View Full Version : Censorship in online games

03-29-2008, 11:35 AM
Okay, this is mainly a personal choice left to server admins, but does anyone else get really puzzled when swear words get filtered in an online game? I was just in a game of TF2 and I couldn't say the word "damn" for crying out loud. Blood and guts splattering around me, and I couldn't say "damn." Heck, I wasn't even aware that "damn" even counted anymore. Now, I get that it's a great way to deal with 13-year-olds who apparently can't utter a single sentence without interjecting the word "fag" into it, but G-rated language in an M-rated game? What's the deal? Plus, it doesn't address people on mics.

Like I said, I know it's a personal choice of server admins, and they're free to run their servers however they want, but I'm just puzzled, is all.

03-29-2008, 02:01 PM
I really think that's just server admins enjoying being the boss.

03-29-2008, 02:35 PM
It's stupid, but many parents seem to feel there's a distinction between violence and profanity. Some probably view TF2 as being like a cartoon and therefore consider the violence toned down, but if the server admin's mom saw a naughty word then she'd pull the plug.

I don't really care, personally.

03-29-2008, 03:53 PM
That's why you use different characters that look like the word. And if that fails, DoS attack their server. Don't be a panzy. :p

03-29-2008, 04:47 PM
LOL, I don't really care, honestly. Not willing to go to all that effort in the name of vengence. I was mainly just puzzled by the whole thing, and curious to know if anyone had any blinding insights. Though it is a little annoying when you get killed and you're like "Damn watch out for the spy!" and the server just automatically replaces your message with "I'm having a wonderful time on this server" or something ridiculous like that. And then my teammates get killed by a spy because I expressed mild frustration at being killed in my warning.