the rich history of AGN. To anyone that was upset, please, do not be. It was all in good fun...and we feel like the ends justified the means. I have said it before, and I will say it again. This was the best April Fools joke I have seen on a message board...so many people were fooled, even knowing it was April 1st...Some of you really believed Glenn had taken over again. Epic funniness.

To those of you that chose to play along with our little joke(Icey, Jennifer, Feasul, Pineconn immediately come to mind...), we really appreciate you joining in on the fun. You guys helped to make it more real, because you were far more believable.

Finally, to those of you that chose to revolt, that was some funny stuff. I know I can speak for Dechipher and myself when I say that the coded thread that was posted in Shattered Earth was epic, and will forever live on as one of the coolest things that we have ever seen on AGN. Hopefully, the other staff agrees with me on this point.

All of that to say...we hope we changed the way you look at April Fools...sometimes, it can be so annoying, which is why we tried to be resoundingly different. We hope we gave you some good things to remember about this place...the way those before us left good memories as well.

Happy belated April Fools, everyone. I had a blast. Here is to trying to top it next year.

04-03-2008, 02:53 AM
Well, if you want my opinions on who did what...

I don't think Glenn spoke in quite the proper way. Everyone wants to say he acted like arrogant and full of himself, etc, but they miss all the subtlety, all the politeness overlapping, yet conversely dripping with sarcasm, all using very fancy words and making references to weird things like masers. Instead he just acted really blunt and to the point about his superiority, which just isn't accurate. Glenn sounds more like... a less rambly me with more attitude? XD

Lightning-z, ignoring the few posts that were for some reason in correct english, more or less worked. The wording was bang on, the typing is a little hard to match perfectly because it's mostly a magical degree of flaws but there's a few things he kept constantly getting wrong. Though I can't remember what they were anymore to back up that statement XD

Zelda64gld didn't make up any really fresh shit and made a lot of old references, though that's appropriate. But the script was bang on because Zelda64gld, I'm pretty sure, was scripted in the first place. I could be mistaken but that always seemed accurate as there were many times he used the same spellings.

I missed Fira and Gamerman, and don't really know what those whole things were about.

Such are my contradictory opinions! Mwhaha! *escapes in a dirigible with cape furled*

04-03-2008, 02:59 AM
Zelda64gld was a real member, once upon a time. He wasn't originally a script. Btw, I played no part in the craziness.

04-03-2008, 03:21 AM
I thought Zelda64Gld was just TSA when TSA was an admin.

Am I wrong on that count?

04-03-2008, 03:28 AM
I thought Zelda64Gld was just TSA when TSA was an admin.

Am I wrong on that count?


04-03-2008, 03:30 AM
So lightnin-z was actually two people, correct? I suppose if anyone has a chance of guessing correctly they'd need to know if one of the lightnin-z persona was also playing another role.

04-03-2008, 03:35 AM

Then he told me some whoppers. Big suprise.

04-03-2008, 04:03 AM
Okay, I'll try again. Time for wild guessing!

Glenn the Great - Prrkitty
lightnin-Z - Freedom
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Dechipher
GamerMan - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - vegeta1215

04-03-2008, 07:12 AM
I can't make a logical guess right now. I need the official list of pranksters to do it.

04-03-2008, 07:45 AM
Damn, I was sincerely hoping to earn a delicious bancake! I'll have you know I was guilty of flaming on at least two occasions... here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101939) and here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101929)!

I wasn't around when Fira, GamerMan, and PoJ were at their best, (worst?) but now I wish I was!

Rofl. In other news, lightning-z has seriously updated.

http://www.lightning-z.com (http://www.lightning-z.com/)It's Sping time! What better time for another worthless update promising an update? It's been five years now Mr. Prior, give us something! Anything!

04-03-2008, 09:10 AM
Damn, I was sincerely hoping to earn a delicious bancake! I'll have you know I was guilty of flaming on at least two occasions... here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101939) and here (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101929)!

I wasn't around when Fira, GamerMan, and PoJ were at their best, (worst?) but now I wish I was!

It's Sping time! What better time for another worthless update promising an update? It's been five years now Mr. Prior, give us something! Anything!

