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View Full Version : attempting a slightly more simple boss script...

Master Maniac
03-31-2008, 10:38 PM
^ so ill need to know a few things. mostly about functions and stuff.

1- how do i tell an FFC to cycle? or change its graphics to the next on the tilepage? whichever works easier...

and 2- could i toggle an enemy's invincibility with scripting? could you explain how to do this if i can?

thanks =)

04-01-2008, 12:07 AM
^ so ill need to know a few things. mostly about functions and stuff.

1- how do i tell an FFC to cycle? or change its graphics to the next on the tilepage? whichever works easier...

2 ways; Cycle the combo used by the ffc and/or ffc->Data = ? //combo number

and 2- could i toggle an enemy's invincibility with scripting? could you explain how to do this if i can?

Couple of things you could do here; hide the enemy off the screen or temporarily increase the enemies HP. I usually just make the enemys' X = -16 for this.

thanks =)

No prob.

Master Maniac
04-01-2008, 12:19 AM
ahh damn... theres no way to do something like



oh well...
oh and also,

ffc->Data = ? //combo number
you mean put the combo# where the ? is right?

well then this should be easy =)
thanks a lot

04-01-2008, 12:37 AM
Oh it's not that hard.

npc e->X = -16;//invincible!! this->Data = 666;

Master Maniac
04-01-2008, 06:01 PM
i dont think moving the enemy would work... its supposed to be attached to an FFC, and i dont quite understand how to revert its HP to what HP it had before the change if i just raised its HP a lot.

would i store its current HP as a variable and then tell it to return to that variable when its vulnerable?

04-01-2008, 07:40 PM
Well what I do is:

1. The FFC displays the enemy's graphics. The NPC itself is invisible (ghosted!)
2. When the NPC is supposed to be invincible, the ghosted NPC is moved to -16,-16.
3. When the NPC is supposed to be vulnerable, the ghosted NPC is moved to the FFC's location.

Master Maniac
04-01-2008, 08:39 PM
ok... i understand lol.

i wanted to try something more difficult though so i did what i mentioned while waiting for a reply.

while (true){




ghoma eye->Data = c1;

Waitframes(900);//waits 15 seconds(i think)


ghoma eye->Data = c2

however im not sure if "h" will track the HP every frame or just store it how it was in that frame... i want it to store how it was in that frame, so it can go back to that value later