If those count as flames, then you need to revive the KTC...or the OoTP...because you just might be perfect as a human being.

As for the guessers, stay tuned. 10:00 AM Central.

04-03-2008, 11:16 AM
People that were involved, in alphabetical order.


I will not be posting a reply if you are wrong. I will just credit the first person who was right.

Ready. Set. Go.

Good luck.

04-03-2008, 11:59 AM
Glenn the Great - Archibaldo
lightnin-Z - Dechipher
Zelda64Gld - moocow/Sean
Fira - Masamune
GamerMan - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - ctrl-alt-delete

04-03-2008, 12:27 PM
Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - biggiy05
GamerMan - Dechipher
punkonjunk1024 - moocow/sean

My best guesses. I don't want to win the prize though. Let someone else win it. I'm just seeing if I could guess at all.

BTW, Kolt, This (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1170741&postcount=79) post above, and your thousandth post topics, are two of the best posts I've read here in a long time. Beautiful. Beautifully done. Just, wow.

04-03-2008, 02:30 PM
I cannot believe there is still not a winner yet...something tells me Pineconn is going to come out on top.

04-03-2008, 02:57 PM
I'm definitely trying. There are only a certain number of combinations that work with my matrix, so...

Glenn the Great - Archibaldo
lightnin-Z - moocow/Sean
Zelda64Gld - biggiy05
Fira - Decipher
Gamerman - Masamune
punkonjunk1024 - ctrl-alt-delete

04-03-2008, 02:59 PM
Not even close. I left a hint in GB, kids. Find it.

04-03-2008, 03:09 PM
I can't benifit from that hint since I don't which username changed his avatar. I have an idea, though. I'll try this...

Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Archibaldo
Zelda64Gld - Masamune
Fira - Dechipher
Gamerman - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - moocow/Sean

04-03-2008, 03:13 PM
Glenn the Great - ctrl-alt-delete
lightnin-Z - Masamune
Zelda64Gld - Dechipher
Fira - Archibaldo
Gamerman - biggiy05
punkonjunk1024 - moocow/Sean

04-03-2008, 03:13 PM
We have a winner!

Congratulations, Pineconn, you have guessed correctly.

As for who is paying for the Premium Membership, that would be me. I will contact Warlord as soon as possible with the information.

Stay tuned for more awesomeness, now that the game is over.

04-03-2008, 03:15 PM
Damn, I was the next closest. :p I had only mixed up Archibaldo and Biggiy05.

Good job, Pineconn! Enjoy your year of stuffs.

Oh well; at least I have my new avatar. <3

04-03-2008, 03:16 PM
Awww man...
Well, way to go Pineconn!

I don't suppose there are any consolation prizes for those who put up a valiant effort at guessing? :)
Nah, thought not.

04-03-2008, 03:21 PM
Seriously? Sweet. That was almost a random guess. I sort of figured you were Glenn, and I almost knew that Dechipher was Fira. The rest filled in with logic and major guesstimation.

BTW, thanks a ton for willing to pay for the membership. I really appreciate it.

04-03-2008, 04:14 PM
Congratulations, man. You now have that all important coin next to your name.

I figured it was a good prize...you benefit, and AGN does also...or at least Warlord. :-p

Anyways, enjoy all of your new forum abilities.

As for everyone else, stay tuned. Like I said, more to come.

04-03-2008, 04:18 PM
How soon is it coming?

04-03-2008, 04:25 PM
http://www.armageddongames.net/images/styles/classicblack/statusicon/user_online.gif - User online
http://www.armageddongames.net/images/styles/classicblack/statusicon/user_offline.gif - User offline
http://www.armageddongames.net/images/styles/classicblack/statusicon/user_invisible.gif - User invisible

I must say, it's freaky seeing this bright red circle next to a member's name.

BTW, I think I understand your hint. Only administrators can change avatars, and only Glenn and I think one other member were administrators. Figures, I get the hint after the contest. :rolleyes:

04-03-2008, 04:27 PM
How soon is it coming?

Not sure. To be frank, I have seen WAY too much AGN over the past few days...in fact, I have been doing so much shit, I just now found a HUGE gaping hole in the security. Contacted Warlord, and he patched it right up.

If there is an award for the most contributing member for the past couple of days, it goes right to me.

- User online
- User offline
- User invisible

I must say, it's freaky seeing this bright red circle next to a member's name.

BTW, I think I understand your hint. Only administrators can change avatars, and only Glenn and I think one other member were administrators. Figures, I get the hint after the contest.

Glad you are enjoying it already. :) Actually, Super Mods can change avatars also...my hint was in regards to the fact that when I was posting as Glenn, I told a few people I was changing their avatar.

04-03-2008, 04:35 PM
Oh. Well in that case, I didn't get the 'Freedom's avatar' hint at all. :p

If there is an award for the most contributing member for the past couple of days, it goes right to me.

*notices post count* Didn't we just congratulate you on your 1000th post?

04-03-2008, 04:37 PM
Congrats Pineconn :) You've worked your butt off for that membership (not that everyone else trying didn't try hard enough either) ;)

04-03-2008, 04:44 PM
Pineconn, I thought that those circles always went at the bottom left of the member box. When you're a premium member it goes next to their name?

04-03-2008, 04:49 PM
Nope. My postbit is set to top, yours must be set to left. You can change that in the Options link under the User CP.

04-03-2008, 05:00 PM
Meh, that's all right, I like it perfectly fine where it is right now.

So what else can you get with a premium membership? Not like I have money to burn on it, but just since I'm interested.

04-03-2008, 05:07 PM
Meh, that's all right, I like it perfectly fine where it is right now.

So what else can you get with a premium membership? Not like I have money to burn on it, but just since I'm interested.

You guys hate to read, don't you. :-p


04-03-2008, 05:21 PM
That's what I needed, I'm glad that it was all so easily accessible through a link. Yes, I am pretty lazy at times.

04-03-2008, 06:13 PM
How did you guys know I was fira? The posting style is so different from what I normally do...

04-03-2008, 06:41 PM
I was wondering how people kept placing me as lightin-z. I guess it was all due to the Matrix Pinconn made.

04-03-2008, 06:46 PM
Why did everyone keep thinking I was gamerman?

04-03-2008, 09:31 PM
How did you guys know I was fira? The posting style is so different from what I normally do...

At one point I knew that ONE of the following was correct:

Biggiy05 was Glenn the Great,
Mattwdr was lightnin-z,
Dechipher was Fira,
Ctrl-alt-delete was GamerMan, and
Masamune was punkonjunk1024,

...and also that THREE of the following were correct:

Ctrl-alt-delete was Glenn the Great,
Archibaldo was lightnin-Z,
Biggiy05 was Zelda64Gld,
Dechipher was Fira,
Masamune was GamerMan, and
Mattwdr was punkonjunk1024.

Notice that in both series that you, Dechipher, have been guessed as Fira (by pure luck). Therefore, the chance was great that you played Fira (which ended up being true). My matrix ended up being correct in the long run.

I was wondering how people kept placing me as lightin-z. I guess it was all due to the Matrix Pineconn made.

Actually, yeah. That's more or less the way it turned out a few times when I guessed randomly.

Why did everyone keep thinking I was gamerman?

Since we had no idea who was whom. Guessing does that.

04-03-2008, 10:55 PM
As for Zelda64Gld being a script, not true. I just tried to stay true to most of his common typos and rantings.

04-03-2008, 11:00 PM
As for Zelda64Gld being a script, not true. I just tried to stay true to most of his common typos and rantings.

And you did a really good job, too.

04-03-2008, 11:17 PM
omg ty :3

04-04-2008, 10:08 AM
I think when I was playing POJ. I really sucked but yeah during the night when moo took it over she had the floor :)

Nicholas Steel
04-04-2008, 10:37 AM
Lol Lightning-Z has a typo on his news announcement xD.

04-04-2008, 01:54 PM
As for Zelda64Gld being a script, not true. I just tried to stay true to most of his common typos and rantings.You did a fine job. The only things you missed were a "PNOUNDIG YM KYEBROAD!!!!!1111" response and some sort of reply en espanol. (I used to chat with the "real" Zelda64Gld in broken Spanish on occasion.)

This thread (http://www.armageddongames.net/forums/showthread.php?t=101951) was the funniest I've read here in a long time.

04-04-2008, 02:25 PM
I don't exactly remember posting all of that, haha.

04-06-2008, 12:06 AM
I'm happy to see that I have earned a place in your hearts alongside Zelda64GLD!

Needless to say I was quite entertained with the April 1st festivities. It was certainly the most entertaining April 1st stunt AGN has performed in years. It brings back fond memories of the Golden Days of AGN.

I really feel that it was entertaining enough to make a man regret the audacious behavior that got himself banned from the community through no fault other his own. Of course, not personally being in such a position, I couldn't say for sure.

04-06-2008, 12:20 AM
Glenn, I am going to be the first to say...I do not want to see you get banned, because frankly, I would like to see everyone unbanned so we can start over...again.

However, we have all seen this act before. "I was wrong...I am sorry." Five minutes later, you hack the boards and go all fucking psycho.

So, just do all of us a favor...if you are going to freak the fuck out, do it now, so we can ban you and it can be done with.

If you are not, and you can be a productive member around here, so be it.

04-06-2008, 12:24 AM
Actually you left out the most exciting part of the act, where-in 4 minutes after the apology, I am banned for miscellaneous offenses, only to be followed up 1 minute later by the freaky hacking.

What is different this time, as I'm sure the astute readers will note, is that I did not apologize.

04-06-2008, 12:29 AM
Just a few questions:

1. Do you still think you are God?
2. Are you still obsessed with AGN? (You joined...again...question might already be answered.)
3. What have you been up to since your last banning?
4. Was it you that installed that nice little Trojan that I discovered? You know, the one that I found as a direct result of our April Fools joke, which I also came up with?

04-06-2008, 12:38 AM
My creativity is faltering, so let's ad-lib it with:

1) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
2) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
3) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
4) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*

I'd actually like to see the community play a game of fill-in-the blanks while we're still having game-time in this thread. The first person to answer all 4 correctly, and in the proper Glenn the Great manner, will win a prize.

CAD, you've already had some practice this week, so you'll have the edge in this!

04-06-2008, 12:38 AM
I suspect that you will not get unbanned by registering an alt-account. [shrug]

I actually like it when Glenn is around because he always posts some interesting, sometimes insightful, sometimes obnoxious, view of an issue. I don't actually know what he keeps doing to get banned, so I can't comment, but off the top of my head I don't mind if he came back.

04-06-2008, 12:39 AM
1) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
2) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
3) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
4) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*

Do I win? I followed the rules perfectly...just playing along with YOUR game. I HAVE to win.

I suspect that you will not get unbanned by registering an alt-account. [shrug]

I actually like it when Glenn is around because he always posts some interesting, sometimes insightful, sometimes obnoxious, view of an issue. I don't actually know what he keeps doing to get banned, so I can't comment, but off the top of my head I don't mind if he came back.

I am like Breaker in that I just do not give a shit. I made a poll in the staff forums.

"Should Glenn be allowed to hang around?

1. Yes, this should be interesting...
2. No, no more chances."

I voted for number one...so we will see.

04-06-2008, 12:43 AM
1) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
2) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
3) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*
4) *insert humorously nonsensical answer here*

Do I win?

I present you with two Notes of Glenn. They are more and more being recognized as the hottest new commodity, especially ever since they passed the Pineconn Dollar in international market value.

04-06-2008, 12:51 AM
Heh, sorry man, you're too late there. Pineconn dollars are already AGN's dominent currency.

04-06-2008, 12:52 AM
I'd say I'm right on time. If what you say is true, this will be like vacationing in Mexico.

04-06-2008, 12:54 AM
For real though, you should answer my questions...just honestly.

I really am curious.

04-06-2008, 12:54 AM
Heh, sorry man, you're too late there. Pineconn dollars are already AGN's dominent currency.

Ahem, I have to disagree. Everyone uses phattonez dollars.

So Glenn, why have you returned so calmly this time? Why not the bang and glory of a good old hacking?

04-06-2008, 12:57 AM
So what are the values of all these Archibucks I have in my wallet? Whats the current exchange rate at?

04-06-2008, 01:01 AM
So what are the values of all these Archibucks I have in my wallet? Whats the current exchange rate at?

I could evaluate their market value for you, but I'd have to ask for a 200 Archibuck service charge to do so...

04-06-2008, 01:04 AM
So what are the values of all these Archibucks I have in my wallet? Whats the current exchange rate at?

Probably not worth too much...sounds like something you could only spend on the dollar menu at McDonald's.

Archibuck (http://www.banknoteworld.com/banknotes/united_states/UsaPnl-1McDonaldDollar-2001_b.jpg)

04-06-2008, 01:12 AM
I could evaluate their market value for you, but I'd have to ask for a 200 Archibuck service charge to do so...

Awww, service charges are lame. Besides I want to know how much it's going to cost me for your services. So here's the new deal. You evaluate their value, I decide whether you're ripping me off. If so, no Archibucks for you. If not. You can have 150 Archibucks. I await your counter offer.

Probably not worth too much...sounds like something you could only spend on the dollar menu at McDonald's.

Archibuck (http://www.banknoteworld.com/banknotes/united_states/UsaPnl-1McDonaldDollar-2001_b.jpg)

Sweet. I love McDonald's.

04-06-2008, 01:14 AM
The entry of Notes of Glenn onto the market was the deciding factor in Alan Greenspan's decision to retire from the Fed and just deal with private financial advising.

04-06-2008, 01:18 AM
The entry of Notes of Glenn onto the market was the deciding factor in Alan Greenspan's decision to retire from the Fed and just deal with private financial advising.

You're dealing in Notes? What are you French?

04-06-2008, 01:26 AM
You're dealing in Notes? What are you French?

At least I haven't been purposely starving my citizens and driving down the value of my currency like you have in your effort to rekindle your flagging exports market.

04-06-2008, 01:28 AM
This thread just got lame. :/

04-06-2008, 01:30 AM
At least I haven't been purposely starving my citizens and driving down the value of my currency like you have in your effort to rekindle your flagging exports market.

My defense to this comment is that I was negligent. I had no idea my actions had repercussions. You can't just change the rules in the middle of the game.

04-06-2008, 01:30 AM
This thread just got lame. :/

I agree... needs less Dech ;)

04-06-2008, 01:37 AM
Okay, consider this an official warning before this thread gets closed.

Get on topic. April Fools and the aftermath.

Glenn, your spam above will not be tolerated...

So far, the poll is swayed so that you can stay...

So how about you chill the fuck out, and hang around until the rest of the staff makes their ruling?

04-06-2008, 01:40 AM
So, Kolt, I'm curious: how difficult was it to get the rest on board with the idea?

04-06-2008, 01:45 AM
So, Kolt, I'm curious: how difficult was it to get the rest on board with the idea?

I'm sure it couldn't have been any sort of feat that couldn't be accomplished with patience, determination, honesty, and just a little bit of unicorn magic!

04-06-2008, 01:45 AM
Well, I said I would be releasing some more stuff later...I will just request that the thread in the staff forum be moved to the April Fools forum, so that you can all read it.

The funniest shit is actually going to be when I post sound clips...maybe in the form of YTMND's.

Dech trying to sound like Glenn was fucking hilarious...

Just for reference, it was me that said, "So I can tell him to blow me..." as Glenn-y as I could...

04-06-2008, 01:48 AM
I hate you, Kolt.

04-06-2008, 03:13 AM
I have one question to ask about the banned members; I remember most of them exept for Zelda64Gld, and I think I'm confusing fira with someone else. I know there is a Fira at zelda classic forums. (can't remember if he's banned or not over there) Can anyone Link me to a classic fira thread?

Edit: Well nuts. I just searched for one and nothing popped up. Is he the alterego as same as zeldaclassic? You know; hi im Jason from utah united states of america God Bless. or someone else?

02-15-2011, 04:11 AM
You know, you guys should definitly have included Pineconn_lolz. He's been trying so hard to come back recently, it would have been much more realistic if he did.